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Warmac's Admiral Yularen Application


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Steam Name: [SR]Warmac

RP Name: Warmac/Dao

RP Rank: Captain

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:181582289


Why should you become Admiral?:


I Think I Would Be Suitable For The Position Of Admiral Due To The Fact I Have A Reasonable Amount Of Experience With Documentation And Making Small Projects/Docs To Incentivise And Help With Out Of Event RP, And ofcourse the main reason I'm applying, the Navy!

At the current Time Buzz and I are the most Active Naval within the Navy. In my opinion an Active Figure head Like Yularen would motivate morale to let people hop on their naval more often. Tarkin is of course also a big figurehead within the Navy.





Do you understand the purpose of Naval on the server?:

Naval At This Current Time Have Been Described As A Form Of Event Job By Some People, Due To Them Only Showing Up At DB To Host Them (More Often Than Not Being The GM Doing This). Also the Navy is currently here to keep 4 training Up to Date such as, Engineering, Medical, Flight and ATC. Also we are meant to be a Roleplay faction, which I've not seen a lot of in my time. During that time we also manage ATC for players and grant PLT's. We are also here to host the 4 said training listed above. And The Navy is meant to be an RP based Faction.






Monday till Friday for the coming 6 weeks 6PM - 10PM EST [after this week 5 remain]

After that 3 weeks 12PM - 6PM EST

After that 2 weeks 6PM - 10PM EST

vvvvAfter that 3 weeks 12PM - 6PM EST

After that 2 weeks 6PM - 10PM EST

Saturday: Most of the day

Sunday: Most of the day




Give a brief overview of your achievements and experience on the server:


-=[CIS Forces Tactical Droid]=-



-=[CG PVT-SGM]=-


-=[GM PVT-MSG]=-


-=[501st PVT-CPT]=-



-=[Senior Admin]=-

-=[Game Master]=-



-=[Cadet - Vice Admiral]=-


-=[PO - Commander]=-


-=[PO - LTJG]=-










Do you have a microphone?:





Where do you want the Navy to be at the end of your term?:

I Hope By The End Of My Term that the Navy is as steady as Buzz and I are currently running it. I hope that  relations have improved between the Navy and Battalions. Hopefully with a running RSB and an active Officer / NCO Corp. I also hope for increased Roleplay within the Navy and that the Navy has more stuff to do during Events.



How do you plan to change the Naval under your command?:



The Current activity with the navy is the same as it has been for a while even under different admirals, can i promise to increase it? No but no one can make promises we can sure as hell try and improve it. Something that might help with this is an Active Yularen that cares about the Navy and actually wants to play. Under here you can find some things I will try during my time as Yularen. But if not reachable i will try and hold the current activity we had with me and Buzz in charge [Highest Naval playing [Active] was 12 for a day].


During my term I wanna increase and Improve Passive Role Play within the Navy. How will I do that and what roleplay will involve in this?

Multiple Roleplay factors will come into play, How we Roll with it along the way is for the Player to decide and improvise where needed. What RP am i talking about?

Engineering RP [What do I mean with Engineering RP? basically this of anything that has to do with machines such as, ER, Aircraft Repair/ Upgrades same for Armored Vehicles.]


Medical RP [Medical RP has always been a lack of will from people and i want return that like the old days where MED RP was so common that DB were not hosted till after the RP was done. Also MED RP was done during times when no events were happening and players would do something to get themselves into medbay.]


TECH RP [I want the Navy to improve in its TECH RP in many different aspects, from looking intel up to repairing a console or hacking into 1. you can be very open minded when you are doing TECH RP, And i think we should explore that more often.]


Cafeteria RP [we have an Entire empty room based on being the kitchen area in the Cafeteria a room of passive opportunities you can stretch it as far as you want.]


Supply Run RP [Here and there we host Resupply missions to Thesh or we receive supplies for the Base. I wanna increase these appearances and maybe stretch them further than just moving boxes.]


Investigation RP [Now this will come in aspects as the so called RSB comes in place and is running smoothly, Also this can be very open minded on the way you wanna play it. Of course there are also times you need to improvise.]





