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[Denied] Butter's Ban Appeal


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Name: Butter
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:217847335
Ban Reason: Unsure of Everything But According to Certain Information I believe Toxicity and Harassment 
Date of Ban: 09/06/2023
Length of Ban: Perm
Staff Member(s) Involved: Rizzo
Reason(s) why we should accept your appeal: 

This is Mostly Towards You Rizzo

I hope this message finds you in good health. I am writing to offer my sincerest and most heartfelt apology for my past actions that caused you discomfort, distress, and harm. I deeply regret my behavior and the pain it has caused you.

I understand that harassment is never acceptable under any circumstances, and I take full responsibility for my actions. It was thoughtless and wrong, and I want you to know that I am committed to making amends and ensuring that such behavior never happens again.

I am aware that words alone cannot undo the damage I've caused, but please allow me to express my genuine remorse for my actions. I am truly sorry for any fear, anxiety, or emotional pain you may have experienced as a result of my behavior. Nobody should have to endure such treatment, and I understand the importance of respecting personal boundaries and treating others with kindness and respect.

I have taken time to reflect on my actions and to educate myself about the impact of harassment on individuals and communities. I am committed to personal growth and change, and I will actively work to become a better person and a more respectful member of This Community.

I want to assure you that I will not repeat the same mistakes. I will make every effort to ensure that my behavior is respectful, considerate, and in no way harmful to you or anyone else. If there are any specific steps you would like me to take to make amends or provide support, please do not hesitate to let me know.

Evidence to support your claims:

I have taken the past few weeks to self reflect on my actions and talked with a still active community members on synergy. I can say that if it is possible I ever come back to the server that I would be completely okay being a CT Lifer. 

I highly enjoy the community and player base and I grew up here with a plethora of memories and good times with "the boys".

So Once Again I feel like it is imperative that my apology comes forward and outwrite towards the person I harassed and I hope you can see that I am genuinely sorry for my actions

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Former 327th Former DU Officer x2 Former 501st TC Last ATKO Former Blackout and Shortest JetFormer 41st GCD Cooker Former CIS Droideka Former 104th Wolpack Lead Warthog 212th GC Jedi Knight Siri Tachi 

"Certified Clover Crew Member"-Lucky IKEA Squad 2019-Omalic

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+1 this man has tried the hardest to be the best RP player and person you should strive for in this server. I think he has truly learned something new and deserves a second chance

  • Pay Respect 1

Current: 212th Ghost Company Lead MAJ Wooley

Former: Ahsoka Tano, 501st WO, 212th REGA, 212th ARCO, 212th SUPL x3

Commander of Wooley Company


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+1 Honestly the main reason I played the server during NCO ranks inside 104th. Butter was always there for anyone that needed him or just advice in general. Think he deserves another chance.

  • Friendly 1

Current: Nothing

  Formerly: 104th BCMD Wolffe, Wolfpack Warthog, WPXO, Dire Squad Tracer, 104th REGL, 104th CMD, 104th SUPL, 104th SUPO, Senior Admin

Ghost                    Elijah                 Hamm       


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+1 I miss the fun with this man ( I did this before I knew any context and before I knew he used ChatGPT )

Edited by Hoovy
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_______________________ Current _______________________

Server Retired

_______________________ Retired _______________________

104th WolfPack Lead / ARCO / "Boost" / "Dash-29", Alpha-66 WO "Muzzle", Jedi Shadow Manager Hoovyx2,Torrent Company Officer "Tup"

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3 minutes ago, SEXICO said:

-1. Caused battalion lots of problems and would cause toxicity and drama with other people in the server. I have pasted a link to a document that was made collecting all the issues we had in the past. I am not surprised he got banned recently.  https://docs.google.com/document/d/11sEvh8a4k2tvbGgQvZ49zdsotXPrfzxutrwKphd-Mk0/edit?usp=sharing

-1 for this reason. 

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7 minutes ago, SEXICO said:

-1. Caused battalion lots of problems and would cause toxicity and drama with other people in the server. I have pasted a link to a document that was made collecting all the issues we had in the past. I am not surprised he got banned recently.  https://docs.google.com/document/d/11sEvh8a4k2tvbGgQvZ49zdsotXPrfzxutrwKphd-Mk0/edit?usp=sharing

why are you still holding a grudge onto something that happened almost over a year ago?


