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Tomm's BCMD Gree Application


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Clone Commander Gree | Star wars images, Star wars clone wars, Star wars  characters pictures
Steam Name: Synr.gg | Tomm

RP Name: Senior Jedi General Kit Fisto

RP Rank: Lieutenant Colonel

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:184547615

Battalion or squad you are applying for: 41st BCMD Gree


Clone Ranks:

212th Attack PVT-WO

This was the first battalion that I joined and truly went after trooper life. I learned a lot from it, how to be a leader, how to train others, and what it means to be an officer. I joined 2ndAC and from the start I made a name for myself and almost a week after I joined I got invited to join Parjai Squad. During my time in 2ndAC I was led by Mater who is now Cody and he taught me a lot and what it means to be liked and heard in the battalion. I then decided to be a medic and went for MEDO and, after a few weeks, MEDL. MEDL was a great time, I brought many people into the regiment and really enjoyed the RP it brought me. It helped me meet new people and become a face of the battalion. Being in the 212th has really helped with my leadership skills and how I plan on working with the battalion of 41st.

501st Attack PVT-SGM (MEDO)

Rancor PVT-1SG (JETL) 


Republic Commando Omega Squad


Jedi Order:

Iri Camas

Eeth Koth

Arligan Zey

Arligan Zey was a huge accomplishment for me. This was the time when I first became a Master in the Jedi Order and what really drove me to do well on the server. Being in SOBDE as a Jedi really changed my outlook on things like how they are run, the discipline, and when to be serious. Having this background was really beneficial to me because I was able to go from chilling out mode to all out PTS is active stay serious. For the most part SOBDE had a one strike system if you were to get arrested for a valid reason you were most likely to be removed so the sense of knowing not to mess up really helped me adapt to who I am now. As Arligan I oversaw the Jedi and the Trooper tryouts to make sure everyone was doing their job and staying focused especially during tryouts. During RP my job was to form synergy amongst the other squads and make sure they worked well with one another. Being Arligan is where I learned leadership and how to oversee different squads and make sure that even with their differences they could work really well with one another.


Ki-Adi-Mundi is where I learned how even from nothing you can make a comeback. When I joined the 21st as a Jedi there were not many members at all. As Mundi I was able to fill up an entire Jedi Roster, with new lore characters and maintain that for a long time during my time as Mundi. There was a lot to be needed during my Mundi term, back then there was a “curse” on Mundi because people would get in and within a week resign from the spot due to the hard working environment. The 21st was set up like “21st…oh and we have Jedi”. When I was Mundi the clones and the Jedi were not linked at all. I was told “you do Jedi stuff, I’ll do clone stuff” and as a Jedi you have to be able to adapt and learn how to work well with the clones so that is what I did. First thing was to establish the connection between the two groups who didn’t want anything to do with one another. I made sure that on my Jedi Roster we had KU and SO spots for the Jedi to make sure the connection between the two was there. I made new tryouts for the first time and truly grasped the idea of “this is broken, it needs to be fixed” and that is exactly what I did and was one of my proudest moments I had. Jedi were interacting with the clones and the clones were interacting with the Jedi. Being able to work with something that didn’t get much love and make it blossom is such a good skill I could carry over to sections of 41st when it needs it. Having this background as Mundi really is beneficial when it comes down to making decisions that help benefit the battalion.

Kit Fisto x2

1st Time in DU:
Great experience. Simply put it is truly where I put my name out for myself. People knew me as Kit Fisto and that helped me in the battalion as well. Leadership was very important here as Jedi in DU wasn’t too well known. I was in charge of hosting Tiplee and Tiplar and making sure the people in those spots were active and making sure they were doing their job in that position and hosting tryouts and trainings. To take out from this was more making sure to manage the spots that were in DU and making sure the jobs and tasks were being fulfilled. This helps because if someone is in a spot and is not doing well I have learned to try and talk to people and motivate them when it gets hard to really focus up and continue or if I have to remove them and free the spot for someone new to come in.

2nd time in 41st:

I joined 41st about 3 months ago and it has been one of the best experiences for me on the server. I joined 41st and within 2 weeks became the Improcco Jedi Lead. Mainly due to my reputation, I was liked and I did great in other battalions and it helped push me ahead of other contenders. As Improcco Jedi Lead I was able to use all of my previous experiences and make sure to manage and evaluate members within Improcco both clone and Jedi. Managing clones was anywhere from evaluating future candidates and making sure the people in spots already were doing their part. The 41st has been such a fun time and is why my drive to go for Gree is here. I want to see the battalion grow and from my past experiences and things I have gone through I am now ready to take that step as BCMD.


Why should you become Battalion Commander?:

I should become the battalion Commander of the 41st due to my extensive experience and the passion I have for the battalion to see it become the best it can be.

