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Mediaplayer Use Rule


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Name: Dono

RP Rank: Major / Knight I / Senator / SPO

Suggestion: Add an OFFICIAL server rule: “The Mediaplayer is NOT to be used during CIS operations / Server wide Events / Server wide player lead rp incursions / more than x amount of players on the server ( I suggest something around 100+ players)

Implementation: add the rule

reason: I know this issue isn’t very common and only something like this has occurred a few times but I think it would be wise to instill this rule now before I see more incidents occur. Recently Ive seen a couple times a gm trying to run an event but most or a good chunk of the players are just sitting in ooc lounge or watching Random internet memes while a gm has put hours in to run and plan an event to just be ignored by players. I’ve had it happen before to me as well and had to actually completely change the event I was running to fit it down to only 8 people participating instead of 30. I know that Woeny and other server leadership have made an effort to despawn or stop their players when rp occurs but an official rule would be easiest to ensure it happens when they aren’t there.  

Lore: clones didn’t sit at the bar and watch “Does Lego city recognize Israel as a legitimate state?” . They actually like.... we’re an army and shot things up. 

Edited by Dono


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24 minutes ago, Dinaric said:

Well there were clones who usually went to the one bar in Coruscant at any time they wanted during the war and knocked up a few chicks. :FeelsWowMan:

Yeah but they didn’t do it while the base they were stationed at was being fucked in the ass by the CIS either. 


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Forum Admin

Aight, unpopular opinion time!!!!!

if you're in the OOC lounge, ya shouldn't have to be bothered by ingame shit. If people find that their most enjoyable experience on this server is sitting infront of a virtual monitor… be my guest. I feel like this server has made strides to try to deregulate the personal RP experience. Making a rule like this, in my opinion, goes directly against the vision the founders and community have stressed recently.


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  • Informative 1

🎀  𝙵𝚊𝚛𝚝 𝚂𝚖𝚎𝚕𝚕𝚊  🎀

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I honestly am not too sure how I feel about this suggestion. If you think about it, events are entertainment- that's our job as GMs; to entertain people. But if people find that doing something else is more fun, I don't really see why we should make them stop. It's sort of like not allowing Sims to go on during event- a discussion we had on the forums a while ago; people make their own fun and I'm not too into the idea of saying on principle that it is up to some people and some people alone to be the fun instead of allowing people to use their own means on occasion. I won't officially +1 or -1 this yet, as I'd really like to hear your opinion on those points @Dono

  • Winner 1

Broooo that's literally insane brooo


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And a bit of a follow-up, I kind of disagree with what you wrote in the lore section- it's a lounge for being Out of Character- out of the game in RP, as it were. As such, I don't expect people to be acting as if they were members of the GAR in the OOC lounge.

Broooo that's literally insane brooo


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-1 It should be the job of Commanders to make rules like that during events not the server itself. If someone hates and they don't wanna be bothered, why should they have to participate. I think it should still be discouraged to sit in there but I don't think we need a rule for it.


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-1 that lore part had me dieing like a fucking retard rolling in the dirt laughing when someone tried to mentioned lore on a OOC addon pretty much. If its in the OOC lounge, It doesnt need this rule. People are perfectly capable(Im assuming) of clicking it off or some setting somewhere so that it don't impact performance. This is just another of those REALLLY unneeded things.

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-1 shouldn't be able to force people into events. Whats next "all people in TS must stop playing whatever game they're playing if an event is called". No thanks.

I don't think people should be even forced to leave/halt/stop tryouts trainings for events. You should get to spend your time on the server how you choose in all regards.

Edited by Conrad
  • Agree 2


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58 minutes ago, Guac said:

Aight, unpopular opinion time!!!!!

if you're in the OOC lounge, ya shouldn't have to be bothered by ingame shit. If people find that their most enjoyable experience on this server is sitting infront of a virtual monitor… be my guest. I feel like this server has made strides to try to deregulate the personal RP experience. Making a rule like this, in my opinion, goes directly against the vision the founders and community have stressed recently.


If you don't want to do in game stuff, why are you in game?

  • Agree 1

|Longest Serving Attack Regimental Commander||Master of Quests|


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Lol I guess we really just gonna keep the possibility that a gm puts in tons of work to prepare an event to entertain the PLAYERS on the server and have them get fucked because a bunch of dumbasses are sitting around watching keyboard cat.... smh


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It isn't mandatory to attend any events. Which is why some people like to sit out the dumb ones

If you're in the OOC longue, I feel like you can watch your show. The other people attending the event just need to turn it off on their end

"A word from the Navy..."

