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Gurk - SOBDE BCMD Application

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Steam Name: Gurk | syns.gg


RP Name: Omega CMD Niner


RP Rank: Commander


Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:126523395


Battalion you are applying for: 



41st PVT - BCMD

104th SGM-CPT

Rancor SGM-CMD

SOBDE - PVT-CMD (Current)

Why should you become a Battalion Commander?:

I want to become a Battalion Commander because I feel like I am capable of doing what needs to be done to be a BCMD within SOBDE. I have had the experience of being CMD+ 3 times now and I feel like all of those times I did what was needed in the battalion and had success. This would be the second time I applied for a BCMD position, the first one being BCMD Gree where I resigned after 2 months due to life getting busy. I do believe that my Gree term was good. I started with a pretty much dead battalion and then ended up with BOTM and a revived battalion. 

I feel like there are some things that need to be changed within SOBDE and I know I’d be the right person for this position as I only want what's best for the battalion and the server.


Already now as a Squad Lead I feel like I’ve given a good impact on the Battalion in terms of activity in general and RP. Currently as CMD, I strive to make sure that SOBDE is working with other battalions. I make sure that we invite them to joint trainings and also reassure them that they can always come to us if they want to do some RP related activities. These would be things I would focus on in my term and try to maintain. I feel that SOBDE has taken a good step towards RPing with other battalions and also being active during deployments in general. This is something I want to keep focusing on. Already now as CMD, I reach out to other commanders in the other battalions to seek feedback, but also scheduling RP scenarios and trainings.

Roleplay and OOC:

About 2 months ago there have been some instances of SOBDE members not doing proper RP during RP scenarios or DBs. Some of them with proof and some without. Players also used to say that SOBDE is a minge battalion, which I understood at the time with the issues we were having. Having the chance to be a SOBDE lore character is a big thing on this server, so therefore the RP quality should be on point. Of course this is a game and we should be allowed to have fun, but there is a time and place for everything. We need to give the other battalions and the new players who join the server a good POV of SOBDE. 

Currently many things have changed. Together with the current SOBDE officers, we’ve worked on the minging and the RP, making sure that when stuff actually happens (RP), SOBDE is there. Discipline during RP scenarios is there. Yes we can have fun, but when it is time to be serious, we get serious. I can say with comfort that the activity and the RP has increased in a positive direction recently.

So how will I make sure this happens and continues? 

I am already working with the other Squad leads to focus on enforcing more strict strikes towards minge behavior and fail RP within SOBDE. During events, I recommend other members to implement more RP to show the quality to other players. Like I said earlier this is a game, and everyone in the server is allowed to have fun but to a limit. I want to make sure the RP is done when we are in RP scenarios. Motivating the members to keep the RP up, would be continuing the RPer of the week (Which has been set on pause since the  last BCMD) motivating the members to focus on RP. Not only that, but also making sure that FailRP and minge behavior  is handled in a proper way to make sure it doesn't happen/continue. This will be done by giving a proper strike/removal towards a member, if they don't live up to the SOBDE standards.  Most important thing, like I said above, is communication. If there is anything that doesn't live up to the SOBDE Standards and quality, I’d make sure to speak with the members about and/or take criticism/feedback from other battalions.

Trainings and Quota:

As many of you know, we have a quota in SOBDE. That is a time quota and a training Quota (When you reach sergeant). This is a good way to make sure members are doing stuff and being active. Implementing more quotas is not my plan, since it shouldn't be something that is forced(Which can lead to minimal work). What I would do, is already what I am doing at the moment as Squad lead. That is to motivate the members of the squads to host some stuff both for SOBDE and for other battalions. This part is already going in a good way since the last Battalion meeting and should continue. Interactions, joint training and other stuff with other Battalions is a good way to promote a good RP experience and also a good view of SOBDE. At the moment I have a good collection of dupes and RP ideas, which I share with the SOBDE members, so they can be hosted as training/RP scenarios with other battalions. I also take time to reach out to officers/CMDs of other battalions to plan RP/training together, and when asked I make sure SOBDE is there to attend those training/RP scenarios.



Currently in SOBDE Ranks doesn't mean too much. Like PVT-CPL, you just play. SGT+ You got 2 training quota. WO+ Your quota changes.
So what I want to do here. This is something Previous BCMD wanted to do, but never got to do it. I want to build in giving more meaning for different rank. Like having WO+ able to work on the outreach section (I will talk more about this). So we can have activity there. Having SQL who are usually CPT+, work on making more SQUAD RP Trainings for their squads, to keep the Squad synergy and RP active.



