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[Denied] Nalon's actual unban appeal


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Name: Nalon
Steam ID: 
Ban Reason: "Harassment of multiple community members"
Date of Ban: today
Length of Ban: 60 days
Staff Member(s) Involved: Marvel
Reason(s) why we should accept your appeal: I didn't do anything wrong, I would at least like to talk to someone about wtf happened because I literally was asking people if they had Chivalry 2 and I get off when I have asked basically everyone. 15 minutes later I found out I got banned for supposedly "Harassment of multiple community members". If they have a genuine reason, I have no clue what it is so please let me know
Evidence to support your claims: Idk but there is no fucking proof of me doing anything wrong because I haven't done shit, I know there were other people following me bugging Joshua constantly but the second he asked me to stop, I did. Last time I checked, I don't remember there being a crime with asking people if they have chivalry and saying its a good game.

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Kal Skirata                                                                                                                                                   Bacta                    Marvel                     Brooklyn


I beat Jad in a spar first try.

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8 minutes ago, Nalon said:

 I literally was asking people if they had Chivalry 2 and I get off when I have asked basically everyone. 15 minutes later I found out I got banned for supposedly "Harassment of multiple community members"

Is all you asked/did/said was asking if people had Chivalry or does anyone have any proof you did wrongdoing

Edited by Seabass
im stupid
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 Former Senior Senator Lux Bonteri Bail Organa 501st COL  Sarge HVOO Tup MEDO Hawk SUPL Denal ARCL Current: Senate Main

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Just now, Seabass said:

Is all you said was Chilry 2

Ye, I was joining open channels asking people if they have chivalry 2 and if they were discussing something important or had PTS or battle comms, I just quietly left.

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1 minute ago, Ccmonty said:


can I ask why? did I do something like harassment to you?

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Just now, Luther said:

Personally speaking I have had multiple reports of you harassing members in teamspeak channels, if that wasn't enough, the last few weeks you have constantly been minging on the server.

1. I have "harassed" members in the past but I haven't done anything bad to anyone today or in like the last week

2. I do get on the server and you could say its minging but I like to think of it as advanced RP, but I was suffering the punishment for that. Now I'm suffering the ban for something I didn't even do and its not like its a day or 2, its 60 and for no actually reason

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Forum Admin


You've openly admitted to me that you've been impersonating other members of the community just to piss people off and harass them, which in honesty is petty. You also continued to harass members of the 501st, as you send me pictures of them basically leaking pictures of one of them and giving me their address for no reason. 

Be best if you wait out this ban. 

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I added the Pepe emojis onto the forums

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Ok so you didnt do anything in the last week. BUT, you did it very recently. Pffffffff that does not help your case man -1

Edited by Brooklyn

Kal Skirata                                                                                                                                                   Bacta                    Marvel                     Brooklyn


I beat Jad in a spar first try.

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7 minutes ago, Nalon said:

1. I have "harassed" members in the past but I haven't done anything bad to anyone today or in like the last week

2. I do get on the server and you could say its minging but I like to think of it as advanced RP

They Had Us In the First Half | Know Your Meme

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Hello it's Marvel the guy who issued the ban. For context I have had multiple reports about you specifically joining open battalion teamspeak channels and annoying them to the point where they'd ask you to leave and stay out multiple times and end up having to grab someone who can keep you out or you eventually got bored and disconnected. Today alone since I got home from work I had THREE different people come to me regarding you and multiple other people harassing people in open Teamspeak channels. All of this in the span of like an hour or two.

Now yes there might not be any recordings or evidence that proves you were doing any of this but I've been in multiple battalion teamspeaks today and had easily 10+ people alone today report you for harassment by name. Today was not the beginning either. This whole ordeal goes back for months.

