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Forseen's Chancellor Palpatine Application


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  • Retired Founder

Steam Name:
[SR] Forseen [SA].

RP Name:
SPEC REG CMD Forseen / TGML Elder Knight Forseen.

Steam ID:

As some of you may know, before Synergy Roleplay existed, the people that started Synergy came from a server called Icefuse Networks. As of this I will be listing my experience in two parts, Icefuse and Synergy, as they are both experience with the same general playerbase.


BCMD Bacara
Division Leader (Director)
Executive Liason (In charge of the intel team - Helping put together updates.)
Ion Team Squad Lead
Foxtrot Squad Lead
Multiple Jedi Masters.

Synergy Roleplay:

One of the original Head Admins from the communities launch.
Director of TTT server x2
Director of CWRP
First and Third Admiral Yularen. (Combined time as Admiral Yularen = 3 Months.)

In both communities, upon holding the role of Director (Division Leader) I was granted an honorary position as Marshal Commander. I used this role to increase roleplay and battalion relations.

I also currently hold the position of Specialized Regimental Commander and within this role have worked extensively with the battalions under me. I have assisted in multiple situations ranging from, but not limited to, the Dooms Unit activity issue to the GM and SO merger into the 221st Nova Corps. As the Specialized Regimental Commander, I incentivized roleplay and activity as main priorities throughout the regiment and kept up to date with all battalion affairs, whilst allow the Battalion Commanders to run their own battalions as much as possible.

Throughout my term as the Regimental Commander of the Specialized Battalions, I believe I earned the respect of the members of the regiment due to the way I present myself to them. My activity during Prime time can sometimes be a little out of whack, due to time-zones and sleep patterns, however I have always made the effort to keep in contact and to always be contactable by any member of the regiment. In-game, although I did muck around during late nights during the beginning of my term, I have made it a priority to be seen as a role model whilst on my Regimental Commander.

I also spoke to Quill, the previous Chancellor Palpatine, about some things that he tried to implement with Qal, at that time Attack Reg, within the server for tryouts and had communication happen between UneHajMut, the BCMD Fox at the time, and Quill to discuss how the new dynamic tryouts, that Quill designed, would work for Shock. Unfortunately with the dynamic tryouts being combat based, we could not find a suitable way to adapt this into the Shock tryouts, however we discussed alternatives for this within Shock.

Another main point I made during my term as Regimental Commander was for the Specialized Regiment battalions to round out their officers core. Working harder on creating good and active officers from their current and future NCO's so that there was leadership within their battalions whilst they were away. In this, Dooms Unit, 104th, and ST started working more on officer development. GM, now 21st, already had decent officers, but worked on making their officers better.

Why should you become Chancellor?:
I believe I should have a chance at Chancellor Palpatine, as I have been a member of Synergy Roleplay since it was first created, in-fact I am the 2nd account created on the forums (1st was the admin account that created the forums) and the 1st to use the store. I have always been the sort of person to put the community first and that can be confirmed by a lot of people, including Joah and Jackson themselves. I currently have over 3 years of experience within CWRP, through Icefuse and the transition into Synergy Roleplay, with essentially the same community and some of the same people. I have fielded multiple leadership positions within most/all areas of CWRP and feel as though Chancellor will be a new challenge for myself. I have currently worked as the Specialized Regimental Commander and in this role have worked on improvements to the battalions under me. These improvements, some listed above, are ones that I would like to promote and work towards in creating a standard across the entire server, with the main focus being on the improvement of Roleplay within the community.

Do you understand the lore of the Republic Military?:
I do understand the lore of the Republic Military, although as some of the server does not fully follow lore and is at times hard to keep up with, I feel as though I have most of the lore down pat in terms of what we have on the server.

I am almost always available as of the current point in time. I am currently unemployed and no longer studying at university. I am in AEST time zone (UCT +10) therefore I may come online a little late some days, but that's only if I sleep in. Other than this I will post any LOA's or days/times in which I am unavailable.

Give a brief overview of your achievements on the server:
Within Synergy Roleplay alone, my achievements will be listed below.

