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Void's SOBDE BCMD Application


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Steam Name: Echo

RP Name: Boss

RP Rank: Commander

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:54134076

Battalion you are applying for: Oh-Five Commando


Coruscant Guard - Private to Battalion Commander

Rancor Battalion - Command Sergeant Major to Battalion Commander

SOBDE - Private to Commander

Jedi - Padawan to Council Member

Why should you become a Battalion Commander?:

I'll be separating this section to bullet points to express why I should become the next potential Battalion Commander of the Special Operations Brigade.

  • I am an experienced individual inside the community I would argue who is able to place aside his own personal aspirations and think about the community as a whole when making decisions that could affect both the battalion and those inside the community. I place a community member and their suggestion at a high regard and will evaluate and discuss with those who are connected to it, to ensure a correct response in the development or denial of an idea. I find it extremely important to work along-side those in both High Command and Command to establish ideas and to prevent the issue of a sloppy implementation.


  • I'm consistent when it comes to work ethic inside of the battalion, I strive to remain both active and proactive in the process of running a battalion to prevent a backlog, this allows me to focus my resources elsewhere, to ensure that systems are continuously being updated and upheld and in return it should provide a fluid process for the old and new inside the battalion. I find communication key in this matter and furthermore to establish a reliable structure from the overall systems inside of a battalion to the people in key roles who are able to demonstrate these essential traits.


  • I would argue that I am an approachable individual who people are able to communicate with in a safe environment, when displaying issues and suggestions to ensure that their voice is being acknowledged and understood. I take great commitment in understanding and listening to those around me as briefly discussed earlier, as once again, while I am able and willing to put my foot down on various issues, I prefer to work along-side those around me as other people make have truly exceptional ideas that would bypass my own. An example being, Brooklyn, an exceptional member of the battalion who is able to display his ideas in a clear and constructive format and who is blunt to acknowledge when I have made a mistake. He has been a key individual throughout my time in the battalion and in the community when it comes to the development and discussion of ideas to enhance my understanding on the subject.


On an overall basis, I will understand that I will receive some caution due to my recent resignation from the position of Battalion Commander of Rancor however at the moment this has been a true moment of fun that I have had in the community compared to anywhere else I have been. I have yet to see my fun diminish in this particular area of the community and I have great ambition for this battalion.


Due to me being on a EU schedule, my times may differ compared to the main area of the community.

  • Weekdays - 1pm EST to 8pm EST
  • Weekends - 9am EST to 9pm EST

Of course, times may differ depending on days, but this is a rough estimate.

Estimate of how long you've played on Synergy Roleplay?: 1609 hours

Do you have a microphone?: Yes

Where do you want your battalion to be at the end of your term?:

Once again, I'll bullet point the key areas that I would like to have seen established and developed by the end of term as a potential Battalion Commander.

  • To begin, I will start with the hot topic of Grey RC, throughout my term I wish to mitigate the amount of numbers of Grey RC that will be inside of the battalion throughout my term. This is due to two key reasons, the first being that this will provide us key time to develop and mentor those who join the battalion to prepare them for the eventuality of becoming a lore character inside of a prospective squad. Two, being to accommodate the current server climate it would potentially allow for other battalions, while small, to elevate the amount of people inside of their battalion. There does not need to be a huge presence of Republic Commandos on base at once, they were notorious to operate in small groups and I would like to promote this dynamic in the community. This in-turn will make slots competitive and hopefully which prospects joining, they would have developed key skills that we crave in other battalions where we are able to develop on those key traits they have acquired to integrate them perfectly into the team. With this in mind, the reason for four, we would create "Foxtrot" as almost a development squad, where the Gregor would be heavily pushed to assist in their development, in operating in a Squad and understanding the foundations of what we expect in a Republic Commando. Before the question is beckoned, no we would not be requesting for any changes to add the Squad entirely, they would simply use the Grey RC whitelist.


  • With the change I have mentioned above, we would be looking at changing the process of when they initially join, where they would have to get "X" trainings that pertain strictly to SOBDE. For example, breaching, to improve their understanding how to operate in a team, to uniform how we conduct ourselves in events where they would be able to operate with another Squad's dynamic when needed, to promote the usage of the Non-Commissioned Officers to prepare them for the eventuality of becoming an officer. Furthermore, another example being, lore, where we instruct them on the lore that associated with a Republic Commando, at the respective squads inside of the battalion to prepare them for when they decide to apply for a lore character. I'll be blunt, I'm an advocate for the removal of Grey RC, however while they are here I wish to integrate and improve them to the best of my abilities.


