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Jovanovic's Attack Reg Commander Application


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Steam Name:

 Curious Beats

RP Name:


RP Rank: 

Vice Chancellor

Steam ID:


Regiment you are applying for:



Consular Lead: February 2021 - May 2021

Eeth Koth: February 2021 - July 2021

41st WO: February 2021

212th, DU, and Rancor SNCO

Senior Senator: April 2021 - May 2021

Mas Amedda: May 2021  - Present

212th 2ndACS SGM: June 2021 - Present 

104th High Command/Jedi Lead/ITD: May 2021 - Present

Why should you become a Regimental Commander?:

I should become the regimental commander because I have a good philosophy when it comes to leadership for a regimental commander, being generally more prodding, hands off, and delegating, but being able to be more involved or directly take action if it’s absolutely required. I’ve proven my past ability to revive groups with Jedi consular and the senate, and I have prior experience within high command which will allow me to more easily work within its systems as well as interact with other members of it.  

Do you understand the lore of your regiment?:



Currently about 3pm - 2am EST through DMs and TS, can get on if needed. In game about 6 hours a day (Early evening - late night). 

Give a brief overview of your achievements on the server:

Longstanding Jedi lore character

Jedi Consular Lead

Jedi Officer for more than half a year

Being 104th High Command as Jedi Lead

Helped the Jedi order with roster systems

Revived the senate (along with the other senators)

2nd ACS

104th ITD

Do you have a microphone?: 


Where do you want your regiment to be at the end of your term?:


I want the 104th to be in a solid position as a third, stable attack battalion. This means they have a solid group of new people coming in, a solid group of NCOs and junior officers to run trainings, keep them entertained, and keep them in line, and a solid group of senior members with leadership capability to keep everything running. I want to be actively involved in battalion affairs, helping the BCMD with any choices they’re making which may involve their high command, and have stayed up to date with all of the members of 104th. Though it’s important to recognize that the 104th will likely never be the most active of attack battalions if only due to the disadvantage in name recognition, getting it to a stable and altogether healthy position would go great lengths for the attack regiment as a whole. 


I want the 212th to be more engaged, with a high quality standard for officers and a group of motivated and dedicated NCOs who run more trainings and entertainments. I want it to be more interactive with other battalions and be invited to sims or patrols run by those battalions, in the same vein inviting other battalions to their sims as well. This will help greatly with stimulation and keeping their members active and something going on, (though, I cannot wave my hand and make the server perpetually entertaining). I will have remained connected with the layman of the battalion, but entirely worked through their high command to get results unless an extenuating circumstance provides me ample reason not to.


I want the 501st to have a more steady and consistent flow of activity, engaging with other battalions in the way that 212th also does. I also want them to have a rededicated NCO corps which is entirely motivated to host entertainments, events, and trainings. I want a solid base of high command with a clear selection of future leaders and no lack of upcoming talent. I’ll have gotten to know many 501st high command members better, been in touch with 501st troopers, but worked entirely through the 501st high command without stepping in personally, if possible. 

The Attack Regiment:

The attack regiment as a whole will be far more involved with each other if even through sims, trainings, and patrols. Relations will be much higher between them, and the battalion troopers and high command will have a much higher opinion of the average member of other battalions. Engagement overall will have been raised because of attack battalions including each other in entertainments and where possible in trainings. I don’t have any idealistic goals of ‘one big happy family’, or ‘everyone seeing each other as one battalion’ as I consider myself a realist. However I intend that they will have a substantially higher opinion of each other by the end of my term.


How do you plan to improve relations within your regiment?:

One thing I can do as regimental commander to improve relations is to deploy subunits of one battalion alongside other battalions. An example of this would be deploying Wolfpack as a part of the 212th. This would be different than simply deploying the 212th and 104th together or doing a joint training, as the wolfpack (or any other sub-unit) would act as a part of the 212th and their command structure, being forced to work with them and form relations, and being in their teamspeak channel. This would happen almost every deployment. It also allows sub-units to show off their coordination and professionalism in front of other battalions, and even provides the benefit of making it so that joining a sub-unit will get you deployed more. 

Encouraging that attack comms be used more often can also help, even if to some small extent, strengthen relations between battalions. Simply sitting in the channel myself and hosting a very small patrol or training can get people floating in and out of the channel for the rest of the day, sparking relationships between the lower members and future members of the battalions, and even some of the more senior officers.

Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?:


Do you understand that your position has a three month term limit and you must reapply after three months to maintain your regimental commander rank?:



Goodbye, everyone. 

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1 hour ago, Jovanovic said:

The attack regiment as a whole will be far more involved with each other if even through sims, trainings, and patrols. Relations will be much higher between them, and the battalion troopers and high command will have a much higher opinion of the average member of other battalions. Engagement overall will have been raised because of attack battalions including each other in entertainments and where possible in trainings. I don’t have any idealistic goals of ‘one big happy family’, or ‘everyone seeing each other as one battalion’ as I consider myself a realist. However I intend that they will have a substantially higher opinion of each other by the end of my term.