-==[RP Standards And Branches]==-

[RP Standards]

The navy is supposed to be a faction which mostly exists out of Roleplay. During all my time within the navy the RP within the faction has only decreased instead of improved. Such as Medical Or Engineering people within this Branch i've not seen doing RP for a while now some have most not. I wanna return to that during my time as Admiral. I'm not gonna make it mandatory but I will surely promote it to a higher standard which might affect the person's standing within the navy's ranking structure.

1: RSB
The RSB branch has now been a promise to be done and set by different admirals, after all that time the Branch still hast been brought back since the last time it was seen. Now I won't make promises but I will do my best to try and get this branch back up and running again. I heard people have been waiting for this for a while now. Currently we have people working on idealizing this Branch, this will for now be a priority on our to do list.

1: Naval Outreach
I want the Navy to increase bonding with battalions. The Jedi have done that by Battalion Jedi. I wanna implant Naval Outreach back into the Navy. What will they do? Naval Outreach is simple its an operative from PO+ that will attach himself to a Battalion, If the Battalion has any ideas or any Complaints from the Navy they can take this to their Outreach wich will relate it to the Officer Corp of the Navy, from there the Officer Corp takes that part over. The Operative can also tag along in missions for team building as for RP.



-==[Naval Trainings]==-


At This Time Navals Trainings Are Something You Get Once Then Never Think About Again, However Getting Medical Training Just Magically Lets You Glue A Trooper Who Was Shot With A Rocket Back Together Apparently…

What Could Be Done By Active Naval Would-Be Refreshers Or Drills Regarding The Trainings They Oversee.



At This Time I See No Major Problem With These Trainings, It Is Just The Fact There Is Almost No Naval Ever On To Run The ATC System So Clone Officers Normally End Up Doing It.



At this current time the Medical Branch has no CMO but there are 2 applicants on the way trying to achieve this position.
Engineering is currently being handled by the newly appointed COE Buzz Aka Tarkin. I trust that he has the entire ENG Branch under control and he will lead it in the right direction.

My main priority will be with The Functionality of the Navy, The last period Buzz and me ran the Navy quite smoothly according to HC, during this time we had in increasement of Activity, now what also has Priority in my eyes is RolePlay within the Navy In certain aspects this can be increased but both HC and Buzz and me are Happy with the way it's currently going.
OFC as Mentioned before the RSB rework will also be a priority point of attention.
Also a Priority for me is to increase Friendly Operations between the Navy and Battalions, more info about this you will find under branches. With the Outreach Program I hope to build up Relations between the Navy and Battalions.
Also on my agenda is to heavily promote Passive RP such as MED and ENG, ETC.





Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?: Yes




Do you understand that your position has a three-month term limit, and you must reapply after three months to maintain your Admiral rank?: Yes

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+1 I personally think that you're the best person to go for Yularen at the moment, not only do you have more experience within Naval but you also have been working non-stop to get it running the way it was intended. Since the end of January I have been working with you to help increase the interactions and activity within the server.


  • Informative 1

Image result for hell or high water jeff bridges

Choose your place, hell or high water, there is no in between.

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This app presents a lot of problems without prescribing any real solutions. You are purposefully avoiding making any promises on this app by saying that you will "try your best". If you aren't confident that you can do anything you have planned than how can the rest of the community rely on you? Not only that, but the app is incredibly vague in many aspects. For instance, the RSB section you once again avoid the responsibility of failure by saying you cant make any promises with the only hint to what you have planned being the sentence "currently we have people working on idealizing this branch."  and this sentence does not actually say anything and uses vague buzz words to seem productive. 

  • Informative 1
  • Dumb 3
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7 hours ago, Pythin said:

You and Buzz have been doing an amazing Job with helping out Navy, and bring it back. 
You'd both make great Admiral and Vice Admirals!

you back my boy and +1 he is the only person who has put more into the naval other than boutineer 

Current: Rancor Colt
Past spots: 501st XO, 501st CMD, 501st WO Appo, TC Hardcase, 332nd office, ATK Reg Purge, Keller Unit Vinnie, General Luminara, 41st GCO ARCL Draa, 3rd Crosshair on the Server, Hunter, Sith Marauder  TRO, GMM, VA x3. CIS Tac Droid, Guild Cabinet Member

The person who made a treaty with the sith as a clone 

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+1 lets go warmac!

