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187th Event Job Battalion

Sock Monkey

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Name: Sock Monkey

RP Rank: General

Suggestion: make 187th an event job battalion


First off this has nothing to do with the activity of the battalion, they are doing good, its just not really a battalion that should be here in the first place (kinda just added cause RyanTR and a bunch of old community members who only joined for like a week and left wanted it). and didn't have anything unique really about them. It was popular a bit at the start and now they've kinda just been dragging themselves along, with no real place on the server.

There is always backlash when a battalion is put up for removal (for good reason), and there are always people who join a battalion because it looks cool, or they like the lore behind it, or the people in it, etc.

To address this issue, we've never really had an 'event' dedicated battalion, a battalion that event jobs could hop on and be used instead of always using the CT job and coloring the job, or just changing a name and using the CT job. I hope this would be enough to keep the people around who enjoy the battalion and dont want to see it completely go, and it will provide a battalion that is accessible to GMs for event ideas. 



There is an equilibrium capacity of battalions we should have and I believe that we are over that equilibrium, this will help get us closer

Example Model: If we take all the current battalions (not including CTs, SOBDE, BO, Jedi, HC, Senators, event jobs, or sub battalions) there are currently 11 battalions, if we had 128 members on the server evenly spread out among these groups its about 11.6 members per battalion, with the reduction of 1 battalion (187th) it would change that number to 12.8 per battalion, which is about 1 new member per battalion, which does not seem like a lot but can have a big impact. 

It also reduces the amount of higher ranks on the server, as new members will have fewer battalions to join it becomes more difficult to rise the ranks as slots are more likely to be full, which encourages hard work rather than just being the only active or available person to pick from in the battalion.

Currently all other battalions (besides Shock) have a sub battalion, and for a small amount of time 187th did, the 35th, but as we saw it failed and got 'removed' because it could not be properly managed, not to say it could or could not be managed now, but it just adds another incentive to remove because its not even important enough to have a sub battalion. 

as mentioned below for the 'Lore:' section, I dont really think its that important on the server, but I also want to point out that 187th is the only battalion with an unnamed commander, and furthermore does not have any named jobs, its literally just 101 slots that have no purpose and would not really negatively impact the server if they were moved out (not really an acceptable argument, but just wanted to throw it out there cause this probably matters to some people I guess...)



Now to touch on the cons, as most suggestions have flaws this one does as well,

we could see all the 187th members jump ship and use their ability to leave the community as a protest of the removal (we've seen it before, and I have no doubt we'd see it now), It also as mentioned above does decrease the options new CTs have when they decide to select a new battalion and they may be set on being 187th and since it does not exist potentially leave to find a server that has it



Overall though, I strongly believe that the pros of making the battalion an event job outweigh the cons, and would benefit the server in the long run: through event options, reduction of a battalion, reduction of HC/Officers, and ultimately just cuts off some 'dead-weight' from the server.


Lore: Lore is not important on the server.... 

Workshop content if applicable:
(If no workshop content, suggest a developer or put "Require Development")

If you are asking to add or change a job, fill out the following

Add or Change: make 187th event jobs
(Any job modification requires all this information)

Job: make 187th an event job battalion (what sub-units (medic, aerial, heavy) get removed is up to HC, just want 187th itself as an event battalion, not all jobs needed)

Slots: x

Pay: event job pay (all 600)

Description: x 

Model: x
(Provide the model string if on server Ex. models/player/synergy/cblake/ls_squad/ls_trp/lstrp.mdl (Get this from the Q menu)

Weapons:  x                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           (If you want a modfication to a weapon/saber you must put the weapon string in the suggestion. Ex. tfa_e5 (Get this from the Q menu) 


There is also the theory that for every battalion added there is a reduction of the population of the other battalions, and the other way around, for every battalion removed other battalions are expected to have a larger population. kinda relevant to this, I dont want to see people post server suggestions to add a new battalion and be like "IT CAN REPLACE 187th" because this is reducing a battalion from the server as a whole, not opening up a slot to add a new one, so anyone that does that is dumb and i'm calling you out rn for trying to argue it...