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i am literally captain tukk

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10 minutes ago, Nalon said:

1. I have "harassed" members in the past but I haven't done anything bad to anyone today or in like the last week

2. I do get on the server and you could say its minging but I like to think of it as advanced RP, but I was suffering the punishment for that. Now I'm suffering the ban for something I didn't even do and its not like its a day or 2, its 60 and for no actually reason

this post is rough, -1

"advanced rp"

"I have "harrassed" members in the past"

dude, like if you actually want to get unbanned you have to re-read your posts before you post them

  • Funny 2


Why is my reputation so low?

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Just now, Conrad said:

LMAO you just admitted to harrasing members. Ruff man.

bro its in quotes, I didn't actually bully people or anything to breaking point, worst I have done is called people a nerd emoji. I also said in the past because I got banned in the past for doing it and got punished, now I haven't done anything and got banned

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8 minutes ago, Naffen said:

You've openly admitted to me that you've been impersonating other members of the community just to piss people off and harass them, which in honesty is petty. You also continued to harass members of the 501st, as you send me pictures of them basically leaking pictures of one of them and giving me their address for no reason. 


I already said I have done that in the past but I want to know what I have done to get banned for today because in the last week, I haven't done anything wrong in the last week from what I know involving harassment. I don't send photos or information of someone without there permission, they literally would be with me if I'm doing anything like that

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15 minutes ago, Brooklyn said:

Ok so you didnt do anything in the last week. BUT, you did it very recently. Pffffffff that does not help your case man -1

ok but why would I get banned today if I haven't done anything for the reason in the last week, I was literally in the staff meeting earlier and other channels just talking to people although I didn't do shit today

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12 minutes ago, Nalon said:

I haven't done anything wrong in the last week from what I know involving harassment.

The ban was issued for community harassment occouring supposedly today according to multiple reports, i haven't seen ANY proof or examples of this being shown so until there is any evidence shown +1, the man is mingy and hes even admitting to it, but to ban him when he hasn't done anything wrong in the last week, i dont really understand, unless its on the server it should only be a TEAMSPEAK ban. Because regarding teamspeak, he should've been banned a while ago.

Edited by Seabass
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 Former Senior Senator Lux Bonteri Bail Organa 501st COL  Sarge HVOO Tup MEDO Hawk SUPL Denal ARCL Current: Senate Main

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14 minutes ago, Marvel said:

Hello it's Marvel the guy who issued the ban. For context I have had multiple reports about you specifically joining open battalion teamspeak channels and annoying them to the point where they'd ask you to leave and stay out multiple times and end up having to grab someone who can keep you out or you eventually got bored and disconnected. Today alone since I got home from work I had THREE different people come to me regarding you and multiple other people harassing people in open Teamspeak channels. All of this in the span of like an hour or two.

Now yes there might not be any recordings or evidence that proves you were doing any of this but I've been in multiple battalion teamspeaks today and had easily 10+ people alone today report you for harassment by name. Today was not the beginning either. This whole ordeal goes back for months.

Can I get examples of people or battalions reporting me because you would most likely have that in a form of message for at least 1 so I can see who I bothered today. Not someone else, ME.

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16 minutes ago, Whataburger said:

this post is rough, -1

"advanced rp"

"I have "harrassed" members in the past"

dude, like if you actually want to get unbanned you have to re-read your posts before you post them

for advanced rp, like I said, I have gotten my punishment for that and I was still serving it, if I got a ban for that after I did it, I would not put up a ban appeal because its fucking pointless if I did something wrong

for me "harrasing members in the past", I put it in quotes because its either been weeks since I have actually MAYBE harassed someone or I haven't actually harassed someone at all, like I said the worst I have done to someone thats not my friend would say nerd emoji

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1 minute ago, Nalon said:

Can I get examples of people or battalions reporting me because you would most likely have that in a form of message for at least 1 so I can see who I bothered today. Not someone else, ME.

All of the reports were handled verbally through TS however today alone I had recieved reports from 501st, 212th, and CG. I had also heard that 41st was having issues with you as well but I had never got a chance to speak with anyone from the 41st.

