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Thexan's Grand Master of the Order Application


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Jedi Wing Commander General Obi Wan Kenobi 


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 91st BCMD Neyo: Starting here, I have been Neyo twice, though my main focus here is my first time being Neyo. This is a bit of a weird one, as it’s been so long since this time, (Since before Synergy was created.) The main reason for listing this would be to show that I have experience on the other side of leadership.

Mace Windu: This one is a bigger role that I believe is relevant here, and that is Mace Windu. I served about one full term as Mace under Tyzen about a year or so back, and while I can’t say without being modest, I’ll say what I feel about how I performed. While being Mace, I learned the ins and outs of what Yoda/Mace do to run the order, oversaw the council as a whole and got a generous amount of decision making put in front of me. I should probably state that the reason this is as far as I moved in the order, or tried to move to is because I left for basic training right before my two months came and went.

Null Jaing/A’den: Another role that I believe is worth mentioning as SOBDE is something I feel could be considered separate from the normal clone experience. My time in Null gave me some great perspective on how SOBDE functions and just how to deal with and treat the regiment as a whole.


Shaak Ti: This is another position that I am going to separate from the section below, and only because Shaak Ti is such a different role than anything jedi or clone related. During my time as Shaak, I strived to ensure that the voice of the clones was heard within the council when it came to named characters, as well as making sure that any issues between clones and Jedi were resolved as soon as they came up. 

Other: Instead of naming every named character and rank I have ever held, I wanted to just do a general run down. I have been pretty much everywhere, whether that be as a master in the council, taking me to battalions like the 41st, 501st, 212th, and even DU, as well as an SOBDE jedi for a short period of time. I’ve led multiple clone regiments such as sharpshooter and heavy, jet trooper and ARC. I’m generally well versed in much of the functions of RP and trainings on the server.


Why should you become Grand Master?:


Another one of those things that you can’t answer fully without a bit of modesty, so I won’t try and be completely humble around it.

There have and always will be problems within the order and the council as a whole, and my opinion on the current council and the order as a whole as it is, is that there is too much complacency and lack of initiative from all of the different parts of the order. Branch leadership is lax and only do things when things are brought up instead of actively seeking to eliminate their shortcomings, council members sidelining themselves when it comes to decisions that they may think the Directors would argue against in favor of preserving their status as a master, and so on. With all of that in mind, I believe that acknowledging those shortcomings and addressing them as a council and as the leader of the order is where the jedi should be headed, and something that I am well suited to do amongst my peers on the council.


Among other things, I wish to maintain transparency, and in the pursuit of doing so, I intend to keep myself open to questions and discussions, whether that be in teamspeak or in game, as to ensure no miscommunication on decisions of the council or myself continue. Along with this, and something that I think is a problem currently, is that while the order may be the last to know of things, the council isn’t too far ahead of the order, and I plan on keeping the council in the loop on any outside discussions or changes that may come from the directors or the founders.


 I intend to do my best to respect everyone I work with on the server, and maintain amicable relations with as many people as I can, whether that be battalions, base ops, senators, or even sith. Something that I will acknowledge is my impulsive tendencies to act on things, whether it be negative reactions or just jumping into something to be proven wrong, but I also think being someone who is willing to get into discussions and converse with people who may or may not agree with the council is something that the jedi could and should have in its leadership.


To address some concerns that I feel may pop up are things like, "But you're hardly active" or "You aren't serious enough." To speak on activity, I try my best to maintain at least 20 hours a week, and I do not afk on the server to inflate my hours. Looking at the second part, I try not to be a stick in the mud for RP and my biggest goal as Yoda and even more so as a player is to make sure as many people as I can interact with have a good time playing on the server and have fun, whether that be in events or in the downtime.


Do you understand the lore of the Jedi Order (as relevant to Clone Wars)?:






 Monday - Friday:

4PM - 10PM

Any time of the day


Just a side note, I work a full time job that requires me to wake up at 4AM, and I get off of work at 3PM. Keeping this in mind, I am available in discord most of the time, and I maintain at least 20 hours a week, (40 hours in two weeks.) If you think that it is hardly active, keep in mind that a full time job is 40 hours a week, and if you think I am going to dedicate the same time that I put in at work towards a game, that’s pretty funny.


Give a brief overview of your achievements on the server:


 91st BCMD Neyo
Sentinel Lead

Shaak Ti
Mace Windu
Ace Lead


Do you have a microphone?:




Where do you want the Jedi Order to be at the end of your term?:


 Frankly, I want the order to be at the top of the mountain, so to speak. I want branches to work well, with a healthy number of trials being held and RP being at the forefront of being in whatever branch it may be, while nurturing a council of well rounded and decisive people who are willing to put in the work while maintaining a balance of fun and serious attitudes. I would also like to bring the opinion of the council and its decisions back to where I believe it should be, and that is ultimately at a point where, while it may not be liked, it can at least be looked at as something that was decided fairly, rather than by a bunch of people nobody can get behind.


How do you plan to improve relations within the Jedi Order between branches?:


 Well, this is a weird one considering the relations between branches is your typical relationship. If you want me to be honest, the only real thing I can do is ensure that the branches have clear boundaries for their roleplay and nurture their rights and their ability to exercise their rights more, whether that be towards me working on securing more negotiation rights for consular or engineering for sentinel, and figuring out exactly where I want to have guardians to go to, there’s not much I can do but ensure that at least some level of respect is shown between branches.


Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?:




Do you understand that your position has a two month term limit and you must reapply after two months to maintain your Grand Master rank?:



Edited by Thexan
Out of date name
  • Friendly 1
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Idk man I've had some pretty iffy encounters with you. Neutral  


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WTF uhhhh, I like your ideas and you always bring up good arguments for things which I like you as a person, but I think Scribbles has a good grasp on the order rn. Neutral. GL Boy


after careful consideration I have decided to support your application and your endeavors in the order. +1

you always do what you think is right in terms of the order and it’s members. I think you’d make an excellent Yoda.

Edited by Kronos Jones
Changed my mind

Ex HA | VA | SA | A | NA | GMC | GMM | GMO |
GM | GH | TRO x4? | TR | RTR | Hunter | Darman | Mereel | Fixer | Etain | Anakin | Hett | Base ops Commander | Forum Mod | Ahsoka x2| Tyzen Xebec | cooker | Jesse | Tup | warthog - Everything else i was

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+1 I like that you actually acknowledged some of the issues the jedi have atm. now that may or may not mean you plan on fixing it. but acknowledging it is the first step

Current Architect of Shadows Master Cal Vossen | Former Boss, Former Fixer, Former Sev

Former Jaing, Former Prudii

Former Bardan Jusik/Skirata

Former SOBDE Regimental Commander 

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Under normal circumstances, I would just simply give a "+1" and then be on my way, however these are not normal circumstances.

Thexan is without a reasonable doubt one of the best people in the Council, and the most capable to take over the Mantle of Yoda. He has again and again dedicated himself to the position, setting aside all personal feelings and handling the job with the seriousness and professionalism that it requires.

From the very beginning of my career in Jedi, Thexan has always been someone heavily involved in the Jedi Order, and always working to better it in anyway he possibly can. He is someone who is calm enough to think through decisions, is experienced enough to know how to handle any situation that may be thrown at the Order, and is someone with the conviction to make this Order great again.

So go Thexan,

Make Jedi Great Again


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+1 to both. I don't mind.

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+1 This boy began his journey here many moons ago, I remember when he was but a hard working and ambitious Knight trying to make his way up the ladder. Then as a Master seeing him be a voice of reason, and progress, while still retaining that hard working attitude. This man has excelled in every position I have seen him in and I have no doubt he will excel again if he is given the chance to be the order's new Grand Master. - Llama, the first synergy Yoda

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I have known Thexan throughout my time here on Synergy and I feel like I know the fucko in real life. This dude has supported myself, other friends, and has given me great advice throughout my time here.


This man is absolutely ready to become the next Grandmaster, and I hope he does.


Edited by Bbstine



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+1 I guess......

Current: Vango

Former: Mechanised Regimental | (First) 41st MEDL CMD Gett | 104th General Plo KoonNaval Commander Vango | Jedi General Adi Gallia Sinker | Serra Keto | Battalion Commander Wolffe

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+1 both are great

Current: Kevin Colt leader of the Colt Crime Syndicate | Alpha-69 Dennis 

Former: BCMD Doom x3| Havoc Squad Brimstone x3 | Base Ops CMD | Delta Jedi | BCMD Colt | BCMD Bacara | Specialized Regimental Commander x2 | First Count Dooku and creator of the CIS | Rear Admiral Orson Krennic 

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  • Management

I have head some weird encounters with you and your name triggers me to no extent so that's probably why I will +1 you so that I do not have to see Commander General ever again.

I don't keep up to date with Jedi but I talk to a lot of people who notice issues about the Order and it seems you have at least addressed them here which is just one step in making the Jedi Order the best it can be. Best of luck.


i am literally captain tukk

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  • Barerly saw you on when i was 212th
  • You mention "alot of problems" quite often yet you don't really adress them, and i believe as a Master you are already able to do so.



inb4 mass dumb

Edited by Josh Schneider
  • Disagree 1
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17 hours ago, Llama/Yoda said:

+1 This boy began his journey here many moons ago, I remember when he was but a hard working and ambitious Knight trying to make his way up the ladder. Then as a Master seeing him be a voice of reason, and progress, while still retaining that hard working attitude. This man has excelled in every position I have seen him in and I have no doubt he will excel again if he is given the chance to be the order's new Grand Master. - Llama, the first synergy Yoda

all true, it would be awesome to play under him and stand on his cape :) good luck and become the 6th Yoda on synergy. and if Llama is putting titles after his comments, i will too lmao- Bobonater, the first synergy TG/TGL 😂

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+1 Good Luck

Sanchez trembles at the mention of my name.

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I have waited to post something on here for a little while, because I would consider Thexan a friend, even though we have had our differences and arguments in Jedi. Friendship aside, I believe that Thexan is the most capable and strong willed applicant for Yoda in a while. There have been MANY complaints about the order for a while that I have heard through whispers and just keeping my ear to the floor, and I believe that Thexan has the knowledge, experience, support, and will to not bend under pressure and actually make meaningful and good change to the order, instead of the more recent, changing things just for the sake of change, things that have been happening. This man will complete any task that he sets his mind to with scary efficiency and great care to actually make something useful and practical for everyone to use. Thexan is the superior candidate in this race and I believe that he can, and will, make the Jedi great.


  • Agree 2
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