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Gadget|Shanty Marshal Commander Application


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Steam Name:

Synr.gg | Gadget

RP Name:

Specialized Regimental Commander Shanty

RP Rank:

Specialized Regimental Commander

Steam ID:


Brigade you are applying for:



Let's start from the beginning,  I have been on this server since 2/22/2018, so 2 and a half years. During this time I mainly spent my time with the Galactic Marines/21st Nova Corp. Here's a quite list of what I've done.

  • Revitalized the NCO core of the then Galactic Marines and improve activity.
  • Achieved the rank of XO shortly after and proceeded to rework and reform the officer corp and promotions, pushing for the officer to be actual leaders in the battalion and not glorified NCOs. This also continues on to my next point.
  • I ran for Bacara and achieved a total of 2 consecutive terms as Bacara, I will go though my terms;
    • Term 1 consisted of a continuation of my work as XO, shaking down and sprucing up the Officer core as well and improving general activity. I got the batt from a 4-6 GM on at once on a good day to achieving 17 on in one day. I can't take all the credit as the officer core I had in place also help me severely in this en devour.
    • Term 2 was vastly different. I was pulled to the side and asked to choose SOs fate on the server, begone or become. I chose become and the Galactic Marine and Special Operations combined into the 21st Nova Corp. Their were main issues that had to be addressed, namely SOs numbers and attitude. I was not allowed to inform anyone of the combination until it occurred so I had to roll with the punches that I had not prepared for, they were elitism, arguments over GMs/SOs place, SO still being very shut away, different practices, leadership styles and just general Synergy Patented Drama. this last for about 3 weeks to a month and then settled. I then had the other half of my term to enjoy to enjoy the fruits of the battalions labour.
    • I was often referred to as the "Nice" Bacara, as past Bacara's had been much more demanding and bossy where as I was more open and as it suggests nicer. I would have continued into another term or 2 [Egg Mk2 Bacara addition?] but I had my final year of University and a mad search for a job to contend with. I officially resigned from both Bacara and the server for a short time while I worked on this. This was in about May 2019.
  • I returned a year ago in August 2019 to the 21st in a real rough patch, due to my rather sudden departure I hadn't had someone in place prepared to take the reigns. Matra, a previous Bacara has stepped in but was dealing with real life and thus could not stay forever. Then there was a period of no Bacara and the battalions all but died. I came back to assist the leadership at the time in revitalizing the batt.
  • I joined as Captain Gadget and worked hard on hosting training, working with the men and keep face, numbers and moral high. I slowly worked my way up the ranks and eventually achieved the rank of Commander once again.
  • I was Commander in the 21st under Qal and it was a tremulous time, numbers were shaky and the batt wasn't great. I worked with Qal all I could but Qal's work and time schedule made it difficult. What also didn't help was me becoming slight toxic and grumpy, this last a while and was during the time of Dennis' first term as SPEC REG, to give a time frame. I was suggested for removal and upon looking back I am surprised I wasn't. I remained as Commander for a total of about 250 days and tried my best to do stuff within the 21st but my wings where somewhat clipped.
  • Then I applied and achieve the position of Specialized Regimental Commander. I see this rank as an overseer and a guiding hand mainly, only stepping in a taking over if needed. Encouraging new leaders and RP on the server. 
    • I had a brilliant start to my term as I was thrown head first into a mini civil was within one of the REGs and ended up staying up till 3 in the morning my time to deal with it along with Freck, Woeny and some Management.
    • After that another REG had a leadership issue and needed help, I assisted where needed but gladly the bounced back from this without much interference on my part. 
    • Another REG then had issues with a lack of activity. This was quickly addressed.
    • I am being purposely ambiguous with the REGs as to not cause further drama.
  • I have also been Admin several times but staff has little significance to clone leadership.
  • Out of the game, I work on a Air and Navy base, operating as Estate Management. Basically so the base doesn't fall apart. I am expected to be very professional and make detailed and correct notes, this has transferred over into my time of Synergy very well.

