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Leaving for the last time.

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Alright well, I should have done this long ago, but now I'm finally doing it.
I'll just say it simple and flat out. The server is hella boring, the new map changed nothing, drama is 24/7, the game master team doesn't know anything about new and unique events, and everyone shit talks eachother behind everyones backs in hopes their egotistical personality and power playing abilities will ever get them anywhere. But those aren't the primary concerns. All big servers have that in some way or another. The primary concern for me is how fucking lacking the updates are. Huge updates are fun for 3 days to one week. Then you just wasted your own times developing them. Start pushing out small updates like everyones been kindly asking you to do. Maybe people will find more enjoyment in weekly to bi-weekly changes. Even monthly would be more of a miracle then this oh so grand "big update". I don't wish to go on a grand rant about my poor little feelings, as I know the people in this server couldn't give less of a fuck, so I'll just leave it at these next few @'s, then I'll be gone. I see in no way shape or form that it is not allowed to call someone out on a post or atleast say something small about them, and why's it fucking matter regardless. I'm resigning, what am I gonna do, spread the word to my family?

I have a couple, so bear with me. These are all NEW shoutouts/callouts as I have resigned in the past and already called out most of the good people, there's only a select few in this post.

You were chill for a few on your return to the server, I'll give you that. But ever since admiral,  oh boy. "Let me into high commander meetings." "I should be high command.". Rank this, rank that, so on and so on. Why the fuck is your god damn rank even relevant, stop your power trip. If you want the base to listen to you, guess who's still the rank of BCMD and can PT anyone in is desires way. I don't encourage this, but it's such an obvious thing to do. Chill the fuck out on trying to fit in with all the other important people, and grind up your rank to actually fucking be someone.

Before I was in 327th, I thought you were fun. We had you kill a couple of CT's sometimes, and just generally messed around. But holy shit does your toxicity get the best of you. That arguement we had about fucking bodygroups was dumb as fuck on both our ends. But it's chill, you do you, keep that jedi grind going, and do what's up. Just calm down with your toxic attitude and you can be a good guy.

You were a nice guy from the day I met you, honest to your own heart and spoke your mind. That last talk you had with me, however, was bullshit. I explained to you that I was doing work externally and was in game for atleast 3-4 hours everyday and participating with the 327th when I could, but that didn't sway your mind apparently. Yes, I was in my sub channel with my friends often, but all the while, I was available 24/7 to get on. But it's fine, you're just trying to do your job. I won't argue with that. Take it easy, meatball man.

I don't know if I have any words for you, but if I do they are simple. Stop talking behind peoples backs, be more active, work on things in the 327th and get to lead them before you even attempt to graze BCMD. Let the two current commanders, and possibly the current XO, go for it. You'll have your chance bud, just do your HA shit.

I must address 327th, specifically. I know I said I'd do a full term, but god damn am I burnt from this server, let alone its bullshit. Inside the battalion, outside the battalion, server issues, personal issues, all that. This shit's cursed. I never really wanted to go for bly but I thought I could fix the shittiest battalion  in the server, but hell nah it's staying in that hole it's in with the legacy and current people in command holding it back. Yeah I could have fixed it, but why bother dealing with drama when you can just not be on the server in the first place. Sorry to put your battalion in this situation, but it's just gotta be like that. Personally, I think loopy or willy should go for it. NOT ROCKSTEADY, for the love of god. The battalion needs solid leadership right now. You're the only person I thought I should address in 327th about this, so ye. I'm leaving the discord shit cause 1. I don't expect legacy from how shit my term was, and 2. Anything fucking legacy is gay and I hate it.

This man deserves marshal over anyone here. Regardless of returning or not. He's a solid guy with an actual fucking mind unlike everyone ever. Let him move up instead of some tards in the future who know nothing about the old ways of the server, when it was an actually fun place.

You're an alright chancellor. However, when I was marshal, I had a few complaints bro. You held me back big time, and I couldnt make any changes without you freaking out or redoing what I had done. I just would've hoped that you could have let me work on the server, but I get you needed to maintain a certain image, and by all means I guess I respect that. Take it easy, and have fun with your next steps after chancellor. I don't know where the fun is at, maybe you do.

@Marvel@Sanchez Resident
You guys are pretty great, but ya'll got director at the wrong time. Bullshit left and right, never ending complaints, a staff team that don't know what it is to be staff upon applying. You guys would be good fits for those high up positions in the future, but hey. Who knows how this shit goes down. Good luck my guys, you're gonna need it.

You were my favorite call when I was SOBDE REG, and when I came back from being unbanned I was surprised to still see you as it. Keep moving on is all I can say I guess, maybe you can fix the mess we are in.

