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Gears' Chancellor Application (Waived)

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Steam Name: 

RP Name: 
Mace Windu

RP Rank: 
Master Of The Order

Steam ID: 

Why should you become Chancellor Palpatine?:

I have dedicated myself to 2 Branches of the VIP Factions for the last 12 Months. Being the Jedi Order and The Republic Senate (Now under the Civilian branch) and with that I want to further myself within these VIP Factions as well as the Republic Navy by elevating myself to a higher position. 

Within the Senate, I quickly rose into a Senior Senator position while working as Willy’s 2nd In Command for the Senate. Upon his departure I took the reins as Mas Amedda and eventually did secure a 2nd Term. Although I did not see this 2nd Term out, due to me doing all I really wanted and wished to pursue myself to the Jedi Order which at the time was struggling with activity (although this was a server issue).

I became an active Master when Snadvich was Yoda and When Squishy became Yoda I applied and received the Military Overseer position. During this time contributed the promotion of a new generation of masters that would all soon take significant positions. 
I became Mace Windu under Venom and shortly after he was replaced by Silvian. Under Silvian I advised him on many issues as well as strengthening the council and bringing in new masters. When Silvian’s term ended the Jedi Order has been in the strongest position in a long time. With lulu becoming yoda I believe it will continue to improve with lulu’s interest in the Knight and Padawans and is also full of ideas that will push us forward.
As Mace Windu I have done all that i've wanted to achieve and I am becoming the longest consecutive time as Windu, So with this it is mutual and the idea of lulu that I pass the job on to a new generation. So with acceptance or denial, I will be resigning from Mace Windu and giving someone else a go.

One of the parts that I enjoy with being Mace Windu is being able to take part in discussions in the commander+ chats and give my opinion on changes proposed to the server. I have always been vocal about these changes and fight for or against them. I also focus myself more on VIP Factions then the clone side and I always find myself back. Which is why I feel I can commit myself to Palpatine.
The VIP Factions have been without a proper palpatine and it has also been a while since we have had a Palpatine commit to a full term. I want to remain dedicated to the VIP Factions but also give someone a new opportunity in Windu. Along with my high command experience in the past and my experience now and changing the way I do things in the last 12 Months. I firmly believe I can do this position and give it some justice that it sorely needs.

Monday to Sunday 
3PM to 9PM

Give a brief overview of your achievements and experience on the server:


212th Attack Battalion
Highest Rank of LTC
Ghost Company Gearshift
Regimental Lead

Special Operations Brigade
Rank of XO as Regiment
Delta Squad Scorch

501st Legion 
Currently Active at the rank of SGT
Medical Lead
Torrent Company Kix

Civilian Faction

Gume Saam
Military Overseer
Senior Senator
Mas Amedda for 2 Terms

Jedi Order
Sentinel XO
ACE Lead
Jocasta Nu
Anakin Skywalker
Shaak Ti
Battalion Overseer (2 Times)
Yoda (2 Terms)
Mace Windu (Current) (Longest Consecutive)


Trainer Officer
Head Admin
Director of Clone Wars

What do you feel the role of the Chancellor is?:

In all sense of things Palpatine is the direct overseer of the 3 VIP Factions that are the Jedi Order, Republic Naval and the Civilian Faction. He is to ensure the health and stability of these Factions while advising the leads and giving direction in their ideas and opinions. Additionally Palpatine should highlight the flaws and cracks in these factions and bring attention to them while cooperating on solutions and workarounds to fixing these highlighted issues.
While ensuring the health of the factions, It should also be the job of the Chancellor to ensure that the faction leads are upholding their own standards, so that if they are slipping below it, the chancellor is there to mentor them back up. The Chancellor should also deal with the complaints and concerns of these factions and work with the leads on this and work on a solution and an appropriate response.

As Palpatine, I would also have the duty of working among High Command. This means taking part in interviews, providing questions and giving opinions. As well as this I would also potentially be taking part in bigger decisions that may affect the server. I also believe as High command taking opinions and views of people below palpatine is essential to coming to a consensus on changes. 
In the case that Grand Master Yoda, Admiral Yulraren or the Governor is open, It is the job of Palpatine to ensure a suitable candidate is ready for such a position and also in absence of these positions, assisting in the faction more.

Palpatine as a character comes with many opportunities to improve the roleplay experience. Anyone in this position should strive to create scenarios and also improve passive roleplay overall. If a Palpatine RPs, then everyone else would be inclined to join in. A Palpatine that doesn't roleplay, is not doing their job.

