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Revert to full Semi-Serious


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Name: Piff

RP Rank: SGM

Suggestion: Change the server back to full on Semi-Serious RP after it was made basically Serious Full on during events, encounters,etc, and then Semi Serious essentially on downtime and when events aren’t happening.(A Revamp would also be part of this if full on SeriousRP isn’t accepted)

Implementation: I personally think the SeriousRP aspect of basically everything now is just making the server a bad and toxic experience for a lot of people mostly due to the fact that any tiny thing will get you AOSed if someone considers it not serious or FailRP, etc. This as well limits what goes on during the downtime, people will still want to limit what we can do regardless of what was supposedly implemented a while back with scribbles suggestion to revamp the SeriousRP to be half and half, Half event serious, half downtime semi. Regardless if people know if we are serious or not, I feel like we should either emphasize that hey we are a SeriousRP server, you can’t do so and so, as well, if this fails to be accepted at least emphasize what is considered Semi serious as well, when is the server semi serious, I don’t like to compare the server to now and back then, but I have never seen any passiveRP that’s mostly jokes or any just people chilling in a TS channel or in a certain part of the map because the amount of people saying you can’t do this won’t let them, and I have been one of those people, for example, a CT was in the old SOBDE bunks so the bar and he was trying to sing, This was allowed back then without any issue, now, the CT was basically being persecuted by staff and CG. This is a clear example of what the server has become, you basically can’t have any silly moments without getting in trouble. Once again I don’t really expect this to get accepted, but I at least hope we remember what the server was meant to be after the change from semi serious to serious as well with the additional parts of that change that allowed us to basically be us and not have to RP in every single part of the base.And finally one major issue that I’ve just seen so much and it’s sickening at this point, is the amount of people fighting with each other because someone is trying to have fun and they come in and demand that they stop even though there’s usually no event when people do these things, it just splits people apart and it’s annoying for some players who have to deal with someone who doesn’t want to stop RPing and just do something out of the ordinary just cause they want it like that, and of course the rules and as well usually CG and TG and most staff will favor in the side that’s going against the person who’s just trying to have fun by doing something different. Another downside of SeriousRP that I forgot to add is the lack of things going on in game, once again comparing back to Semi serious days, there would be literal parkour in the CY without anyone having an issue and it would be gone if an event started or something was going on, this would prevent more people from going AFK and just disconnecting after an event because there’s nothing to do, of course this wouldn’t be a OMG big AFK stopper, of course it wouldn’t be, some people will still disconnect regardless cause they just want to get on for events. This is mostly going to effect events, So with most people having that Serious Mindset, like I said before this causes issues during events because instead of playing and RPing during an event, people are too busy arguing with each other about something that is so small, that it will not make a single difference in the event, as well, most gamemaster at this point are really also going to be restricted to be all serious, of course they should still be somewhat serious, but as well they should be able to do something new and completely random and not being force to stick to lore, if I remember correctly, I forgot which GM doc says that we have to incorporate some lore into our events, and already that’s going to restrict a GM, sometimes dumbass ideas are a lot better than a shitty event where it’s General grievous attack the base for so and so and then escape because ideas are already hard to make with the limitations that we have, it always has to be serious and can’t be something foolish, the most foolish thing I’ve seen was mostly Bounty Hunter RP and that’s it, but they have a reason to basically be dumb, essentially in my opinion this seriousness limits event ideas.

TLDR: Basically the Revamp suggestion for 50/50 SeriousRP and SemiRP never really did stand till this day leaving us basically in full on SeriousRP and this full on SeriousRP causes many issues from normal gameplay all the way to players, Examples, Toxicity between players due to petty AOS reasons, Seriousness of the server limiting many things like RP and events

Lore: None

Workshop content if applicable: None
(If no workshop content, suggest a developer or put "Require Development")

Edited by Piff

“I’m not toxic, It’s just hard not to treat you like an idiot” ~ Logic


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The server isn't SeriousRP at all. It's just Roleplay. This has been said by Management at a community meeting. Put simply, people don't know how to act under the label of Semi-Serious.