The Jedi side of SOBDE used to struggle, but many things have changed in the last 2 months. We have a Jedi Lead, Arligan who is working hard to make sure we do tryouts and fill the Jedi spots. Currently I am supporting the Jedi lead, by helping him create a Jedi dupe, to make sure tryouts can be hosted. We used to have an Etain who recently resigned from the server. The RP was there, activity and overall interaction with the squads. Same goes for Arligan, he is there, active and does the RP needed. As I am writing this application, we are focusing on recruiting a Delta Jedi and a new Etain.

Cuy’val Dar:

Cuy’val Dar was a good addition with the last BCMDs terms, but sadly didn't get the work it needed. It became inactive very quickly. It had potential. But…. Currently we have a Walon Vau who is dedicated to the role, the RP and the Lore. The current Walon Vau is doing a fantastic job getting Cuy’val dar full. Cuy’val Dar is in a good position right now, both activity and RP wise. This is something I want to maintain. But what have I done to do it until now? Well the first thing I did was to promote Kaner (Current Walon) to his position, because he had been dedicated and worked hard to maintain Cuy’val Dar activity and RP. Some people are against the addition of Cuy’val Dar. With the current map and current activity in the civilian faction, it is only a positive thing to maintain this kind of RP with SOBDE. So Cuy’val Dar will have the same focus and support that the other clone Squads have.

Delta Squad:

Delta squad is in a good position at the moment, being full with active members. Current Delta Squad lead is taking care of the squad, making sure their members are entertained with both activity and RP. The only work I’d like to focus in, is implementing the RP during events and deployments, having Delta squad working as a RC squad doing the own RP stuff in these events and deployments, and at the same time like I said earlier up, making sure that the RP is serious and in a good quality and no mingy. The current squad lead is already doing a very good job maintaining activity for his squad, but also making sure that the members of the squad knows the RP that is required in Delta Squad. 


Current Null lead is a perfect fit. I do not see any RP that needs to be changed. Null is nearly full only needing 1 character to be filled. The current Null members are living up to their RP and quality, making sure it is implemented in events. Nothing I feel like should change. The tryouts are in good quality, the lead makes sure his members are on point towards the quality of RP and discipline. Current Squad lead is experienced in SOBDE and knows how to lead the Null. There is nothing I would like to change. Of course after all, there will always be space for improvement towards the RP in general. But that goes for every squad.


As I am the newly assigned Squad lead of omega, being Hunter before it, it is still a work in progress. But The first day of getting Niner, we went from 2 to now a full squad. Something I already work on, is maintaining activity for Omega, but also implementing more RP into events and deployments, which I am already doing. The work here is to maintain the activity, but also increase the quality of RP with the other squads and other battalions as well.

Bad Batch:

I joined SOBDE as Crosshair. Went through a wipe, got Hunter and rebuilt the squad. The squad I had as Hunter was perfect. The members are both experienced and active. They are dedicated to their characters RP and have the experience to fill them. Already having a new squad lead (Hunter) who was the XO under my time, keeping the squad active, making sure the RP is on point. Currently 1 position needs to be filled, and I am not concerned about getting there. Current squad lead is already actively preparing tryouts and will fill the squad very soon.

Overall, what I want to make sure during my term is being able to supervise and help with all squads when needed. I want to make sure that my focus doesn't go to my squad only and instead to the whole battalion. I’ve seen this happen before, where a BCMD loses his squad because of removals or resignations. This made the BCMD focus on his squad more than the battalion as a whole. But how might I change this? Well, already know both in Omega and CF99, the XO gets taught how to do the tryouts. In case the squad lead is busy or MIA, the XO can take over and host the tryouts and maintain activity. But at the same time, here in SOBDE we all help each other. So when Omega squad hosts tryouts, members from other squads are always active and there to help, to make sure the tryouts are hosted, but also that the squad gets filled and active.


Outreach already started before this application by previous BCMDs. It has been giving a good effect. I will of course keep this active during my term, as this is an important thing towards other battalions and SOBDE. Most importantly it gives a lot more RP to the SOBDE members and other battalions when they are doing training together, helping each other with joint training, sitting together during deployments in TS and interacting with each other generally. But most importantly the RP outreach can give. So yes, I am already right now in contact with other battalions speaking of ideas towards outreach.