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5 minutes ago, UndockedAphid77 said:

why are you still holding a grudge onto something that happened almost over a year ago?


July 14th 2022 to be exact lmao

right before I deployed overseas


Edited by Butter

Former 327th Former DU Officer x2 Former 501st TC Last ATKO Former Blackout and Shortest JetFormer 41st GCD Cooker Former CIS Droideka Former 104th Wolpack Lead Warthog 212th GC Jedi Knight Siri Tachi 

"Certified Clover Crew Member"-Lucky IKEA Squad 2019-Omalic

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9 minutes ago, UndockedAphid77 said:

why are you still holding a grudge onto something that happened almost over a year ago?


so the issues are still persistent to this day since he got banned recently? you just answered your own question. Seems the issues are still there.

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Certified G

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-1 has a very toxic mentality and throws enormous fits when he does not get what he wants, a great example of this is when Vango received 104th BCMD over him, and instead of accepting that Vango got the spot over him he sent a lot of negative comments to Vango and other people. He stated that he would go out of his way to make Vango look like a bad BCMD. The smallest amount of problems that involve butter always ends up becoming a more significant issue from the negativity and toxic behavior. His ban from the server is a great example of him making small issues something huge, something happened to him and he started losing his mind and throwing fits, I attempt to avoid all contact with butter when ever I can. 

  • Agree 4


The Wannabe's Corner | qipaos: Knightfall trailer aesthetics (x) ...

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10 minutes ago, SEXICO said:

so the issues are still persistent to this day since he got banned recently? you just answered your own question. Seems the issues are still there.

I truly believe that he will be great for the server, and I believe he has learned his lesson. All of these issues are in the far past and have been resolved. I believe that he has changed and that he would be an astounding member of the community. He has been DEDICATED over the past few years on anything he can get his hands on. What happened with Rizzo was not cool and I hope that they can come to an understanding. I think he deserves to be back on the server because he truly cares for this community as he has made several points in his career to have suggestions and improvements for everyone. 

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Current: 212th Ghost Company Lead MAJ Wooley

Former: Ahsoka Tano, 501st WO, 212th REGA, 212th ARCO, 212th SUPL x3

Commander of Wooley Company


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Kal Skirata                                                                                                                                                   Bacta                    Marvel                     Brooklyn


I beat Jad in a spar first try.

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-1 No, an emphatic no at that point, without trying to sound or get to personal what you said to Rizzo is completely unforgiveable, you completely berated and insulted him over a small altercation, you blew your lid and acted like a complete child. Without going into detail, I was there during your ban and the way you acted was also completely unacceptable and you acted completely inappropriate. You literally told Rizzo to kill himself, dude what the fuck it's a roleplaying game about clone troopers from star wars.

5 hours ago, Butter said:

I have taken time to reflect on my actions

Saying this is a complete joke in my opinion, you say you have taken time to reflect and it has been only 16 days, that is nowhere near enough time to come back. It is actually unbelievable that you think little more than 2 weeks is enough time before putting this appeal in.

I'd say come back in 3-6 months and give yourself more time to reflect.


Pics of what Butter's said to Rizzo. (I was given Rizzo's permission.)


Also to add more info, your first ban was originally only going to be for 2 months, than afterwards you sent Rizzo the messages sent above and it was upgraded to a permanent ban, so you LITERALLY brought this perma ban upon yourself.



(The bottom image was from the day of the incident what Butters messaged Rizzo in game, sorry it's a bit hard to read.)

Edited by Kortnul
  • Winner 1

Current: Dumbass, Omega 15 CPL Fi (Again...)

Former: 501st ARFL LTC Boomer, 104th WP HVYL COL Sinker, Doom's Unit MEDL 1stLT Kortnul, 212th Ghost Company ARCL CPT Reed, Omega 15 CPT Fi, Omega 22 SGM Atin , Omega 09 CPT Niner , Veteran Admin x2

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I don't think you're ready to come back yet, It hasn't been that long. Seeing how much of a reoccurring problem your mentality and behavior has been, you should take some more time to reflect on yourself before attempting a comeback. You have a lot to work on, look at what these people are saying and use it to improve yourself.

If that small of an altercation causes you to react in the way you did and say the things you did, you need to spend more time on yourself and not on synergy. 

You have been a positive and constructive member of this community, and I genuinely believe you can get back to that someday. But 16 days after all of this is not enough time to reflect upon your actions.