  • One of the key issues in the battalion at the moment has been the overall lack of presence when it comes to Bad Batch, while this could be argued due to a decrease of player count and overall interest in the position. While this is sad, I wish to set aside the mindset of "excuses" and aim to look at introducing new methods of recruitment in order to promote this part of the battalion into the spotlight. This will be difficult, but paired with an advertisement of recruitment and potentially using the jobs as "unofficial members" to promote the battalion, to show the community that the spots do exist, paired with heavy RP as was demonstrated by Mavelle and Day, could push them out from under the shade and back into the light. Furthermore, with the introduction of strong leadership inside of the Squad who will be able to promote an active and engaging response, to once again encourage people to strive for the positions. Paired with potential deployments to be arranged to keep the motivation and engagement going. I hate the "excuse" we do not have enough players, in-turn with careful and proactive recruitment and overall activity this should hopefully fill the Squad by the end of my potential term.


  • Finally, when it comes to lore characters, the process will more or less remain the same, however with some updates on the overall system to ensure they are flawless internally when it comes to grading and the overall application procedure. I aim to encourage those joining the battalion by understanding what they are interested in and to discuss with them other prospective positions they could go for. I hate the mentality of "I want only this character". I aim to advertise the Squad's in their respective fashions by communicating with the Gamemaster Team, paired with the Squad Leads to develop ideas that could increase their overall identity, to make them appealing. To expand on this, with a potential lore segment for Grey RC, to explain the characters in further detail and encourage for them to explore the rabbit hole. While this will be tough, by the end of my term, I hope to have all the Squads filled which is ambitious but something that I aim to complete as afore mentioned.

Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?: Yes

Do you understand that your position has a three month term limit and you must reapply after three months to maintain your commander rank?: Yes

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5 minutes ago, Bleach said:

Yes, yes, I just left so my opinion isn't valid but this one is kinda sticking out at me.

Why did you leave Rancor knowing the situation it was in?

Hi Bleach.

A lot of stories seem to be circling around the idea of my reason for resignation, but I will provide you my side of events.

I resigned, simply because I was not having fun, I enjoyed the aspect of running and managing a battalion and always will. However, the position itself I was not having fun, I was struggling to log on purely because I was not enjoying the battalion. At first, like all people who join a Battalion have the "love goggles" will enjoy the battalion for "X" amount of time until it turns sour. For me it turned sour, a week or so through my term. For me, I had established my routes in the battalion before when I was under Stix, however it never felt the time, different people, different environment. 

While there were a select few people in the battalion I enjoyed to interact with, you and Ollie being the primary in that case, which helped me slug so far into my term. At the end I just hated it. I was contemplating a "Two-Week LOA" but I know by the end of that, it would result in me leaving the community. I was having fun in Jedi at the time and still am which is why I decided to resign from the position and decided to go somewhere I would potentially have fun, which I did. A new environment, new people and I honestly merge well the battalion. 

When I left, I honestly believed you were ready as you were eyed up to become the next Commander of the battalion and arguably did very well, I knew I trusted you and after you quashed the issues between CG and Rancor, I honestly thought I made the right decision and still do. However, after your resignation, while sad, I did not believe it was truly in a dire state. I knew Marr would be a reliable presence, while inactive on the server, contactable via discord and would assist you in the transition well.

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Forum Admin

I'm leaning towards a +1 on this app, but I got a question
You had a lot of plans and ideas that you were going to do with Rancor, and also stated you were gonna stick it out because you wanted to flush these plans out but you left just randomly. Is this something you think will be an issue for you again as SOBDE BCMD? 
I know your main reason was you just weren't having fun but I'd hate for another battalion to suffer just when the leader leaves without a proper structure set up for it to follow

  • Informative 1
  • Friendly 1

I added the Pepe emojis onto the forums

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6 minutes ago, Naffen said:

I'm leaning towards a +1 on this app, but I got a question
You had a lot of plans and ideas that you were going to do with Rancor, and also stated you were gonna stick it out because you wanted to flush these plans out but you left just randomly. Is this something you think will be an issue for you again as SOBDE BCMD? 
I know your main reason was you just weren't having fun but I'd hate for another battalion to suffer just when the leader leaves without a proper structure set up for it to follow

For me, I'm having fun, the environment is completely different from any other battalion I have been in, this being CG and Rancor. This has been a huge tide in my time in the community. I'm having fun for the first time in ages in the community. 

