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Marvel's Farewell

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I’m sure this comes as no surprise to anybody besides Mazen and honestly my original intention was to just sneak out the back and not say a word but I’ve come to the realization that I’d rather say a final goodbye instead. Synergy has been a big part of my life for just about the last 7 years of my life.

I’ve spent the last 3 years in leadership positions such as High Staff, Director, and most recently Management. I’m extremely proud of the time I spent as Director this last go round and the current state of the server compared to when I initially got promoted. Synergy has come a long way from the 20 player peak days and I’m glad I was there to help pick the server back up off its knees. These last few months have been pretty rough for me and I’m sorry that I was barely around as Management during my time in the position. I’ll probably take that as my biggest regret leaving is that I’m well aware of how unpopular the position was in the past and I always told myself if I got it I would be better but I wasn’t.

I won’t say I’m never coming back however there is a high chance I don’t. I can’t see myself just playing as a normal player personally and I don’t see my life ever winding back down to where I have the free time to commit to the server as well. I’ve spent majority of my time in leadership positions and in staff where if I loaded into the server and my cloak and no clip keybinds didn’t work I would lose my mind.

There are far too many people for me to @ and this post is way too long already. Plus majority of the people that made a real impact on my time here are deadbeat old heads that don’t play anymore so for the most part they’re irrelevant to all the people currently playing. I’ve also come to the realization that I was so distant that there are players that will see this and have no idea who I am as well lol.

Steam Workshop::Halo Infinite Master Chief: Hope [2K]

Take care, Synergy.

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Anyone Know or Can Make This A Live Background : r/halo

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Veteran Admin

o7. Thank you for everything you done for the server that allowed me to come back after 6 years! I hope whatever is going on doesn't bring too much stress but certainly sending love from my family to yours <3 Enjoy your retirement and know that you helped build something that is truly so difficult to find, and for a lot of people thats a home :) 

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Currently: 501st BCMD Rex  / Veteran Admin of le server

OG ranks - SO CMD Moose and First ever CPT Taggart  - The best Walon Vau - 212th Longshot -212th Boil - CG CMD Hound/CMD Moose - 332nd Vaughn 

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I’ll be honest Marvel. When I first met you in 22 when you were a Grey RC I thought you were cool as fuck. You were so chill. Come around to my time as BCMD and I really didn’t like you all that much. I was spiteful that you dissed my term when the server was only getting 30 players and I had to work with what I could. 

But after the server picked back up and I stepped out of High Staff I learned to like you. You’ve since become one of my oldest acquaintances on Synergy and we’ve had a lot of good laughs together. I do hope to see you come around from time to time Mr Clone Advisor.  Please stay in touch and live your best life man. 

Edited by Mystic
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Longest Special Operations Member on the server.
 Current: Grand Master of the Order Yoda 
Former: Cin Drallig l First Yayax Squad Yover l Foxtrot Commando l 2nd GM BCMD Bacara l Serra Keto Final SO Commander Jet l First & Last Devil Dogs Deadeye l Veteran Admin l Jedi General Plo Koon l 2nd Returning SO CMD Jet l Luminara Unduli l Wolfpack MAJ Boost l Kit Fisto l Trauma's Unit MED Mystic l Jedi Military Advisor l Omega 36 PVT Darman l High General Shaak Ti l Jedi Chief Instructor l Alpha 98 Nate l Actually Private Crosshair l Mace Windu


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Who tf is marvel

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Ex HA | VA | SA | A | NA | GMC | GMM | GMO |
GM | GH | TRO x4? | TR | RTR | Hunter | Darman | Mereel | Fixer | Etain | Anakin | Hett | Base ops Commander | Forum Mod | Ahsoka x2| Tyzen Xebec | cooker | Jesse | Tup | warthog | Synr.gg discord admin|- Everything else i was

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  • Coordinator


Gonna miss having you around

Edited by Woeny
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Head Admin

Gonna miss having you around in High Staff. Both times I have been able to get into high staff was under you as Director and you were amazing as Director! Hope life treats you well man!



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Current: Head Admin | Marshal Commander

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1 hour ago, DaBaby said:




please stop calling me dumb it is hurting my forums reputation points


next dumb reaction and i am reporting you


thank you,


please refrain from pinging @Ratio you don't know him like i do. 

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Longest Special Operations Member on the server.
 Current: Grand Master of the Order Yoda 
Former: Cin Drallig l First Yayax Squad Yover l Foxtrot Commando l 2nd GM BCMD Bacara l Serra Keto Final SO Commander Jet l First & Last Devil Dogs Deadeye l Veteran Admin l Jedi General Plo Koon l 2nd Returning SO CMD Jet l Luminara Unduli l Wolfpack MAJ Boost l Kit Fisto l Trauma's Unit MED Mystic l Jedi Military Advisor l Omega 36 PVT Darman l High General Shaak Ti l Jedi Chief Instructor l Alpha 98 Nate l Actually Private Crosshair l Mace Windu


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bro stfu ik ur gonna come back lmao


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Hi, I'm Marsh, I'm 19, I work at Disney Land as a Mickey Mouse Actor and get paid minimum wage. My mother kicked me out the house so I live with my Grandma. Hit me up on discord for some gaming times!

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o7 CT PVT Elevator you were one of the Best CT's on the server next to Sock. Safe travels in your adventures. 

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Current: Destiny 2 Sherpa Human Hunter Awoken Warlock Exo Titan 
Former: Blackout x2, Jet x2, COE x2

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  • Director

o7 goat

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I already blabbed about you on my resignation, so you already know. But I have to know, would I of gotten an @?

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Kal Skirata                                                                                                                                                   Bacta                    Marvel                     Brooklyn


I beat Jad in a spar first try.

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Veteran Admin

o7 Rest easy king 

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