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Bird's Rancor BCMD Application


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Steam Name : Bird²


RP Name : Blitz


RP Rank : Executive Officer


Steam ID : STEAM_0:0:94514761


Battalion or Squad you are applying for : Rancor Battalion


Experience : 

Rancor Officer - 6 month(s)

Rancor High Command and acting Executive Officer - 4 month(s)

Jedi Barsen’thor (Consular XO) - 1 month(s)


Why should you become a Battalion Commander? : 


   My time within Rancor has been the most enjoyable and exciting time I have had on Synergy. I have spent this past year climbing the ranks and achieving a goal that I thought I would never hit within Rancor. I have connected, and contributed a year's worth of time to the battalion that I enjoy and continue to bring forth changes that help the battalion. I have worked alongside some of the most enjoyable and most entertaining group of people I have ever been around. I love this battalion and I love the people within, and I don't plan on ever leaving. 


   Now that I have gotten the “cringe” out of the way, I want to discuss the changes that I personally want to bring forth to Rancor and what I have already done as the acting Executive Officer. I would like to inform everyone that Rancor has been my sole focus for, almost, my whole time on Synergy. I love Rancor more than what I would like to admit. Anything that I have done, the changes that I have brought forth, was not just one mind thinking alone. It was a collection of the work put together from the current Rancor High Command. All of these changes were brought forth for the betterment of the battalion and will continue to better the battalion further down the line. I feel that I am ready for the next step in becoming the next Rancor Battalion Commander and I feel that I understand what is required of me, the battalion, and the ARC program. I have spent my whole time as Executive Officer learning and developing the skills necessary for this task and I feel I am ready. 


Trauma’s Unit / Halsey’s Unit


One of the first things I want to push for is a more accessible class for Rancor and for people that wish to not be an ARC trooper. We want to implement Trauma’s Unit/Halsey’s Unit, basically the same thing. This would work as the alternative to the ARC trooper and would be limited to five people. This is something that new enlisted and other non-ARC trained members can push towards and would second as our “Recon” element of the battalion. I personally see Rancor as more than just ARC troopers, I see them as both ARC and ARF and I want to push for a more Recon feel with Trauma’s Unit. I want to mention that this isn’t me wanting a new sub-unit. This is me wanting to make more use out of the Rancor Trooper job and our already existing models and bodygroupers. 


Alpha ARCs 


I want to discuss the Alpha ARCs. The current set-up for getting an Alpha ARC is through an application process then chosen by the current Alpha Leadership. I want to add more to that system. I will be working with the current Alpha Leadership to add one more system to the Alpha Lore Characters to ensure that every Alpha, including the Designated Alphas feel like they have earned their Alpha Status. This change will be a simple simulation based around the characters specialization and how well they work with the other members of Alpha. This simulation will be overseen by Alpha Leadership (17, Fordo and Valiant) 


I also want to bring up a change to Alpha Designations and the way that they work. I personally want to host Alpha Designations once or twice a month, for the reason that there are only one hundred Alpha ARC slots and I feel that trying to fill them as fast as possible is not a good idea. I want to host them once in NA and once in the EU, giving everyone a chance to get their number before they are filled up. 

Those are just some of the major changes I feel I should bring up on this application. During my time as High Command and Executive Officer, I have overseen and implemented so many more things, but I feel that listing some of them is a better idea to not bore everyone with menial details. These changes include : 


Changes to Leadership from a Pass/Fail system to a scoring system similar to Selections

Changing/Updating countless Rancor documentsUpdating Rancor Tryouts to have more information

Changing the leadership of Alpha ARCs to have Alpha 17 and Fordo acting Second in Command of Alpha

Having any Officer Rank conduct ARC trainings

Giving Senior Officer+ the ability to host ARC recertifications 


    All of these things have been implemented and have proven to be an improvement on how things within Rancor are run. I hope to continue to oversee and bring forth changes to Rancor to ensure the betterment of the battalion for the long term. 