8 minutes ago, Nova_ said:

Can someone elaborate on how he has been harassing people.

As for the examples alone from what was reported today it consists of: Joining open battalion teamspeaks and being disruptive, not leaving when asked to, impersonating other members of the community apart of said battalions targeted and making fun of them essentially, and making offensive jokes in said channels. This was mainly what was brought to me today but I had to handle similar reports specifically about Nalon roughly a month ago maybe less for the exact same reasons though it was not nearly on the same scale as it was today. 

I've had a long day and I don't have extremely specific things to note like what was said in these offensive jokes etc but like I said I had multiple reports today alone and so did a few other members of high staff. I've contacted the people who made the reports and they might be able to shed more light on the very gritty nitty specifics so if you would like to wait for any of those responses before you cast a vote, you may.

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i am literally captain tukk

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6 minutes ago, Marvel said:

All of the reports were handled verbally through TS however today alone I had recieved reports from 501st, 212th, and CG. I had also heard that 41st was having issues with you as well but I had never got a chance to speak with anyone from the 41st.

As for the examples alone from what was reported today it consists of: Joining open battalion teamspeaks and being disruptive, not leaving when asked to, impersonating other members of the community apart of said battalions targeted and making fun of them essentially, and making offensive jokes in said channels. This was mainly what was brought to me today but I had to handle similar reports specifically about Nalon roughly a month ago maybe less for the exact same reasons though it was not nearly on the same scale as it was today. 

I've had a long day and I don't have extremely specific things to note like what was said in these offensive jokes etc but like I said I had multiple reports today alone and so did a few other members of high staff. I've contacted the people who made the reports and they might be able to shed more light on the very gritty nitty specifics so if you would like to wait for any of those responses before you cast a vote, you may.

Nalon was not harassing anyone in 212th. most of that was me, I don't think he should get the ban for my actions. also these jokes about chivalry are harmless and people usually don't care when he says it. and he clearly left when 212th asked him to.

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2 minutes ago, Marvel said:

All of the reports were handled verbally through TS however today alone I had recieved reports from 501st, 212th, and CG. I had also heard that 41st was having issues with you as well but I had never got a chance to speak with anyone from the 41st.

As for the examples alone from what was reported today it consists of: Joining open battalion teamspeaks and being disruptive, not leaving when asked to, impersonating other members of the community apart of said battalions targeted and making fun of them essentially, and making offensive jokes in said channels. This was mainly what was brought to me today but I had to handle similar reports specifically about Nalon roughly a month ago maybe less for the exact same reasons though it was not nearly on the same scale as it was today. 

I've had a long day and I don't have extremely specific things to note like what was said in these offensive jokes etc but like I said I had multiple reports today alone and so did a few other members of high staff. I've contacted the people who made the reports and they might be able to shed more light on the very gritty nitty specifics so if you would like to wait for any of those responses before you cast a vote, you may.

For 212th, Joshua and I spoke about something which I thought was a "inside running joke" from when I seriously played on the server but he didn't see it that way. Once I knew he didn't I left him alone although I did join 212th later to find out battle comms were active so I apologized and left. For CG, I literally joined the channel to let them know that there password has been spread by someone and I recommended them to change it although someone else in the channel joined right behind me and was probably the reason I got reported by bugging them. If anything, I helped CG and most definitely did not harass them which is why I think I got grouped in with the other persons ban. I have been close with 41st for as long as I can remember with people like Mexico, Batdog, Shrimp and more. I joined them because someone practically fished me and didn't think that I would later effect them by getting banned but I already apologized for what I did to someone of them. 

