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Max's - Palpy Second Term / Last term


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Steam Name: Md6199 or Max


RP Name:  Chancellor Palpatine


Steam ID (SteamID Finder): STEAM_0:0:66685427


Experience: There is a lot to list like from other games arma ect but il just list the main ones to not make this long as hell.


  • 91st Maj - November 20th - December 15th

  • Naval - December 15th - January 6th

  • Admiral Yularen - January 6th - May 28th

  • Chancellor Palpatine - May 28th - July 27th


  • Chancellor Palpatine - July 16th



  • I was in Arma units back in the days 7th aircore ect did not get passed SGT except of 1

  • Did get EMS Captain on another Arma 3 life server held that position for 2 months

  • Was the police chief on a small Altis life server lasted 3 months



Why should you become Chancellor?: Il be honest with you my beginning performance as Palpatine was not impressive in the eyes of many. Now with this being said commander reports were sent on me and I could understand people's views on me. I was not acting like how I should be. I should be acting like how I was admiral on icefuse and after I talked with some people like the old yoda ect I known I had to make a comeback. For the past 2 months now I've mostly been on everyday giving sims (thx zyner) promoting Roleplay within medbay. For the past week I have done a lot of pure RP (and sometimes shoot it up) events. Now there is a lot more too it and that’s why I want this position again for 1 last term. My goals are to get more RP between jedi and clones. I want to help and make sure all High command are active and dedicated for their position. Another key small thing is to help the relationship between each battalion maybe doing joint ops when people are bored. Now there is a lot more than that but I want to make sure I’m getting my 100% focus onto the troops needs or jedi’s needs. My overall goal and to make sure everyone is happy and dedicated to RP. I also want to create more RP with the CG battalion they are my main protectors and I want to do something then them escorting me around all of the time. I also want to give more RP to the Naval they were my main advisors in the clone wars so I need to double down on that.


Do you understand the lore of the Republic Military?: Yes I understand the lore


Availability: TBH more then 5 hours a day unless school or IRL happens


Give a brief overview of your achievements on the server: Well for starters since the server started out my main role was palpy. As this role I helped battalions like SC get off there feet and become a true battalion. Some small stuff like listening to feedback making small changes to battalions but nothing major we did get DU in the server haha. I try to promote a lot of RP and handling commander meeting while we wait for a marshal. I also make it to every commander interview and give all of my feedback.


Can you explain your permissions as Chancellor Palpatine? Well being in my position has a lot of power but comes with great responsibility. As palpy I can demote anyone Vice admiral or battalions commander and below with a strong reason. May make any changes to any battalion or naval but if it is a large change I must contact a Director and go over the issues. May remove a regimental commander with a strong reason and I must talk to the person before hand. To remove a SNR commander I must host a meeting with the Director and the person I will be demoting. I may blacklist anyone from their battalion with a reason. I may host commander meetings/High command meetings and make it mandatory but it must be important.

What do you feel the role of the Chancellor is? The main role is to provide activity's and RP for all the battalions on the server. Also to deal with any issues the server has for me. You really need to care for the server and all of the men.


Do you have a microphone?: Yes 


Where do you want the Republic Military to be at the end of your term?: A great state of RP between all battalions and increase relation with all battalions. Overall making sure everyone is having fun mostly CG.


How do you plan to change the Republic Military under your command?: Everything seems to be in place other then changing small things like battlestations and RP its all up to what people want me to do.


Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?: I understand


Do you understand that your position has a two month term and you may only serve two terms maximum? I understand


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Since joining this server, and it has been a while, Max was the Chancellor that I grew to love.

The first encounter I had with Max was him on as Chancellor Palpatine, surrounded by 11 Coruscant Guard.

Me not knowing much about the server at the time, I asked about how do I donate to the server because I wanted to support it.

Well there was a miscommunication somewhere and I nearly got arrested, and from that day on, I knew this Chancellor Palpatine was someone to feared to be around and that is what the character should be like.

Max has personified Palpatine in a way I have not seen on other servers, and I have been on a few.

I think, for when it comes to Max and Palpatine the names are synonymous at this point, they are indistinguishable from one another and to be able to pull that off, is something that all of us as a community respect and love.

We have had many good times on ther server when I was CG, and the stuff that we got up to and just the batshit scenarios have made great memories.

Max still has much to offer the server as Palpatine as he has many new ideas to give us, and if anything, he treats you with respect and humility and if this is to be his laster term, I would be proud to see him serve it.

Herr herr Max, I hope you get the position.


I want your babies :)

Edited by Stahl
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  • Coordinator

+1 without a dobut #best palptine 

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56 minutes ago, Faoeoa said:

-1 Max often uses his google docs for Palpatine as litter for his cat to piss on, so when he walks into the room you can tell because he smels like cat piss.