Do you understand the lore of your battalion or Squad? : 


Yes, Rancor consisted of ARF and ARC troopers that were tasked with defending Kamino and assisted the new Clone Cades on becoming ARC troopers. Rancor consisted of multiple Clone Commanders, Blitz, Colt and Havoc with one unnamed ARC trooper known as Hammer. All of them died to those dumb CIS and one bald “sith” exept for Blitz and Hammer who left everyone else behind and broke Rule #1 


Availability : 


  MON-FRI - 10am - 7pm

SAT-SUN - 1pm - 7pm


Estimate how long you’ve played Synergy Roleplay? : 


1,077 hours as of application


Do you have a microphone? : Yes


Where do you want your battalion or squad to be at the end of your term? :


    I want to see Rancor grow and become a battalion full of dedicated, loyal, friendly people that can get things done. I want people to look at Rancor as an example of what a battalion should be. I want other battalions ARC programs to look at Rancor ARC troopers as an example of what ARC troopers should be. I want to see ARC and ARF troopers dedicated to the betterment of the battalion and the community.


Do you understand that if you go inactive you will be removed from your position? : 



Do you understand that your position has a three month term limit and you must reapply after three months to maintain your commander rank? : 


Edited by Mitchell
i got bullied into making it centered
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:NekoDance: You are my little pogchamp:NekoDance:

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Plus one!

This individual screams Rancor, from the time I have been in Rancor and furthermore in the community he has demonstrated both that he is a capable leader, and brilliant community member. He has the best interests of Rancor and the community at heart and with the way he has talked about his plans in Rancor to me, I believe that he is more than ready for the spot!

Edited by Voidio
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+1. You better get it or Giant Jaba the hutt will come for you in your sleep!

Current: Deviant

Former: ITD 21stKU Commander Paladin, TRO | Alpha-66 Captain Muzzle, Wolfpack Commander Warthog/BCMD WolffeParjai SUPO 1stLT Four, Doom's Unit ARFL Commander Cloves, Spec Ops Captain ARFL Paladin, 41stEC HVYL Buzz, TRM, 2x HA

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4 minutes ago, Bird said:


Steam Name : Bird²


RP Name : Blitz


RP Rank : Executive Officer


Steam ID : STEAM_0:0:94514761


Battalion or Squad you are applying for : Rancor Battalion


Experience : 

  • Rancor Officer - 6 month(s)

  • Rancor High Command and acting Executive Officer - 4 month(s)

  • Jedi Barsen’thor (Consular XO) - 1 month(s)


Why should you become a Battalion Commander? : 


   My time within Rancor has been the most enjoyable and exciting time I have had on Synergy. I have spent this past year climbing the ranks and achieving a goal that I thought I would never hit within Rancor. I have connected, and contributed a year's worth of time to the battalion that I enjoy and continue to bring forth changes that help the battalion. I have worked alongside some of the most enjoyable and most entertaining group of people I have ever been around. I love this battalion and I love the people within, and I don't plan on ever leaving. 


   Now that I have gotten the “cringe” out of the way, I want to discuss the changes that I personally want to bring forth to Rancor and what I have already done as the acting Executive Officer. I would like to inform everyone that Rancor has been my sole focus for, almost, my whole time on Synergy. I love Rancor more than what I would like to admit. Anything that I have done, the changes that I have brought forth, was not just one mind thinking alone. It was a collection of the work put together from the current Rancor High Command. All of these changes were brought forth for the betterment of the battalion and will continue to better the battalion further down the line. I feel that I am ready for the next step in becoming the next Rancor Battalion Commander and I feel that I understand what is required of me, the battalion, and the ARC program. I have spent my whole time as Executive Officer learning and developing the skills necessary for this task and I feel I am ready. 