Before I -1 or +1, I think quite literally every person going for attack reg before you has said this exact statement, what makes your plan different? Also attack battalions including each other in their trainings/patrols and sims is something that happens on  a daily basis, this is nothing new. Also what do you plan on doing with Mas Amedda, I really don't think it's a good idea for you to be both Mas Amedda and ATK reg.

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9 minutes ago, Luther said:

Before I -1 or +1, I think quite literally every person going for attack reg before you has said this exact statement, what makes your plan different? Also attack battalions including each other in their trainings/patrols and sims is something that happens on  a daily basis, this is nothing new. Also what do you plan on doing with Mas Amedda, I really don't think it's a good idea for you to be both Mas Amedda and ATK reg.

Thanks for asking! So in order

1.  As for higher relations and a higher opinion of each other, you can see my plans for that in the 'how do you intend to improve relations' section. 

2.  For running trainings and events with each other, attack does this rarely. Generally all battalions do this rarely, as if you're hanging out and in a TS with your own battalion you'll naturally just include your own battalion in entertainments. The first point will help with this one, as well as personally speaking to the high commands and senior officers and reiterating how mutually beneficial it is to include each other in trainings. I also intend to run as part of battalions for my term, meaning every 3rd day I'll be running with 212th, or 501st, or 104th. This means I can personally suggest inviting along other battalions more often, building it up as a habit rather than something forced or imposed. 

3. If I get the position of attack reg my position as Mas Amedda will be stripped. I've already handled thing senate side and prepared a replacement

Edited by Jovanovic
im polite okay

Goodbye, everyone. 

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-1 I believe that the things you said you plan to do given this permission are already things that are in effect on the server, you said to host more trainings/events with each other which is fine but you said that they rarely happen, which is just not true. From my past experience within 212th and by looking through their entertainment/event log channel I can tell you that these trainings happen a lot more than you think. I think this application is lacking in terms of your plan of things to do given the position and that the other applicant has a more laid out plan. 

  • Informative 1
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4 minutes ago, Luther said:

-1 I believe that the things you said you plan to do given this permission are already things that are in effect on the server, you said to host more trainings/events with each other which is fine but you said that they rarely happen, which is just not true. From my past experience within 212th and by looking through their entertainment/event log channel I can tell you that these trainings happen a lot more than you think. I think this application is lacking in terms of your plan of things to do given the position and that the other applicant has a more laid out plan. 

Thanks for your insight. But just to be clear I do want to reiterate my point:

Trainings and entertainments happen relatively often, but less than ideal. I've spoken with 212th HC and this was one of their main concerns. 

I'm referring to inviting other attack battalions along for deployments, which happens rarely. Engaging the 212th with other battalions and getting it so more trainings and entertainments happen throughout the day are two main goals, encouraging trainings in this way accomplishes both.

Edited by Jovanovic

Goodbye, everyone. 

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2 minutes ago, Jovanovic said:

Thanks for your insight. But just to be clear I do want to reiterate my point:

Trainings and entertainments happen relatively often, but less than ideal. I've spoken with 212th HC and this was one of their main concerns. 

I'm referring to inviting other attack battalions along for deployments, which happens rarely. Engaging the 212th with other battalions and getting it so more trainings and entertainments happen throughout the day are two main goals, encouraging trainings in this way accomplishes both.

Having other attack battalions come alongside on deployments is once again something that happens relatively often, also it's up to the GM who they want to invite for deployments, some events are built/focused on one battalion. 

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Many, Many ATK Regimentals have said that they "plan to talk to the GM team about *x*".


Never once have I seen one do that, unfortunately. 


If you plan to have subunits deploy alongside some battalions, do you intend to deploy the battalion/subunits yourself, or can we count on you to communicate what the ATK regiment wants to the GM team?

Broooo that's literally insane brooo


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3 minutes ago, Mavelle said:

Many, Many ATK Regimentals have said that they "plan to talk to the GM team about *x*".


Never once have I seen one do that, unfortunately. 


If you plan to have subunits deploy alongside some battalions, do you intend to deploy the battalion/subunits yourself, or can we count on you to communicate what the ATK regiment wants to the GM team?

Absolutely. I intend to go for GM myself, and be able to deploy or at least run some things for attack battalions. A great tool in this will be the large amount of SAs and GMs in the 212th for the deployment and event side of things. I've already spoken to Bacta about this privately and he's said he's willing to do this for his events. Communicating with the GM team will be vital to make sure no feathers are ruffled and that the subunit will actually be compatible with events. While I'd absolutely love to deploy a subunit with every deployment, the GMs vision for their event will always be first priority. 

So to answer your last question as succinctly as I can; I intend to actually order the deployment of the sub-unit myself rather than through the GM team, but WILL NOT do so unless I've already spoken to the GM running the deployment to make sure it will fit within the deployment. 

I see a worst case scenario most of the time just asking the visiting sub-unit to hop on the whitelist of the host battalion. IE TC getting on a 104th whitelist to make sure it still makes sense in context of the event. 

Goodbye, everyone. 

