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Freck | Republic Navy Admiral Application


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==========[ Admiral of the Navy Application ]==========
Steam Name:

 [SR] Freck [HA]
RP Name: 
Vice Admiral Wilhuff Tarkin | RC 62 Delta Squad EOD Scorch
Steam ID (SteamID Finder): 
Shadow Company Battalion Commander

My first Battalion Commander Position, a vigorous 5 months in Shadow Company, 3 as an officer, 1 as a BCMD. I Worked my way up through many different Leaders, (Zomb, SixSeven, Aust, Omega at one point too). After being brought back into the battalion by Max (Palpatine)  I worked to fix the Battalion, in a way of Standards, and Numbers, I feel as if I did so, With help from many others, We built the battalion into a stable, Independent Community, with of course our ups and downs (As every battalion does). 
Shadow Company was my only "real" Battalion. Yes I Joined others, but didn't stay as long. I saw Shadow Company as my Home.

By being a Battalion Commander, I was able to work on things such as patience, deadlines, and (The Dreaded) Documents! Throughout my reign as Shadow Company Battalion Commander, I was able to motivate my troops to be the best they could ever be!
Republic Commando's Delta Squad EOD Scorch
One of my current positions whilst being Scorch, I have learnt some valuable things.
Confidence in Roleplay - Defusing Bombs is Scorch's Thing, and I always got compliments on how I did it (When I got the opportunity to do so), This Position opened up a variety of ways for me to Roleplay. Making my time on the server, more enjoyable.
Being Serious - Upon receiving this role (And Being a high staff) My attitude towards the server is alot more serious, I feel that I can implement this further more into Naval... (More than I have been doing so recently anyway)

Vice Admiral Wilhuff Tarkin
Ah Naval. My Love.
During Baller's Term, I gradually worked up the ranks to Captain of The Line, with hard work and dedication, I joined Quartermasters to attempt to revive it, didn't exactly revive it, But I got it better than it was!
I did this until I was awarded the Rank of Vice Admiral. I then proceeded to put the right people into the right positions, and the inactive people removed from Naval. I revamped the Tryouts to make them Harder (Until they were changed). I kept track of the promotion requirements, and encouraged serious roleplay.
Once I recieved Tarkin (At first I was just Vice Admiral Freck on the Vice Admiral Job) I proceeded to play the Character very well, I was in simple words, A Jackass... Basically Tarkin. 

Throughout Squeak's reign, I revamped some tryouts, put my foot down when needed to, and did what any good Vice Admiral would do, Lead by example. Naval has come a long way, I intend on making it EVEN better than it already is!
As this is my Main Position, I proceed to do alot of document work, advising, Roleplaying, and overall improving the Image that Naval has on the Server
Why should you become Admiral?:
I should become Admiral due to a multitude of reasons;
- Dedication - My Dedication to Naval, is immense, I love the Roleplay, the Seriousness (Even if we are still working on it) And the impact that it has on the Server. Naval has helped me become more serious myself.

- Leadership - Being a Former Battalion Commander, I feel as if My Leadership skills are of somewhat good, I have lead a battalion into battle multiple times, I have also commanded Naval Multiple Times, remaining Calm, and structured whilst doing so.

- Structure - I like my units to be well structured, Organised, and well presented. Naval , being one of the most serious units on the server, need a strong, firm structure to it, which I feel that I am able to Provide. 

- Members - The members of the Naval deserve a say in what they want for the Fleet. I want to encourage this as much as possible, giving them as much entertainment as possible, but also being able to maintain the Serious Roleplay that is Required of us.

- Promotions - I will only judge people on their dedication to Naval, nothing else. There will not be any favoritism in any way, shape, or form! You are judged on YOUR Work, and only YOUR Work. Cool downs will be in effect when promoting people, this is to prevent any kind of mass promoting, I want the right people in the right positions. 

- Activity - I am incredibly active, I am easy to get hold of (Discord) I am also active during the times in which the server is less populated. I get to promote Naval literally 24/7. My activity also allows Game Masters to always have at least 1 or 2 Naval on when they decide an event, meaning events can run smoother etc. 

- Confidence - I take pride in my Fleet, and I have confidence in myself, I am not afraid to put a point across, or argue my point, however I am also someone who will accept when they are wrong and will always take other's opinions into consideration!

