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Washington's Senior Commander Application


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==========[ Senior Commander ]==========

Steam Name:

[SR] Washington [SA]


RP Name:

Recon Regimental Commander Washington


Steam ID (SteamID Finder):



Brigade you are applying for:

Attack and Recon Brigade



So I will bullet point this for ease of access

  • I rose from TR3-CMD within the 327th and served with them for many months
  • I served as a MAJ in the 41st for some time, and worked very close with them
  • My tenure as Null was filled with assisting the 41st and 327th in various outreach. My Null time also allowed me to get acquainted with the majority of the server
  • 327th Commander again, and helped lead them back from death into a glorious light
  • Defense Regimental Commander, worked very DU, 41st and 327th VERY closely, spent time with these battalions, and helped Dooms Unit recover from its issues (until they were taken from me). I helped DU with their number issues, and with their shield situation (if you remember, there was a brief time they had NO shields). I also helped restructure the 327th and help them recover Post-Zahariel. This continued until both of these regiments were move out from under me
  • Recon Regimental Commander, worked with 91st, 104th, RANCOR, SO and the 41st. I have been actively assisting Buzz in dealing with the 91st number issues, and helping him with assorted training. I am currently also helping RANCOR immensely in the running of their ARC training, and providing active assistance in their battalion issues. I have worked VERY closely with Ryx and the Spec Ops, and helping him with whatever issues he has whatsoever. The 41st is always amazing, however I do help them with assorted things such as Recon training.


Why should you become a Senior Commander?: :

The reason I am going for this position is because I want to see success within the Attack and Recon battalions, and see them become the best of the best within Synergy Roleplay. I have worked extremely closely with the Recon and Defense Regiments and spent much of my time on the server with, and within them. Now I look to assist the Attack battalions, and to see them blossom to even better than they currently are. I look forward to assisting them in anything they could need or use, and to help them in any way possible. I also wish to be a new level of activity brought to the Senior Commander role (something previously neglected) and to be there for my Regiments. I want to see my home regiment of Recon continue to grow, while assisting the amazing Attack battalions continue to prosper. I see these battalions consistently do phenomenal work, however I wish to see them excel in all aspects possible. I look forward to increasing role play within the battalions through training's, and through helping the battalions in my brigade work together more closely. Even recently, I have been working extremely closely with the 501st as their Ahsoka, and have been involved in much of there inner workings, and I also continue to assist and advise the 327th as an Advisor. The only battalion I have not much experience with is the 212th, however I look forward to changing that and to be a Senior who can support them and their interest, as I do my other battalions. I know over half of the battalions, I work close with half these battalions, I love these boys and would see them succeed.


Do you understand the lore of your brigade?:

Yes I know the lore of the Attack and Recon battalions, I would list each battalion's lore, however I feel that is not necessary currently in the app and would just be filler. However, as previously stated, I understand the lore of ALL of my battalions within the brigade.



Most days 1PM-10PM (PST) are my most usual time. So around 10-11 hours a day, and I am reachable on Discord at ANY TIME. Weekends are a bit of a off day for me as I am usually busy on them, but I will try to be on for those days.


Give a brief overview of your achievements on the server:

  • Rose through ranks in various battalions
  • Reached High Command
  • Reach the rank of Vet-Admin (before my resignation in staff)
  • Rose to Senior Admin
  • Gained a Named Character within the Jedi Order (Ahsoka<3)
  • I managed to run the Defense Regiment rather well, and help tthe 327th and Dooms Unit recover from their respective issues.
  • Have helped and ran the Recon Regiment well, and actively assist my battalions within them.



Do you have a microphone?:

Yes, I do have a microphone.


Where do you want your brigade to be at the end of your term?:

I want to see these battalions get even better than they were before. I want to see a continuity in the prospering of the Attack battalions, and to see the Recon battalions continue to see great success. These battalions have the upmost potential for greatness, and I want to see them there. I want my battalions to work closely with one another, and to be able to efficiently accomplish ANY TASK set upon them whatsoever. I want my battalions to see each other eye-to-eye, and not have any issues within the brigade. I want to see RP and professionalism continue within these battalions, and to see them helping to contribute to the overall atmosphere of Synergy Roleplay as a whole, and make it a better place for serious role play. 

