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Odric's Fox Re-application

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Steam Name:

Odric Steel

RP Name:

Battalion Commander Fox | Odric

Steam ID (SteamID Finder): 


Battalion or squad you are applying for:

Coruscant Guard

How many terms you've held the position?:

I have held the position for 1 term.

Why do you wish to maintain this position?:

Coruscant Guard is still a home for me on server, my motivation to help our members and members of the community is strong and my dedication has not wavered. There are still changes we are making within the battalion to keep it on the strong path and with the changes that have been made, CG has became more easily understood and people are happier to stay with the servers security team. I feel like my first term not only as the spear head of CG but as my first BCMD term has been a great one and I wish to continue being a great role modal for the troops.

Current availability:

I am available every day on discord and most days in game.

What have you achieved within your battalion/squad during your past term?:

Firstly, we have updated and renewed the Documents of CG, including The Holy Bible (CG's Rules and Code of Conduct), Try-out guides for specialisations, Intel guidelines and Interrogation Guides to make them easier to understand. This has over all been a team effort from our officers, a fresh new look with ideas, changes and additions that are reasonable and fair, even our NCO core has gave amazing ideas that we just had to have. Granted there are still 1-2 docs still uncomplete however it is very close.

Next, we have been working hard to help the community have more fun around the server by instead of straight up arrests we opted for a more RP friendly role, if a troop was to trespass into say the Base Command Centre, we would RP with them for example ID, permission to be in the area, let them do ENG if that's what they want to try, of coarse we would explain and warn them that trespassing could lead to arrest after the fact. This applies to all aspects of more warnings then arrests.
Of course this is a thing we are working on, a couple of members are still in the mindset that it's serious RP and rules are rules that MUST be enforced with no budging... I say no, rules are rules, some we do have to be strict on like RDM, intercom abuse and we will enforce them HOWEVER, why would we spoil someone's fun and enjoyment of our server when it can be resolved in a more RP and player friendly way?

What improvements or changes do you plan on making within your battalion/squad?:

So we have plans for making our DS troopers not only be elite but feel elite, with specialized trainings that only they have access to and the try-outs more fulfilling, my intentions being it will be more attractive for members that want to be DS in CG or want to give DS a try from members of the server looking for a change. 
This also comes with a decision between myself and my officers to give lore characters a more meaningful role within the battalion other then being a role-model and "something nice to look at." They will be becoming the Leads of the respective specs and have authority to change them with CGs best interests in mind.

Next, as previously stated we have 1-2 doc still needing completion and edits/additions that should be added to some others to answer any questions when a officer is unavailable, this isn't a norm in CG as we see 7-10+ members nearly every day and are fully willing and happy to help each other, always best to have the guidelines there though.

Finally, for now, we are going to be focusing on more combat efficiency, improving our PvE and PvP skills for better, heart racing encounters with bounty hunters and Sith alike, Medics will be improving their MEDRP and Field medic skills on prioritization and ACE reports, SUP when on the ground, being able to effectively use there shotgun and drop Armor where necessary, in the air they will be able to dogfight, rivalling Skywalker and Plo Koon themselves.

Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?: I fully understand.


Edited by Odric-Steel
just added alil

- Commander Fox - (Former)

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I’ve noticed recently some of your newer recruits seem a little eager to arrest people. I heard someone comment that it’s a merit requirement. I’m curious if this is true, and how can you justify it being a requirement if it is. 

  • Agree 2


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5 minutes ago, Conrad said:

I’ve noticed recently some of your newer recruits seem a little eager to arrest people. I heard someone comment that it’s a merit requirement. I’m curious if this is true, and how can you justify it being a requirement if it is. 

This as far as i know is untrue. Theres no merits to be gained for arrests.

On that note Odric gets a +1 for the time ive been in CG hes been a great leader leading by example instead of brute force and keeping in contact amazingly even with the enlisted.

  • Informative 1
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13 minutes ago, Conrad said:

I’ve noticed recently some of your newer recruits seem a little eager to arrest people. I heard someone comment that it’s a merit requirement. I’m curious if this is true, and how can you justify it being a requirement if it is. 