Trauma’s Unit / Halsey’s Unit


One of the first things I want to push for is a more accessible class for Rancor and for people that wish to not be an ARC trooper. We want to implement Trauma’s Unit/Halsey’s Unit, basically the same thing. This would work as the alternative to the ARC trooper and would be limited to five people. This is something that new enlisted and other non-ARC trained members can push towards and would second as our “Recon” element of the battalion. I personally see Rancor as more than just ARC troopers, I see them as both ARC and ARF and I want to push for a more Recon feel with Trauma’s Unit. I want to mention that this isn’t me wanting a new sub-unit. This is me wanting to make more use out of the Rancor Trooper job and our already existing models and bodygroupers. 


Alpha ARCs 


I want to discuss the Alpha ARCs. The current set-up for getting an Alpha ARC is through an application process then chosen by the current Alpha Leadership. I want to add more to that system. I will be working with the current Alpha Leadership to add one more system to the Alpha Lore Characters to ensure that every Alpha, including the Designated Alphas feel like they have earned their Alpha Status. This change will be a simple simulation based around the characters specialization and how well they work with the other members of Alpha. This simulation will be overseen by Alpha Leadership (17, Fordo and Valiant) 


I also want to bring up a change to Alpha Designations and the way that they work. I personally want to host Alpha Designations once or twice a month, for the reason that there are only one hundred Alpha ARC slots and I feel that trying to fill them as fast as possible is not a good idea. I want to host them once in NA and once in the EU, giving everyone a chance to get their number before they are filled up. 

Those are just some of the major changes I feel I should bring up on this application. During my time as High Command and Executive Officer, I have overseen and implemented so many more things, but I feel that listing some of them is a better idea to not bore everyone with menial details. These changes include : 


  • Changes to Leadership from a Pass/Fail system to a scoring system similar to Selections

  • Changing/Updating countless Rancor documents

  • Updating Rancor Tryouts to have more information

  • Changing the leadership of Alpha ARCs to have Alpha 17 and Fordo acting Second in Command of Alpha

  • Having any Officer Rank conduct ARC trainings

  • Giving Senior Officer+ the ability to host ARC recertifications 


    All of these things have been implemented and have proven to be an improvement on how things within Rancor are run. I hope to continue to oversee and bring forth changes to Rancor to ensure the betterment of the battalion for the long term. 


Do you understand the lore of your battalion or Squad? : 


Yes, Rancor consisted of ARF and ARC troopers that were tasked with defending Kamino and assisted the new Clone Cades on becoming ARC troopers. Rancor consisted of multiple Clone Commanders, Blitz, Colt and Havoc with one unnamed ARC trooper known as Hammer. All of them died to those dumb CIS and one bald “sith” exept for Blitz and Hammer who left everyone else behind and broke Rule #1 


Availability : 


  SAT-SUN - 10am - 7pp


Estimate how long you’ve played Synergy Roleplay? : 


1,077 hours as of application


Do you have a microphone? : Yes


Where do you want your battalion or squad to be at the end of your term? :


    I want to see Rancor grow and become a battalion full of dedicated, loyal, friendly people that can get things done. I want people to look at Rancor as an example of what a battalion should be. I want other battalions ARC programs to look at Rancor ARC troopers as an example of what ARC troopers should be. I want to see ARC and ARF troopers dedicated to the betterment of the battalion and the community.


Do you understand that if you go inactive you will be removed from your position? : 



Do you understand that your position has a three month term limit and you must reapply after three months to maintain your commander rank? : 



This format is gross. Please fix it so its more readable.

Edited by Mitchell
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2 hours ago, Bird said:

Trauma’s Unit / Halsey’s Unit

Ok let's start strong. Personally I am in favor of this, but it's not community opinion that matters here, let's be real, but I have a question. When someone joins rancor, 9/10 people become an ARC Trooper, and the other 1/10 either leave or be ARF as a meme. What can YOU do to make Trauma's unit something that is as likeable AND as popular as ARC?