In general I want to make sure that SOBDE lives up to the standard, by making sure there is no Minge and failrp during events/deployments and even passive RP. Show other players the quality SOBDE can contribute in RP.

I want to increase the synergy within the squads. This will be done by replacing one of the Squad leads quota. Instead of having 1 sim and 1 specialized training. It is gonna be 1 sim and 1 squad training/RP Sim for the squad members. This will help and increase the RP for each individual squad

I will be Making sure SOBDEs interactions with other battalions is there, but in a positive way with alot of RP, by doing joint training and outreach like I mentioned above..

I will be Keeping character of the week active, implementing other ideas to keep the members active and not only for the limit of their quota. This could be a small competition, PVE or PVP sims, since I know most SOBDE members like to compete.

Always available on discord unless I am sleeping
Ingame/TS: sunday-wednesday 1 pm EST - 5 pm EST
Sometimes I do take a day off during weekdays.
Thursday 1-7 pm EST
Friday-Saturday 1-9 pm EST

Estimate of how long you've played on Synergy Roleplay?: 1793 hours

Do you have a microphone?: Ye

Where do you want your battalion to be at the end of your term?:

At the end of my term I expect the battalion to be as active as now. The squads to be filled but also the RP quality to be there. The quality of the RP is already good, but there is space for improvements, which is something I want to work towards. I want to maintain what the last BCMD did, with activity, training and RP. BOTM is also one of my goals for my term, like it is for most BCMDs. I know what it requires to reach, and all those sub goals I mentioned above, will hopefully lead to an active battalion with RP Quality that is expected.

Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?: Ye

Do you understand that your position has a three month term limit and you must reapply after three months to maintain your commander rank?: Ye


Edited by Gurk
  • Winner 1

Bad Batch Hunter

Former: Veteran Admin | Game Master Manager
CMD Alpha 17  | BCMD Gree 

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+1 I guess, mid guy

Current: Omega 36 Darman
Former: TC Kano | TCO Tup | Senior Senator Bail Organa | 501st MAJ | CG Hound | Alpha-74 Stec | Omega 15 | CG CPT | 332nd Officer | Senate Guard LT


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Imagine not doing a full term and being a top 5 Gree. 

+1. He basically called me perfect in his Bad Batch description 

  • Agree 1

Longest Special Operations Member on the server.
 Current: Grand Master of the Order Yoda 
Former: Cin Drallig l First Yayax Squad Yover l Foxtrot Commando l 2nd GM BCMD Bacara l Serra Keto Final SO Commander Jet l First & Last Devil Dogs Deadeye l Veteran Admin l Jedi General Plo Koon l 2nd Returning SO CMD Jet l Luminara Unduli l Wolfpack MAJ Boost l Kit Fisto l Trauma's Unit MED Mystic l Jedi Military Advisor l Omega 36 PVT Darman l High General Shaak Ti l Jedi Chief Instructor l Alpha 98 Nate l Actually Private Crosshair l Mace Windu


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Just now, Edgar said:

Before I vote, can you go into more depth on how you intend to bring up the standard of RP within SOBDE.

I gotchu.

So previous BCMD (Brooklyn) Has already started this. Where most of the current Squad leads, including me helped.
So increasing the standards is pretty simple. If you go a couple of months back, disciplinary action was done when someone got arrested/reported within SOBDE. We began focusing on RP during events and deployments, and strike down on minge.

Increasing the standards can be done in many ways. But most importantly like I said overall in the app, is making sure that when RP scenarious actually happen, events, deployments. That me as a CMD and a BCMD actually enforce RP for the battalion. since things can go out and be fun sometimes, maybe to much fun. But having the Commander, but also with the teamwork from  SQL and SQXO making sure each squad member actually do their RP and dont minge is one way. Other way is rewarding the RP the members for doing a good job and upkeeping standards.

Some things I do in Omega and used to do in CF99, is making sure the when we are doing events/RP we uphold the standard that is expected, but also have fun to a limit. And like last BCMDs term and currently, we SQL make sure to discuss and look at ideas to improve standards and RP in general. If someone fucks up, does bad stuff, we dont wait for it to actually be seen. We take action by speaking to the person. We make sure that 'THE' person who is doing minge stuff/ not upholding standards gets discplined. It has already happened during my term as Hunter and since I got into the Officer corp. So overall it is just about maintaining this, and actually make sure to take in feedback/critics from all battalions and members of SOBDE. Communication is a good way to bring up the standards. Giving a shit is also a good way to keep up the standards. But also giving responsibilities to the SQL and SQXO, is also a good way to make sure, they work on their members upholding the standards that is expected.