Also I'm proud to be gmod special forces, thank you very much.


Edited by Rizzo
Originally accepted apology, but since it came out this was all chat gpt, I take it back.
  • Agree 4
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                                                                           Former SOBDE BCMD Hunter

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For a full appeal i think that you need to wait longer, There's cases of Harassment going for a couple of months,  I think i'd love to have you back eventually if you can wait a little bit longer and turn this into a ban reduction post i believe that's the best route for you. (go suck a shotgun is a little harsh)

-1 for full appeal
+1 for a ban reduction


You guys were the ones who escalated to a perma. Can you elaborate for the reasoning?

Edited by Mystic
  • Agree 1

Longest Special Operations Member on the server.
 Current: Alpha 98 Nate l  Mace Windu
Former: Cin Drallig l First Yayax Squad Yover l Foxtrot Commando l 2nd GM BCMD Bacara l Serra Keto Final SO Commander Jet l First & Last Devil Dogs Deadeye l Veteran Admin l Jedi General Plo Koon l 2nd Returning SO CMD Jet l Luminara Unduli l Wolfpack MAJ Boost l Kit Fisto l Trauma's Unit MED Mystic l Jedi Military Advisor l Omega 36 PVT Darman l High General Shaak Ti l Jedi Chief Instructo


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  • Director
4 minutes ago, Mystic said:

You guys were the ones who escalated to a perma. Can you elaborate for the reasoning?

I will attach pictures of the reasoning once I get home from work. Will be posted within the next 8 hours 



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Head Admin
1 hour ago, Mystic said:


For a full appeal i think that you need to wait longer, There's cases of Harassment going for a couple of months,  I think i'd love to have you back eventually if you can wait a little bit longer and turn this into a ban reduction post i believe that's the best route for you. (go suck a shotgun is a little harsh)

-1 for full appeal
+1 for a ban reduction


You guys were the ones who escalated to a perma. Can you elaborate for the reasoning?

The ban was initially a 2 month ban for him to reflect on his actions. Unfortunately, it was not enough to be banned on TS & In-game and Butter kept going through discord, therefore updated to a permanent ban. 

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  • Informative 1

Current: Head Admin | Specialized Regimental Commander

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7 hours ago, Rizzo said:

Starting off, I do accept your apology, but:

I don't think you're ready to come back yet, It hasn't been that long. Seeing how much of a reoccurring problem your mentality and behavior has been, you should take some more time to reflect on yourself before attempting a comeback. You have a lot to work on, look at what these people are saying and use it to improve yourself.

If that small of an altercation causes you to react in the way you did and say the things you did, you need to spend more time on yourself and not on synergy. 

You have been a positive and constructive member of this community, and I genuinely believe you can get back to that someday. But 16 days after all of this is not enough time to reflect upon your actions.

Also I'm proud to be gmod special forces, thank you very much.


Thank you for your honesty. I could really care less what others say since the situation was between you and I know how the server works with certain members.
If anything I can ask for it would be to reduce the permanent status to something relevant. Ive been here long enough to understand that things should not have escalated the way they did and using the term "suck start a shotgun" was not my prerogative towards you. everyone is only human and the amount of stress that I was going through in a battalion that had leadership out to get me. It didn't cause me anything but negativity.

Through thick and thin I have been an avid supporter of synergy roleplay and created lush environments with those who do not like me. Sadly the world is full of hateful people and some will never understand what someone is going through. the entire way the ban was handled in my personal opinion was completely scuffed and I am not the only one who agrees on that. It went from a removal from a battalionn to a perma ban. I also can guarantee worse things have been said to other people and they have received a slap on the wrist because of positions and/or rank. this server is not perfect and for those at the end of the day who are gonna sit here and make it there lifes work to destroy someone else.. you need help. 

also a P.S For the people who like to "retire" from synergy then play theses games on the forums because they didnt like someone at some point in time. Please use relevancy from the actual ban itself and stop being so self centered. if you truly "retired" then why are you gate keeping. (bro dropped a warrant officer report from 2022)

  • Agree 1
  • Confused 1

Former 327th Former DU Officer x2 Former 501st TC Last ATKO Former Blackout and Shortest JetFormer 41st GCD Cooker Former CIS Droideka Former 104th Wolpack Lead Warthog 212th GC Jedi Knight Siri Tachi 

"Certified Clover Crew Member"-Lucky IKEA Squad 2019-Omalic

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Veteran Admin
1 hour ago, Butter said:

also a P.S For the people who like to "retire" from synergy then play theses games on the forums because they didnt like someone at some point in time. Please use relevancy from the actual ban itself and stop being so self centered. if you truly "retired" then why are you gate keeping. (bro dropped a warrant officer report from 2022)

-1 This right here shows he is not ready to come back yet I think with some more time he can come back and support the community as he did before.