Intel, more like...icefuse branch
Being real tho, your rancor actually made this server enjoyable for me, and I would say was my stepping stones on wanting to move up (to then move down). Can't say anything beyond that though. Do good stuff with intel and get those updates going.

Lotta people saying bad shit bout y'all behind your backs. I know you're trying, but seriously. C'mon. Also, stop denying suggestions for weird ass reasons. Waxers dualies denied becuase they don't fit him, even though he used them in lore. Recon reg doesnt fit the role to have a jetpack, even though all the regs have one. I don't even know anymore. You do you, see how it works.

I used to have my headbutts with you when i was REG and SNR, but you seem like a chill guy now. Had some fun those few times you got on. Hopefully you can get your boys set up and good. Kepp goin on my man.

@Nade Jones@Stormzyyy
Finally got cody, you've deserved it more then that past 10 million BCMDs.
Best rex I've seen in a long time, and a solid dude who is nice to anyone unless they pull bullshit. Always love myself a genuine man.

You tried to help me with the mess of a battalion I stumbled upon, and I appreciate it. Go reach something in jedi tbh, just don't sit at a hopeless spot if you see it as so in the future. Help my boy corvo, and see what happens beyond that.

Denied for marshal

Change the world, my final message. Goodbye.


Edited by Jayarr
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@Jayarr Bold strategy Cotton let’s if this pays off for him.

To be far though Jayyarr I never really hung out with you, and always thought that you’d be a chill guy, but this is not even okay. Calling people out like this is kinda toxic. I get what you mean, and some of it is why I left, but still it’s not right. This is just gonna cause some drama.


But you did what you had to do, and we can’t change it. Best of luck in your endeavors. 

Edited by Pythin
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Former: Liaison


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1 minute ago, Pythin said:

 This is just gonna cause some drama.

And that will just prove my point on how people act if they cause drama on a post where someone is disconnecting themselves with the server, you see? Anyways, good luck my man.

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Just now, Jayarr said:

And that will just prove my point on how people act if they cause drama on a post where someone is disconnecting themselves with the server, you see? Anyways, good luck my man.

Kinda get where you are coming from, but still it’s a big stretch. See you around dude

Former: Liaison


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Didn't really talk to you that much other then when i made k company tryouts but you was cool and have fun in life 

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Current: Rancor Colt
Past spots: 501st XO, 501st CMD, 501st WO Appo, TC Hardcase, 332nd office, ATK Reg Purge, Keller Unit Vinnie, General Luminara, 41st GCO ARCL Draa, 3rd Crosshair on the Server, Hunter, Sith Marauder  TRO, GMM, VA x3. CIS Tac Droid, Guild Cabinet Member

The person who made a treaty with the sith as a clone 

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You were the best you could be in every position you had. 

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Ex HA | VA | SA | A | NA | GMC | GMM | GMO |
GM | GH | TRO x4? | TR | RTR | Hunter | Darman | Mereel | Fixer | Etain | Anakin | Hett | Base ops Commander | Forum Mod | Ahsoka x2| Tyzen Xebec | cooker | Jesse | Tup | warthog - Everything else i was

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Bout time someone has the balls to say the things why some of us don't play anymore. 


o7 my dude. you were hella chill. server lost a damn good command member

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Current Architect of Shadows Master Cal Vossen | Former Boss, Former Fixer, Former Sev

Former Jaing, Former Prudii

Former Bardan Jusik/Skirata

Former SOBDE Regimental Commander 

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Alright Jayarr, I never really had interactions with you but you are a former Doom and I have always and will always love DU so we have that in common. I appreciate you trying to help the tension between us and a few of your boys.


All and all, you were pretty alright my man.

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I was in Dooms Unit for a little while.

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3 hours ago, Jayarr said:

@Marvel@Sanchez Resident
You guys are pretty great, but ya'll got director at the wrong time. Bullshit left and right, never ending complaints, a staff team that don't know what it is to be staff upon applying. You guys would be good fits for those high up positions in the future, but hey. Who knows how this shit goes down. Good luck my guys, you're gonna need it.


I'll take this to heart 

 im glad that you came back and were able to redeem your self in the eyes of the server.

 its Gmod its an unpaid staff team I dont think its fair to any of them for that. Also when me and marvel were settling into the role it was rough HA to director its completely different, were working our ass off trying to set up a good staff team and run the server but, I thanks for the criticism.

