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[Accepted] [WAIVED] Hansen's Community Unban Appeal


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Name: Hansen

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:419335972

Ban Reason: Leaking docs, Homophobic post, leaking discord invites

Date of Ban: 7/26/22

Length of Ban: Community Ban

Staff Member(s) Involved: Woeny

Reason(s) why we should accept your appeal:


 I would like to first off start by saying a few things to a few people:


I am aware this appeal will mostly go on deaf ears. Everyone who I have been annoying to, trolled, screwed with, and straight up wronged in the last year has reasonable anger to ignore everything I say, and decline my apology. Regardless, this is Hansen. I played on the server from august of 2021 to july of 2022, and I was community banned in July. I feel a few things must be said and heard to a few people on my behalf, even if nobody accepts it. I need to get a few things off my chest regardless if I am unbanned or not.


While most of the community is aware of my actions and wrongs, I will mention each and every one as well as explain from my point of view what happened from the first doc leak up until I stopped alting.

(July 17th) Shortly after Nalon was banned, myself and Seabass lost the desire to play the server and interact with the community. It was around this time we started to play for the wrong reasons. We would start to mess with people who didn't deserve it in the slightest along with slowly stop playing as serious and minging often in the last months on the server. I would like to specifically apologize to @Gears. While I may not be the one who trolled you the most, I did many things I shouldn't have. Those actions are mine and I regret every ounce of it. I just want you to know I truly looked up to you and all the hard work you put in when I took the server seriously in April-June. I know you may not believe me, but I'm just telling you I honestly regret doing the things I did after I resigned. I enjoyed my time as a senate guard, jedi knight, and overall just learning from you. I hope you can forgive me, because I truly mean it. 


(July 25th/26th) It was about a week after this situation when the Doc leak happened. I was not home the day of the doc leak, yet I was punished for the situation. I had to witness much of this on my phone, though I can understand why I was banned, since most people used to often confuse myself and Seabass and still do. I had no way of contacting anybody since I was banned from every discord, forms, teamspeak, etc. I would like to mention before this part, I am regretful for all of my actions after the doc leak. I had no part of the doc leak incident in all honesty. When Seabass leaked the documents, he was community banned very quickly. Shortly after, I was also community banned although at the time, I had no part besides association with seabass, along with many others who were not banned. When I was banned like this despite not being involved, I was frustrated and angry, as I had spent much of my time seriously playing the server and roleplaying, I didn’t know any real avenue to get unbanned due to the accusations against me, and felt that myself and seabass were alone and had no more friends. I didn’t really have any evidence of my innocence and I knew it would be a waste of time, considering I was the only one there who didn't do anything, it would be a hard story for people to believe because of association. I was upset and did many things I truly regret at this time, sending messages that were inappropriate and just wrong, along with trolling other communities related to synergy.


(August 16th) Around 2 or so weeks after the doc leak occurred was when I began alting. I stayed under the radar for the most part, didn’t really troll or talk, and not many noticed it was me. But some of those who found out banned me. I alted only because I felt it was an unjust ban and felt I had nothing to lose, since I reached out to many people and was told there was almost no chance I could get unbanned. I caused harm to the server and people who played it, and yet still after I was banned, got a chance to enjoy the server that I felt ripped out of. I was flustered. Yet, I continued the process of alting and getting banned for over 2 months until the start of October (18th) Since then I have yet to alt and recently (January 2nd or 3rd) spoke with Seabass about attempting to appeal and explain, regardless if we were unbanned or not. I would like to say, while I have associations with Seabass and Nalon, this is my appeal and anything to do with them I had no direct involvement in. I understand why many may think I did, but I had no involvement with them since I last alted in October. Since then I have begun apologizing and attempting to appeal.


When I first resigned from the server, within a month I regretted resigning when I did, not only because I missed the server, it mainly was because of how bad I looked to others with the mass resignation. I wont get into the details of the drama but I came back and started acting mingy. I was then banned when the doc leak occurred. The days following the ban I sent messages to and went into TeamSpeaks of several people on the server, asking why I was banned, I was putting my frustration at both my ban and the realization that alting made me look even worse onto others instead of myself. I did and said things that I regret that shouldn’t be done to anyone. I’ve messaged some of the people on this list already separately in the past few months, some I was unable to contact, but here’s a more complete list so you can see the extent of what I did, as it was a lot and I truly feel the only way I can be welcome back is to acknowledge everything:


To Soccer and Kirito: I know I already spoke with you guys, but looking back I feel the need to say it again. I'm truly sorry for all the trolling I did to you guys while on the server and when banned. Regardless if I return or not, I will never do it again.


To Gears, Naffen, Bacta, Conrad, Woney, Maddox, Marvel, Mavelle, FYI, Xaze, Bbstine, and more members of High Command, High Staff, server leadership and higher ups who had to deal with my shit in the past and when I played:

 I'm sorry for being such a pain in the ass for months on end. I truly respect all the hard work each and every one of you put into the server. I enjoyed playing the server when all of you were high command / server leadership before I fucked a lot of things up for myself and others - I shouldn't have done it, and I deserved my multiple bans.