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We grew really close during our time on the server Butter, but I lost a lot of respect for you after this situation. To go after someone in the way you did over a video game is in no way acceptable in my eyes, no matter what your mental state is at the time. I personally don't think your ban was scuffed either, I think the staff team gave you plenty of opportunities to take a minute and think about your actions and the impact those actions would have, and you are the one that kept going. Like Rohan said, it would have been just a 2 month ban but you decided to take it to Rizzo's Discord and continue it. I completely agree with Kortnul, you took this situation way too far and to try and come back to the community just two weeks later after telling someone to kill themselves over one negative interaction in Star Wars RP is wild to me. I personally don't think that you really regret what you said to him, I think that you regret that you had consequences for these actions. It's also pretty childish to take your frustrations with your battalion out on another member of the community who had nothing to do with the situation, but also to take it out on anyone in the way you did is just not right. You apologized and that's great, but your failure to understand why you got upped to a perma and still thinking that it's an unfair punishment, just makes me think that you aren't ready to come back to the community just yet. I love you man, I wish you the best, but I think that you still need to take a break from the server for a little while.

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After hearing what was said after a minor inconvenience like Delta Squad tryouts it really shocked me. I had heard stories about you that were not the most positive, mainly what Deathtiger said, but from the few times I talked to you I had no problem nor issue with you but after this whole thing I can't defend anything that was said. It was just wrong no matter which way you turn it. I agree with the many people on this post saying that maybe it was a bit too early to post a ban appeal this early. This is just very recent history and it's not just going to go away at the snap of someone's fingers. I believe that you can 100% come back from this but just not now. I mean to be honest, as you said before, nobody except Rizzo's opinion really matters so me typing out this whole thing is pretty pointless in the long run. I think this was a good first step, and I hope you continue to grow as time goes on.

Former Wrath of the Sith
Former Grey Jedi Master
Former BCMD of Special Operations/Shadow Company
-Aust (austistic)

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11 hours ago, Mystic said:


For a full appeal i think that you need to wait longer, There's cases of Harassment going for a couple of months,  I think i'd love to have you back eventually if you can wait a little bit longer and turn this into a ban reduction post i believe that's the best route for you. (go suck a shotgun is a little harsh)

-1 for full appeal
+1 for a ban reduction


You guys were the ones who escalated to a perma. Can you elaborate for the reasoning?

Sorry my pookie bear cutie patootie said no -1


However the ban reduction sounds good

Edited by Bleach
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I was the Best Canadian on the Server 

The Smoke Will Never Clear...

Christopher Walking GIF by Pop Smoke - Find & Share on GIPHY


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Im gonna -1, Right before he got banned, we sat him down to *try* to tell him politely that his behavior was unacceptable. He then went on a 5+min rant about how he wasn't harassing anyone, and that it was "him not me" etc. The moment we went to interject and explain that he will be removed from Rancor. He throws a tantrum and leave the TS. He then goes on to continue to harass the person who made the complaint on discord!

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Head Admin

+1 on ban reduction -1 on full unban

Signs that the situation has improved;
-Rizzo accepts your apology
-You genuinely sound sorry for your actions
-People have to drudge up stuff that happened a year ago and isn't relevant to the situation to try and put you in a bad light 
-Current 104th and 212th members that had the most day to day interactions with you seem to support this

Signs that you should still be banned for a bit;
-High staff team seems to unanimously think you should at least serve out the rest of your original ban
-You went apeshit over a gmod server
-Death threats are not acceptable even if you didn't mean it. 

I have respect for you as an individual and based on your service to our country. I hope you do get unbanned eventually, and come back to this community with a different perspective. To be clear, I would not have supported an unban at all if the person you didnt tell to kill themselves hadn't accepted your apology. 

                                                                                                             Kaiser        Zeros        Clutch



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  • Director
14 hours ago, Mystic said:


You guys were the ones who escalated to a perma. Can you elaborate for the reasoning?

