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Jayarr/Greys Marshal Commander Application


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Steam Name:

RP Name:
Recon Regimental Commander Jayarr / Grey

Steam ID:

Brigade you are applying for:
Marshal Commander (all of them I guess)

104th BCMD Wolffe


Red Guard Captain (battalion commander)

SOBDE Regimental Commander x2 terms

SPEC-SOBDE Senior Commander

Shadow Company Commander

Rancor Commander Havoc

Recon Regimental Commander

Why should you become a Marshal Commander?:

There are a few reasons on why I believe I should become the marshal commander as of now. I have spent quite a few years on SWRP, exclusively on icefuse before the split and synergy. In all of this time, I have had so much opportunity to gain an understanding of the server and the type of people that can be constantly coming in and out at their will. With the knowledge of people, I can further excel in my position as people skills are a must, and open communication with all those skills and all that knowledge you’ve gained is a must with those as well.

One thing I still stand by, as stated in previous applications, is the time I’ve had to see people fail in their positions. Or the time I’ve had to see them excel in their positions. Being around so long can benefit me greatly in holding the position of marshal, as I know how BCMDs should be running their battalions, and I know what they want. They want active people in high command positions, so they can feel comfortable whenever something happens. They want people with open minds and people who will talk to them constantly when they really feel like they need that. Being open when you’re in such a high position can grant you many things, and can continue to help you further understand everything, and I feel I can live up to that and in general have a fun time with the BCMDs and REGs under me. I don’t want to be a marshal that’s too pushy on battalions, trying to force things on them left and right. But if I need to, don’t think I won’t. I’ll do what needs to be done in my eyes in any situation after gathering all the info, and hopefully that’s for the better. Taking actions is not something I’m afraid of, but more or less I can be hesitant on in some cases.

Another thing that I feel I need to mention. Qal, at the time of writing this app, has been trying his best as marshal to ensure RP happens more often. I can back him up on this, as in times where it is boring and nothing goes on, I try my best to RP with other people, get possible passive RP jobs going, or do anything to keep what he wishes going. I have the same mindset in one way or another, but I feel that I might need to take my gaze away from RP at the start of my term if I do get the position, as there are more things then RP on the server that need to be looked into from what I’ve seen.

Overall, I’ve had more than enough time to become a leader and one that can prove themselves over time. I can quickly adapt to anything I would need to in the position of marshal commander, and I feel as if I can accomplish a unique term if I get it in the long run. Hopefully you all can understand how long i’ve been working up to this moment, and I will try my hardest to make excellent use of the positions. Whether that be through using the same tactics as previous marshals, or bringing my own foot down and using my abilities to the max.

Do you understand the lore of the Grand Army?:

12 hours a day, everyday. Unless on LOA. Granted that won’t all be in game, but I’m on teamspeak for 12 hours.

Give an overview of your achievements on the server:
Here we go again.

I am going to be excluding 5+ officer experiences to shorten this app a little.

104th BCMD Wolffe

Wolffe was my very first BCMD position. I was new to being a real commanding officer at that time, but I didn’t stop trying to push for the better of the battalion. Mary and caboose left the battalion in a shithole when I was applying for the position. Everything was a mess, there were too many sub branches, recruitment was little to none, and the officers were slacking. I did what I had to once I got BCMD, and wiped all the officers once or twice, and removed inactives. Some people believe that the path to an active battalion does not involve this, but was I aiming for activity? No. People fail to understand what I did. I fixed the battalions shitty insides up to the best of my ability, and left it for someone else to further improve what I had done. Something better. (Sadly caboose applied though so I got fucked)

Captain of the Red Guard

Red guard. I can’t explain enough how many times I wish this was added back. I loved it to death, and everything involved with it was just a better time on the server. When I got captain, there were currently only 4 people in red guard. At the end of my term, I had a full roster of red guard who were really active all things considered. We did more RP then this server has seen in a month in just a week with the senators and high command on board, and no one can deny that. Yeah, red guard RDM’d. Under RP orders. So what? Chancellor says, we do. Simple as that. And I don’t think the people who always bashed on red guard realized how many rules were in place behind the scenes to hold them back from doing anything else that anyone would complain about. I did think about the people when the rules were made, and I still think about the people even now. I know red guard wouldn’t have a place on this server anymore, but at any opportunity I see it fitting in, I would love for it to come back.

Shadow Company Commander

(Copied from REG app as nothing different needs to be said about this)

This is mostly an example of what I can do sometimes. I was put into this battalion as a 2ndLT by max as a window and an option for me to come back to the server and show I can work on the battalion and revive it. And I’d say I did just that. As soon as me and a few others were put in the battalion, we worked and worked and worked on documents and tryouts and all that we could. And it brought the battalion back up to its feet and that’s what I wanted to see and what I loved to see.


Doom. Probably my most favorite position I’ve held. Starting this all off, when DU came to the server I was a 104th CSM and I wasn’t really feeling the server at the time, as I didn’t want to redo everything I had done after getting powerplayed in SC by someone. DU was my last straw, so I joined as private like everyone else. Dargon, ginyu, and others had laid down a foundation to work upon after they had both left and had promoted me and fours. We had a whole situation with zander and stuff on my getting waived for doom because they thought people outside the battalion should be able to apply before someone who’s in it as an officer and knows how it works should. Eventually I got waived, applied, and got it. It was rough at the start, not gonna lie. I was told if I fail as doom, then they would remove the battalion. So man did I work, getting as many enlisted up to NCOs as I could to get us a boost. I had fours as my right hand commander almost immediately after getting doom. Me and him over time, accomplished so much with DU. We kept a constant 20-25 people on almost every day and had a peak point of 38 people on at once. I won’t go into detail on what I did to revive DU with fours, but man was it a journey. I miss being doom to this day, as I had so much fun. I would definitely go back if I was really needed.