However, I can say this and all of the sudden it could change, not planning for it to change but life is fluid. My idea, would be to ensure that I have a reliable Command Team and ensure that I have established competent officers throughout the first month of my term.

Arguably, I have a different Command Team, for example Brooklyn, who will address me bluntly if I make idiotic moves which I would like to say is unlikely. Furthermore some amazing individuals inside of the battalion. For example Ganar. To prevent what happened with Rancor, my plan is to ensure that I have established a strong team in-case events do happen, which I would like to say is unlikely.

When it comes to plans, instead of huge change, I will take it a step at a time to prevent the issue of unfinished projects and if it did lead to that, that the battalion are fully looped into the changes to ensure they are implemented correctly.

Edited by Void
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Before I leave a vote, I have some issues I'd like addressed.

Not much longer than a month ago, you resigned from the BCMD of RANCOR after not even a full month as the Battalion Commander. In your resignation, you said that consistent obligation prevented you from having fun in the community.
"It has taken a month to realise that I simply wish to have fun in the community and enjoy my time on the server without the consistent obligation to worry."

You also said that you want to divide your time differently, instead of having it all focused on your BCMD position.
"For me its about dividing my time into things that I enjoy inside in the community, paired with being able to delegate time elsewhere."

Why, after a month of having resigned from a different battalion's BCMD due to lack of fun, do you think going right back into a different BCMD spot will be any better? Why do you think the time-commitment, or obligatory aspects of this position won't bother you this time? Once you realized you had time to put into a battalion enough to become the BCMD again, why didn't you go back to RANCOR in their time of need?

Most of all, why should we trust you to have the dedication to this position, a month later, when you didn't even make it a month as RANCOR BCMD?

  • Agree 3
  • Friendly 1
  • Optimistic 2

Current: Navy RDC SCPO Greg
Former: GM DD MEDL MAJ Jedi Chief Instructor, Ki-Adi-Mundi, Jocatsa Nu, Barris offee Jar Jar Binks

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+1 I think Void is capable, from his time in the Senate he always struck me as someone who could get shit done. Leaving the Rancor BCMD spot sucks, but if he can stick with SOBDE which is very very different, he will be a good fit. 

  • Friendly 1

Current: Nothing

Former Vice Chairman Mas Amedda | Former Senior Senator Meena TillsFormer 41st BCMD Gree (Shrimp) | Former 501st Major Kix  | Former Senior Admin

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8 minutes ago, Lovestruck said:

Before I leave a vote, I have some issues I'd like addressed.

Not much longer than a month ago, you resigned from the BCMD of RANCOR after not even a full month as the Battalion Commander. In your resignation, you said that consistent obligation prevented you from having fun in the community.
"It has taken a month to realise that I simply wish to have fun in the community and enjoy my time on the server without the consistent obligation to worry."

You also said that you want to divide your time differently, instead of having it all focused on your BCMD position.
"For me its about dividing my time into things that I enjoy inside in the community, paired with being able to delegate time elsewhere."

Why, after a month of having resigned from a different battalion's BCMD due to lack of fun, do you think going right back into a different BCMD spot will be any better? Why do you think the time-commitment, or obligatory aspects of this position won't bother you this time? Once you realized you had time to put into a battalion enough to become the BCMD again, why didn't you go back to RANCOR in their time of need?

Most of all, why should we trust you to have the dedication to this position, a month later, when you didn't even make it a month as RANCOR BCMD?

Hi Lovestruck, I appreciate your concern.

At the moment for me, this is something I want do, while of course that can change I believe it unlikely in this case. Compared to numerous other positions they all share similar characteristics, this one feels diverse and suits my overall style. To begin with as stated, I'm having fun and have some serious passion, fresh passion, for this battalion. Furthermore, the position is diverse in nature compared to various other positions, both with overall battalion workings and the people inside of the battalion. I'm having fun inside of the battalion, because I enjoy the battalion, this was not the case for Rancor where I attempted to trudge my way through which affected my overall ambition and enjoyment inside of the community. The overall objectives of a Battalion Commander were fun and exciting, the battalion was not. And I would argue, while a short month I provided significant turn around even when I was not enjoying the position. This would not be the case, as I'm enjoying the battalion and the people.