Another thing I want to mention for your depth is. How much RP people want to do, how much effort they want to put to their character is at the end up to them. But how good that standard and RP is, is at the end also up to the SQL and BCMD. Enforcing Rp during activities in the server. Striking down on fail and minge. But also being a role model for the battalion/squad

  • Informative 1

Bad Batch Hunter

Former: Veteran Admin | Game Master Manager
CMD Alpha 17  | BCMD Gree 

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+! but to agree with what has been said here, it would be nice for you to explain as to how the RP experience will be changed but other than that brilliant application and would be welcome as a BCMD

Current Etain Tur-Mukan | Former Null-6 LT Kom'rk | Former Barriss Offee


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Veteran Admin
1 hour ago, Gurk said:

Do you have a microphone?: Ye

I think this very well thought out!

Gurk am I your favourite british person? 

(all joking aside, gurk is extremely active and will and has been doing SOBDE very proud. It would be insulting not to get this) +1


Edited by Moose_Wundo
Dumb spelling and didnt proof read
  • Funny 1

Currently: 501st BCMD Rex  / Veteran Admin of le server

OG ranks - SO CMD Moose and First ever CPT Taggart  - The best Walon Vau - 212th Longshot -212th Boil - CG CMD Hound/CMD Moose - 332nd Vaughn 

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Posted (edited)
14 minutes ago, QuotableSkink said:

What do you believe that needs to be changed in SOBDE?

My app is more about improving and maintaing stuff. 
I've been in SOBDE through 2 BCMD term. I was a SQL and a high ranked with the latest. I've had a lot of influence to help with the changes that has happened....

Changes, or improvements are towards the RP like I mentioned in the app. We had a reputation of being minge a couple of months ago. That has changed. But is still not perfect. 1 thing that is important is working on improving that part. 


Everything I mentioned are mostly improvements and not changes, due to my influence already being there when last BCMD did a wonderful job changing stuff for SOBDE.


But small things to mention.


RP/SQUAD trainings: Currently SQL or WO+ got a quota of 1 sim and 1 specialised training. I want to work on getting that quota changed. I want the SQL to focus on the RP for their squad. This will be done by changing on of their quota to a Squad sim/training, to keep their squad entertained within the RP but also make sure the standard stays for their characters.


Cy val dar: I wont take any credits for this. Last BCMD, again Brooklyn did a good job working with Current SQL to revive it. Changes are the focus that is put for Cuy val dar. Which is making sure that their a seen as equal like the other squads in SOBDE. This was not done before Brooklyns term. This can be worked on. I think Cuy val dar deserves the work and their time to shine.


Another thing. This may not be a change but a readdition. Starting RPer of the week again, to rewards good RP.


Activating Outreach again. Again this will bring more RP, more battalion relations in general.


Giving the Ranks more meaning. This is something the last BCMD said. Having a certan rank within SOBDE, like WO, to start outreach to other battalions. Again, gives more RP and better relations to other battalions


I do not nessecarily think changes are a must. First of all is to maintain and improve what previous BCMD started. I was a high ranked on his side. So all the stuff I would help change already did happen. This is why Battalion relations is important. I can see SOBDE from my POV. But getting feedback from others POV will help a BCMD to change stuff in his term.

I've already jumped around to different RCMDs,BCMDs and asked if they had any feedback or critics. I got 0. But more might come in the future

Edited by Gurk

Bad Batch Hunter

Former: Veteran Admin | Game Master Manager
CMD Alpha 17  | BCMD Gree 

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 I see you work hard and you've definitely earned a good reputation on the server. I've seen your leadership and managment capabilities and they are not something to looks past. 




Current: Shiny NotRonald


Former: Ki-Adi-Mundi I Simms I Oz

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1 minute ago, Vortexuss said:

before i vote can you explain what you want out of all the squads ;)

Quoting my app



The Jedi side of SOBDE used to struggle, but many things have changed in the last 2 months. We have a Jedi Lead, Arligan who is working hard to make sure we do tryouts and fill the Jedi spots. Currently I am supporting the Jedi lead, by helping him create a Jedi dupe, to make sure tryouts can be hosted. We used to have an Etain who recently resigned from the server. The RP was there, activity and overall interaction with the squads. Same goes for Arligan, he is there, active and does the RP needed. As I am writing this application, we are focusing on recruiting a Delta Jedi and a new Etain.