Why should you become a Marshal Commander?:

I feel like I have the right mindset and mannerisms to become Marshal. I am a professional, passionate and caring individual who wants to see the server survive and thrive. I always aim for everyone to have a good time just being on the server, having fun and chatting. In these trying times, the service the server offers is more important than ever to allow for young people to communicate with friends and each other, helping people weather the storm, and I wish to help continue this and push it forward.

I also have an absolute zero tolerance approach to bullying, harassment, favoritism and discrimination, it has no place on this planet yet alone this community. Obviously it is something that will not be defeated by just saying "It's bad", it requires corrective and supportive action, and I hope to assist in this. I am passionate about this topic due to past experience that I will not going into details about bar me being bullied for almost 10 years and becoming basically emotionless and shut in due to it for about 3 years. The server has helped me deal with both this and a spout of loneliness that occurred before I joined the server.

Do you understand the lore of the Grand Army?:

Oh god this is gonna be long.

501st - POSTER BOIS, POSTER BOIS EVERYWHERE. The 501st are lead by Jedi General Anakin Skywalker, Jedi Commander Ashoka [Part-time] and Clone Commander Rex. They operated in almost all of the major combat operations, such as Umbara, Mygeeto, Anaxes, 2nd Battle of Geonosis, etc. They almost marched on the Jedi Temple and blasted some magic kids and adults with glow stick [Parry this you filthy casual].

212th - What can I say except: HELLO THERE. 212th are lead by Jedi General Obi-wan Kenobi, (also know as the Man worth fighting for) and Clone Marshal Commander Cody. They partook in many battles, especially alongside 501st. But they are especially involved in the battle of Utapau, Ryloth and countless confrontations with General Roboto Grevio [Grievous]

104th - Tanks, Tanks, Tanks, Tank, T A N K S. 104th are the armored assault battalion lead by Jedi General Plo Koon and Clone Commander Wolffe. They are most well know for there involvement with the CIS Dreadnought  Malevolence, they did lose there fleet but was assisted but your friendly neighborhood 501st. They were also involved with humanitarian efforts such as helping those weird bug, frog people.

41st - What about the Clone attack on the Wookies? The quintessential recon batt, leader by Jedi General Luminara Unduli, Jedi Commander Bariss 'Where is my dam Coffee' Offee and Clone Marshal Commander Gree, they were most know for there work when they were escorting Senator Nut Gunray and the batte of Kashyyyk, where they fought with the Wookies.... then they killed and subjugated them instead.

RANCOR - ARCs, ARCs everywhere... RANCOR is a battalions specialized in ARF and ARC troopers and training. Lead by [breaths in] Jedi Overseer Master Shaak Ti, Commander Blitz, Commander Colt, Commander Havoc and Warrant Officer Hammer. They were know for being heavily involved with the training of some of the best troopers on any battlefield, ARC troopers. 

21st - Marines and cloaks and snow? Oh my!  The 21st Nova Corp are lead by Jedi General Ki Adi Mundi, Clone Marshal Commander Bacara, Commander Keller, Commander Blackout and Commander Jet. They are mad up of 2 distinct branches, Special Operations and Galactic Marines. SO used cloaking tech and modified headphone and were deployed on the 2nd Battle of Geonosis and at Cristophosis where they used a cloaked ship against CIS Admiral Trench. GM are Marines, they board and blow up stuff. They were deployed to New Bornalex, Toola and Mygeeto.

DU - I am the shield that guards the realm of men. Doom's Unit are lead by Jedi Commander Tiplar, Jedi Commander Tiplee and Commander Doom, a Commander Brimstone is rumored to exist also. They were know for a battle of Ringo Vinda where they assisted the 501st on capturing the space station.

