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Scribbles Commander Fox App


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Steam Name: Makara 

RP Name: Currently known as Commander Thorn. 
Main name is Scribbles.

Steam ID: STEAM_1:1:99811249

Battalion or squad you are applying for: BCMD FOX.

Experience:  I have previous experience with being a BCMD on 3 other servers, two of them being FSAS and Forsaken. I have been a Commander for over a month now and i've been overseeing the battalions activity and training with help from the current fox, say for the time i have been on this server i have been CG and ONLY CG, no other battalions, my mind is focused on this like a laser, and i believe in my personal leading skills that can help everyone achieve what they need to, and even go beyond. Helping others, leading, and overall keeping everyone positive is what i love to do. 

Why should you become a Battalion Commander?: I believe that i should become a BCMD because i have quite a bit of past experiences, ability to level and make connections with other people. Having the knowledge and capability of leading and keeping a battalion up and running even in bad times.  I value my ability to work along with other troopers, and i hope other think so as well. 

Do you understand the lore of your battalion or squad?: Very much so!

Some lore: The CG  were an elite divison of shocktroopers organized to be peacekeepers and protect those affiliated with the republic, and mainly the capital on coruscant.  It is lead by CC-1010 Fox, the more notable members being hound, thorn, thire and stone.  Their first apperence was in the clonewars movie. 

Availability: Pretty much 7 days a week. 1pm-2am (usually since im EST) Only times i wont be available are Monday/Wendsday's 5-10 PM Due to extra classes. (You may check my steampage for playtime <3)

Estimate of how long you've played on Synergy Roleplay?: About 4 and a half months.

Do you have a microphone?: Why yes i do!

Where do you want your battalion or squad to be at the end of your term?:

I I want the ST to be held in very high regards, i want the ST to be the best they can be in terms of availability, player connection, and proffesionalisim. I understand that the current BCMD has done an amazing job with keeping this battalion  up and running, but i want to keep it running this way, or make it even greater! I'd also like to keep it to the point where the battalion can run even if we dont even have a BCMD!

Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?: Very much so! I will resign if i see myself beign inactive for a while and re-apply if no one else steps up!

Edited by Scribbles
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+1 he’s good I guess ~ Previous Fox 

You can tell he wrote a section of this a while ago. He called us STs ??

Edited by Xaze
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I have no choice but to -1, he called you guys ST and CG inside this app. It's a serious problem that CG is too confused to pick a name. They prefer to be a flip flop battalion and we can't let that continue!

Jk +1 to you my friend, but seriously it's CG. That's final.

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Oh Scribbles....The Time has come...This is your moment....You fuck this up. (/me fucks beam rifle) This gonna go right through Yo Donut Hole....


xD Scribbles. You are about one of the best people to lead I know. Hope you can make it ;). Trust me you will do great. It was a pleasure when I was in CG to have you help. Now its gonna be a pleasure when you tell all CG to arrest me. When You get Fox that is ;). 


You Go Beamer






Jk +1


Former: Liaison


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4 hours ago, Korm said:

Sure, someone needs to fix them. +1

Uhh what is that suppose to mean, they are fixed. 

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I believe that it is time for you to be FOX after being in CG for a long time. I remember you when you joined and all the past experiences I have with you mostly positive ones. You started from the bottom and grinned through the ranks of CG to be at Thorn and I'm proud of you for that. I know when I was FOX, you did training that I didn't see as relevent to CG and I had my moments were I was like why are you doing those, they have no purpose in CG since most of the time we are on the move and never in one place for long to disarm bombs or what have you. Being in GM has shown me that I was a puts, and should have instead in all CG in doing the training. This is what I hope you push your men to do once you become FOX. You are a good man and a good friend, and I hope you are ready for this spot as it can get tedious at times. I hope the platform that all the past FOXs has set up gives you something to build up more and more. SO make the Foxs in the past proud and SERVER CG, *cough* not ST *cough* with a burning passion and make them Greater.






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GM Leadership

+1 He is the most qualifying officer in the CG that wants to run and he is the best person I have known for while. but you CMD Furry.




I did things for the server. idk what you want from me.

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-1, Clearly you have a temper. Came into event channel While Jackson was still trying to organize the eventm screaming "Alright fucking see go to my profile and -1 my...etc". You are not fitt for this role if you are gonna have a attitude like that. Someone -1's you dont go into their channel acting like a little child. Act like a BCMD if you want it.

Edited by Duck
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1 minute ago, Duck said:

-1, Clearly you have a temper. Came into event channel While Jackson was still trying to organize the eventm screaming "Alright fucking see go to my profile and -1 my...etc". You are not fitt for this role if you are gonna have a attitude like that. Someone -1's you dont go into their channel acting like a little child. Act like a BCMD if you want it.

Yea, i was in the wrong for that, im a bit fumed cause i had a bunch of people saying "fuck you" for apparently calling out an event job.

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Just now, Scribbles said:

Yea, i was in the wrong for that, im a bit fumed cause i had a bunch of people saying "fuck you" for apparently calling out an event job.

You even said "Yoda is a little bitch" in voice chat. Im sorry I cant support that attitude. I demoted a Officer in your Battalion for a much smaller disrespect.

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Just now, Duck said:

You even said "Yoda is a little bitch" in voice chat. Im sorry I cant support that attitude. I demoted a Officer in your Battalion for a much smaller disrespect.

We have off days, im just a bit fumed at a situation i had earlier. I apologize for doing so.  But what both sides did were in the wrong

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-1 when I Scorch previously (cause I came back) you seemed to always do the same bullshit in events I thought that your behavior would change when you actually started to become active again but I was wrong. Firstly coming up to comms deck whining saying "dude yoda is such a bitch he yelled at me for meta gaming" and complaining about how people fail rp is just HILARIOUS you are still the same person and I expected more for you to become more professional but that was a no no 


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9 minutes ago, Vires said:

-1 For someone that is trying to go for Command Fox you seem to do quite a bit of FailRP and Meta game. The way you act is pretty shite for the position.


3 minutes ago, Rasputin said:

-1 You meta game too much but call everyone out for  FailRP but then you go and do it. Figure yourself out before what you plan on what you want to do.

Its a no from me.gif

All of us have been minge once...

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-1 You as a Commander lead by example and you are not setting a very good example. Your actions in game lead me to believe that you're very immature and hot headed. I don't support the direction you're leading the battalion in and I don't support your for Battalion Commander Fox.

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12 minutes ago, Weevil said:


the only person who could be fox Right now

I think you mean the only person applying for it right now. There are many people who could be fox right now, I'm sure of it. Either for better or worse.

Now for my opinion. If you can promise to make CG at least reasonable and show them they can have fun instead of being nazis all the time, I would love to see you as BCMD. But if you want them to go all out all the time and be strict 24/7, I can guarantee that kills most battalions. Rules are to be enforced but with balance and many warnings. Do not jump to arrests without hearing each side out or knowing that person didn't know any better.

If you can maintain common sense yet enforce RP and have fun, then that is what a good fox is. Keep everything tidy and organized and you can make it a great battalion. This is not a plus one or a minus one, it is my input.


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