Sorry for late answer here is the following:
He recived the 2month ban he is informed to not refrain from sending people messages regarding this or it might lenghten the ban.IMG_4989.pngIMG_4990.png 
This are the screenshots that we have saved some of them are lost to teamspeak due to it being cleared after a certain amount of messages. So i can't provide you with all the information regarding why his ban go lenghtend.
 IMG_4297.png : IMG_4298.png  IMG_4299.png IMG_4295.pngIMG_4296.pngimage.png <--- i quote him "perma me i dont care" In this picture. Seems like you did care...


Edited by gohn
figured out how to tag
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Head Admin
3 minutes ago, gohn said:

Sorry for late answer here is the following:
He recived the 2month ban he is informed to not refrain from sending people messages regarding this or it might lenghten the ban.IMG_4989.pngIMG_4990.png 
This are the screenshots that we have saved some of them are lost to teamspeak due to it being cleared after a certain amount of messages. So i can't provide you with all the information regarding why his ban go lenghtend.
 IMG_4297.png : IMG_4298.png  IMG_4299.png IMG_4295.pngIMG_4296.pngimage.png <--- i quote him "perma me i dont care" In this picture. 


I do want to add, before anything about this comes up, before the "Updated to perma" message I sent him we had a talk in TeamSpeak thus the 1 hour gap between the messages. The picture where he said "Perma me I dont care" is after this and what escalated it to a permanent ban.

Current: Head Admin | Specialized Regimental Commander

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-1 on Ban Appeal
+1 on Ban length reduction. 
Initially, when I first learned of your ban, I was not aware of the full scope of the aftermath. My knowledge was limited to the fact that your ban had only stemmed from Drama that had occurred and not that it was improved to a Permanent Ban. Gaining a fuller understanding of the situation, it's clear that your actions following this ban were overtly unprecedented. While I recognize that you may have felt wronged and had strong emotions about the matter, it is crucial to remember that this pertains to a Gmod Server, continuously harassing someone well after being advised not to is never acceptable.  
I do acknowledge that this might have been a heat-of-the-moment situation, which leads to a prolonged, rather than a permanent one, would be more appropriate. 
I urge you to properly utilize this ban to continue working on self-improvement and to mend relationships that may have been strained. 

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Goes on a massive tirade towards people after banned and then begs for forgiveness? Retired people arnt gatekeeping you mate, they just call it like they see it. Toxic as fuck. They are entitled to vote on things like this as much as anyone. 

-1. (Reduce to 6 Months)

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Currently trying to not be a forum gremlin

Former Chancellor Palpatine | Former Yoda & Mace Windu | Former Shaak Ti & Anakin | Former Delta Squad Scorch | Former Mas Amedda | Former Director | Former Management

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16 hours ago, Butter said:

I was going through in a battalion that had leadership out to get me.

Bro no one was out to get you. You kept fuckin up to the point where Vango’s hand had to be forced.

16 hours ago, Butter said:

I could really care less what others say since the situation was between you and I know how the server works with certain members.


17 hours ago, Butter said:

I also can guarantee worse things have been said to other people and they have received a slap on the wrist because of positions and/or rank.

You’re really doubling down on this arent you?

17 hours ago, Butter said:

also a P.S For the people who like to "retire" from synergy then play theses games on the forums because they didnt like someone at some point in time. Please use relevancy from the actual ban itself and stop being so self centered. if you truly "retired" then why are you gate keeping. (bro dropped a warrant officer report from 2022)

I mean, kinda based? But it was more relevant as it shows you haven’t change from then to now.

I remember back on Titan base you were actually really chill to have around, and when you occasionally popped into TS to say hi it was a good time. I don’t know what happened to you to make you so cynical, but frankly, it just seems this is the kind of person you are. 


 You never know when what you say is gonna make someone cross a line they can’t come back from. You should really reevaluate yourself and dig at some core issues. I don’t think you need a shortened time. Maybe in 6 months to a year you can appeal, but you should stay perma until then



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Kal Skirata                                                                                                                                                   Bacta                    Marvel                     Brooklyn


I beat Jad in a spar first try.

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  • Management

Unfortunately your ban appeal has been DENIED.

For more information on why you were denied, please contact me or any Director+.

You may attempt another appeal in 6 months.


  • Winner 9
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i am literally captain tukk

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