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6 minutes ago, Dono said:

Lol I guess we really just gonna keep the possibility that a gm puts in tons of work to prepare an event to entertain the PLAYERS on the server and have them get fucked because a bunch of dumbasses are sitting around watching keyboard cat.... smh

I'm not a huge fan of the mediaplayer either, but at the end of the day GM's make events with the purpose to entertain the players. If the players don't want to participate it's better to let them do what they're going to have fun doing than to force them to play in an event that they don't want to be a part of. I see both sides of the argument, but at the end of the day it's up to the leadership of each battalion to make sure that they are able to create an environment and mindset that although things like the mediaplayer can be fun, that they can have a better time with their battalion participating in a GM's event. Also, you have to think about the potential negative effects that this could have of people flocking to the media player during downtime since it's the only time they can use it. Passive RP, entertainments, etc. during downtime could happen less frequently if changes like these are made. Overall, -1 from me because player choice tends to be the best way to go about things.

  • Agree 1


Jedi Youngling

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23 minutes ago, Dono said:

Lol I guess we really just gonna keep the possibility that a gm puts in tons of work to prepare an event to entertain the PLAYERS on the server and have them get fucked because a bunch of dumbasses are sitting around watching keyboard cat.... smh

I really am trying to understand your perspective better, what do you mean by "get fucked"

Is it like having bad AAR ratings or having just not many people participate in the event

Edited by Mavelle

Broooo that's literally insane brooo


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people escaping to the OOC lounge instead of going to events generally hurts the server. People that want to actually participate in these events are left with like 3 other people showing up to help them and 15 people sitting in OOC lounge. 

I think compromises like this need to be made to keep the media player in game without it harming the server, as it often does now. 


Goodbye, everyone. 

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I was under the impression that the media player was there for downtime and not so the server can turn into a weird version of let's sit and watch things together.

While I'm conflicted on whether a hard rule is required because I dislike the idea of forcing players to participate in events, I don't think that during primetime or while things are going on there should be people just sitting in OOC lounge watching TV and not participating in the things going on on the server. Yeah, we're all here to have fun and relax and hangout with our friends, and yeah, the Game Master team carries a lot of the burden for making events more enjoyable and less >shoot things 24/7 and nothing else, but people play on the Clone Wars RP server presumably to expose themselves to some Clone Wars Roleplay. 

So I guess a hesitant +1? Definitely something that should be looked into and clarified by High Staff but I don't want it to turn into "you must play in these events or else".

I miss the Endor days when an event would start and you'd have the entire server in that tiny hangar peeking through the rayshield and killing droids, going down and being revived by the medics running back and forth across the line with their defibs. We should scale the base on Anaxes down substantially to accompany the old packed playstyle that so many of us remember and enjoyed. Events would be less empty :(

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31 minutes ago, FatherHanz said:

Is the OOC lounge not in game?

Tbh I don't think the OOC lounge should even be there. It serve no purpose other than to inflate the numbers on the server. 

|Longest Serving Attack Regimental Commander||Master of Quests|


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1 minute ago, Finn said:

Tbh I don't think the OOC lounge should even be there. It serve no purpose other than to inflate the numbers on the server. 

its a place for people to have a laugh, Bc at the end of the day its a game and people sometimes need a laugh. Watching videos by yourself is not as fun as watching an assortment of videos with other people. If you don't like the OOC lounge stay out of it, and if you want people at your events, make rules for your battalion like many already do.

  • Agree 1
  • Disagree 1


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1 hour ago, FatherHanz said:

 if you want people at your events, make rules for your battalion like many already do.

This is a server issue, not a battalion issue. Servers been pretty low activity recently, and having an OOC lounge with 10+ people at all times including during full events just hurts the server more. 

  • Disagree 1

Goodbye, everyone. 

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2 hours ago, Mavelle said:

I really am trying to understand your perspective better, what do you mean by "get fucked"

Is it like having bad AAR ratings or having just not many people participate in the event

I am not refering to AAR ratings... I am referring to people showing up to events in the first place.


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8 hours ago, Curious_Beats said:

This is a server issue, not a battalion issue. Servers been pretty low activity recently, and having an OOC lounge with 10+ people at all times including during full events just hurts the server more. 

You can't make a server rule to force people to do things. That is a battalion thing. If someone doesn't like that then they can find a battalion that does like that. Maybe we need better events and encounters for players to enjoy that over watching dumb among us videos together. Also the issue would be mostly solved if battalions made rules like that. I don't know any BCMD who wouldn't make that a rule. Let players have choice. Its better that they go on the OOC lounge than sit AFK, because at any time they can leave that OOC lounge if they please.


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10 hours ago, Dono said:

Lol I guess we really just gonna keep the possibility that a gm puts in tons of work to prepare an event to entertain the PLAYERS on the server and have them get fucked because a bunch of dumbasses are sitting around watching keyboard cat.... smh

If those players don't wanna play the event and just wanna sit around in OOC longue they should have the option.



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Yes, I do hate fat people.
Former Ordo Skirata

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OOC Lounge = Players choice OMEGALUL

People don’t wanna participate in events that’s their personal choice, can’t force people to. 