So that is totally untrue, no one gains any merits, please feel free to message me and I am sure we can get this resolved. We will also get the right information to the people that maybe confused. 

Edited by Odric-Steel
  • Informative 1

- Commander Fox - (Former)

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6 minutes ago, Odric-Steel said:

So that is totally untrue, no one gains any merits, please feel free to message me and I am sure we can get this resolved. We will also get the right information to the people that maybe confused. 

I’ll be sure to bring this up to them and correct anyone I hear making this claim in the future. Only thing would be make sure you emphasis investigation for your new guys a bit harder. 


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+1 Odric is the best fox i have ever seen in the years that ive been on this server

  • Confused 1
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Forum Admin

Whilst I do agree, Odric has been a decent Fox and pulled activity of Fox up a lot and brought the battalion alive with great activity all around I do feel like standards are still low and everyone has the same mindset of CG still. 

How would you try to change the mindset of people when they think about CG? Is that what the Battalion representative system is for or?

+1 though. 

I added the Pepe emojis onto the forums

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1 hour ago, Conrad said:


I’ve noticed recently some of your newer recruits seem a little eager to arrest people.


I totally agree with this, it might be out of your reach and understand if it is, but is still a major issue I see happening repeatedly, whether I saw it in the past or hear about it in the current, or when I hop on for a visit I will just see it for myself. Is there an issue causing this? Or just adapting to CG protocols? That was the only concern I have.

Either way +1 and believe you’ve been doing an outstanding job with CG. 

Notably Known as: Regimental Commander, Battalion Commander Doom, Last Foxtrot Lead Gregor, Boss, Sev, Battalion Commander Wolffe, Boost, Comet, Commander Faie, Charger

Currently: Crosshair & Shaak Ti


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43 minutes ago, Slak said:

I totally agree with this, it might be out of your reach and understand if it is, but is still a major issue I see happening repeatedly, whether I saw it in the past or hear about it in the current, or when I hop on for a visit I will just see it for myself. Is there an issue causing this? Or just adapting to CG protocols? That was the only concern I have.

Either way +1 and believe you’ve been doing an outstanding job with CG. 

Very good points from Slak and Naffen and I'll answer to the best of my ability, Slak, Some of our new troopers have great potential, and are eager to learn. Because they are new to the server or unfortunately cause of either experiences in other RP servers, they may have an idea that CG is just about arresting people, that they get promotions or rewards for getting so many arrests, maybe they have had the experience for constantly getting arrested by CG/Shock multiple times. However I think it is because they are trying to be apart of the community, they want to help as best they can and just do good for us. CG is not just about arresting, it is also about Guarding the most important vips on base, securing a planet from CIS invasions, stopping illegal activity's, the assistance we provide with rules, regulations, interrogations, advice and being part of our family the brothers in crimson, It is a learning curve and I have the upmost faith that they will become better troopers within our CG with sound guidance from myself, our officer and NCO cores.

Edited by Odric-Steel
  • Informative 1

- Commander Fox - (Former)

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56 minutes ago, Naffen said:

Whilst I do agree, Odric has been a decent Fox and pulled activity of Fox up a lot and brought the battalion alive with great activity all around I do feel like standards are still low and everyone has the same mindset of CG still. 

How would you try to change the mindset of people when they think about CG? Is that what the Battalion representative system is for or?

+1 though. 

Naffen, the battalion representatives is here to help CG to say "hay we friendly", it is also so that other members of the community have more to do say if they are hanging around server, then they will be able to join in with us in trainings and missions, we can get useful hints and tips for how we can do things better and improve as a battalion, always nice to get a outside perspective. It also gives another point of contact if people need help in your respective battalions with rules, disagreements and even in game battles.

We do want to be in a good light, and we strive to be people that the community can trust. I hope that during my term I and my officers have proved we can be more then hard people and be understanding too. 

  • Informative 1

- Commander Fox - (Former)

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+1 I've talked to this guy numerous times and he's the real deal. Not only that he's a very fair person and puts a lot of context into situations.  He's doing a great job of leading CG and I think he can do a lot more.

People Who Put Their Former Ranks In Their Signature Are Idiots!

Community Liaison - Discord Boo Radley#2719

Feel free to message me if you're having any issues!