Respect in the battalion: Over my time in the battalion I have talked to many members and have gained respect from them. Whether it be, because I am someone they like to talk to, or from my professionalism during events and deployments. Many people know that if something is bothering them they can come to me and we can resolve the issue at hand. Working with the people in the battalion and helping them grow has been a big influence on my reputation within the 41st. I am a great role model in the 41st and most people look up to me, and that goes a long way when applying for a spot like this.

Leadership and Experience: I have proven to the 41st that I am a good leader and that I am dedicated to the job. My leadership from other battalions and inside this one has given me great opportunities. An example would be joining Improcco and my relationship with members inside the battalion. An example of experience I have is being in several battalions that needed fixing. I have been able to accomplish that so when the time comes; I can work and adapt to make sure the battalion is in a good state and make sure that when I leave, I leave it better than I found it!

Motivation and professionalism: The 41st is mainly structured as a Recon battalion; however on the server we are part of the attack regiment. Being able to implement both in situations would definitely keep people motivated to participate in actions the 41st goes through. Little things like going on patrols and being able to be quick and unnoticed is a valuable asset that I want to bring into the 41st. I want there to be a reason to get on your trooper other than just to get promoted. I want people to enjoy their time and want to stay in the battalion. I believe doing things that are fun and relaxing is the best way to do that. Being able to recon and then make a plan to attack links both of those Recon and Attack mindset. Encouraging more Alien Translations is a concept I’d also like to implement. As for professionalism I want the 41st to have a better name for itself, I have heard that to some people, 41st minges and so working on that is top priority to me. As Gree I want to be the role model of the battalion and prove to others that the 41st is how a battalion should act and operate.

These are the things during my term I want to fix and work on as Gree:

Lack of Decision Making:  Make sure that when things need to be done to actually follow up and make sure it gets done. Recently things have gotten said and never actually get implemented so making sure things are getting done is top of my priority.
Battalion Meetings: 41st has not been one to really host meetings whether it be NCO, officer, or Battalion meetings. I want to start hosting these more often because it helps with the communication among everyone in the battalion. As of late there has been a lot of miscommunication so being able to sit down with people and hear feedback is definitely a path I want to bring 41st down. Doing this overall helps with the health of the battalion and helps make sure the Enlisted, NCOs, Officers, and commanders are all on the same path.
Rank Structure: Recently there has been a lot of confusion between what ranks can and cannot do. Making sure everyone knows what their rank can do is going to be a top priority of mine. I want to make an in depth guide for each rank to better enhance the skills each rank needs / what is expected out of each rank.
Sub Units: Sub Units is a big one, Improcoo has been doing a great job but there is always room to improve things, making Improcco stronger and better is a great mindset and something I plan on doing whether it be defining how their roles work or how a tryout is held. Currently, Green Company is suffering from a motivation issue. Most 41st  members are disinterested in Green Company because they see a lack of enthusiasm from some of the Green Company leadership whether it be with roleplay or just hosting tryouts in general. Green Company to me is the face of 41st making sure it runs smoothly is very important to me. Reworking GC leadership will be a top priority of mine in order to get Green Company back to being the forefront of the 41st battalion.
Activity and Promotions: 41st has not had ideal activity recently due to the lack of interaction amongst higher ups with new recruits. When new people join the battalion and don't see their commanders on they will lose interest in playing on the server. Making sure that the leaders stay active and promote trainings and roleplay is something I will be paying attention to and understanding that if someone does not meet the standard of doing those things they will be given a new rank. In order to see an activity change the leaders of the battalion will need to start stepping up and doing things on their own and encourage people to participate within the battalion. As for promotions, I do not plan on adjusting too much with how promotions work, however in order to make sure someone is doing the job of their rank I will be increasing TIG for certain ranks to make sure they grasp what their rank can do and the role of their rank.

Do you understand the lore of your battalion or squad?: Yes I do!

EST Time Zone

Monday - Thursday: Early morning then 6PM EST - 11PM EST


Friday- Early Morning then 6PM EST - 3AM EST

Saturday- All Day

Sunday- All Day

Estimate of how long you've played on Synergy Roleplay?: I have been on synergy since 2018 and have been on and off for 4 years.

Do you have a microphone?: Yes I do!

Where do you want your battalion or squad to be at the end of your term?:

By the end of my term I want the 41st to be an exemplary battalion and one that others use as a role model for their battalions. I want this view of professionalism to be expressed but also relaxing. I want the 41st to work well and be a respectable battalion amongst the other units that are on the server and have a sense of chill and laid back but serious mindset when it needs to. By the end of my term, I want to break the issues of Green Company by having dedicated leaders in the regiment who will motivate new members to not only join Green Company, but want to thrive and take their place. With the Officer Corps they should be able to work on their own and not need a Commander watching over them when they make everyday decisions for the battalion. By the end of my term they should be trusted to be left alone during events and deployments and know how to show 41st professionalism during those situations. By the time my term is up activity inside the 41st should have increased and with that, more things to do during server downtime should be encouraged. With rank structure, the battalion should fully grasp roles of each rank and know what it takes to be promoted by putting in work, leading, and maintaining a healthy work ethic that only betters the battalion. Communication by the end of my term should increase by a big magnitude. High Command in 41st should be open and form discussions with the lower ranks to better grasp where the battalion is going and what high command is doing to help the battalion grow.

Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?: Yes

Do you understand that your position has a three month term limit and you must reapply after three months to maintain your commander rank?: Yes

Edited by Tomm
  • Funny 1
  • Winner 5
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+1 he promised me 41st XO if I he got Gree!


Joking. Tomm’s a hard worker and from talking with him he really cared about what he’s a part of and I believe wants to do his best for 41st. 

Tomm, don’t try to do everything at once. You will genuinely become burnt out and tired if you try to do everything you want to all at one time. You’ll make it to interview and get Gree I’m sure of it so take your time man. 



Edited by TheCyan
Spelled Tim
  • Winner 1

I used to play this server for too many hours at a time.

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  • Management


I always love the Jedi-BCMD apps! The app looks good and I got no worries! +1 Good luck


i am literally captain tukk

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Easy +1

Just start wearing a shirt during debrief pls

  • Friendly 1

Future Dev Team Assistant
Improcco Company ENG SGT Clanky, Republic Intelligence Jedi Agent Tec :sittingred:
Former: Fleet Admiral Wullf Yularen, Navy Clone Rear Admiral Tec, Chief of Engineering x2, Jedi Knight Etain Tur-Mukan, Null 7 LT Mereel , 104th Command Sergeant Major Command Sergeant Major, Intel Director of the 104th, Republic Navy, Coruscant Guard, 41st, and 501st, Admin, GM for a Week

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HUGE +1 one of the best people on the server

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 Former Senior Senator Lux Bonteri Bail Organa 501st COL  Sarge HVOO Tup MEDO Hawk SUPL Denal ARCL Current: Senate Main

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+1 love Kit Fisto

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Longest Special Operations Member on the server.
 Current: Alpha 98 Nate l  Mace Windu
Former: Cin Drallig l First Yayax Squad Yover l Foxtrot Commando l 2nd GM BCMD Bacara l Serra Keto Final SO Commander Jet l First & Last Devil Dogs Deadeye l Veteran Admin l Jedi General Plo Koon l 2nd Returning SO CMD Jet l Luminara Unduli l Wolfpack MAJ Boost l Kit Fisto l Trauma's Unit MED Mystic l Jedi Military Advisor l Omega 36 PVT Darman l High General Shaak Ti l Jedi Chief Instructo


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+1 good luck

  • Friendly 1

Current: Kevin Colt leader of the Colt Crime Syndicate | Alpha-69 Dennis 

Former: BCMD Doom x3| Havoc Squad Brimstone x3 | Base Ops CMD | Delta Jedi | BCMD Colt | BCMD Bacara | Specialized Regimental Commander x2 | First Count Dooku and creator of the CIS | Rear Admiral Orson Krennic 

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Tomm talked to a bunch of people including me and answered my questions. Along with that, he knows the layout and situation of the 41st, which is a bonus. Friendly 14 year old (wait he's older?) who's respected by the battalion that gives and receives. Very dedicated person, let's hope, no, pray that he gets it.. 

Edited by chysk0
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+1, this man I can write a lot about so I am just gonna start at the beginning.

1: the first time I saw you as kit fisto you we’re helping lead a battalion in an event, I had never in my life seen someone so dedicated to roleplay and a battalion, you lead them flawlessly and directly. The way you operated with that battalion was stunning.

2: they say I went to jedi you were there and everyone in that youngling trial could tell you were putting your heart and soul into jedi. Everything about your demeanor screamed that you were gonna do great things and you did do great things.

3: that basically marked the end of me seeing you in synergy but….. you did something I never saw coming you joined another server. You got all the way up to Shaak ti and I had never ever in my life seen a man more dedicated to seeing something succeed. I saw on several instance and joined you on a few of them staying up all night with the owner discussing ways to help implement things to help the Jedi grow.

4: you would talk with every member of the order seeing what they wanted and how you make what they want come to fruition. While holding a clone rank.

5: on that same server while you were shaak ti you also were a clone officer and you did amazing things for your battalion you helped grow it and improve it under a interesting leader to say the least.

6: omega squad and rancor every interaction I have had with on the server now is amazing your roleplay and leadership is amazing.


1: your plans are really good and I would love to see them put in place. You have done really good work in the 41st as kit fisto.

2: you are one of if not the best person to go for Gree. You have experience, time and dedication.

final word: Tomm gets a MASSIVE +1 from me.


  • Winner 1

Records I hold: Fastest time to return and resign 4 minutes | Most returns and resignations 6 Times 

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  • Friendly 1

Clone Army | 21st Sergeant | Keller's Unit | ARC Trooper | NCO Core
Jedi Order | Jedi Knight | Unaligned


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Congratulations, You have been ACCEPTED for a commander interview!

Please contact a Director to organise your interview.

Failure to do so within 7 DAYS of this post will result in the DENIAL of your application.




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