CG - You call it "resisting arrest", we call it a DIFFICULTY TWEAK. CG are the police and some special clones who are EXTREMELY loyal to the Chancellor. Commander Fox lead these troopers on the security of the Chancellor, Senators and coruscant as a whole. They also assist Grand Master Yoda on his trip to Toydaria. 


NULL - The first successful batch of clones, kinda. Known for being wilder and more independent then desired, the Kaminoan thought they should be destroyed. but Kal Skirata said NO. He adopted them and gave them names. A'den, Jaing, Mereel, Prudii, Kom'rk and Ordo. They were trained in Mandolorian culture.

DELTA - Sev is still lost and Boss is still drinking. Delta is a RC squad and is know for there activity on Geonosis, an abandoned Acclamator, exterminating a lot of trandos, saving Wookies, and really loving Rules. The members are Boss, Sev, Scorch and Fixer.

OMEGA - Tango Six going dark. Omega are the sneaky RCs. They are actually made of member from squads that were almost wiped out on Geonosis. Niner is the leader, we also have Darman, Atin and Fi. Corr is an unknown variable. they are very REDACTED but it is rumored Darman loves Jedi Knight Etain Tur Markan. HERESY.

Bad Batch - Just another unknown variable. BB are a bunch a defects. case closed. The leader is Hunter and he can sense Electromagnetic fields and likes knifes. Tech and super nerdy and  knows too much and is the TECH specialist. Crosshair is ultimate edge personified and is the marksman on the group. Wrecker is a big boi and likes to break things.


Monday to Thursday - 1400 EST - 2000 EST

Friday to Saturday - 1300 EST  - 2200 EST

These are maximum times and vary. I also only work Tues to Thurs do Mon and Fri are free.

Give a brief overview of your achievements on the server: 

  • A total of a year plus at the rank of Commander
  • 6 months as Bacara
  • Revival of GM/21st
  • I have been staff multiple times [SA/A]
  • 1.5 months as SPEC REG
  • Being an old ass member of the community

Do you have a microphone?:


Where do you want the Grand Army to be at the end of your term?:

I have spoken to all the Battalions about issues they are facing and have noted there course of actions and how I can assist them. I will not list them of due to them not necessary for public knowledge as I did not get consent from the BCMD to share them publicly thus I will not. I have spoken to some Squad leads but I am aware of some of SOBDEs issues.

I want a better relationship between all battalions and squads of the GAR. I want everyone to be active and positively communicating with each other. I also want to incentives a competitive element into the server in a health manner. 

I want the server to be seen as a place where everyone is welcome and everyone can come here and enjoy the RP and meet new people. I want to remove all element of drama and toxicity to prevent this place from being as hostile as it has been in the past.

I also want people to understand that this is a game. Yes it's fun and some heavy decisions are made but you should not be living, breathing and dying due to this game. Allow people to enjoy other aspects of the community, such as  unique in-game RP scenarios [Droid events, or story events, I will work with the GM program with this] or a server wide games nights/regimental games nights.

How do you plan to improve relations within the Grand Army?:

Improving relationships is something that people always find difficult to find a tried and tested way to improve it, but I am to address any batt cultural difference and  battalions indifference and encourage them to work with each other and discover what each is good for. The initial aspect will be done but hosting and initial training and gathering what others think of each other, working on these issues and continue with the training to improve and diagnose any more issues.

The competitive edge aspect will be achieved by working with staff to set up different challenges, for either individual regiments or the GAR as a whole. This could be marksman tests, CQC sim runs, Citadel runs, Scenarios, etc. 

I want to encourage game nights and other recreational activities within the entire server. I am aware some of these exist on a smaller scale but a larger one could prove beneficial. Events where troopers also get to experience a completely different lifestyle, like a Droid deployment or civi deployment could be a good break from the Clone life that many people need, if executed effectively. I also want to finesse interaction and RP with BH as it is mildly chaotic as of now. I will work with the BH HC on this.

Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?:


Do you understand that your position has a three month term limit and you must reapply after three months to maintain your Marshal commander rank?:



If you have any questions please so not hesitate to ask and i will answer to the best of my abilities.


Edited by Gadget

What? Were you expecting some colourful thing denoting my past achievements?

Well tough luck, even if I did it would be just 3 things - Bacara, SPEC REG, Old HA.

Once a Marine, Always a Marine... Always forward, never back...

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GM Leadership

+1 Aight, you got this

  • Friendly 1



I did things for the server. idk what you want from me.

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+1 Gadget I may not know you on a close level but I've watched from afar, you seem to be a nice guy who is willing to negotiate with others and sometimes mediate the situation when called upon. Do what is best and the rest will go naturally.

  • Friendly 1

Image result for hell or high water jeff bridges

Choose your place, hell or high water, there is no in between.

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Forum Admin


  • Friendly 1

I added the Pepe emojis onto the forums

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I have seen you around and have spoken to you almost everyday since I have joined the server. From what i have seen and heard, you know when to be serious and know when to have a chill time. I'm sure you will make a great Marshal Commander. Good luck, +1. 

:NekoDance: You are my little pogchamp:NekoDance:

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From what I've seen your not only really mature but you know what your doing, Good Luck 




Former:  Veteran Administrator 212th CPT Alpha-66 | Wilhuff Tarkin | Nils Tenant | Dao   Naval Chief of Engineering | 501st XO | 501st TCC 501st Echo | 501st Hardcase 501st Heavy Lead

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Honestly, after giving it some thought I have had nothing but bad experiences with you. From complaining about small things to throwing tantrums when things don't go your way, I've heard them all and not only that I have experienced them when I was reg.

1. There is nothing in this application that makes you stand out from the past marshals. The "host more sims and trainings" is a meme for a reason. Even your current regiment is in kahoots about how situations were handled on your end.

2.Your app has no substance, The marshal commander position isn't just about hosting game nights and recreational activities for the server, that can be done as a staff member. All you are saying is I want this and that to happen yet the how you are going to do this is missing. "Being an old ass member of the community" Being a member of the community is one thing sure but just because you are an old member doesn't mean everything should be given to you cause you have the time. 

Don't take this personally as I hold nothing against you as a person, however when talking about the betterment of the server and the community I don't think you are the right candidate for the job for the following reasons:

- Attitude

- Handling of previous situations

- Lackluster Application



With Love,


Edited by syntax
  • Agree 3
  • Informative 2
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Every interaction I’ve had with you has been toxic, and you’ve acted immature everytime making things worse. It’s been so bad I’d have to stop my events to deal with you spamming chat or doing dumb stuff.

i could go on but idf like writing an essay. Good luck 

  • Informative 1

Ex HA | VA | SA | A | NA | GMC | GMM | GMO |
GM | GH | TRO x4? | TR | RTR | Hunter | Darman | Mereel | Fixer | Etain | Anakin | Hett | Base ops Commander | Forum Mod | Ahsoka x2| Tyzen Xebec | cooker | Jesse | Tup | warthog - Everything else i was

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4 hours ago, Gadget said:

Then I applied and achieve the position of Specialized Regimental Commander. I see this rank as an overseer and a guiding hand mainly, only stepping in a taking over if needed. Encouraging new leaders and RP on the server. 

  • I had a brilliant start to my term as I was thrown head first into a mini civil was within one of the REGs and ended up staying up till 3 in the morning my time to deal with it along with Freck, Woeny and some Management.

I have many reasons to disagree with this, let's cut the shit you are talking about DU and the drama that was started by 5 or so idiots. This situation was grossly mishandled by yourself if i'm being completely honest. This situation started during your application process, with 3 LTC's wanting to speak and forseen being there while talking to one person, along with dragon. 