To Hanz and Bacta, I want to also sepretalty apoligize to you two for everything. I was annoying to both of you and If I ever come back to synergy I'll make sure to change my ways. I understand if you are still angered with me, If you guys want me too I will never speak to you again. Sorry for everything.


To Marvel, Abraham, Shroud, Phaser, Drage, Keegan, Embark, Atlex, Kryptos, Corey, Silly, and many other 501st Commanders who I served under: I let all of you down, I know when I was a high ranking officer people looked up to me. I feel slightly better knowing I helped out a lot and truthfully believe before my ban I helped make the server a better place. I don't know if you guys can ever look at me the same way again but I hope you know that I regret my actions more than anything else I have done. 

To Xaze, I feel like you had to deal with my shit the most of anyone with me alting, and causing issues in general. For that I would like to apologize for all that I've done these past few months.


TLDR: This is not a group ban appeal, this is my appeal, not seabass or nalon or anybody else. I did my own acts and terrible things after I was banned for association and deserved to be permanently banned for what I did. This is still a ban appeal, but I am explaining acts from when I seriously played the server, to when I was community banned. Hopefully some of you that I know from before I was banned will truly understand that I do really mean this, or I wouldn't be wasting my time writing an appeal, just to come back and continue the antics. 


Evidence to support your claims: Just checking the bans page, I matched most dates with the accounts ban date and checked my steam. 


If you would like to contact me at any time my discord is axerz#6622 and i will answer any questions or concerns 

Edited by HansenAppeal
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Former: Puddle WifeTorrent Company REGL COL Boomer

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My memory is shady. We're you the one who approached me in another teamspeak?

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Currently trying to not be a forum gremlin

Former Chancellor Palpatine | Former Yoda & Mace Windu | Former Shaak Ti & Anakin | Former Delta Squad Scorch | Former Mas Amedda | Former Director | Former Management

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10 minutes ago, Gears said:

My memory is shady. We're you the one who approached me in another teamspeak?

I believe I contacted you in another community around 2 - 4 months ago, another CWRP server

Edited by HansenAppeal


Former: Puddle WifeTorrent Company REGL COL Boomer

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I think there is alot of guts to properly apologize and say that you are sorry, i know for the past 2 weeks or so you have reached out to almost every member of the community asking to talk to them, reading the appeal its alot of admitting fault, I know this is controversial but this is a gmod server, while you were actual just annoying/vile people, your just early teens , I will always champion growth and learning from cancer mistakes, everyone here at the end of the day is a human behind a screen, if he does it again its obviously will result into another perma ban. 


Your worst crime was spoiling Marvel the plot to the new thor movie

Edited by Mazen
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7 minutes ago, Mazen said:

I think there is alot of guts to properly apologize and say that you are sorry, i know for the past 2 weeks or so you have reached out to almost every member of the community asking to talk to them, reading the appeal its alot of admitting fault, I know this is controversial but this is a gmod server, while you were actual just annoying/vile people, your just early teens , I will always champion growth and learning from cancer mistakes, everyone here at the end of the day is a human behind a screen, if he does it again its obviously will result into another perma ban. 


Your worst crime was spoiling Marvel the plot to the new thor movie

I feel like you sum up my thoughts on this pretty well. This appeal brings up a lot of emotions for me. While you did break several rules of this community after your ban, and certainly chose to associate with some people who are less than popular figures within the server, your initial ban was not correct. I remember seeing you got banned at the time and wondering why, as I knew you weren’t in-game for the doc leak. In the time since your ban, you alted, much of the time being a productive member of the server and not really causing much trouble. This, in combination to reaching out to those you could from the server to apologize for your actions and seek forgiveness, really shows how you seek to be a productive member of the server. People have appealed for worse actions in the past, and given how the reason this appeal is more difficult is due to your actions after what I feel was an unjustified ban, for a person much younger than me who might not know how to handle that situation, leads me to want to give you a chance. 

I know some individuals on this server might not be willing to give you a chance, but those are the same people who act like that a lot of the time, and don’t acknowledge that people change, and that this is a game after all. I’ve heard that several of those that your friend group wronged the most have accepted your apology and been willing to allow you back into the server, and that really shows what matters here. I think most people should believe you can change from a few bad mistakes, and given how I have kept up with you a bit and played some games with you in the past few months, I know that at heart you’re a good person who just wants to redeem himself.

If this was really about just getting to play the server, you could’ve just kept alting. I think, and from what you’ve told me, that this is about clearing your name and making things right. I can certainly respect that, and I am beyond excited to see you back on the server and putting in the kind of work you did back when we were in ARF together in 501st. +1 give the dude a chance.

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Current: Nothing

Former Vice Chairman Mas Amedda | Former Senior Senator Meena TillsFormer 41st BCMD Gree (Shrimp) | Former 501st Major Kix  | Former Senior Admin

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Out of everyone, I truly do believe you are the only one out of the group that could be reintegrated. 