One of the first Head Admins on Synergy Roleplay.
Director of Synergy Roleplay.
Multiple time RC squad member.
First Admiral Yularen. 
Third Admiral Yularen. 
Marshal Commander (Honorary)
I have also been a part of many battalions at multiple different ranks.
(This may seem dull but there is a lot to remember in the 3 or so years I've been playing CWRP and hard to remember which positions were Icefuse and which were Synergy.)

More recently I have held the position of Specialized Regimental Commander and have worked to resolve issues within the Specialized Regiment. I have also been a part of the GM and SO merger into 21st Nova Corps. I have assisted in the rounding out of officer cores and increased activity within all regiments, especially Dooms Unit.

What do you feel the role of the Chancellor is?:
I feel as though the role of Chancellor Palpatine, would be to promote Roleplay throughout the server through multiple ways, including, actively being on the server and being in-character as much as possible so that other member of the community are encouraged to do the same.

Other Palpatines have also worked with creating and running simulations and assisting in training to encourage activity within the community, I would look to continue this trend and utilise my role as a Game Master to also assist in events and working with other Game Masters to improve the quality of events. I will also endeavour to be around for BvB from time to time. (Will not always be able to attend due to real life commitment, however I will try as hard as I can.)

Do you have a microphone?

Where do you want your regiment to be at the end of your term?:
I have created a list of items I would like to achieve whilst in the position of Specialized Regimental Commander, and thus this list will also now be utilized for my goals for the entire server.

Battalions enforce Serious Roleplay to a high standard.
Battalions are well drilled soldiers and perform in all situations at a high standard.
Battalions are actively and consistently holding over 10-15+ unique battalions members coming online, per day.
Battalions have documentation and guidelines for all possible situations that may occur.
Battalions are efficiently trained for their role, consistent with server lore.

How do you plan to change the Republic Military under your command?:
I feel as though the Republic Military is in a decent spot as it is right now, however some changes I would aim to make would be;

Meetings aimed at how to improve relations, training and any other relevant information.
Create events and training plans in which the battalions will work together and post these in the Event Ideas section of the forums.
Run and operate sims against other battalions both.
Attempt to attend all BvB events and do training for battalions prior to the BvB.
Utilise the Battalions & Roleplay section of the forums as much as possible.

Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?:
Yes, and I will definitely be around during my time as Chancellor should I get the position.

Do you understand that your position has a two month term and you may only serve two terms maximum?:
Yes, I understand the term limitations of this position.

Please note, I have attempted to get in communication with all leadership parties within the community, such as BCMDs, Yoda, Dark Lord of the Sith & Admiral/Base Ops, prior to posting this application, if I didn't get the chance to speak to you, I apologise however you weren't online when I was discussing this with people, or you were busy with other matters.

One concern already brought up to me was Activity during the prime time of the server, and I am very aware of this. I am already taking steps towards fixing my sleep schedule for this and working on it. As well as this, I am extremely active on Discord and keep up with battalion affairs through that currently.

PS. This is not an April Fools joke. This is serious.

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Been around as long as me, good boi.

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In your previous application for @Forseen, you set out these goals.
  • Quote


    • Battalions enforce Serious Roleplay to a high standard.
    • Battalions are well drilled soldiers and perform in all situations at a high standard.
    • Battalions are actively and consistently holding over 10-15+ unique battalions members coming online, per day.
    • Battalions have documentation and guidelines for all possible situations that may occur


Do you feel you've met them and how have you accomplished them if so?


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  • Retired Founder

+1, not even going to sugar coat it. I want this guy as Chancellor. I've worked with Forseen plenty and have loved all the time I've spent with the guy. Very level headed, and Intelligent. Good luck Forseen.