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-1 187th just got a new BCMD, a bump in activity, and has been shipping up pretty well. And the excuse for no lore makes no sense and don’t hate me rancor and DUbyou no I love you but 187th has more lore than both of them. You may not know that from the Wikipedia page but they have comic book not the most lore but still more than the rancor and du. DU has Commander Doom and unarmed DU troopers 1 2 etc. and Havoc Squad is a Gannon unit. Rancor has Colt Havoc and Blitz and unnamed ARC trooper you might not know why I say that but Hammer is a Fannon character, people think rancor is also not a battalion it’s a company. The closest thing is Alpha and alpha isn’t even related to them and shouldn’t be a sub unit alpha 17, fordo, agent and Nate have lore and Valiant we know 1 thing about. 187th somehow has more lore than 2 fan favorite company/battalions and no one realizes that. And why would u want to destroy something that is prospering. And btw with the uniqueness of the battalion me and others have been coordinating with different battalions and leaders to suggest a way to make the battalion a unique thing. And to add a bit their are other battalions that are way worse off then 187th rn

Edited by justuscloud5
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4 minutes ago, justuscloud5 said:

And the excuse for no lore makes no sense


23 minutes ago, Sock Monkey said:

Lore is not important on the server.... 

 Bruh, did you actually read the suggestion?

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People Who Put Their Former Ranks In Their Signature Are Idiots!

Community Liaison - Discord Boo Radley#2719

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ey, I was one of the main front runners for not having 187th added back, but now that they are here, and actually starting to come back, I think they should be allowed to chill out before hunting them down for sport once again. I think I am going to -1 this for now just so they can be given a chance at survival. Let Dreams do his thing and actually try fixing his battalion.

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ayo if they decided to protest by leaving only 4 people will go

Nah to add an actual thing onto this, the 187th are kinda dead/dying, at-least from what I've gathered. Turning them into an event battalion would be helpful for GM's and wouldn't completely remove the 187th from existence, and it can open a spot for a new battalion, albeit unlikely.

I just havn't seen enough 187th actually online and active at one point, even in large events. Unless I'm just blind.


Edited by OkamiHybrid
wanted to give an actual reason.
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For the love of all things holy.
I have no personal vendettas, I have no quarrels, and I actually enjoy a couple of past people who ran the battalion previously.
The fact of it is how no one wanted it, and still very very little people want it except for those who remain in it or friends of people in it. I will quote myself from another topic I posted on.
"Look at 187ths scenario (sorry for using you all as an example but cmon). It's a battalion, it has potential to work in some world, but constantly and it has always been proven, it always gets the wrong leadership and the wrong people, and will continue to attract people as so." I have said this before and I will use it as a point here because in any and all honesty that's just how it is. I have only seen one good BCMD and that was the mad lad faoeoeoeoeeoeoe (accurate spelling of name).

If people still want this battalion in the server with the constant struggle it puts itself in, the resources it always pulls away from high command and so on to try and push focus on it, and things of that sort, then jesus christ where are we. 
Event jobs are a suitable idea for battalions that people like that can never uphold themselves. The game needs to change, and change back to how it was when they weren't a thing is what I mean.

Edited by Jayarr
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Ive been BCMD for roughly 3 days... This is epic. Should have done this before I got BCMD, would have been great. But I also know most of this was probably planned so I doubt i can say much which will change the outcome on this suggestion due to overwhelming feedback.

Really is big sad moment that I couldnt have even been contacted before this was posted. Instead the message was deleted, Im assuming because they told you not to worry about contacting me, im not sure.

All im saying is, I would have hoped people on here would have waited until I had atleast put in 1 month of my term before writing this up to see if the battalion had improved from the last 2. I think putting it up within 3 days of my term is quite a lowblow in itself. But if its what the community wants, Theres not much I can do, Ill continue to work and develop the battalion until the decision is made. But from me

I will be -1ing this simply because you have given no time to see the battalion develop and change. There was backlash when SO was readded and now its doing quite well. I understand theres too many battalions but there are more in a worse place then us right now, and there will always continue to be so. But once again this is a biased opinion and understand where the community is coming from, as I disliked the 187th when it was first added myself.