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I've seen many Foxes that have cared about the battalion, but never to the extent of your enthusiasm. Just discipline your men better. Not in the sense that they're constantly getting in trouble but in a way that they actually know how to defuse situations and uphold rules properly. I've told you this before but it doesn't seem like a lot of your guys know what they're doing. Take this with a grain of salt if you have to, "I'm just a hasbeen," as a wise Scottish man once said.

  • Winner 1

The Reprehensible Ratio!



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+1 He is easy to work with. You have an issue? Approach him to talk and he'll get it sorted ASAP. Seems to care a good bit about his bat as well and has generally been good from what I've seen.

Former 21st

Formerly known as CastleClone

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CG has been doing very well under you. It’s very fun to mess with the enlisted too. Overall good luck for round 2 and keep CG poppin! +1

Edited by Brooklyn

Kal Skirata                                                                                                                                                   Bacta                    Marvel                     Brooklyn


I beat Jad in a spar first try.

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+1. He's a Furry BCMD

Current: Deviant

Former: ITD 21stKU Commander Paladin, TRO | Alpha-66 Captain Muzzle, Wolfpack Commander Warthog/BCMD WolffeParjai SUPO 1stLT Four, Doom's Unit ARFL Commander Cloves, Spec Ops Captain ARFL Paladin, 41stEC HVYL Buzz, TRM, 2x HA

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I knew leaving Fox in the disheveled state I was in that you would do better than me in the more popular aspects. I was never aiming to be a popular Fox, that was never my reasons for running for it. I was the living blueprint of ancient CG, a relic of a regime that worked. I had memorized every system and rule that was created when I was around for my two years of service, and that was what was needed after all of them broke from a massive power vacuum. I was brought in/volunteered out of retirement to unfuck the battalion out of a wipe, and that is what I did alongside Anderson and Korm, rest his soul. As soon as all the problems with broken systems and spec's were fixed and a stable officer corp was in place, I left the mantle to you. I remember the day we had that talk about what needed doing now, things I couldn't do during my terms. I told you that you had all of the stable foundations that you needed to continue building up CG into a great empire once again, and you did not disappoint me in the slightest. CG seems to respect you now like they did back during CG's golden ages many Foxes ago, although through different methods. Back then, that respect was garnered from a projection of strength, dependability, and rigid discipline. Now, they respect you for projecting kindness, understanding, and a willingness to adapt, something equally as important that I knew I could never do myself, ruthless, stubborn, and broken as I was.

You have made CG your own and made quite the accomplishment with it, while honoring the many good people who have come and gone in CG, doing their part in making it a better place. If no-one else will say it like I know they've never said it before, I am truly proud of all the work you have done, my friend. Hard work is easily overlooked in this place, but let there be at least one person who recognizes the dedication you put forward, for better or for worse. It can be as little as one person who says "Good Job" that can keep a Fox going, I know it worked on me during my low points. You have many trials ahead of you, but even more left behind you now. You have a bright future ahead of you, CG has a bright future under you, and the server will always remember you for your service.

Good luck, Odric.

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Odric has been great to work with in my short stead thus far as Doom and I've never seen the slightest mistake from him. From the outside looking in, he's honestly a natural fit for the position.
Good luck man.

Battalion Commander Doom (Former)

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+1 +1 +1

  • Current:
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  • Serra Keto (Former)
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Congratulations, You have been ACCEPTED for a commander interview!

Please contact a Director to organise your interview.

Failure to do so within 7 DAYS of this post will result in the DENIAL of your application.


Currently trying to not be a forum gremlin

Former Chancellor Palpatine | Former Yoda & Mace Windu | Former Shaak Ti & Anakin | Former Delta Squad Scorch | Former Mas Amedda | Former Director | Former Management

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Congratulations! Your application for the position you applied for has been ACCEPTED!

Your term will end 3 MONTHS after this post. Good luck!


  • Agree 1

Currently trying to not be a forum gremlin

Former Chancellor Palpatine | Former Yoda & Mace Windu | Former Shaak Ti & Anakin | Former Delta Squad Scorch | Former Mas Amedda | Former Director | Former Management

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