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+1 what joah said

  • Friendly 1

Ex HA | VA | SA | A | NA | GMC | GMM | GMO |
GM | GH | TRO x4? | TR | RTR | Hunter | Darman | Mereel | Fixer | Etain | Anakin | Hett | Base ops Commander | Forum Mod | Ahsoka x2| Tyzen Xebec | cooker | Jesse | Tup | warthog - Everything else i was

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  • Retired Founder
2 minutes ago, Jax said:
In your previous application for @Forseen, you set out these goals.
  • Battalions enforce Serious Roleplay to a high standard.
  • Battalions are well drilled soldiers and perform in all situations at a high standard.
  • Battalions are actively and consistently holding over 10-15+ unique battalions members coming online, per day.
  • Battalions have documentation and guidelines for all possible situations that may occur

Do you feel you've met them and how have you accomplished them if so?


That is a good question and I will answer these in dot point form as they were presented.

  • Battalions enforce Serious Roleplay to a high standard.
    • This has been accomplished, as can be seen through Dooms Unit officers.
  • Battalions are well drilled soldiers and perform in all situations at a high standard.
    • I haven't worked as much with this, as I was unable to work out proper times to run through training drills, however I have put this onto the BCMDs and they have been working on this.
  • Battalions are actively and consistently holding over 10-15+ unique battalions members coming online, per day.
    • This is definitely in process, as can also be seen through Dooms Unit and Shock jumping in battalion activity.
  • Battalions have documentation and guidelines for all possible situations that may occur
    • I have worked with BCMDs to accomplish this, in ensuring they have all documentation completed and updated if needed to have them working well.
  • Agree 1
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Just now, Forseen said:

That is a good question and I will answer these in dot point form as they were presented.

  • Battalions enforce Serious Roleplay to a high standard.
    • This has been accomplished, as can be seen through Dooms Unit officers.
  • Battalions are well drilled soldiers and perform in all situations at a high standard.
    • I haven't worked as much with this, as I was unable to work out proper times to run through training drills, however I have put this onto the BCMDs and they have been working on this.
  • Battalions are actively and consistently holding over 10-15+ unique battalions members coming online, per day.
    • This is definitely in process, as can also be seen through Dooms Unit and Shock jumping in battalion activity.
  • Battalions have documentation and guidelines for all possible situations that may occur
    • I have worked with BCMDs to accomplish this, in ensuring they have all documentation completed and updated if needed to have them working well.

Thank you for taking the time to respond as these are important questions to ask when voting on someone to achieve the highest rank on the server.


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  • Coordinator

+1 dad

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+1, Ez Clappies as Quill would say

Current: Rancor Panda | Honorary Consular

Ex: Delta 38, Kom'rk Skirata x2, Mereel Skirata, A'den Skirata, Omega Squad Fi (XO), Foxtrot MDMK, 327th 1stLT, 501st 1stLT, 212th MAJ, 41st WO, Alpha ARC 22 WO 'Aven', 212th 1stLT Lycanthrope

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By having this guy being my TGML and seeing the way he works, he would fit for Palpatine


Currently: Jedi Master Kit Fisto

Former:  21stGM Commander Ganar | 41st Commander Barriss Offee | 41st Jedi General A'Sharad Hett | Shock Captain Jay | Jedi Battlemaster Cin Drallig | Omega Niner

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Might just be me, However I don't know what you do in the backgrounds as a Specialized Commander. You are a good man as I seen before, and you do a good job at times with your duties. However, I don't see you as often as much so which makes me confused at certain points maybe we just have time off and so on so forth. But I know your a good man overall. But this doesn't cut to my chase, that you stinky. Just kidding, your a good man overall and pretty chill. However, with this you would have my approval of a +1 and since you are a long lasting member in this community its a no brainer as well. Just get on at times >.> Also get a job. If your not at school, get a job.

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7 minutes ago, Rake said:

Might just be me, However I don't know what you do in the backgrounds as a Specialized Commander


Ex HA | VA | SA | A | NA | GMC | GMM | GMO |
GM | GH | TRO x4? | TR | RTR | Hunter | Darman | Mereel | Fixer | Etain | Anakin | Hett | Base ops Commander | Forum Mod | Ahsoka x2| Tyzen Xebec | cooker | Jesse | Tup | warthog - Everything else i was

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