You know me too much *closes doc*

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16 minutes ago, Apache4k said:

Until the conspiracy is resolved I cannot take a position on Max. 

We need the recordings.

I will not allow this cover up, this, this Senate-Gate to continue.

Its too late B|

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There is no replacement for Max. I respect this man, as he helps every battalion, and pushes them to work on their weaknesses while praising their strengths. He gave us the push we needed to get the 327th back on the track, and its in no small part thanks to him our battalion wasn't wiped.

Uge' +1 

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give me my fucking red guard for the love of god

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Just now, Llama/Yoda said:

+1 As critical as I am of the palpatine position and of max I must say this boy stepped his shit way up when it comes to activity as of late and I can safely say he should go for another term, plus there isn't anyone else so fuck it.


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10 hours ago, ccmonty said:

+1000 to cancle out trolls and can i just say:IS THIS EVEN A FUCKING QUESTION IF MAX SHOULD BE PALPY AGAIN?!

If you cancels out trolls then how the fuck are you still on the server lmao?

+1 Max my baby

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Max does a shit ton and even if he didn't do the best when he first started. He is becoming a fantastic Leader for the ship and server in general. He does active Sims with battalions. He takes battalions off the ship for training and plays the role better than anyone else I've seen. I feel as Max someday will do bigger and better things in the community outside of the game, Like staffing wise (#MaxForOverseer). Much love Max <3

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+1 Never has there been a better Palpy.  Max has done a great job.  He got attack for activity, and then came back and smashed hours in Gmod.   He has done great interacting with the different clone battalions.  He is a great guy to have in the community.  Give the man a chance to do his last term.

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+1 Max is doing a great job and as it stands I can think of not one person ready to take that mantle. Well I can think of a handful of people, but one specifically is not ready to move on from his battalion. So, yeah huge +1.



- GM BLTN CMDR Bacara / Oxen

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+1 to you, max. You been here for a real damn long time, and you're one of the coolest people on the server. The only problem that I have is that, at least while I was still active, you were not. I'd only see you on every few days, and half the time when I did see you, you were either AFK or about to go AFK. IDK if this is because I just got on during contrasting times compared to you, or if you've fixed that by now. When you were active, though, you were great. So again, +1

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8 minutes ago, Eduji said:

+1 to you, max. You been here for a real damn long time, and you're one of the coolest people on the server. The only problem that I have is that, at least while I was still active, you were not. I'd only see you on every few days, and half the time when I did see you, you were either AFK or about to go AFK. IDK if this is because I just got on during contrasting times compared to you, or if you've fixed that by now. When you were active, though, you were great. So again, +1

pffffft "long time"

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Rule-maker and rule-breaker.

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2 hours ago, Eduji said:

+1 to you, max. You been here for a real damn long time, and you're one of the coolest people on the server. The only problem that I have is that, at least while I was still active, you were not. I'd only see you on every few days, and half the time when I did see you, you were either AFK or about to go AFK. IDK if this is because I just got on during contrasting times compared to you, or if you've fixed that by now. When you were active, though, you were great. So again, +1

I get on around the AM's

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Unpopular opinion. I'm indifferent.

Max is a good friend of mine, and while I have welcomed his role since Icefuse, I am indifferent towards his reappointment. Based on the past history of inactivity alone (and not the personal disagreements we have had in the past) I cannot support this positively or negatively. I can see many people in this position and all would be great, however he is the only applicant and due to this I will not give any support at this time.

Respectfully yours, 


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Hudson, The Helmetless. Formerly Of:
41st Elite Corps & Green Company, Coruscant Guard, 327th Star Corps, Galactic Marines, Special Operations, 187th Legion, Defense and Recon Regimental Commander, 212th Attack Battalion, RANCOR, and for Jedi General Quinlan Vos and Jedi Advisor Shaak Ti.

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13 minutes ago, Hudson said:

Unpopular opinion. I'm indifferent.

Max is a good friend of mine, and while I have welcomed his role since Icefuse, I am indifferent towards his reappointment. Based on the past history of inactivity alone (and not the personal disagreements we have had in the past) I cannot support this positively or negatively. I can see many people in this position and all would be great, however he is the only applicant and due to this I will not give any support at this time.

Respectfully yours, 


I understand your point on staying in the middle and we never had a disagreement once....

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2 hours ago, Faust said:

Neutral. I have really only seen the Chancellor in DB's or troop inspections.

During events I do not go out and fight Palpy is a senator kinda like the president when events happen im up on comms deck with naval and the CG the main idea for the job is to give RP

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7 minutes ago, Gamerdude032 said:

...ill +1 this...but i will say one thing...i want to hear more orders ending with "do it"...also NPC sims....please


Also I have been doing NPC sims 4 in the last 5 days what battalion are you in so I can focus on that for fun sims?

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