2 hours ago, Bird said:

I love Rancor more than what I would like to admit

kinda cringe but I feel you


2 hours ago, Bird said:

The current set-up for getting an Alpha ARC is through an application process then chosen by the current Alpha Leadership. I want to add more to that system.


2 hours ago, Bird said:

This change will be a simple simulation based around the characters specialization and how well they work with the other members of Alpha.

Ok, so I have a FEW questions for this. I'm biased cause I removed the tryouts, so bear with me.
    1. Why have an Application Process AND a Tryout Process? (I don't care how you word "simulation", it is still a tryout)
    2. Shouldn't the "how well they work with the other members of Alpha" part be done IN the application process?
    3. This is kind of a question, but kind of not. Any retard can pass a tryout, so what can ALPHA do to prevent minges getting in if they pass the simulation portion?

Lastly, your entire plan of action for BCMD consists of onyl Sub-Unit related matters.
    1. What are you going to do for Rancor?
    2. What are you going to do with Regiments, if anything?
    3. What are you going to do when your term is up?
    4. How are you going to go about finding a successor?
    5. How are you going to maintain the Standards ALL ARC's on the server are held to? 

I will vote once these questions are answered. Thank you.

  • Winner 4
  • Dumb 1

Kal Skirata                                                                                                                                                   Bacta                    Marvel                     Brooklyn


I beat Jad in a spar first try.

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+1 He's the glue to our Macaroni Mache, the mule to our pack, the rock in our sock. This man was born to lead Rancor!

                                  Alpha-98 "Nate" | Alpha-77 "Fordo" | Commander Colt


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48 minutes ago, Brooklyn said:

Ok let's start strong. Personally I am in favor of this, but it's not community opinion that matters here, let's be real, but I have a question. When someone joins rancor, 9/10 people become an ARC Trooper, and the other 1/10 either leave or be ARF as a meme. What can YOU do to make Trauma's unit something that is as likeable AND as popular as ARC?

We are going to be using our ARF trooper for what they are intended for, Recon. They will act as our Reconnaissance element and focus on that 100% of the time. I feel that splitting ARC troopers and ARF troopers up like this, having ARF conduct Recon and having ARC act upon the Recon, will bring people to find enjoyment in both aspects of Rancor.


49 minutes ago, Brooklyn said:

kinda cringe but I feel you



50 minutes ago, Brooklyn said:

. Why have an Application Process AND a Tryout Process? (I don't care how you word "simulation", it is still a tryout)

I personally feel that having only an application for a lore character is too little for an Alpha lore character. I feel that it should be a two stage system.


50 minutes ago, Brooklyn said:

Shouldn't the "how well they work with the other members of Alpha" part be done IN the application process?

To my knowledge and for as long as I have been in Rancor, The leadership of Alpha discusses who they want in the position. This goes for people within Rancor applying and for people outside of the battalion applying. The reason that I want to add this is for them to show the Alpha Leadership that they can work together in situations instead of only being chosen by application.


51 minutes ago, Brooklyn said:

This is kind of a question, but kind of not. Any retard can pass a tryout, so what can ALPHA do to prevent minges getting in if they pass the simulation portion?

The first portion, the “interview”, acts as the sorting for who will move on and who will not. It is all based on their answers and how well they conduct themselves during the interview.


51 minutes ago, Brooklyn said:

What are you going to do for Rancor?

Everything that I have wanted to do for Rancor has already been moved forward and is in place. Me and Stix shared most of the same ideas and it was easy to implement these things. I will be continuing where I left off, doing the same things that I am doing as Executive Officer, Handling things that require me, ensuring that ARC training is being scheduled and hosted, and ensuring that the battalion is running smoothly.


52 minutes ago, Brooklyn said:

What are you going to do with Regiments, if anything?