Thank you for apologizing to me, but you didn’t do anything to me other than giving me some hours to talk to people, which I gladly did and would do again.


+1, good luck

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+1 I've spoken with both you and Seabass after your perms on Synergy. You both seem regretful in  your actions, and alot of the stuff pinned on you two was the doing  of your group in its entirety. You were both great members of the community at one point, (maybe a little annoying with the Breaking Bad shit -_-) i don't see why you couldn't be again

Best scenario, we get another player back!
Worst scenario, you get banned again, and no appeal.

There is no loss here. Good luck man

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Longest Special Operations Member on the server.
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An actual time where the banned person seems to have learned their lesson, and actually wants to return to the server. I am all for second chances, I think that everyone deserves a second chance. From your appeal alone, it seems that you regret your actions and that you want to roleplay and be apart of the community again. 



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+1 Good on you for being genuine and changing for the better. Zero to Hero story in the making

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Kal Skirata                                                                                                                                                   Bacta                    Marvel                     Brooklyn


I beat Jad in a spar first try.

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+1 we used to interact a bit while i was boil but i wasnt around when you got banned i think out of your group you seem to have the most regret and i respect that you didnt do a half ass appeal. so i believe that you should be given a second chance. +1

Im also glad you contact members before putting this up to show your regret and to let us know that you are looking to come back. good luck man :)

Certified Femboy!!
Current Positions: Jedi KU Elder Master Simms| Former Friendly Neighborhood Yoda

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I truly believe that everyone deserves a second chance in life. From what I've seen, it seems like you have grown and matured as a person. I appreciate that you have taken responsibility for your actions and made an effort to make things right with the people you may have wronged in the past. It takes a lot of courage to admit when you're wrong and to try to make amends for your mistakes. +1


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I know you attempted to reach out to me before this to catch up and I ignored it due to not knowing your true intentions plus the stuff I was told about what happened.  I was VERY hesitant on voting on this at all as well but it does appear you are sincere.   You took some time out to reflect and apologize to people so I believe you deserve a second chance.   

Do know,  If you fuck up again:  There will likely NEVER be a option for appeal from that.   



Edited by Zensras
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Every time I wander into an argument on the forums.

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+1 You came to me even though you've never wronged me.  It seems your honesty and recent apologetic nature has shown you've truly turned a new leaf.  I'm not one who plays often anymore on the server but I believe your honestly trying to make right any of the wrongs you've done.  

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People Who Put Their Former Ranks In Their Signature Are Idiots!

Community Liaison - Discord Boo Radley#2719

Feel free to message me if you're having any issues!

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I've been sitting on this for a couple days now reflecting on the countless actions the group you were involved in. Some of them were vile, disrupting and just unforgivable.. yours weren't unforgivable. See, you recently tried to make contact with me again, now the only reason I didn't allow you to is because there's still a member in that group going after me and has resorted to getting other non banned community members in on it. I thought you were another one, so please excuse me for that.

There are 2 ends of this group, the 1 side that are still completely vile and deplorable and don't deserve to ever come back. The other side is one who waited their time and begged forgiveness to those they have harmed, you are fortunate to be on this side. For people to know, 2 months after his ban he did infact approach me and he did give a genuine apology, I had my guard up and was slightly skeptical if you were legitimate. I think now I can see it was.

Hansen I think you made some dumb mistakes, some which will still come back to you even when your unbanned, you will have to deal with these mistakes on the regular, trust me cause I personally know very well. But in terms of your ban, you made a gold standard of how to approach an appeal, you seeked forgiveness you laid it all out and you waited your time. For that I feel you pass in my opinion. Don't feel discouraged to approach me on teamspeak, I'm sure we can catch up and see where you wanna go in synergy. 


+1 he's suffered enough.

Edited by Gears
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Currently trying to not be a forum gremlin

Former Chancellor Palpatine | Former Yoda & Mace Windu | Former Shaak Ti & Anakin | Former Delta Squad Scorch | Former Mas Amedda | Former Director | Former Management

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On 2/18/2023 at 1:56 PM, Hanz said:

-1 I think you are really annoying

I think you're the annoying one

<3 love you hanz


Edited by Bonzai
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Former: 187th ARCO, DU ARCO x4, DU ARCL x2, 501st ARFL, Prudii Skirata, Alpha-22 AvenAlpha-98 Nate Current: DU 1stLT GreenBean


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I think Hansen's a great guy, genuinely. And I feel as if your ban was unjustified, as you were easily connected with the rest of the Breaking Bad crew. Even after the downfall of your group and the resignations, you were still genuine about playing. You've always been a great guy, and I never had any real hatred for you, unlike the others.

I do think you deserve the appeal. You're an asset to the community. You have my trust.

+1 - The Long-Awaited Redemption Arc has begun

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I was the leader of the Dogma Balls movement

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Congratulations! Your ban appeal has been ACCEPTED.
You may be contacted by a Director+ to discuss your return.


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