You failed to actually be there for any of the conversations, not the first one or the one that went till 3 am, it was Forseen that was there. During for the most part of the whole situation it was double sided advice and remarks, of don't show favorites, but also do what you want with your battalion. Or all the changes that were asked for you called redundant or pointless. Throughout your whole time as reg to myself and many others within DU you have mishandled the whole "civil war" as you call it, with creating a form for people to complain but not telling any of us the problems that were being stated on the form, when asked about hey is there anything we need to worry about and your reply being "its not good." During the whole thing not actually sitting down and thoroughly sitting with us to hear our side of the story and only assuming what you believe to be true and hearing their side but never asking what was going on. 

In summary 

1. lack of communication with DU command during this situation

2. Lack of looking into the situational understanding

3. Confrontational about DU command decisions, regarding removals and blacklists etc.

5 hours ago, Gadget said:

Their were main issues that had to be addressed, namely SOs numbers and attitude. I was not allowed to inform anyone of the combination until it occurred so I had to roll with the punches that I had not prepared for, they were elitism, arguments over GMs/SOs place, SO still being very shut away, different practices, leadership styles and just general Synergy Patented Drama. this last for about 3 weeks to a month and then settled. I then had the other half of my term to enjoy to enjoy the fruits of the battalions labour.

Just one comment i would like to make on the SO merger, you allowed them to function as a separate battalion, with separate docs, roster, etc... This was allowed to continue until you left and matra took over and i helped him as doom / my first run a spec reg. The situation was poorly mishandled once again and it allowed for bad attitudes and toxicity to foster within SO. 

overall from what i have seen when big decisions come up you have poorly mishandled them. -1

  • Informative 7

Current: Kevin Colt leader of the Colt Crime Syndicate | Alpha-69 Dennis 

Former: BCMD Doom x3| Havoc Squad Brimstone x3 | Base Ops CMD | Delta Jedi | BCMD Colt | BCMD Bacara | Specialized Regimental Commander x2 | First Count Dooku and creator of the CIS | Rear Admiral Orson Krennic 

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-1 from me. I think your a really great guy and could definitely uphold this position. However, Owen has also applied and I have gotten to know him a lot better and feel as if he would be a great MCMD due to his respect for everyone and not holding grudges against anyone. Owen is more willing to solve his conflicts in a civilized way than to just ban them and move on. Again, you are both more than capable of holding this, there is no hate against you, just giving my opinion.

Edited by TopGunz9
  • Agree 1
  • Disagree 1
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I could repeat a lot of what I said on your Spec Reg application. You are one of the most dedicated member of any battalion/regiment you work with. You made a list of what needed to be done in each battalion of your regiment and how you plan to work on the issues. 

  • Agree 1

Current: Destiny 2 Sherpa Human Hunter Awoken Warlock Exo Titan 
Former: Blackout, Jet, COE x2

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3 hours ago, Craigary said:


Every interaction I’ve had with you has been toxic, and you’ve acted immature everytime making things worse. It’s been so bad I’d have to stop my events to deal with you spamming chat or doing dumb stuff.

i could go on but idf like writing an essay. Good luck 

Thanks you for the response, this is more in relation to my past actions of approximately 4 months ago but I do not argue with the facts.


4 hours ago, syntax said:

Don't take this personally as I hold nothing against you as a person, however when talking about the betterment of the server and the community I don't think you are the right candidate for the job for the following reasons:

- Attitude

- Handling of previous situations

- Lackluster Application



With Love,


Again  thank you for the response, and I thank you for the feedback. Similarly to Craig's comment, I believe this to be an older comment. I believe the previous situations you mention is the the one around DU and that issue. I won't delve too much into it but the depiction for the ban was not my own and I felt a ban was too harsh for some. I'm not going to restart the fire on that discussion as it has been dealt with and has caused enough headaches.

My application may be a bit lackluster, that is true. But as of now, due to the past work of Woeny and Freck, there are no glaring issues within the battalions. I've spoken with most BCMDs and identified issue to be resolved but my focus is more of RP, mindsets and overall server enjoyment.