If it's SeriousRP, there's no fun allowed, people get arrested for breathing, etc. If it's Semi-Serious, everyone uses that as an excuse to minge and be obnoxious pricks at every turn. Some may describe just labeling as Roleplay as "middle of the road", but I see it as dodging the issue altogether. People are allowed to have fun and get serious. It's made with the expectation that the community will use common sense rather than throwing it out the window.

If anyone gets arrested for FailRP, and it's legitimate, then it's not the fault of the server's label. It's fault of the arrestee for being dumb and trying too hard to be funny in front of their group of cackling hyena highschoolers that like to screech like chimps in the TS for validation.

also this has been suggested back and forth so many times, pretty sure more than three? correct me if I'm wrong on that. but if that's the case, this is probs gonna be auto-denied unless you got it waived through management.

Edited by Ratio
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The Reprehensible Ratio!



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-1 Basically what ratio has said it. Plus, and like he mentioned, this has been a suggestion that has come up multiple times. 

Current: Destiny 2 Sherpa Human Hunter Awoken Warlock Exo Titan 
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3 hours ago, Ratio said:


The server isn't SeriousRP at all. It's just Roleplay. This has been said by Management at a community meeting. Put simply, people don't know how to act under the label of Semi-Serious.

If it's SeriousRP, there's no fun allowed, people get arrested for breathing, etc. If it's Semi-Serious, everyone uses that as an excuse to minge and be obnoxious pricks at every turn. Some may describe just labeling as Roleplay as "middle of the road", but I see it as dodging the issue altogether. People are allowed to have fun and get serious. It's made with the expectation that the community will use common sense rather than throwing it out the window.

If anyone gets arrested for FailRP, and it's legitimate, then it's not the fault of the server's label. It's fault of the arrestee for being dumb and trying too hard to be funny in front of their group of cackling hyena highschoolers that like to screech like chimps in the TS for validation.

also this has been suggested back and forth so many times, pretty sure more than three? correct me if I'm wrong on that. but if that's the case, this is probs gonna be auto-denied unless you got it waived through management.

I already said I don’t expect it to be accepted, just for rules to be changed to give us more freedom to do things that we usually aren’t allowed to do during downtime or in between the time where we have events and I personally don’t remember how many times this has been suggested, I’ll prob have to go back and find the post.

“I’m not toxic, It’s just hard not to treat you like an idiot” ~ Logic


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+1 People get so mad about stupid stuff nowadays. Back when I joined the server in Late Junes we were a lot less of a serious server and I loved it. People weren't constantly AOSed for minor issues and we got to actually have fun, but once an event came around we all got serious. I think Conrad is the perfect example of how I wish the server was like. He doesn't get mad over small issues and likes to mess around a bit, but he still took the server seriously when it was needed


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  • Management


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i am literally captain tukk

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-1, clearly you don't remember how bad it was before. Semi-Serious was the pathway that everybody took to be a minge. You'd have some silly moments, sure, but, that's not why most people are here. What we have now is the best it's gonna get.


Rule-maker and rule-breaker.

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-1 and here is why; I don’t think you actually understand your position.

“Bad and toxics experience”
That is driven by the player base, not by people who wish to be serious. Again you can be “serious” in a funny situation. Serious does not mean following the rules to the greatest of the extent. As I’ve said expressed numerous times it should always be roleplay over rule-play. This can occur in a VERY serious environment. There seems to be this weird disconnect what serious and semi-serious means. Serious would entail you’re actually a character, knowing what your character is and how to handle a situation. Semi-serious reverts the server to a more casual social gathering game where people would rather PVP in a sim than actually being on the server for what it is, a roleplay server. Both can exist simultaneously and neither is worse than the other. The whole semi-serious vs serious rp across all gmod servers does just devolve into rue-play over role play, which sadly is needed due to the public nature of all if not most gmod servers since there is no vetting process. The only real way to break this mould is just don’t be bothered as much by “minges” since the harm they can do is press a button or shoot someone which is easily rectified with a kick or ban. They aren’t as scary or harmfull as played out to be.