I am able to provide the Republic Fleet with a Strong Leader, and guide them into greatness!
Do you understand the lore of the Republic Navy?:

Monday - 4PM GMT - 7:30PM GMT

Tuesday - 6PM GMT - 7:30PM GMT

Wednesday - 2PM GMT - 7:30PM GMT

Thurday - 6PM GMT - 7:30PM GMT

Friday - 7PM - 1AM GMT

Weekends - All Day (Unless something pops up)

I am always available via Discord. 
Give a brief overview of your achievements on the server:
Shadow Company Battalion Commander
RC 62 Delta Squad EOD Scorch
Lead of the Eastern Staff Meeting (Even if my Mic does go robotic sometimes)
Chief of Quartermasters (Naval)

Vice Admiral - Wilhuff Tarkin

Trainer - Trainer Officer - Trainer Manager
Game Master - Game Master Officer

New Admin - Head Admin

Do you have a microphone?:
Yes.... Even though sometimes It turns my voice robotic
Where do you want the Republic Navy to be at the end of your term?:
At the end of my term I want the Republic Navy to be structured, I want the Republic Navy to set a good example of not only themselves, but also the server (Some already do this, Some dont!)
I want The Republic Navy to be seen as something people will always want to join, where individuals will come back tryout after tryout, Just like it used to be.
The Naval Will be expected to promote Serious Roleplay, Of course, being those who run the ship, Any Fail-RP / Mingy Incidents will be cracked down on severely.
Branches will have an ACTIVE Chief (Preferably Officers, however with the current amount of officers this may have to be something to be worked onto in a later period of time). Each Branch should be stable, and easy to run, with active members.

By the end of my Term I want the Republic Navy to be able to hold themselves professionally without me necessarily being there, to be structured, and overall, Well Mannered individuals.
How do you plan to change the Republic Navy under your command?:
I will be encouraging a firmer way of punishing people. If you are arrested, you will be demoted (Depending on severity of the arrest reason depends on the amount of ranks the individual will lose)

Inactivity will not be held lightly, Unless you have a valid reason to be inactive consistently for at least a week, you will be demoted (Or removed depending on your rank).
Tryouts.... Tryouts Will be getting Harder (Sorry Folks) I don't want the Naval to be seen as a easy money Grinder. You are here to roleplay or you are gone. Simple. 
Training's - It will be implemented that it will be Mandatory for you to hold your branches specific type of training a certain amount of times a week. This is to show us if you are really doing your work, or just sitting their idle, waiting for a promotion. 
Naval will be encouraged to help with tryouts, no matter their rank. Obviously LTJG + Are only allowed to host them, but I want to allow lower Ranks the opportunity to prove themselves by holding a specific part of the Tryout (Formations, Faces ECT.)

Intel - The Intel has been a big concern throughout Naval, I will be working with the Director and Deputy Director of Intel to shape it to work firmly, I see work from intel being left to the last minute. This should NOT be the case. 
Obviously I wont make all these changes right away because that would be stupid and would make the Republic Navy very unorganized. But over a period of time, these changes will be discussed, adjusted and implemented in a way to benefit the Naval, and the Roleplay for the Server
Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?:
Do you understand that your position has a two month term limit and you must reapply after two months to maintain your rank?:

Thank you for Reading : )

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Wow just wow!


 A massive +1 for you freck, You have served so well as a vice admiral and I think you would make naval great and actually let the officers do what they need to do. The dedication I see from you is outstanding and this is well deserved for you, I really do hope you reach the rank of admiral as I know that you would do a magnificent job  and you will perfect it! 



Do well and lead naval into space!





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+1 There it is, long awaited and long deserved.

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  • Coordinator

+1 Great fucking meme and a great fucking man 

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I just came

Papa Freq is outstanding, funny, active as shit, and my favorite Naval.  

My only concern is your activity, I don't wanna have a Koval situation in which he had to resign from obi to do his HA activities, don't do that faggot


Show me da wey


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If you use the RC Shotgun you are automatically cringe.

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2ndAC Parjai-4 WO BadDog

Former:   Head Admin |TCO Commander Kix Mechanized Regimental Commander Obi Wan Kenobi Battalion Commander Cody | Wolfpack Commander Comet |104th Jedi Master Plo Koon |TRD |GMD | Overseer | 2ndAC Commander Barlex SO Major DU Commander |Waxer Foxtrot Adi Gallia Quinlan Vos Skywalker Consular leader Shadow leader Guardian Leader Gray Jedi Master Commodore Wilhuff  tarkin 

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Shot himself in the face with a firework (twat).

Has to go to bed at 4pm.

Too young.

Cucked Norrington out of Tarkin.

Not my Sun anymore.


No sriously +1, I think Freck is a genuine nice guy and having known him for a while, he knows a lot of people, he knows what he want’s, he has his goals and he has a clear head.

I have never seen Freck get angry with anyone, I have only ever seen him acting polite and humbling ones own self.

I am genuinely interested to see what he brings to the table as Admiral.

Good luck sun.

Make Daddy proud.


Edited by Stahl
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