SOBDE Regimental Commander

Now this one was interesting. Upon applying after I felt doom was done and fine (granted they moved DU into SOBDE for some reason), I got a lot of mixed reasons for +1s and only a few -1s. People thought I wouldn’t be fit for the position as I had no RC experience. But, when I got to interview and eventually got the position, I tried my best to prove that I can work with SOBDE just as well as any previous RC could. SOBDE didn’t really know me well at the time, but over the time of a month or so, we all became good friends and I did just what they needed at the time, barely anything. I dealt with complaints, participated in events with them, and just hung out. People don’t or didn’t need to be shoving their fist in SOBDEs face at that time.

SOBDE-SPEC Senior Commander

Can’t deny that I miss senior commander, but god was it useless. It was a “I advise these two advisors” but with more power. If a REG messed up anyways, people never went to me or whoever the other senior was. They always skipped over us for the marshal commander. Made me fucking mad sometimes. CoC may be something people hate, but god damn is it underestimated. Situations can go way over the top if you immediately go to the highest person you can. Anyways, I mostly did what I did as reg. Chilled with my boys, did events with em, had a good time. The advisor of the advisors wasn’t really a position to do much with when you had good REGs.

Rancor Commander Havoc

I gotta thank dragon for this. I returned to the server after my ban, and I felt lost and didn’t know if people would accept me back from the...things...they had been told about me. Dragon offered me SGT in rancor and I took it as I knew dragon as my WO officer in DU and had seen him long ago in the past but never really bothered talking to him. Eventually, I put all the work I could in as SGT and got the position of WO, which like some battalions is a position equal to commander. I kept NCOs in line and started to work on quite a few documents while in the position. A month or so passes by, I get commander. Here I sat for a few weeks, doing document work still and doing trainings for ARC now and then. I didn’t sit here for long though as I moved on.

Recon Regimental Commander

Here I am now, this is me. I’ve been working a lot as REG to insure my battalions can get back up and running in a good state. Recently, all the BCMDs have moved on and now new ones are in their place. I trust in all 3 of them 100%, and hope they will do their best if I move on. Zeik handles all the situations I’ve seen thrown at him very well and is doing very very good with 41st, quebec is doing is best to get 91st active again, and miller is doing his best to keep rancors standards and implement new ideas. They all are quality, open BCMDs. Hopefully they all take what I’ve done with them well, and maybe one of them can follow up with recon REG if I do get marshal.

Do you have a microphone?:

Where do you want the Grand Army to be at the end of your term?:
This is the same as what I said for my REG app pretty much. I want everyone to be happy and connected with each other. I want all these regiments to start being more active seeing as summers going to hit, and I want them all to be healthy and maintained. Constant RP would be appreciated too but that is always something really hard to push onto people for some reason. I’ll find a way though.

They should all be respecting each other and not creating, mind me being blunt, bullshit drama and throwing shade at each other like everyone seemingly just loves to do. I’m not gonna stand that as marshal. If people want change on this server, I’ll try my best to give it to them, but they need to be decent human beings while I’m trying. That’s all I ask of them. It’s a short answer, maybe, but need more be said?

Many marshals have already laid out a foundation to work upon, and I will probably just work upon what they have done. I don’t think being a marshal means having to completely revamp stuff or just go over the top and change things just for change. Things need to change when you see them, and whether or not you can determine they need change. I will keep this mindset if I achieve marshal, so I can see every situation as sorted out with relatively quick pace.

How do you plan to improve relations within the Grand Army?:
I feel like what I did as recon reg could be great for all battalions as well. I gave them a lot of deployments together to help them further understand how each battalion works. I could do this separately with some battalions. Like, attack and recon. Or spec and attack. SOBDE and spec. So on, so forth. And that’s just one way of getting them to be a little more social. 

I could further give trainings or simulations to help them all accept each other and work with each other when they really need to. Everyone seems a little anti-social on the server atm and I want to improve that. Either through RP, sims, trainings, or events, I will try my best to connect you all in the end. This is another kinda short answer granted, but anything else that pops up will either be during the interview or during my term if I do in fact get the position, hopefully y’all understand where I’m coming from.

Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?:

Do you understand that your position has a two month term limit and you must reapply after two months to maintain your Marshal commander rank?:

Edited by Jayarr
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Let me tell you a little story of a man (possible shark) named Jayarr.

He served as the SOBDE Reg and SS Senior under me, and he proved himself to be a capable, reliable, and trustworthy leader. He has many commendable abilities and aspects, whether that be the loyalty to those around him, the dedication to his troops below him, or the ability to be a great leader. He is a good pick for the job at this current time, and has shown himself more than ready for it. So give him a shot.

However, he is not without fault, the fact he has degenerate tendancies, and pretends to have sex with sharks or whatever you sickos do (Looking at you Scribbles), and this makes him morally a questionable choice, but I feel the pro's out weight the cons.

Good luck.

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+1 that CS match was great don’t lie

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I forgot to +1 this so if imma -1 it...



+1 has done some solid work in High Command so far and is the only logical person to run for this position. Best of luck on the interview.

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i am literally captain tukk

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+1 Good Luck

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Sanchez trembles at the mention of my name.

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+1 ah shit here we go again


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Current: Kevin Colt leader of the Colt Crime Syndicate | Alpha-69 Dennis 

Former: BCMD Doom x3| Havoc Squad Brimstone x3 | Base Ops CMD | Delta Jedi | BCMD Colt | BCMD Bacara | Specialized Regimental Commander x2 | First Count Dooku and creator of the CIS | Rear Admiral Orson Krennic 

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