Current: Kevin Colt leader of the Colt Crime Syndicate | Alpha-69 Dennis 

Former: BCMD Doom x3| Havoc Squad Brimstone x3 | Base Ops CMD | Delta Jedi | BCMD Colt | BCMD Bacara | Specialized Regimental Commander x2 | First Count Dooku and creator of the CIS | Rear Admiral Orson Krennic 

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  • Director

+1 you and buzz make a great team!



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Head Admin

Before voting, I do have a question. In the past weeks there have been multiple people across the server joining naval and then leaving due to how to merit system is setup initially. Correct me if I am wrong, but I believe it is you need 150 merits in the first 14 days and most things give 5/10 points. Seeing as it pushed people away from staying, is there anything you'd be changing regarding the merit system?

Current: Head Admin | Specialized Regimental Commander

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Imma be honest here chief, as much as i fuck with you personally there are reasons that are holding me back from supporting this application. 

First of all, you are heavily relying on yourself and Buzz in stead of the whole Regiment, if one of you resign the whole branch would be fucked from what I understand from your app.

A lot of people have been complaining about the current merit system to the point it made them resign from navy yet I don't see any fixes for that mentioned in your app?

A big reason why Navy is on the server is boosting RP, yet i Didn't see you mention it in your app, also I rarely see you play your character and I have seen one action from you to boost RP where you acted like a traitor and bombed the base. 

For the time being unfortunately I have to -1 this app,

Good luck with the interview!

  • Agree 2

First and only Polish Director:pepeSheesh:

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I think that you've been lacking in RP from all the time I've known you, but you've been a strong member of the navy. I hope if you do get Yularen, you'll be able to do a good job with the immense RP potential. Remember to be a figurehead!!

Broooo that's literally insane brooo


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5 hours ago, Rohan said:

Before voting, I do have a question. In the past weeks there have been multiple people across the server joining naval and then leaving due to how to merit system is setup initially. Correct me if I am wrong, but I believe it is you need 150 merits in the first 14 days and most things give 5/10 points. Seeing as it pushed people away from staying, is there anything you'd be changing regarding the merit system?

At the current moment of time it had indeed been mentioned 2 days ago that the merit system was flawed, I personally dont look at the merits but the players. But to hear that people are leaving bcs of it worries me indeed. i have not been informed that players have been leaving because of this reason till now. It was brought to our attention 2 days ago by the Marshall Commander, Before that we didnt have any knowledge about big flaws / problems with the merit system we have. but im now just talking yes we are fixing this, For now we are removing the Merit system for the time being or even forever. Im not going around that this whas my faulth for not noticing anytime sooner.
I hope i answered your question with this.

  • Informative 1
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-1 I think you can do most of these things in your current position and I don't trust you as a member of HC. I have heard and seen from multiple people how hard it is to work with you on things outside of the navy and with a HC position you would be doing that a lot. I also agree with Mavelle that you are lacking in roleplay that Yularen really should do.

  • Agree 1


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Forum Admin

I'm kind of split on this decision.

I know your dedication and work ethic within Naval is always there and you're always striving for increase activity and presence

But on the other hand, your leadership capabilities are lacking, organizational and role-playing abilities are also severely lacking as well in my opinion. On top of trying to revive an extremely difficult regiment to maintain and work upon, I'm just not too sure if you're the guy to take complete leadership of and fix everything.

Is there anything you can actually Promise on, and say regarding your ability to actually be a leader?

  • Agree 1

I added the Pepe emojis onto the forums

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I am going to be +1ing, some people have said valid points and to some degree I agree with them. However, some individuals are -1ing just bc he stated RSB in his application. Many of you guys know who I am, and regarding RSB, I sat down by myself and made several documents and Handbooks on a New Updated RSB guidelines and how the server (from multiple people from all Branches BH JEDI ETC) wish RSB to be ran. I have taken that and put it all into a document which I cannot publicly give out as if it is implemented it will be what RSB runs off of.

Warmac and Buzz have both submitted the documents to High Command to look over and review.