Do you have a microphone?:


Where do you want the Jedi, Naval, and Civilian Faction to be at the end of your term?:

Jedi Order

The Jedi order is currently in a great position on the server. Under the leadership of lulu, the order is moving towards a bigger focus on Knights and Padawans, As well as increasing the standards of the masters.
Right now when it comes to council meetings, while also doing our usual checkups, we take time to look at Knights and/or Padawans who are looking to be future leaders of this order. Masters are encouraged to bring forward people who are doing great work. With this we hope to see an even new generation of people becoming masters. 
However I do feel this will come with an eventual side effect, a bottleneck. See as it has been for a long time, there has been a bottleneck between Knight and Masters, Master at a time were a far more important position that it is today, Which gave good reason for Master to take a long time, but now that we reformed the Master+ System and reorganized permissions, Master isn't as important as it once was and with Silvians focus towards Council Members, This became more evident. Back when I was military overseer, I very much lowered the bar of entry for the master rank, this was due to the Jedi Order (and the server) being in a rough position and more people were needed to prop us back up. However now that the Jedi Order is thriving, The Bar needs to be raised up again. Although I don't think it should become as high as it once was during previous iterations of the order, I feel unless we raise the current bar of entry, The Bottleneck will move over to the Masters and this will cause too many voices in one place and a less importance put on the rank of master.
For this Me and lulu have discussed many solutions on this matter, As Palpatine I would like to continue with lulu on work on this. This includes but not limited to:

  • Evaluate our promotion to master through Lore Generals and Branch Master, Making us take more time in promoting someone to these master positions. (For Ex. There has been a recent promotion that happened less than 2 weeks after joining).
  • Ensure the pool of masters we have now are currently meeting the expectations and they are catching up to them when they are raised.
  • Continuing to look at Knight and Padawans, talking to them more on the regular and making it our mission to keep them engaged while not progressing in rank.

Bottlenecks are inevitable on this server. NCO Ranks, Senior Admin, etc. But what matters for us is we keep these ranks entertained and with purpose, For the Jedi order it's improving on our entertainment and straying away from it being solely trial spamming of the old. 
So for Palpatine there would definitely be incentive to drive more of this.

Lastly I like to speak about our current Jedi High Command and our means of communication. There are alot of strong voices in the Jedi Order and it's no different to Jedis High Command. As Palpatine I would stay connected and in touch at all times with Jedi High command, highlighting issues, working on them with Jedi Command and also allowing them to take the steps they feel necessary in this. There is no need to get direct and demand instant action unless the situation is causing significant risk to the factions health, as always time needs to be taken to investigate and process scenarios that come towards the Jedi order.
Depending on what the state of Jedi High Command is IF i was to be accepted for Palpatine. I would be advisory in picking Windu (if there wasn't already one ready for it) and the Branch Overseer, Which lulu has high expectations for.

Civilian Faction

I'd like to split this part into 2 sections, 1 being the Guild and 1 Being the Senate. So starting with the guild.

The Guild is always a unique area in the server where you have a lot of freedom to do what you wish. It's a “create your own adventure” type of deal. Where the guild strives the best is its roleplay, I've seen robots with voice changers, Mandos and all other kinds of things. This makes the server a little less dull on downtime. What I'd like to see is more reason for them to get on and do these characters. As Palpatine I would have opportunities to provide these with the character alone, whether it's the corrupt actions in getting someone dealt with or needing a special force outside of clones to deal with something quietly, I have a lot of creative freedom to contract and provide this experience. As this I have a duty to be one of the main pushers of passive RP, this is just as important for the Civilian faction, For example the Governor and Chancellor can have unique interactions and even just the simplest of the civilians can provide something. 
Of Course the Guild for Palpatine isn't just Roleplay and doing behind the counter deals. I would also be involved with the internal infrastructure of the Guild. I've taken my time to speak to the current 2 candidates for Governor and I have listened to where they want the guild to be, as seen on their applications. For me it's giving them the support they need, help find middle ground in areas that are not 100% there and also be an advocate for the Civilian branch and get more people involved. 
Right now from the perspective of some, the Guild can be summed up to “data breach rp”, the same quest done over and over till you eventually have people camping it and people get off. If we can expand on similar things like this and make guilds bounties and quests less repetitive, it wouldn't get boring as quickly.