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Forum Admin

-1, don't need an entire section on the rules document to explain what you can and can't do.
I would say use common sense like they've been trying to push with the entire rule doc rework, but we'll see how far that goes.

I added the Pepe emojis onto the forums

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I'm not gonna give a vote on this just yet, but if people are going to the OOC lounge to watch youtube videos (even though they can just send the links to their friends in ts or discord, but i understand it's entertaining to be doing it in game at the same time together) instead of going to an event, then:

1. Officers need to supplement their troopers activity with fun games and interesting training in between events so that the members of the battalion don't get bored and leave;

and, 2. The GM needs to find a way to grab their attention and make sure that people don't want to go to the lounge when they are doing an event.

There are a number (maybe it has gone down recently) of GMs that everyone knows makes great and entertaining events, If you can't make good events, then people won't automatically spring up and crawl out of the woodworks just for the chance to go to your event.

p.s. I'm not saying the current GMs are bad, it's just that demographics/audiences change and you need to keep adapting to fit the needs of the diversity that is synergy, everywhere from 13 years olds to 50 year old(s). 

  • Winner 1


Master of the Order Mace Windu (Current) | DU VET Sergeant (Current) | Mas Amedda (Former) | 327th Battalion Commander Bly (Former)

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Forum Admin
23 hours ago, Finn said:

If you don't want to do in game stuff, why are you in game?

To enjoy myself, sometimes an event can be either to involved or just not your taste, and thats fine. I would like to retain the right to decide the events that I participate in.

  • Winner 1

🎀  𝙵𝚊𝚛𝚝 𝚂𝚖𝚎𝚕𝚕𝚊  🎀

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-1 when I wolffe I made an announcement that if an event or encounter or anything is happening you get out of there or you get PT its like hanz said if a BCMD doenst care then he doesnt care but I cared 

Certified Giga Chad


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On 4/29/2021 at 2:48 AM, Guac said:

Aight, unpopular opinion time!!!!!

if you're in the OOC lounge, ya shouldn't have to be bothered by ingame shit. If people find that their most enjoyable experience on this server is sitting infront of a virtual monitor… be my guest. I feel like this server has made strides to try to deregulate the personal RP experience. Making a rule like this, in my opinion, goes directly against the vision the founders and community have stressed recently.


I do agree with this, but also the media player should only be in the OOC Lounge and if you are on server and an event is going on and you are watching YouTube rather than participating on the server then why are you on the server.


If say yes to the not during events, CIS Ops are hit and miss. They often fly by without anyone noticing.


So a tentative +1

  • Confused 1

What? Were you expecting some colourful thing denoting my past achievements?

Well tough luck, even if I did it would be just 3 things - Bacara, SPEC REG, Old HA.

Once a Marine, Always a Marine... Always forward, never back...

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-1 OOC lounge is an out of character area. You cannot force people to leave to RP, nor force people to RP. I understand your sentiments and reasoning, and I do agree with you that people shouldn't be in there during an active event. However, some events are either really boring or really dumb and not wanting to participate is a players choice.

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On 4/28/2021 at 7:53 PM, Dono said:

sitting in ooc lounge or watching Random internet memes while a gm has put hours in to run and plan an event to just be ignored by players.

Yo idk if you have any critical thinking skills but these people could just tab out and go afk instead of being in OOC lounge, in other words it makes zero difference. If people don't want to participate in the 1 millionth "40 people shoot droids while 3 people RP" event fuckin let them. -1


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-1. Sometimes people don't want to partake in events.
Also maybe stop hosting events/CIS Ops on Main for certain battalions first before you request us to stop watching stuff on the mediaplayer

Current: Deviant

Former: ITD 21stKU Commander Paladin, TRO | Alpha-66 Captain Muzzle, Wolfpack Commander Warthog/BCMD WolffeParjai SUPO 1stLT Four, Doom's Unit ARFL Commander Cloves, Spec Ops Captain ARFL Paladin, 41stEC HVYL Buzz, TRM, 2x HA

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12 hours ago, Paladin_ said:
Also maybe stop hosting events/CIS Ops on Main for certain battalions first before you request us to stop watching stuff on the mediaplayer

I have no idea what you mean by this... are you saying to stop running battalion / regiment specific events on main server?


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10 minutes ago, Dono said:

I have no idea what you mean by this... are you saying to stop running battalion / regiment specific events on main server?

I'm not saying that..... I mean more as of recent there has been more for certain battalions, like I mean they stop us from participating. But this is a talk for another time

Current: Deviant

Former: ITD 21stKU Commander Paladin, TRO | Alpha-66 Captain Muzzle, Wolfpack Commander Warthog/BCMD WolffeParjai SUPO 1stLT Four, Doom's Unit ARFL Commander Cloves, Spec Ops Captain ARFL Paladin, 41stEC HVYL Buzz, TRM, 2x HA

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