Thanks you again for your feedback.

Hi @Dennis I wont quote your message to prevent this from getting longer than needed.

The decision involving DU had many working parts and i was not able to attend all the talks about it due to my Timezone, GMT, so 3am est would be 8am and I have work within the week. I admit I came into it head strong at the beginning but looked back at it and eventually raised to woeny and the dire tors once and realised it was a larger issue.

The SO part is incorrect. Well partially. For the first gew weeks SO had there own channel and had some independence as to not be too oppressive, once a level of trust and communication was achieved i tightened down and forced them to integrate fully.

Thanks you for the feedback, if I get the position or not I will use this information to improve myself.


Also hi @TopGunz9 I believe you are also mentioning the DU situation and again I dont think some of them should have been banned, but this was more of a Director decision in the end. I voiced how I thought a ban was a bit much but in the end there was only so much i could do and i understood why they were banned.

Thank you for the feedback.

What? Were you expecting some colourful thing denoting my past achievements?

Well tough luck, even if I did it would be just 3 things - Bacara, SPEC REG, Old HA.

Once a Marine, Always a Marine... Always forward, never back...

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+1, although I cannot completely remember you voicing an opinion over the bans of the 5 idiots. I believe that you do have what it takes. We all doubted you as SPEC REG, and I think you've handled most things you've been tasked with quite well. 


Just remember the remain level headed and think before you act. 


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+1 Good Luck man 

21st Music

Current: CG ARC SGM Beater |

Former: 41st ARC CPT Musicboy| 21st SGM Musicboy |Doom Unit CPL EJ| Improcco WO Nye| Plo Koon | Senior Senator Lux Bonteri | Guardian Lead | Vice Chairman | Master Kit FistoSenator Gume

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Forum Admin

I was originally going to -1 from some point's that were brought up earlier but I believe you addressed them quite well. May the best interviewee win.

🎀  𝙵𝚊𝚛𝚝 𝚂𝚖𝚎𝚕𝚕𝚊  🎀

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+1, some people really dig as far as they can and will find any reason even if they aren't on you at all.

You are extremely capable and I've never seen you cause any problems. You do great work and I have a lot of faith in you.

The most fuckable person on Synergy Star Wars RP~

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  • Management


Honestly back when I played you were always that 21st guy who had a bad attitude all the time. I’m glad to hear you’ve really changed your image and managed to do a really fantastic job in High Command. You’ll make a great Marshal.

Good luck


i am literally captain tukk

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+1 I think he could do great work if you got it

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-1 As someone who was here actively when you were mostly active, your attitude has always been questionable to say the least from the few times I’ve encountered you, and from what I’ve seen in the past and present, if someone has a bad/questionable attitude, things tend not to be done well or problems start to pop up.

  • Disagree 2

“I’m not toxic, It’s just hard not to treat you like an idiot” ~ Logic


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Many of the times that I have seen you on, you have been a great Specialized Regimental Commander that knows what he is doing. I am glad that we had a little private conversation about certain things and settled it in a good manner. If I ever need some better decisions, venting things, or voicing my concerns about the community, I'll always come by to talk to you if you were ever on. With the issues that you've pointed out earlier, I can see that you are trying to improve your self-image and make a difference to almost everyone here. I have never seen him acting a bit differently but, I wish for the community to be free from toxicity, scandals, and such. Total +1 for this man! ~Spade

Edited by Rolex
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Kal Skirata                                                                                                                                                   Bacta                    Marvel                     Brooklyn


I beat Jad in a spar first try.

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  • Coordinator

Congratulations, You have been ACCEPTED for Interview
You have until the 6th of September to contact a Director to conduct your interview 
// Moved to Commander Apps Pending

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  • Coordinator

Unfortunately, Your application has been DENIED
You can reapply for a Command Position after 30 days
//Moved to denied

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