“This as well limits what goes on during the downtime”
The only thing that limits what people can do on downtime is themselves. If you are uncreative and not sure what you can do on the server that relies on each individual. Shooting NPCs or PVP should not be the only reason people come onto the server if that were the case there are thousands of better games to do that on, including star wars ones, where you would get the same experience. If the counterpoint to this is “well I am here to roleplay” then this post wouldn’t exist with that complaint. Sure, gamemasters and staff should be more active in providing entertainments of sorts but this is another issue in its entirety and is not reliant on serious vs semi-serious.

“passiveRP that’s mostly jokes or any just people chilling in a TS channel or in a certain part of the map because the amount of people saying you can’t do this won’t let them”
Funny passive RP should be a thing, this I agree (funny is subjective though and not everything is funny for everyone but that is neither here nor there).
As for the second point about just “chilling in a TS channel” as far as I am aware that is allowed? I don’t understand this as your point, were you told you weren’t allowed to hang in a channel? If so that person is dumb.
As for being in locations where you are not “supposed to be” I agree with this as well. Locked areas are dumb and people take them too seriously. However, they are restricted for RP reasoning and should be handled in RP. If asked to leave you should leave or face RP consequences, however, if you refuse to go along with the RP you are impacting others in this regard and are hurting RP as a whole you should be forced out with an arrest because you have no intention to respect the rp  of that area. In the instance you are referring too I do agree the CG or staff in this instance were being too strict as it was harming no one else (However, I would like to hear the other sides opinions from those involved in that situation).


“it just splits people apart and it’s annoying for some players who have to deal with someone who doesn’t want to stop RPing and just do something out of the ordinary just cause they want it like that, and of course the rules and as well usually CG and TG and most staff will favor in the side that’s going against the person who’s just trying to have fun by doing something different.”
“Who doesn’t want to stop rping” on an RP server? It’s like it is in the name *gasp*. If you want to stop roleplaying on a role play server then maybe not being on the server in that instance? You can still hang out with your friends in TS, but if you are not in the mood to RP then why be on? Isn’t the whole point of an RP server to roleplay?
As for doing something out of the ordinary could you explain what you mean? This is too vague of a point and doesn’t tell me much except I get the inclination you wanted to "minge" and got told no. So explaining this more would be nice. 

“So with most people having that Serious Mindset, like I said before this causes issues during events because instead of playing and RPing during an event, people are too busy arguing with each other about something that is so small, that it will not make a single difference in the event,”
This isn’t exclusive to the “Serious Mindset” either. These kinds of arguments happen because people value their “priorities” over situations too much and not willing to go with the flow. Of course, if you are being called out for doing dumbshit, don’t do dumbshit even if it’s “haha cooky and funny haha”. For example, if your solution to handling a hostage situation is to blow the building up because “it’ll be funny and fun” than yes, you will get chewed out and deservedly so.

As for what you say about the current state of GM, I am 100% with you in that regard. I’d still prefer more dumb events than no events.

Basically, your “suggestion” post would have been better off in another category because it is simply an “I am going to say it…” post but in the suggestion category. It’s a rambling rant about how you currently aren’t happy at the server because it isn’t tailored to you. If you wanted to make an actual suggestion, you should reread what you wrote and create a coherent thought and not a late night-early morning post of 'blah blah I am upset.'

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-1 easy clap make people do watch standing and write on a log about shit on the server like who enters bcc. Or who leaves and enter base, because they would be so much fun. 

Current: Rancor Colt
Past spots: 501st XO, 501st CMD, 501st WO Appo, TC Hardcase, 332nd office, ATK Reg Purge, Keller Unit Vinnie, General Luminara, 41st GCO ARCL Draa, 3rd Crosshair on the Server, Hunter, Sith Marauder  TRO, GMM, VA x3. CIS Tac Droid, Guild Cabinet Member

The person who made a treaty with the sith as a clone 

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Honestly ratio and baron said it perfectly. I mean I’m one that typically gets on and kinda screws around (though i’m trying to get away from doing that again). 

Being labeled as “Semi-Serious” just allows for things to get out of hand quickly. 

I feel like the current set up is a good balance. 