Cuy’val Dar:

Cuy’val Dar was a good addition with the last BCMDs terms, but sadly didn't get the work it needed. It became inactive very quickly. It had potential. But…. Currently we have a Walon Vau who is dedicated to the role, the RP and the Lore. The current Walon Vau is doing a fantastic job getting Cuy’val dar full. Cuy’val Dar is in a good position right now, both activity and RP wise. This is something I want to maintain. But what have I done to do it until now? Well the first thing I did was to promote Kaner (Current Walon) to his position, because he had been dedicated and worked hard to maintain Cuy’val Dar activity and RP. Some people are against the addition of Cuy’val Dar. With the current map and current activity in the civilian faction, it is only a positive thing to maintain this kind of RP with SOBDE. So Cuy’val Dar will have the same focus and support that the other clone Squads have.

Delta Squad:

Delta squad is in a good position at the moment, being full with active members. Current Delta Squad lead is taking care of the squad, making sure their members are entertained with both activity and RP. The only work I’d like to focus in, is implementing the RP during events and deployments, having Delta squad working as a RC squad doing the own RP stuff in these events and deployments, and at the same time like I said earlier up, making sure that the RP is serious and in a good quality and no mingy. The current squad lead is already doing a very good job maintaining activity for his squad, but also making sure that the members of the squad knows the RP that is required in Delta Squad. 


Current Null lead is a perfect fit. I do not see any RP that needs to be changed. Null is nearly full only needing 1 character to be filled. The current Null members are living up to their RP and quality, making sure it is implemented in events. Nothing I feel like should change. The tryouts are in good quality, the lead makes sure his members are on point towards the quality of RP and discipline. Current Squad lead is experienced in SOBDE and knows how to lead the Null. There is nothing I would like to change. Of course after all, there will always be space for improvement towards the RP in general. But that goes for every squad.


As I am the newly assigned Squad lead of omega, being Hunter before it, it is still a work in progress. But The first day of getting Niner, we went from 2 to now a full squad. Something I already work on, is maintaining activity for Omega, but also implementing more RP into events and deployments, which I am already doing. The work here is to maintain the activity, but also increase the quality of RP with the other squads and other battalions as well.

Bad Batch:

I joined SOBDE as Crosshair. Went through a wipe, got Hunter and rebuilt the squad. The squad I had as Hunter was perfect. The members are both experienced and active. They are dedicated to their characters RP and have the experience to fill them. Already having a new squad lead (Hunter) who was the XO under my time, keeping the squad active, making sure the RP is on point. Currently 1 position needs to be filled, and I am not concerned about getting there. Current squad lead is already actively preparing tryouts and will fill the squad very soon.''



But overall. Improvements on the standards, RP and battalion relation. Also what I want is to work on the Squad RP, by changing the quota of the Squad Lead, but also by working on Outreach again, which gives both more RP and more battalion relations

Bad Batch Hunter

Former: Veteran Admin | Game Master Manager
CMD Alpha 17  | BCMD Gree 

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This looks really good how about your activity 

Kidding didnt read, this is longer than some of the books stuff i read for school +1 youre already BCMD without the rank

  • Funny 1



Former:  6  LT Kom'rk | Rancor Knight Halsey | Shaak Ti  | Branch Overseer  Kit Fisto | Bardan Jusik | QuestMaster


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Veteran Admin

Gurk as long as your motivation is still here you can do anything you want :) +1

Current : Rancor BCMD Blitz TRM  Questmaster Veteran Admin
Former : Obi-Wan Kenobi | Bultar Swan | Guild Marshall Rancor CMD Colt | Rancor BCMD Blitz  Rancor Alpha-09 CMD Bana |SG WO Jayfon

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Veteran Admin


I see what you mean about the RP aspects in a way but that also falls into the individuals and their squad. 

but I do have a question, with the whole push for RP. Do you plan for squads to split up during events/deployments to push this or just promote it as a whole?

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Veteran Admin

+1 is Gurking time.