Time-commitment is a fluid topic, as anything can change. I know that my three months will be rather free, compared to university, however with an exceptional team and a goal already set as a Commander and potential Battalion Commander, I aim to solidify this to ensure that I am able to meet me by quota and potentially beyond that, paired with delegating tasks and working along-side a Command Team which are as ambitious as I am. When it comes to my schedule, I have balanced it correctly where I will be able to delegate my time wisely, so it fits into my schedule perfectly, while being able to maintain my commit inside of the Order as well.

Because I'm not obligated to do go back to be frank, if I resigned because I was not having fun inside of the battalion, because of the battalion itself, why should I force myself to endure and sacrifice my fun and time which would in-turn force me away from the community. Would you stay in a position if it genuinely was affecting your ability to get onto the server, interact with the community and overall provide you with enjoyment. In this case, I have yet to experience this and paired with the fact I am in a position that grants me this enjoyment, because I have loved Delta Squad and the Republic Commandos since I was twelve, now I'm twenty-two and have yet to cease to be uninterested in them. For me RCs is like the saying of "All Roads lead to Rome" no matter what, I find myself back here. Paired with the fact, on previous communities I have always ended up in Delta and clogging the position for potentially a year.

Finally, you do not have to trust me, I can provide you comfort to change your mind however that is completely up to you. In this case, I have significant enjoyment in the position of Boss and will continue to do so and ensure the activity of my Squad, paired with the potential additional responsibilities of being the figure head of the battalion. However, I plan to act as a council with the other members of Command, where we make uniformed decisions about Grey RC and the other Squads as a collective, furthermore. This position, does have less responsibilities, for example the Alpha Designation Program, the ARC Program which mitigates the chance of burnout. I could say "I will be good this time, I promise" but I won't. I'll put it simple.

I enjoy my time in the battalion, I have ambition along-side the others in the Command Team to develop and elevate this battalion and if I don't get it I'll continue to do so as a Commander. 

  • Winner 1
  • Informative 2
  • Confused 1
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You are constantly contradicting yourself in your response.
You want the position, but you don't want the position due to responsibilities because it affects your fun.  Which one is it?

Furthermore,  What was stopping you from this doing this in Rancor:


 paired with delegating tasks and working along-side a Command Team which are as ambitious as I am. 


  • Informative 1
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  • Dumb 2

Every time I wander into an argument on the forums.

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48 minutes ago, Zensras said:

You are constantly contradicting yourself in your response.
You want the position, but you don't want the position due to responsibilities because it affects your fun.  Which one is it?

Furthermore,  What was stopping you from this doing this in Rancor:


I never contradicted myself, from what I'm reading. I referenced in there the reason I was not having fun was because I did not enjoy Rancor as a battalion, as I mentioned earlier I enjoy the responsibilities of a BCMD, I didn't enjoy the battalion. If I didn't want the position I wouldn't apply.

Nothing stopped me doing this in Rancor, Ollie handled the Alpha Program, Marr handled the ARC Trainings ensuring they were scheduled, Lynoxais provided advice and guidance due to previous experience and a community mindset.

The difference, delegation is different here. Because Squad Lead handles their squads, which would still be a responsibility of mine as I would be Boss. That is the reason I brought it forward. And of course, when it comes to the overall creation of new trainings, which is and will be assigned to specific officers and members of Command, including myself, to create and ensure they are developed to the best standard.

To extend, via an edit, as referenced earlier I detail that there are less responsibilities compared to Rancor, which mitigates burnout as I do not have to constantly worry about the ARC Program, the ARC Leads, ARC standards, the Alpha ARC designations. Because even when delegated, as a Battalion Commander you are expected as it should be obvious, to still worry about those aspects even when delegated.

If I was not clear my bad.

Edited by Void
  • Agree 1
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+1 he has been a solid leader in SO BDE from the outside view, as well as if his own lads in RC trust him to be BCMD than I do 

Edited by KillJoy
  • Friendly 1

Current: Null 10 Jaing 
Past spots: 501st XO, 501st CMD, 501st WO Appo, TC Hardcase, 332nd Officer , ATK Reg Purge, Keller Unit Vinnie, General Luminara, 41st GCO ARCL Draa, 3rd Crosshair on the Server, Hunter, Sith Marauder  TRO, GMM, VA x3. CIS Tac Droid, Guild Cabinet Member, ARCM Colt, Dash 44, Wolfpack Mortar


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14 hours ago, Void said:

Hi Lovestruck, I appreciate your concern.