    With the Regiments already within Rancor. I do want to change things around, but with battalion standardization it's very hard to do really anything. I want to remove heavy within Rancor, as no one uses it and I don't see a real need for it. The Z6 got nerfed and no one is really interested in Heavy over other regiments within Rancor. 

Everything else within our regiments are fine and I don't see the need to change anything else.


53 minutes ago, Brooklyn said:

What are you going to do when your term is up?

I am going to do what all great gamers do and be staff. I have wanted to do it for a while, at the same time don't want to have the responsibility of a staff member. I just want to vibe.

54 minutes ago, Brooklyn said:

How are you going to go about finding a successor?

I am looking for someone who will challenge and question decisions that want to be pushed forward. I don't want someone that will agree with everything I suggest and say, as we all know, I am an idiot. I want someone that is going to do the work and help with finding people that are going to help run the battalion. There are many people within Rancor right now, that i can see being able to do the job and hopefully they will push themselves to become XO.

54 minutes ago, Brooklyn said:

How are you going to maintain the Standards ALL ARC's on the server are held to? 

There have been ideas thrown around in the past about having ARC only deployments, and ARC only simulations. Giving them something to improve on and challenge themselves. I made a simulation a while ago with the intent of making it one of these trainings. I feel that having some kind of simulation or events where ARC troopers are the sole focus can massively improve the ARC standards on the server, but in all honestly, we have been asking ourselves this for a while now, we don't know where to take it and I don't have an answer for you right now.


@Brooklyn Sorry it took a little bit to reply, i forgot to hit the reply. Im :pepe5head:

:NekoDance: You are my little pogchamp:NekoDance:

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5 hours ago, Bird said:

Trauma’s Unit / Halsey’s Unit


One of the first things I want to push for is a more accessible class for Rancor and for people that wish to not be an ARC trooper. We want to implement Trauma’s Unit/Halsey’s Unit, basically the same thing. This would work as the alternative to the ARC trooper and would be limited to five people. This is something that new enlisted and other non-ARC trained members can push towards and would second as our “Recon” element of the battalion. I personally see Rancor as more than just ARC troopers, I see them as both ARC and ARF and I want to push for a more Recon feel with Trauma’s Unit. I want to mention that this isn’t me wanting a new sub-unit. This is me wanting to make more use out of the Rancor Trooper job and our already existing models and bodygroupers. 

I have a question regarding this. This is a strange concept in my opinion however how do you plan to actually make this unit desirable compared to your plethora of ARC jobs in Rancor? I don't see this idea working out personally seeing as it won't really add anything besides more bodygroupr rules for your trooper job. At the end of the day a recon based element within a recon base battalion also doesn't make any sense either. The idea is alright I just think it needs to be fleshed out a lot more than how you explained it.

This question isn't a make or break type of question and I +1 you regardless. I just wanted to say my piece about this specific topic in your application.

(Make Rancor an ARF battalion no balls) (Make Rancor an ARF battalion no balls) (Make Rancor an ARF battalion no balls) (Make Rancor an ARF battalion no balls) (Make Rancor an ARF battalion no balls) (Make Rancor an ARF battalion no balls) (Make Rancor an ARF battalion no balls) (Make Rancor an ARF battalion no balls) (Make Rancor an ARF battalion no balls) (Make Rancor an ARF battalion no balls) (Make Rancor an ARF battalion no balls) (Make Rancor an ARF battalion no balls) (Make Rancor an ARF battalion no balls) (Make Rancor an ARF battalion no balls) (Make Rancor an ARF battalion no balls) (Make Rancor an ARF battalion no balls) (Make Rancor an ARF battalion no balls) (Make Rancor an ARF battalion no balls) (Make Rancor an ARF battalion no balls) (Make Rancor an ARF battalion no balls) (Make Rancor an ARF battalion no balls) (Make Rancor an ARF battalion no balls) (Make Rancor an ARF battalion no balls) (Make Rancor an ARF battalion no balls) (Make Rancor an ARF battalion no balls) (Make Rancor an ARF battalion no balls) (Make Rancor an ARF battalion no balls) (Make Rancor an ARF battalion no balls) (Make Rancor an ARF battalion no balls) (Make Rancor an ARF battalion no balls) (Make Rancor an ARF battalion no balls) (Make Rancor an ARF battalion no balls) (Make Rancor an ARF battalion no balls) (Make Rancor an ARF battalion no balls) (Make Rancor an ARF battalion no balls) (Make Rancor an ARF battalion no balls) (Make Rancor an ARF battalion no balls) (Make Rancor an ARF battalion no balls) (Make Rancor an ARF battalion no balls) (Make Rancor an ARF battalion no balls) 