Current: || VA || GMM ||  QuestMaster ||  212th BCMD Cody || 


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+1 dude im Gurkin out 

Current: BOOM
Former: 501st BCMD Rex 332nd Captain Vaughn (x2) | Torrent Company Commander Appo | Veteran Admin Game Master Manager | 501st Regimental Advisor | 332nd Officer Vyse (x3) | TC Officer Kano | TC Officer Tup | TC Dogma GCO CPT Waxer | GCO SUPL Wooley 2ndAC Parjai

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Easy +1, Gurk one of the best guys on this server and I think when he was Hunter his picks for CF99 were absolutely perfect. I have heard great things from other people in SOBDE. and from what I have heard and seen I truly believe Gurk is meant to be.

Current: BCMD Gree

Former: GCO SUPL Fireball, Improcco REGL Nye

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easiest +1 in history, Gurk is a massive W and would do great things I'm sure

Current: Dev AssistantRancor REGL MAJ Alpha 17 Alpha | Militia LTGuild EvaluatorSenior Admin | TRO

Former: Trauma | Alpha 74 Stec | Alpha 98 Nate | Navy IA CPO

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15 hours ago, Stormzy said:


I see what you mean about the RP aspects in a way but that also falls into the individuals and their squad. 

but I do have a question, with the whole push for RP. Do you plan for squads to split up during events/deployments to push this or just promote it as a whole?

Everything I mentioned in my app is like an overall thing. I do not want to force the squads to split up during deployments/events. How a squad do their RP is at the end up to them. If they want to work together, split up or what ever. I trust the SQL and the SQXO do make the decision that gives the best outcome. All the stuff with outreach and the new quota for SQL is a part of pushing the RP.

Squad sim/training is for the specific squad only. When doing outreach, that specific squad is also the only squad out doing RP without any other SOBDE squad involved.

  • Friendly 1

Bad Batch Hunter

Former: Veteran Admin | Game Master Manager
CMD Alpha 17  | BCMD Gree 

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Veteran Admin

+1. Yea this might be the easiest +1 I have ever given.

Gurk has proved his prowess as GMD/HA and has been a squad lead in SOBDE for months now. I have worked with him in High Staff for over a month now and someone with his work ethic and overall mindset is more than qualified to be BCMD.

I'd say Goodluck on the interview brother but you don't need it. 

Current: SPEC Regimental Commander Danny
Former: Walon Vau, CG Commander Danny, Battalion Commander Fox

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Veteran Admin

+1 Not much to say hes the GOAT

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+1 Should have gone for it as Hunter tho


                                                                           Former SOBDE BCMD Hunter

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Head Admin
2 hours ago, Rizzo said:

+1 Should have gone for it as Hunter tho


  • Winner 1
  • Pay Respect 1

       Zeros          Clutch



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Holy fuck I'm glazed from the grave. You were always the plan. Time to go jerkin the gurkin


  • Dumb 1

Kal Skirata                                                                                                                                                   Bacta                    Marvel                     Brooklyn


I beat Jad in a spar first try.

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This guy will have some big boots to fill following Brooklyn and nonetheless I believe he will fill it and do even more with SOBDE. Love the glaze towards Cuy'Val Dar and hope that he'll continue to do even more with us and the whole of SOBDE during his term

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+1 One of the best Gree’s we had on the server. From the short time you were in the 104th you showed how you push to go above and beyond with anything you try to do. So, I think you would be a very good candidate for this position, but maybe this time you can finish the term.

Current: Nothing

  Formerly: 104th BCMD Wolffe, Wolfpack Warthog, WPXO, Dire Squad Tracer, 104th REGL, 104th CMD, 104th SUPL, 104th SUPO, Senior Admin

Ghost                    Elijah                 Hamm       


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Veteran Admin

-2 guy is over hyped aint all that ummmmm gurk told me to do it he was getting to many +1 ones

  • Optimistic 1
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im gonna have to +1 gurk was an amazing bcmd when he was gree, and i think we all know gurk will be a great choice for bcmd regardless of battalion hes just that guy. i still want my lego discount ive been waiting for almost a year now 

Current: Rancor MAJ Alpha 77 Fordo | Ghost Hesh
Former: Rancor CPT MEDL Alpha 22 Aven (A.K.A Evan) | 41st CPT MEDL 501st WO MEDL KIX 
First Fordo With Dual Fordo Pistols


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  • Director

Congratulations, You have been ACCEPTED for a commander interview!

Please contact a Director to organise your interview.

Failure to do so within 7 DAYS of this post will result in the DENIAL of your application.


  • Winner 1



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  • Director

Congratulations! Your application for the position you applied for has been ACCEPTED!

Your term will end 3 MONTHS after this post. Good luck!




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