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9 minutes ago, KillJoy said:

-1 easy clap make people do watch standing and write on a log about shit on the server like who enters bcc. Or who leaves and enter base, because they would be so much fun. 

Bro what 

  • Funny 4


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I'm gonna say this. Why do we need to brand ourselves as a "serious" or "semi-serious" server? That debate hasn't come up in literal months and it's because it frankly doesn't matter for the way our server functions. Hell, we don't even have it in the title of the server name. Labelling ourselves this way is just restricting in the way that people will feel they have to act a certain way due to a shitty title for the server. Just let people do what they like, we have rules for outright minges and we have programs put in for immersion, the only thing stopping the server from being less serious is the PLAYERS THEMSELVES. If you people want less serious roleplay, be prepared to receive in-character backlash for it, as other people might want a more serious outlook on the server.

People need to stop getting arrested, stop witch hunting, stop singling people out, stop complaining about staff, and stop whining if things don't go their way. People are in positions for a reason to help with these issues, but it's not gonna change over night.

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-1 I know Baron and Ratio already said this, but it's an RP server, if people wish to be serious then they should, that's how they want to play the game. You shouldn't make an entire suggestion form if you don't like that someone else is having fun playing a serious character rather than someone singing yankee doodle while dabbing in MHB.

Edited by Kortnul

Current: Dumbass, Omega 15 CPL Fi (Again...)

Former: 501st ARFL LTC Boomer, 104th WP HVYL COL Sinker, Doom's Unit MEDL 1stLT Kortnul, 212th Ghost Company ARCL CPT Reed, Omega 15 CPT Fi, Omega 22 SGM Atin , Omega 09 CPT Niner , Veteran Admin x2

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4 hours ago, Baron said:

Basically, your “suggestion” post would have been better off in another category because it is simply an “I am going to say it…” post but in the suggestion category. It’s a rambling rant about how you currently aren’t happy at the server because it isn’t tailored to you. If you wanted to make an actual suggestion, you should reread what you wrote and create a coherent thought and not a late night-early morning post of 'blah blah I am upset.'

I never mentioned the fact that oh im not happy with the state of the server, I explicitly said mutiple times, i don't expect this to be accepted, but i hope it allows for rule changes and other things to be implemented. Regardless of the server being in a certain state, i'll always support it. So overall this isn't about me. As well, just making a oh i don't like this post like the other 200 post made like that would most likely make nothing happen, i can state my opinion all i want, but at the end of the day it won't matter unless its something that actually has to be looked at for being denied or approved because you'll never see those post get anywhere mostly due to the fact that its a constant back and forth between two sides saying oh this and that and than just going at it and getting out of hand and then people basically use it as a shit posting area because there isn't a restriction of what they can post. 

“I’m not toxic, It’s just hard not to treat you like an idiot” ~ Logic


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  • Management
17 minutes ago, Piff said:

I never mentioned the fact that oh im not happy with the state of the server, I explicitly said mutiple times, i don't expect this to be accepted, but i hope it allows for rule changes and other things to be implemented. Regardless of the server being in a certain state, i'll always support it. So overall this isn't about me. As well, just making a oh i don't like this post like the other 200 post made like that would most likely make nothing happen, i can state my opinion all i want, but at the end of the day it won't matter unless its something that actually has to be looked at for being denied or approved because you'll never see those post get anywhere mostly due to the fact that its a constant back and forth between two sides saying oh this and that and than just going at it and getting out of hand and then people basically use it as a shit posting area because there isn't a restriction of what they can post. 

If you think certain rules should be changed why didn’t you make a suggestion to change those rules instead....


i am literally captain tukk

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25 minutes ago, Marvel said:

If you think certain rules should be changed why didn’t you make a suggestion to change those rules instead....