My intentions were not to disrupt, just asked a simple question and most channels I left after asking once. There is not one channel today that I have been asked to leave and didn't other than CG because I was trying to let them know about there password being well known by lots of people and 501st cause I was talking to people in there and have no good reason to be forced out because I wasn't effecting anyone and there was nothing going on. I did have my name as other people so I could get into a channel without being kicked because normally I would get kicked without a reason thats not "no" although I want to talk to people in there. When you say offensive jokes, you are probably refering to the one question I asked Joshua and like I said, I have asked him before and he wasn't so sensitive about it so I guess I might have said it at a bad time and then we talked about it and it was over just like that and I would go on to not bother him again.

16 minutes ago, Morphs said:

Nalon was not harassing anyone in 212th. most of that was me, I don't think he should get the ban for my actions. also these jokes about chivalry are harmless and people usually don't care when he says it. and he clearly left when 212th asked him to.

thanks for speaking up, this is what I mean @Marvel

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I personally have had to warn you in Teamspeak that your actions, if they continued in the same vein, would get you banned from teamspeak and possibly the community. You said "Uh huh". The fact that Marvel wasn't the only one who got report upon report tells me that you didn't change your behavior. If you were to get unbanned, literally all I can imagine you doing is coming back and doing the same stuff more. And what you were doing adds nothing to the community, it only makes people feel uncomfortable. Think about why you want to get unbanned. Is it to actually come back, or is it to continue to make people angry and annoyed just to get a funny haha troll reaction? I'm most likely going to be denying  this as it seems as though the ban length is completely valid so far, but I'll leave it unlocked for more evidence, etc. for about a day.

  • Winner 3

Broooo that's literally insane brooo


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1 hour ago, Seabass said:

The ban was issued for community harassment occouring supposedly today according to multiple reports, i haven't seen ANY proof or examples of this being shown so until there is any evidence shown +1, the man is mingy and hes even admitting to it, but to ban him when he hasn't done anything wrong in the last week, i dont really understand, unless its on the server it should only be a TEAMSPEAK ban. Because regarding teamspeak, he should've been banned a while ago.


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Former: Puddle WifeTorrent Company REGL COL Boomer

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Man where do I start. You are literally blacklisted from senate due to coming in to tryouts while having channel key and screaming during active roleplay, thankfully your channel key is now removed. But not only that you go into our channels and mic spam towards people waiting. Within the last month or 2 you keep coming into my channels screaming "NERD EMOJI NERD EMOJI NERD EMOJI" then insta disconnecting  INCLUDING TODAY. I have had to talk to multiple people (Luther, maverick and my senators can vouch)  about you and honestly it's getting exhausting needing to deal with your childish antics and your acting right now like you ain't been an absolute pain in the ass for many people. Big -1, man needs to learn.


Edited by Gears
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Currently trying to not be a forum gremlin

Former Chancellor Palpatine | Former Yoda & Mace Windu | Former Shaak Ti & Anakin | Former Delta Squad Scorch | Former Mas Amedda | Former Director | Former Management

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-1, I have personally had to deal with your annoying behavior. It doesn't feel like you have any intent on changing.

🎀  𝙵𝚊𝚛𝚝 𝚂𝚖𝚎𝚕𝚕𝚊  🎀

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7 minutes ago, Rickle said:

This guys a retard please keep him banned permanently for the love of seabass -1



14 minutes ago, Nalon said:


I think this chicanery speaks for itself... changing to a -1
Change up your act, respect others more, and maybe come back with a better altitude.

Edited by Seabass

 Former Senior Senator Lux Bonteri Bail Organa 501st COL  Sarge HVOO Tup MEDO Hawk SUPL Denal ARCL Current: Senate Main

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Biggest -1 I can give.

For months after your resignation from 501st, and even more so after your blacklist for impersonation, you've been consistently impersonating members of the battalion and of the server, not to mention giving out people's addresses like they're candy. You've spammed the arrest form to the point where it had to be changed due to false reports, harassed members of the 501st and the server, and way more I'd rather not type a paragraph about. You continue to show that you haven't learned from *any* of the warnings you've been given. Yikes.


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i carried onderon events


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