At the moment for me, this is something I want do, while of course that can change I believe it unlikely in this case. Compared to numerous other positions they all share similar characteristics, this one feels diverse and suits my overall style. To begin with as stated, I'm having fun and have some serious passion, fresh passion, for this battalion. Furthermore, the position is diverse in nature compared to various other positions, both with overall battalion workings and the people inside of the battalion. I'm having fun inside of the battalion, because I enjoy the battalion, this was not the case for Rancor where I attempted to trudge my way through which affected my overall ambition and enjoyment inside of the community. The overall objectives of a Battalion Commander were fun and exciting, the battalion was not. And I would argue, while a short month I provided significant turn around even when I was not enjoying the position. This would not be the case, as I'm enjoying the battalion and the people.

Time-commitment is a fluid topic, as anything can change. I know that my three months will be rather free, compared to university, however with an exceptional team and a goal already set as a Commander and potential Battalion Commander, I aim to solidify this to ensure that I am able to meet me by quota and potentially beyond that, paired with delegating tasks and working along-side a Command Team which are as ambitious as I am. When it comes to my schedule, I have balanced it correctly where I will be able to delegate my time wisely, so it fits into my schedule perfectly, while being able to maintain my commit inside of the Order as well.

Because I'm not obligated to do go back to be frank, if I resigned because I was not having fun inside of the battalion, because of the battalion itself, why should I force myself to endure and sacrifice my fun and time which would in-turn force me away from the community. Would you stay in a position if it genuinely was affecting your ability to get onto the server, interact with the community and overall provide you with enjoyment. In this case, I have yet to experience this and paired with the fact I am in a position that grants me this enjoyment, because I have loved Delta Squad and the Republic Commandos since I was twelve, now I'm twenty-two and have yet to cease to be uninterested in them. For me RCs is like the saying of "All Roads lead to Rome" no matter what, I find myself back here. Paired with the fact, on previous communities I have always ended up in Delta and clogging the position for potentially a year.

Finally, you do not have to trust me, I can provide you comfort to change your mind however that is completely up to you. In this case, I have significant enjoyment in the position of Boss and will continue to do so and ensure the activity of my Squad, paired with the potential additional responsibilities of being the figure head of the battalion. However, I plan to act as a council with the other members of Command, where we make uniformed decisions about Grey RC and the other Squads as a collective, furthermore. This position, does have less responsibilities, for example the Alpha Designation Program, the ARC Program which mitigates the chance of burnout. I could say "I will be good this time, I promise" but I won't. I'll put it simple.

I enjoy my time in the battalion, I have ambition along-side the others in the Command Team to develop and elevate this battalion and if I don't get it I'll continue to do so as a Commander. 

Thank you for taking the time to respond.

I'm going to have to -1.

All you've really given for reason that you'd do better in this position is that it's a different battalion, that's run slightly differently. To me, this doesn't really seem like it's a solution to the original problems you had as BCMD of RANCOR. You also mentioned that you lost interest for RANCOR only a week after getting BCMD, which I don't think is something that won't happen with this position.

"At first, like all people who join a Battalion have the "love goggles" will enjoy the battalion for "X" amount of time until it turns sour. For me it turned sour, a week or so through my term."

I don't feel reassured that you'll feel any differently in this position than your last, or that you'll really enjoy it any more despite the differences in how it runs. Right now one of the biggest problems on Synergy (to me) is that BCMDs are retiring left and right after only just getting their positions, leaving many battalions unstable and vulnerable to collapse.

That being said, if you do get this position, I hope everything goes well for you, and I'd be looking forward to seeing what you do with the battalion.

  • Agree 1
  • Informative 1
  • Friendly 1

Current: Navy RDC SCPO Greg
Former: GM DD MEDL MAJ Jedi Chief Instructor, Ki-Adi-Mundi, Jocatsa Nu, Barris offee Jar Jar Binks

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22 minutes ago, Lovestruck said:

Thank you for taking the time to respond.

I'm going to have to -1.

All you've really given for reason that you'd do better in this position is that it's a different battalion, that's run slightly differently. To me, this doesn't really seem like it's a solution to the original problems you had as BCMD of RANCOR. You also mentioned that you lost interest for RANCOR only a week after getting BCMD, which I don't think is something that won't happen with this position.

"At first, like all people who join a Battalion have the "love goggles" will enjoy the battalion for "X" amount of time until it turns sour. For me it turned sour, a week or so through my term."