Because I’m not going to pick out certain rules that I would think would be beneficial because my ideas may not be shared by others, so I’d rather leave them up to a larger group of people who can actually change them so basically high staff/high command. Which of course if you want me to list some of them I’ll be happy to do so later 

“I’m not toxic, It’s just hard not to treat you like an idiot” ~ Logic


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Forum Admin


Most of these issues that you bring up do not represent a servers “title” yet a player bases mindset. I firmly believe people are too quick to AOS and assume there is no other side to a story.
Do I think it would be beneficial to shift some rules around?: 

Do I think that it would be smart to rebrand the server to semi-serious to do this?:


Edited by Guac

🎀  𝙵𝚊𝚛𝚝 𝚂𝚖𝚎𝚕𝚕𝚊  🎀

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On 12/2/2020 at 3:43 AM, Ratio said:

If anyone gets arrested for FailRP, and it's legitimate, then it's not the fault of the server's label. It's fault of the arrestee for being dumb and trying too hard to be funny in front of their group of cackling hyena highschoolers that like to screech like chimps in the TS for validation.

Jesus you made me spit out my mountain dew you fucking savage.

On a "Serious" Note. Let's state the things that people CAN DO if they were "Motivated enough" to do:
1. Host Trainings.
2. Host FFA's
4. Host Simulations
5. Gamble
6. Host Tournaments for rewards.
7. Host Events
8. Host Cit challenges
9. Battle drills

These are just some of the things that people can host for others to do. There is a wide array of things that people can do. Now i can see the counter argument of "ive done all that before, boo hoo its boring blah blah blah." But ya know you can always try to change it up and be creative. If you can host the above things then join them when they are instead. There is always something that you could do, all it takes is an active mind and motivation to stay engaged. We can't do everything for you. Labeling it as Serious or Semi serious like @Fyi and @Ratio stated is stupid and unnecessary.

I also feel like this suggestion came out after multiple people over multiple days have gotten arrested for a multitude of reasons. I personally enjoy having fun and can find any reason within the rules to do. We actually have a lot more freedom than you think.


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-1 why just why, if you don’t like a rule then just suggest one rule not a community mindset thing.

Current: Kevin Colt leader of the Colt Crime Syndicate | Alpha-69 Dennis 

Former: BCMD Doom x3| Havoc Squad Brimstone x3 | Base Ops CMD | Delta Jedi | BCMD Colt | BCMD Bacara | Specialized Regimental Commander x2 | First Count Dooku and creator of the CIS | Rear Admiral Orson Krennic 

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  • Coordinator
22 hours ago, Piff said:

Because I’m not going to pick out certain rules that I would think would be beneficial because my ideas may not be shared by others, so I’d rather leave them up to a larger group of people who can actually change them so basically high staff/high command. Which of course if you want me to list some of them I’ll be happy to do so later 

I normally dont comment on suggestions 
But this kind of comment is kind of annoying as a Director

You basically just said YA i see issues but im not gonna bring them up

I dont see how people expect to have issues resolved or concerns answered if they dont bring it up to high staff or high command,

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1 hour ago, Woeny said:

I normally dont comment on suggestions 
But this kind of comment is kind of annoying as a Director

You basically just said YA i see issues but im not gonna bring them up

I dont see how people expect to have issues resolved or concerns answered if they dont bring it up to high staff or high command,

I said later cause I was going to work and was responding on my phone, as well I DMed you on discord prior to making this and got no response 

Edited by Piff
  • Agree 1

“I’m not toxic, It’s just hard not to treat you like an idiot” ~ Logic


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  • Founder

Let me start off by saying, Piff I genuinely appreciate the effort and time you put into making this suggestion.

But, this suggestion as a whole confuses me.  It seems people aren't quite understanding what message you're trying to convey. So with that in mind I'd recommend you void the suggestion for now before it becomes a debate and or meme. That way you can re-post the suggestion at a future date to ensure you have everything written correctly and to make it easier for people to follow along.

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15 hours ago, Jad said:

Let me start off by saying, Piff I genuinely appreciate the effort and time you put into making this suggestion.

But, this suggestion as a whole confuses me.  It seems people aren't quite understanding what message you're trying to convey. So with that in mind I'd recommend you void the suggestion for now before it becomes a debate and or meme. That way you can re-post the suggestion at a future date to ensure you have everything written correctly and to make it easier for people to follow along.

Yeah i was considering doing that so its more organized 

“I’m not toxic, It’s just hard not to treat you like an idiot” ~ Logic


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