  • Dumb 1

Anyone Know or Can Make This A Live Background : r/halo

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+1 You're literally the worst Bird and I hate you. 

6 hours ago, Brooklyn said:

1. Why have an Application Process AND a Tryout Process? (I don't care how you word "simulation", it is still a tryout)

I'm not answering this for him per say but offering my insight to this as someone who does something similar. The application can be used to express interest in the unit and give time for the people organizing the unit and officers to watch the conduct of the trooper in question as well as review prior history. The tryout itself could be a skills/knowledge check afterwards. An application takes like 15 mins at most tbh so I don't really see it as much an issue.

  • Agree 1

Former 21st

Formerly known as CastleClone

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+1. Only comment I have is trauma's unit. I've seen it before, was reg over rancor when they had job slots like 3 years back. Its just not what makes Rancor Interesting. No one joins to be in trauma's unit its just a sub unit you'll have a hard time filling. Focus on what makes rancor rancor you know, the whole ARC thing.


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+1 good luck 

Current: Kevin Colt leader of the Colt Crime Syndicate | Alpha-69 Dennis 

Former: BCMD Doom x3| Havoc Squad Brimstone x3 | Base Ops CMD | Delta Jedi | BCMD Colt | BCMD Bacara | Specialized Regimental Commander x2 | First Count Dooku and creator of the CIS | Rear Admiral Orson Krennic 

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Bird has been a capable leader ever since I recruited him in the McCloud family and he has only been getting better from those old days. I have no doubt in my mind that he WILL be more than just a good BCMD for rancor, he will be one of the best we have had (sorry for throwing you onto the pedestal now bird <3). I can only wait in excitement and admiration until he becomes the BCMD. +1 buddy, lead our battalion into greatness like I know you will:HYPERS:

Ahsoka Tano Centric Worldview — ano5555: meandmyechoes: REX + “AHSOKA”  (ahsoka...

Current Hunter, Former Techx2, Former AvenFormer Foxtrot, Former Eeth Koth


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Welp. Appreciate the responses, while obviously I will disagree with you when it comes to Alpha, it is worth seeing what you will do with the future of the battalion. +1

Plus let's be real, can't get any worse than Dennis.

Edited by Brooklyn
Had to call him out
  • Funny 1

Kal Skirata                                                                                                                                                   Bacta                    Marvel                     Brooklyn


I beat Jad in a spar first try.

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Congratulations, You have been ACCEPTED for a commander interview!

Please contact a Director to organise your interview.

Failure to do so within 7 DAYS of this post will result in the DENIAL of your application.


Currently trying to not be a forum gremlin

Former Chancellor Palpatine | Former Yoda & Mace Windu | Former Shaak Ti & Anakin | Former Delta Squad Scorch | Former Mas Amedda | Former Director | Former Management

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Congratulations! Your application for the position you applied for has been ACCEPTED!

Your term will end 3 MONTHS after this post. Good luck!


Currently trying to not be a forum gremlin

Former Chancellor Palpatine | Former Yoda & Mace Windu | Former Shaak Ti & Anakin | Former Delta Squad Scorch | Former Mas Amedda | Former Director | Former Management

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