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I have just very recently returned to Synergy so I can't really comment on you as a person or actions I have seen from you in game or your roleplay etc. However I have noticed from this app that you don't really promise anything, there is a lot of "I'll do my best" and things of that nature regarding your plans. Honestly this is just my opinion but if you aren't confident in yourself and your plans for the battalion which is what it sounds like to me, then how can we as a community really trust you to better the battalion and do any of these things you talk about doing? 

Sorry but it is going to be a -1 from me.

Former: Senior Admin | Dooms Unit SNCO | 187th NCO ST SNCO Senator Gume Saam | SO CPT JetRSB Supervisor LTJG Dodd Rancit | Commander Keller | RSB Supervisor LTJG Alexsandr Kallus |

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You have a lot of topics on this app, but the description and detail that you gave to them is extremely lack luster. Or some of the topics you put just have a "We can do stuff with it". There is a lot missing here and with Navy needing serious improvement in ALL categories like you are implying. They will need a better thought out plan of action.


Kal Skirata                                                                                                                                                   Bacta                    Marvel                     Brooklyn


I beat Jad in a spar first try.

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I think theres alot to work on. But in my view Warmac is one of the few leaders in the naval and Id be more interested to see what kind of interview he gives towards HC. +1


Currently trying to not be a forum gremlin

Former Chancellor Palpatine | Former Yoda & Mace Windu | Former Shaak Ti & Anakin | Former Delta Squad Scorch | Former Mas Amedda | Former Director | Former Management

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+1 after talking to Warmac he seems like he can represent himself well and explained what hes going to do for the Navy activity and roleplay wise.

Former: Warrant Officer Appo | Jedi Commander Barriss Offee | 212th SGT Zin Senior Administrator


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You don't have any solid plans or ideas, and what little you do have is stuff you should be doing right now. Your reason for wanting Yularen is also lacking in my view. Documentation work and small projects aren't what drive a faction. Naval needs a strong leader right now, that will motivate them to get on, and someone that will teach the next generation of naval officers not only how to do the job of naval, but how to lead naval. You don't have the leadership skills to do that, and I don't think you've done enough in naval now to think you're ready to be part of High Command.

  • Agree 1
  • Winner 1

|Longest Serving Attack Regimental Commander||Master of Quests|


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-1 Vague and lots of things that come across as "filler" that can be done by any regular Officer in the Navy or things you can do now. If the RP standards have been decreasing (per your admission) with you as one of the highest ranks, how would you being Admiral fix that? The Admiral is an RCMD position (for some reason; it honestly shouldn't be with the current state of the Navy) and is something that people need to trust to do well with, which is a point that is lacking given this application.

  • Dumb 1

Current: Nothing

Former Vice Chairman Mas Amedda | Former Senior Senator Meena TillsFormer 41st BCMD Gree (Shrimp) | Former 501st Major Kix  | Former Senior Admin

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On 3/30/2023 at 1:56 PM, Naffen said:

I'm kind of split on this decision.

I know your dedication and work ethic within Naval is always there and you're always striving for increase activity and presence

But on the other hand, your leadership capabilities are lacking, organizational and role-playing abilities are also severely lacking as well in my opinion. On top of trying to revive an extremely difficult regiment to maintain and work upon, I'm just not too sure if you're the guy to take complete leadership of and fix everything.

Is there anything you can actually Promise on, and say regarding your ability to actually be a leader?

At the current time there are a few things i can promise yes.
1: Increasment of RP within the Navy [Mostly Passive]
2: A jump in activity from the old state it whas in.
3: more coordination with Battalions
4: an Active officer core that can procceed the Lagacy of the navy.
5: [a personal 1] my own personality and organization. 

Regarding to my Leadership capabilities.
In my point of view im working with what i got and im trying to do the job to the best of my knowledge. Do i lack Leadership? Maby but also maby not, Everyone has their own way of showing and doing leadership, is mine perfect? I dont know but there is always room for improvement.
And i will promise that i will do my best improving the navy and myself, and to the job to the best of my abilities and Knowledge.

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  • Management

Congratulations, You have been ACCEPTED for a commander interview!

Please contact a Director to organise your interview.

Failure to do so within 7 DAYS of this post will result in the DENIAL of your application.



i am literally captain tukk

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Unfortunately your application has been DENIED.

You will be contacted by a Director or relevant High Command for your denial reason.

You may apply for another commander positions after 30 DAYS from this post.




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