Edited by OldMateDreams
  • Agree 4


  • CT Private Reggin
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-1 At the beginning of a BCMDs term is absolutely not the time to do this, it's disrespectful to the work of the BCMD and Officers who are currently working their hardest, the best course of action would have been to wait until their term is over, or at the very minimum talk to the BCMD in charge.

Mishuk gotal'u meshuroke, pako kyore - "Pressure makes diamonds, Ease makes decay"

2 time Rancor BCMD, 3 time Commander Havoc

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Current: Rancor Colt
Past spots: 501st XO, 501st CMD, 501st WO Appo, TC Hardcase, 332nd office, ATK Reg Purge, Keller Unit Vinnie, General Luminara, 41st GCO ARCL Draa, 3rd Crosshair on the Server, Hunter, Sith Marauder  TRO, GMM, VA x3. CIS Tac Droid, Guild Cabinet Member

The person who made a treaty with the sith as a clone 

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-1 The 187th has bumped up activity and also has just got a new BCMD, you also realize that this will make so many clones without a battalion, what will happen to their ranks and everything they worked for. i understand  why you want to remove them but i personal don't think we should remove them, even tho the past two BCMD's failed and the 187th went down to the dirt. they have gained so many numbers and activity to the point that i don't know why you would come up with wanting to remove them in the first place. but this is my opinion.

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I will be giving the 187th commander some time to see how the battalion  goes under the current BCMD's leadership. 
I am not opposed to this suggestion.
However i will be -1'ing due to the 187th just getting a new BCMD.
If their batt doesn't pick up then i will +1 this. 

overall -1

I think other people should see how the current BCMD does of course. 


Edited by Scribbles
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F +1 idk might change major F

Sanchez trembles at the mention of my name.

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I hate to be rude but like kinda but also give the new BCMD some time as well. 

Current: Kevin Colt leader of the Colt Crime Syndicate | Alpha-69 Dennis 

Former: BCMD Doom x3| Havoc Squad Brimstone x3 | Base Ops CMD | Delta Jedi | BCMD Colt | BCMD Bacara | Specialized Regimental Commander x2 | First Count Dooku and creator of the CIS | Rear Admiral Orson Krennic 

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5 hours ago, Snow said:

-1 At the beginning of a BCMDs term is absolutely not the time to do this, it's disrespectful to the work of the BCMD and Officers who are currently working their hardest, the best course of action would have been to wait until their term is over, or at the very minimum talk to the BCMD in charge.

(Not saying this to say I regret joining up with GM, now the 21st, I love my new family. And/or not shooting at the Director+ for their decision) 

I remember once I just got my second term and SO was already on the chopping block. I was given strict things I needed to do and I felt like I did them. However in the end SO was basically taken away from me 2 weeks. Why? To add the 187th. 

I'm going to stay +1. Yes, we should allow the new BCMD time to regroup and get the gears rolling. But personally from the start I have not wanted the 187th back. No offense to the troops in it, its just for me there is little to no lore, from my understanding, despite being a paratrooper battalion. 

Edited by MolecuI3
Didn't know you couldn't go 'neutral'

Current: Destiny 2 Sherpa Human Hunter Awoken Warlock Exo Titan 
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-1 Dreams just got the spot man and you're doing him dirty like this. Also lore does matter on this server, just because we fiddle with it doesn't mean it doesn't matter. That has nothing to do with anything I just wanted to say that. But yeah this is just kinda disrespectful to dreams who's a good lad and doesn't deserved to be fucked by having his term cut short by things out of his control. I will be the first one to say that this battalion should not have been added, but now that it is we have to show some modicum of respect at least to the people in it. I would say wait out dreams' term and then bring the topic up again 

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I'm not opposed to removing the 187th, especially if they remain in their current state. However, due to the fact that they only just got a new BCMD, they definitely deserve the time to work and try to repair themselves. It'd just be a bit unfair to take that away from a new BCMD.

-1 on a last chance basis. 

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Head Admin

Bruh, they just got a BCMD. Let them do their thing. If his term is over and it's still a shit show make this happen but for now, -1

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Current: Head Admin | Specialized Regimental Commander

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+1 an unfortunate circumstance, I don't think much can be done to fix them after a large number of attempts. 

People Who Put Their Former Ranks In Their Signature Are Idiots!

Community Liaison - Discord Boo Radley#2719

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