P.S If there were complaints I would of loved if you would of brought them up to us none the less good luck jayarr in the future and I hope you come back

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1 minute ago, Sanchez Resident said:

I'll take this to heart 

 im glad that you came back and were able to redeem your self in the eyes of the server.

 its Gmod its an unpaid staff team I dont think its fair to any of them for that. Also when me and marvel were settling into the role it was rough HA to director its completely different, were working our ass off trying to set up a good staff team and run the server but, I thanks for the criticism.

P.S If there were complaints I would of loved if you would of brought them up to us none the less good luck jayarr in the future and I hope you come back

Those werent complaints, I basically said you guys were good directors chose at a bad time line for the server.
The complaint about how staff act was genuine though.

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fucking respect I agree to all of that but didn't say anything cause id probably get banned. its true its gone downhilllllll. I was just a piss about and triggerd people rofl but yeah my g safe lad

Imagine Putting Your Old Ranks And Roles In Your Bio

I Went from Mas Amedda and VA to Blacklisted from every single thing except CT and Jedi :)

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Well things turned like we thought. Thank you for calling us the shittiest battalion? Sorry your leaving the place to swore to fix cause your burned out. Poe,Regional and I were both burned out during both of Poes terms but we stayed because the battalion needed it. Regardless we had our issues i am very toxic i will admit that 07 GL

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Sanchez trembles at the mention of my name.

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Ngl, didnt talk with you a whole lot, but you made our first elite corps models and you always put your best effort into whatever you did, and I respect you greatly for that. I know you probably won't read this because I'm late to the party, but also, as shown in this post here, tell it how you see it and as bluntly as possible to get the point across. You put words to what many people are feeling on the server currently and I and many other people on this server thank you greatly for the work you have done and all the effort you have put in for them. 

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I'll just say it simple and flat out. The server is hella boring, the new map changed nothing, drama is 24/7, the game master team doesn't know anything about new and unique events, and everyone shit talks eachother behind everyones backs in hopes their egotistical personality and power playing abilities will ever get them anywhere. But those aren't the primary concerns. All big servers have that in some way or another. The primary concern for me is how fucking lacking the updates are. Huge updates are fun for 3 days to one week. Then you just wasted your own times developing them. Start pushing out small updates like everyones been kindly asking you to do. Maybe people will find more enjoyment in weekly to bi-weekly changes. Even monthly would be more of a miracle then this oh so grand "big update". I don't wish to go on a grand rant about my poor little feelings, as I know the people in this server couldn't give less of a fuck, so I'll just leave it at these next few @'s, then I'll be gone. 

This is how I felt when I first resigned a year ago, and this is how Venom (RC RUN SPEED) felt when he resigned 2 weeks into Synergy. I don't think things will ever change - you either do your best to avoid it and detach from it, or you become part of it and see where that storm takes you. Most of the time, bad places.


See ya Jayarr, we never talked much but we've been around for a long time. Take care of yourself and have a good life.

Edited by Jagger
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"If you have time to think of a beautiful end, then live beautifully until the end." 

"A hero need not speak. For when he is gone, the world will speak for him." 



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Meant to actually write a response and not just a react to you post.

We definitely butted heads alot but I am fairly stubborn about how I want to run things which @Jackson and @BlackiSblack can atest to lol

But you definitely made a comeback and I feel like we definitely settled into a more relaxed interactions with each other and it's a shame to see you go!

For staff Sanchez and Marvel are working hard to reformat the staff team and give it new life and now that I'm dipping back in from my LOA I am excited about what they are planning on!

For updates I completely understand your frustration (We share it believe me) and there is a road block the management team has run into with development ( for CWRP and SCP) that we are addressing and hope to resolve ASAP to allow for a more seamless and frequent updates (Intel coming in should help this as well) 

In all I appreciate you voicing your concerns and maybe if we get these road blocks ironed out I will see you stop in and chat with you again!

From one former Doom to another o7



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37 minutes ago, Carter said:

Meant to actually write a response and not just a react to you post.

We definitely butted heads alot but I am fairly stubborn about how I want to run things which @Jackson and @BlackiSblack can atest to lol

But you definitely made a comeback and I feel like we definitely settled into a more relaxed interactions with each other and it's a shame to see you go!

For staff Sanchez and Marvel are working hard to reformat the staff team and give it new life and now that I'm dipping back in from my LOA I am excited about what they are planning on!

For updates I completely understand your frustration (We share it believe me) and there is a road block the management team has run into with development ( for CWRP and SCP) that we are addressing and hope to resolve ASAP to allow for a more seamless and frequent updates (Intel coming in should help this as well) 

In all I appreciate you voicing your concerns and maybe if we get these road blocks ironed out I will see you stop in and chat with you again!

From one former Doom to another o7



IM GONNa do recruitment for ur battalion weather u like it or not  

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