  How do you plan to improve relations within your brigade?:  

I do not see many divisions within the Attack-Recon Brigade, however I would like to see them working more together. Some ways to see joint-cooperation of these two amazing groups would be through being in sims together, and working with each other in synergy in joint operations and deployments. I plan on hosting a wide variety of joint combat sims, and other training simulations that will make the battalions work closely with one another. I also had an idea about the implementation of War Games type sims (in Event server, large scale combat sims) to help improve the battalions both on and off the ship. I feel also as keeping them together to work with one another through out various situations will greatly help improve the understanding of one-another. Overall, I want my battalions to be a crew, a team, in someways, a family.

Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?:

Yes I understand this fully.

Do you understand that your position has a two month term limit and you must reapply after two months to maintain your senior commander rank?:

Yes, I am well aware of the two month terms, and that I must reapply after those two months to maintain my rank

In Conclusion

I thank all of you for taking the time to read and consider this application <3




Edited by Washington
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Where do I start aye *Slaps on The British Glasses* 

Firstly, Washington is a great example of what a Senior Commander Needs to be, 

  • Talks to the battalions and gets the input from all parties
  • Active
  • Works alongside the battalions from OOC point of views but also ICly too!
  • Leadership is on point and will do what needs to be done!
  • Generally the right dude for the role.


Wash does great work when on the ball and displays a great example of what a leader is and how to employ these into many different situations. 

Senior Commander needs to feel like a big deal again and brought back to a reasonable level by having that impact on the playerbase.

+1 Huge !

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  • Coordinator


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5 hours ago, Washington said:

I helped DU with their number issues

I believe that was Jayyar buddy boy.

1st of all, I might be hated for voicing my personal opinion, so be it.
Washington, as a Defense Regimental, the 41st were happy and ready to see you change some things and help us and other battalions improve. But everyday you had the position, it seemed you didn't want to do the job. Recently, in the past month or so you have done I would say about 1-2 trainings in the 41st battalion. I don't know if it is different for other battalions, but washington has not helped the 41st grow or do trainings. It seems you liked us in the beginning then chucked us onto the curb. You even started to forget to do meetings with other people having to remind you. Of course, everyone has their own opinions and views, but before I leave this app, I'm going to have to
-1 This application. Everyone has their views and opinions but all in all I believe Washington is not fit for the Senior Commander position.9d5.png

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8 minutes ago, Wombat said:

1st of all, I might be hated for voicing my personal opinion, so be it.
Washington, as a Defense Regimental, the 41st were happy and ready to see you change some things and help us and other battalions improve. But everyday you had the position, it seemed you didn't want to do the job. Recently, in the past month or so you have done I would say about 1-2 trainings in the 41st battalion. I don't know if it is different for other battalions, but washington has not helped the 41st grow or do trainings. It seems you liked us in the beginning then chucked us onto the curb. You even started to forget to do meetings with other people having to remind you. Of course, everyone has their own opinions and views, but before I leave this app, I'm going to have to
-1 This application. Everyone has their views and opinions but all in all I believe Washington is not fit for the Senior Commander position.

I have to agree with wombat -1, you can be extremely petty at times and let your emotions have the best of you

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2ndAC Parjai-4 WO BadDog

Former:   Head Admin |TCO Commander Kix Mechanized Regimental Commander Obi Wan Kenobi Battalion Commander Cody | Wolfpack Commander Comet |104th Jedi Master Plo Koon |TRD |GMD | Overseer | 2ndAC Commander Barlex SO Major DU Commander |Waxer Foxtrot Adi Gallia Quinlan Vos Skywalker Consular leader Shadow leader Guardian Leader Gray Jedi Master Commodore Wilhuff  tarkin 

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i see



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You are a great mate with amazing potential. You are active and you do your best to work with all your battalions. That 41st part you really shouldn't put in there but its alright. You have my support and I hope you do great in the Interview. +1

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