As someone who has worked within the Senate for 6 months, I know a lot of concerns that they have on the regular. For me the Senate is another form of roleplay that is slept on. As Palpatine it is very obvious I would be a big contributor to that. That's why if it came to selections of senators I would pop in and observe, I'm sure the current Mas Amedda won't have any issues with that after speaking to them. As Palpatine what I want to see from them is some basics, hit their hours, be active and provide roleplay. What they wish to do internally is up to them, if it isn't crossing boundaries then it's not something I'd have an issue with. Where the Senate would like to go with their branch is up to Mas Amedda and also of guidance and in some cases permission of the Governor. I understand the current climate of the Senate relations with the higher ranks can be on thin ice, which is why I'm very much prepared to be the mediator in these situations and achieve a conclusive decision.

Republic Navy

The Republic Navy always has had a rough experience with getting activity, especially without its main figurehead in Admiral Yularen. It's my belief that a main pusher for people to get on naval or have activity is having that figure head in place. Which is why I hope there is an Admiral in place if I was accepted, however I am of course fully prepared to put in the effort in finding and preparing one.
I would like to act if Brooklyn did get Admiral Yularen. Brooklyn has given ambitious ideas towards Naval which could rejuvenate or even take it in a different direction. What matters here is that he is able to at least play each one of these out. I am very positive about the Re-Introduction of RSB; this would benefit relations between factions and would help roleplay in the future. Naval needs that figurehead and Brooklyn has proven his track record in previous positions and would likely make a good Admiral.
Obviously there is a scenario where Brooklyn does not become the Admiral. With this there is always the opportunity to still visit a lot of these plans, changes have already been proposed on forums and these ideas in many cases could still be rolled out. Of Course this would not be done by ignoring our current Rear Admiral that has held the Naval together for some months now. I have taken my time speaking to them about where they want to see the Naval and how they would want to be supported.
One thing the Rear Admirals have talked about is about communication and support towards the Naval. Months ago a form was given out requesting help for the naval. It took 2-3 months for them to receive this information after having silence. If an Admiral isn't going to be a thing in the future then it's the job of Palpatine to be as supportive as they can and communicate with them on the regular.
Naval needs all the help it can get, it is often you find the people playing the naval being the most dedicated to this branch in and out of game, especially when it comes to in game where we have seen numerous instances of outstanding rp, some of which has been recognised in the RPer of the week award. What is important to me is making sure the health of the Navy is sustained throughout its changes and turbulence. There are many times where Naval gets a burst of activity but flame dies out, if we are to break the cycle of Naval dying and rebirthing, This is essential, Naval must have people in place that can continue where the previous leaves off.

How do you plan to improve relations within the Grand Army?:

I'd like to break this up into sections so it's relevant to the position I'm going for.

Jedi and The Clones

I'd like to continue where we are with the Jedi and their battalion system. We have a server that's more welcoming to Jedi in Battalions, We even have a Diplomatic Services Jedi system working and have individuals doing a great job there. Jedi just need to continue working with the battalions and having the best people in the position. Have clones trust them when making decisions on the likes of their Lore General.
If Jedi are going to raise the standards on masters, Battalions may need to wait a bit longer than usual to get their lore general. So there is some understanding that's going to be needed there.

Naval and The Clones

Naval can at times feel disrespected, despite them basically in character being the backbone of base operations. They hold significant training such as ENG, MED and Flight. I think where relations should be built upon is them being there and holding these trainings and also continuing to work on what they are created for which is the base operations. I personally believe in roleplay they should hold some relevant authority to this. Brooklyn in his application has presented many ideas that can have some better relations to the server overall, such as ATC and addressing how it is not managed. This of course is in the scenario of him becoming Admiral which is not decided yet.

Guild and the Clones

When a hostile BH is doing something it's understandable that people would be right on the counter offensive, All well in good, as long as it doesnt break out into actual hostility in OOC. As for Friendly BHs there's always the opportunity to engage in passive roleplay. I always appreciate the clones that are open minded and are not always on offensive whenever they see a BH and start asking questions. I think the clones, there's a time and place and the BH on base doesn't necessarily mean they are up to something. As long as there's common ground between the 2 sides, there shouldn't be any negativity going around.