I don't feel reassured that you'll feel any differently in this position than your last, or that you'll really enjoy it any more despite the differences in how it runs. Right now one of the biggest problems on Synergy (to me) is that BCMDs are retiring left and right after only just getting their positions, leaving many battalions unstable and vulnerable to collapse.

That being said, if you do get this position, I hope everything goes well for you, and I'd be looking forward to seeing what you do with the battalion.

Thank you for the response Lovestruck and I appreciate the feedback and understand the reasoning behind your vote.

While that being the primary reason, I did fail to mention the environment and people are completely different and bare in mind when you have spent "X" amount of months in a battalion, change is needed to keep the experience refreshing. My obligation is that to the battalion and community and will always maintain consistence when it comes to that. I think the only difference is, that I could set aside from my position of Rancor was the fact I went from "1st Lieutenant" to "Battalion Commander" which while I understand that was my own doing, at the time I did not have the relevant Command experience in the battalion to truly see it for what it is. Before the argument of "You were a Commander before" I did resign shortly after Stix's resignation due to severe burnout, this was because I was "Sentinel Lead, Head Admin, Gamemaster Officer and Commander and studying at University" at once which as I described earlier, pushed me away from the community. 

This is why I decided to opt away from the Staff Team when I joined SOBDE and decided to stray away from Battalion work on my Jedi, this means when I'm on my Jedi the only concern I have is the Order and when I go on my clone, my fundamental worry is my battalion. Which I discussed with numerous people at the time.

Bare in mind, as referenced my term was a month before resignation and when I lost interest within a week, I attempted my best to grudge may way through, which arguably caused a huge turn around inside of the battalion, where numbers became consistent and the overall ARC Program went through small changes, with the removal of and changes of the program to prepare for a full change, which I sadly did not see through.

The difference and I hope you are granted confidence in this, is that I've been a Commander inside of SOBDE, coming three weeks and I have not lost that spark, I love my Squad and I love the battalion. I have that Command experience and understand the overall workings inside of the battalion where there would not be drastic change in my duties, the only thing being my quota would increase which I would be able to sustain without a doubt. Paired with chairing meetings and pushing for change along-side my Command Team and communicating directly with High Command.

And while I do not enjoy the battalion, my care is still there, I can recall a conversation just yesterday about the current state of Rancor and while it is sad, because those are my routes, I have no obligation to go back and fix it, nor do I wish to prevent the very reason that started to push me away from the community.

The reason I feel differently, is that to begin with I have the experience as a Commander of the battalion, therefore I understand what is entailed in the position fully, that the people that I have been operating beside inside of the battalion have ignited that spark, where we debate and discuss change consistently to better the battalion. As I have made clear, I have and always will enjoy the responsibilities of a Battalion Commander and now that my foot is inside of the community fully, its something that I seem open-minded about fully.

And before the question is asked from anyone, if I was unable to balance my time between the Order and the Battalion, what would I do? I would drop the Order and completely main clone. Because the battalion has gripped me into staying, I love my lore character and the people and the overall battalion and how vastly different it is compared to other battalions.

I hope that clarifies some things and this is not to "change your vote" as I appreciate your response, it helps me develop my plans and my thought process which has provided me much to reflect on, however for me your responses solidify the reason on why I wish to go for it. I'm not asking for an opportunity to prove you wrong, however if I do obtain the position I look forward to that challenge when I finalise my term.

Edited by Void
  • Informative 3
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Forum Admin

There is a vast difference between the structure of RC, vs. a normal battalion. Whether it is the maintenance of numbers, entertainment, or documents; RC do not have the strain that normal battalions do. BCMD of Rancor is no easy task, and that is a lot of weight on your shoulders alone.

While it may of been a bit shitty you left the battalion in a poor state, I don't see that happening with RC.

+1, good luck man. Hope to see some change under your leadership!!

  • Agree 3
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🎀  𝙵𝚊𝚛𝚝 𝚂𝚖𝚎𝚕𝚕𝚊  🎀

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I think you will do fine. I wish you would've waiting until you were in the battalion longer, but I see your passion. I am the same way. +1

@MaddoxxAnother fine addition to my Puppet collection.

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Kal Skirata                                                                                                                                                   Bacta                    Marvel                     Brooklyn


I beat Jad in a spar first try.

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Congratulations, You have been ACCEPTED for a commander interview!

Please contact a Director to organise your interview.

Failure to do so within 7 DAYS of this post will result in the DENIAL of your application.


Anyone Know or Can Make This A Live Background : r/halo

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