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10 minutes ago, Jovanovic said:

Absolutely. I intend to go for GM myself, and be able to deploy or at least run some things for attack battalions. A great tool in this will be the large amount of SAs and GMs in the 212th for the deployment and event side of things. I've already spoken to Bacta about this privately and he's said he's willing to do this for his events. Communicating with the GM team will be vital to make sure no feathers are ruffled and that the subunit will actually be compatible with events. While I'd absolutely love to deploy a subunit with every deployment, the GMs vision for their event will always be first priority. 

So to answer your last question as succinctly as I can; I intend to actually order the deployment of the sub-unit myself rather than through the GM team, but WILL NOT do so unless I've already spoken to the GM running the deployment to make sure it will fit within the deployment. 

I see a worst case scenario most of the time just asking the visiting sub-unit to hop on the whitelist of the host battalion. IE TC getting on a 104th whitelist to make sure it still makes sense in context of the event. 

Thanks for the response! I have to admit, I'm a little skeptical about this because of my lack of interactions with you, but it seems like you're reasonable and have some good plans.


+1, and good luck!

  • Friendly 1

Broooo that's literally insane brooo


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+1 I think that during the time I have gotten to know Jova a bit, he has assisted me with understanding a bit of the inner workings when it comes to ATK (and some other groups). If he thinks he can take up the responsibilities of ATK Reg, I feel pretty confident he can get them done. 

  • Friendly 1

Former 21st

Formerly known as CastleClone

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+1 Jova has worked so hard in the 104th, he's been in the 104th on his jedi for Months, he's created so many documents and updated materials for us to use, plus he's our ITD & Jedi Lead, all in this time he's managed to also run himself as Mas Amedda, Eeth Koth and his Clone Job. This man's dedication is superb

  • Friendly 1

Current: Deviant

Former: ITD 21stKU Commander Paladin, TRO | Alpha-66 Captain Muzzle, Wolfpack Commander Warthog/BCMD WolffeParjai SUPO 1stLT Four, Doom's Unit ARFL Commander Cloves, Spec Ops Captain ARFL Paladin, 41stEC HVYL Buzz, TRM, 2x HA

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-1 i have more faith in the other applicant, from my personal experience

maxresdefault.jpg  Your not that guy pal, your just not that guy 

  • Funny 2

Current: Kevin Colt leader of the Colt Crime Syndicate | Alpha-69 Dennis 

Former: BCMD Doom x3| Havoc Squad Brimstone x3 | Base Ops CMD | Delta Jedi | BCMD Colt | BCMD Bacara | Specialized Regimental Commander x2 | First Count Dooku and creator of the CIS | Rear Admiral Orson Krennic 

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51 minutes ago, Dennis said:

-1 i have more faith in the other applicant, from my personal experience

maxresdefault.jpg  Your not that guy pal, your just not that guy 

For once I have to agree with Dennis but -1 don’t get me wrong I like you jovo but black is better fit his plans make sense and mirror what attack needs he is also a bit more involved with attack as he is a current BCMD 

Certified Giga Chad


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56 minutes ago, Dennis said:

-1 i have more faith in the other applicant, from my personal experience

maxresdefault.jpg  Your not that guy pal, your just not that guy 

I also have to agree with dennis here, as well, id say for attack itd be better for someone who has a somewhat large role in the regiment already go for ATK reg so -1

But ayo master oogways time has cum in it?

“I’m not toxic, It’s just hard not to treat you like an idiot” ~ Logic


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Big +1

Out of everyone applying, you're the only one who's spend actual time with 212th, and worked with us for more than 1 or 2 conversations. You're dedicated to really finding out what works and doesn't in the battalions, and work with us to fix them.

But pls actually do the thing with the joint trainings!

  • Informative 1
  • Friendly 1

|Longest Serving Attack Regimental Commander||Master of Quests|


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Jova I'm gonna level with you, I'd rather see black in the position, we have 4 years of experince together and i trust him a ton.

That being said I'm still gonna +1 you. I don't like to -1 because other better applicant. When i look at an application I look at "do you deserve to see the interview" without looking at the other contestant for the position. Its up to the directors and high command to figure out who the better of the applicants is.

When you went for Mas I had HUGE reservations. The word to mouth around what you had done around the server was huge and i couldn't look past it, however it seems with time you have worked to correct that and have done a good job as mas. This combined with our however brief conversation showed me that I believe you have the best interest of the server here, and I believe you deserve the chance to see the interview phase. Good luck.

  • Agree 2
  • Friendly 2


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  • Management

I’ll give ya a shot at interview at least. 

I have more experience with the other applicant and don’t know you very well but you at least came and spoke with me and other people in the Regiment before applying and personally my expectations for Regimental Commanders at this point are at an all time low so all I expect from them is actual interactions throughout their term. You seem to have at least that down so good on you.

Good luck

  • Friendly 1


i am literally captain tukk

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Congratulations, You have been ACCEPTED for a commander interview!

Please contact a Director to organise your interview.

Failure to do so within 7 DAYS of this post will result in the DENIAL of your application.


Currently trying to not be a forum gremlin

Former Chancellor Palpatine | Former Yoda & Mace Windu | Former Shaak Ti & Anakin | Former Delta Squad Scorch | Former Mas Amedda | Former Director | Former Management

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