Senate and the Clones

Senators should at least in roleplay be handed a level of respect. A Clone CPL walking up and giving a politician an insult is out of the ordinary and if the Senator deems that to be wrong then it's up to him how to deal with it. I think where a problem may lie is their Senate Guard. Many people will not regard them as relevant or important to the Senate. But in the sense that they are there to protect the Senator at all costs, it's understandable that they are a bit pushy and blunt.
As for the Senate as a whole. Whatever they want to do that involves cloning is encouraged and it would help with cooperation of scenarios and entertainments and should always be welcomed. Just as long as they are just overstepping their own boundaries.

How do you plan to improve relations within the VIP factions?:

Jedi and Bounty Hunters.

What is important to me between the Jedi and BH is the success of Rahm Kota's Militia. This is one of the most unique parts of the Jedi order and also the Bounty Hunters. I would definitely be pushing for more being done in this area and this is a key bridge for the two. 
Additionally it goes without saying, Jedi and Bounty Hunter should always be seeking out opportunities to rp with each other.

Jedi and The Senate

The Jedi I feel has maybe at times neglected its Jedi diplomat program, there is potential for this to be revisited. Right now the Diplomatic Services in CG have provided a Jedi Program in which we see great Jedi coming out of it, this means there is then potential to revisit the senate and see what we can get from there.

Jedi and The Naval

Jedi and The Naval don't have many similarities, what connects them will likely be the Flight and ACE Program. As long as the ACE program is in line with the Navals program which takes priority, Relations should not be strained here.

Civilians and The Naval

I've spoken about this earlier on the app. But if RSB can be established then this is a great gateway for the Bounty Hunter and Naval to have stronger relations. As well as this, The Senate can work hand in hand with the Naval there's potential for positive interaction there, such as the Naval Representative system they have listed in their internal documents.

Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?:

Do you understand that your position has a three month term limit and you must reapply after three months to maintain your position of Chancellor Palpatine?

Edited by Gears
  • Winner 1

Currently trying to not be a forum gremlin

Former Chancellor Palpatine | Former Yoda & Mace Windu | Former Shaak Ti & Anakin | Former Delta Squad Scorch | Former Mas Amedda | Former Director | Former Management

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Forum Admin

+1 even more reason to abuse force powers now

  • Agree 3
  • Friendly 1

I added the Pepe emojis onto the forums

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+1. Better luck this time Gears. 

  • Friendly 1

Longest Special Operations Member on the server.
 Current: Alpha 98 Nate l  Mace Windu
Former: Cin Drallig l First Yayax Squad Yover l Foxtrot Commando l 2nd GM BCMD Bacara l Serra Keto Final SO Commander Jet l First & Last Devil Dogs Deadeye l Veteran Admin l Jedi General Plo Koon l 2nd Returning SO CMD Jet l Luminara Unduli l Wolfpack MAJ Boost l Kit Fisto l Trauma's Unit MED Mystic l Jedi Military Advisor l Omega 36 PVT Darman l High General Shaak Ti l Jedi Chief Instructo


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The time has come for the British to once again take over the server. Establish the First Galactic Empire +1 great lad and has proven to handle big positions on the server 

  • Friendly 1

Current: Rancor Colt
Past spots: 501st XO, 501st CMD, 501st WO Appo, TC Hardcase, 332nd office, ATK Reg Purge, Keller Unit Vinnie, General Luminara, 41st GCO ARCL Draa, 3rd Crosshair on the Server, Hunter, Sith Marauder  TRO, GMM, VA x3. CIS Tac Droid, Guild Cabinet Member

The person who made a treaty with the sith as a clone 

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A long time has passed since the errors of old, and I definitely think its time for a second chance for you my friend. While I can't speak fully to how you've done on the server, we have had a couple of chats since my break, and i've watched through the jedi discord. It does seem like you've mellowed out, and the position of windu has been good for helping you grow. However theirs one thing here you don't touch on which I think is very important for his character, and thats his RP. Its something most people don't think about when looking at this position, being more focused on its power and position. Give me some examples of role play you'll do that will fully utilize the unique perspective that is palatine on server.


Edited by Conrad
  • Friendly 1


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3 minutes ago, Conrad said:

ive me some examples of role play you'll do that will fully utilize the unique perspective that is palatine on server.

Yea sure. So basically ive discussed different scenarios with members of the VIP factions of how I would play the role of Palpatine in game.

So for example I want to be able to tap into Palpatines biggest secret while remaining a Normal Chancellor, effectively be a hovering hand above corrupt and sith like actions, so in one scenario I could be contacting Bounty Hunters to deal with someone quietly or in another get someone to infiltrate the Jedi to get infomation from their archives. 

Its not often I see people interact with the Senate differently depending on the Senator, for example Mas Amedda does know that Palpatine is a Sith Lord and with an Active Senate this is another chance to tap into the character. Along with that I could see different situations such as with Gume Saam and his link with the Techno Union and Padme with.. well the obvious one there.

I think an important part of Roleplaying as Palpatine is also making sure you keep it hidden around any Jedi, Apart from Anakin ofcourse, Whoever is Anakin would be someone that Id like continue this manipulation roleplay. As Palpatine you should be playing the role of someone who wishes to deceive and missdirect his true secret.

Apart from a few groups of Clones, I think first and foremost I would be portraying myself as someone who is here to continue diplomacy and evaluate the clone army which he called upon. for the most part I would be welcome to take any challenge a clone may throw my way, Depending on how any individual wants to act (as people have the freedom to do so)

Lastly I think depending on how the next Governor wants to act, It be very interesting to see how I would create situations with them. If they are a bit on the corrupt side or someone who is more democractic and skeptical to the chancellors actions.

Currently trying to not be a forum gremlin

Former Chancellor Palpatine | Former Yoda & Mace Windu | Former Shaak Ti & Anakin | Former Delta Squad Scorch | Former Mas Amedda | Former Director | Former Management

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+1. I see no reason why not. Has shown that he works hard and is dedicated to what he does. Has definitely recovered from his past errors.

  • Friendly 1

Former 41st GC REGL XO Tetra | Former Cin Drallig x2 | Former Serra Keto x2 | Former Branch Overseer Former Mace Windu

41st CMD Tetra

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I would be happy to see you in this position that meant a lot to me. I feel like you will be a good active chancellor and won't resign after a month like the last couple did, which will give you time to develop the long term roleplay that can be really fun in this position. You helped me greatly in a situation a while ago and showed who you really are, and that not something I've forgotten. Good luck, and i'll definitely get back on if you get this position.

Edited by Conrad
  • Friendly 1


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Nothing but good interactions

  • Friendly 1

Current:  CT Alpha-88 PVT Iceman
Former: Rancor BCMD Blitz | 41st BCMD Gree | SPEC RCMD | SOBDE BCMD | Anakin Skywalker | Plo Koon | Hunter | Echo | Muzzle | Alpha 17 | Guild LT

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+1 this man was my windu during my yoda term and was fantastic to work with. i know gears has done a lot on the server he is definitely over qualified for this position not to mention gears burning passion which is a big reason why i respect this man so much because when he is passionate about something he will show you views that you didnt know were options until that moment. 

he is a great leader and a great friend and i think he will be a great palpy good luck gears :)

  • Friendly 1

Certified Femboy!!
Current Positions: Jedi KU Elder Master Simms| Former Friendly Neighborhood Yoda

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Gears, I think we can both agree I was your biggest hater back in the day. But, you have improved to the point where you've made up for your shortcomings, and have helped Jedi out so much since your return. Also you coming to talk to me, EVEN THOUGH you didn't even need to, shows you care. I hope you pass interview g. +1


Just no middle finger swepping padme. PLEASE

Edited by Brooklyn
  • Friendly 1

Kal Skirata                                                                                                                                                   Bacta                    Marvel                     Brooklyn


I beat Jad in a spar first try.

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Can't wait for you to Kyber Slam as Palpy.

  • Friendly 1

Current: Rancor Panda | Honorary Consular

Ex: Delta 38, Kom'rk Skirata x2, Mereel Skirata, A'den Skirata, Omega Squad Fi (XO), Foxtrot MDMK, 327th 1stLT, 501st 1stLT, 212th MAJ, 41st WO, Alpha ARC 22 WO 'Aven', 212th 1stLT Lycanthrope

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When Gears before applied, I was hesitant and wary due to past concerns of activity, balancing roles, professionalism, etc.
When Gears applies now, I can see that it is apparent that these concerns are all gone. 
Good luck Gears!

  • Friendly 1

Yes, I do hate fat people.
Former Ordo Skirata

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  • Management

Congratulations, You have been ACCEPTED for a commander interview!

Please contact a Director to organise your interview.

Failure to do so within 7 DAYS of this post will result in the DENIAL of your application.



i am literally captain tukk

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • Management

Congratulations! Your application for the position you applied for has been ACCEPTED!

Your term will end 3 MONTHS after this post. Good luck!



i am literally captain tukk

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