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Moros' BCMD Wolffe Application


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Steam Name: Moros

RP Name: Wolfpack XO Dash-44

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:60013717

Battalion or squad you are applying for: 104th Battalion Commander Wolffe


I was recruited into the 104th battalion on my very first day of joining Synergy. At first I never thought I would stay on the server, but my mind was quickly changed when I experienced the 104th and everything it had to offer. I knew this would be the place for me, and I would show what I had to offer back to the battalion. My first notable achievement within the 104th would be acquiring the rank of MEDO. Medical RP has always been a passion for me on CWRP, and I believe Iā€™ve been able to show my dedication to the medical branch Ā and utilize it to assist in any way possible. My next pronounced achievement would be acquiring the lore character ā€œDash-44ā€; the Wolfpack medic. I overcame the competition and achieved a major goal of mine since joining the battalion. After attaining the role Iā€™ve been able to provide valuable assistance and mentor-shipĀ to both Medics, Wolfpack, and 104th as a whole.


My next notable achievement would be achieving a position within the officer core of the 104th. From there I was able to provide invaluable leadership to overcome the most pressing issues within the battalion. During a time in the 104th where there have been many reforms I was able to create and assist in the development of numerous documents. Whether or not these new documents and practices would work has been a process of trial and error. A learning experience through success or failure. My next notable accomplishment would be achieving the rank of CMD alongside my friends Slate and Skunk. Although the three of us donā€™t always agree itā€™s been one hell of a run together. In every instance we have helped each other and assisted the rest of the battalion in its succession. Developing a strong foundation for new members and assisting in the formation of a professional battalion that is an inspiration for others around the server. With the guidance of Scarecrow, I believe that all three of us have grown tremendously together as leaders, and I couldnā€™t say for certain whether or not Iā€™d be here today without the both of them standing beside me. The amount of documents weā€™ve created, changes weā€™ve put into action, and trials weā€™ve surpassed has been stressful at times I will admit. But the sense of satisfaction and accomplishment I feel when we succeed in something weā€™ve worked for has been absolutely fantastic. Such an example would be the opportunity to create the Negotiation Guidelines for the server rules.


After some time as CMD, my next memorable achievement would be my promotion to the rank of XO within the 104th. A position that allowed me to support the battalion (and our sleep-deprived BCMD) to the fullest of my abilities. Iā€™ve approached the role, and the responsibility, with as much humility as I can. My first goal has been, and will always be, to aid the 104th and its members to be the best it can be. Whether that be through my extensive work on the negotiation program, or at times, my work as the Disciplinary Commander of the battalion. For his most recent term Scarecrow has given me a bigger taste of leadership within the 104th by stepping back and allowing me to take the reigns for the majority of the time, especially during the evenings. That experience was good for him and I in the sense that it prepared me for leadership as Wolffe, and allowed him to take the time to think about what he wanted in the future of the server. Even after my time has passed, I know that the 104th will always hold a place of importance to me.

Why should you become a Battalion Commander?:


I believe I should become BCMD Wolffe because I know that I can put in the work necessary to make the changes that are needed. Iā€™ve got a vision for the 104th to be the very best it can be, and Iā€™ve been working towards that vision alongside Scarecrow and my fellow CMDā€™s. I know that I can achieve so much more as a BCMD, and I want to utilize the role to make every single day count towards progression of the battalion and myself. As an officer Iā€™ve worked hard for the battalion whether that be in the form of document work, trainings, advice, leadership, or discipline. And I will continue to work hard at it, should I receive the role of BCMD. I believe that my qualities and experience as a leader will allow me to lead the 104th to success in whatever ventures we might pursue. Iā€™ve been at the forefront of many projects within the 104th during Scarecrowā€™s time. Iā€™ve poured much of my time and life both on server, and off server, towards completing these projects. Many of our projects have been ongoing, and I believe that I can effectively complete them as BCMD. I am also a very organized, methodical, and calculated person. I know that I can utilize these qualities to concentrate my efforts into tasks that will maximize the benefit to the 104th. Lastly, I believe that I can open up the 104th to the rest of the server and develop more substantial relationships with battalions that we havenā€™t previously connected with.

Do you understand the lore of your battalion or squad?:
Yes, I do. And I always do my best to study up on any new info necessary.

I work a part-time job, so my hours and days of work are subject to change. I generally have 3 days per week that I do not work. Those days are dedicated to playtime on the server. On each day that I work I generally get on in the evenings and stay on the server until late at night. With this schedule I still manage to get 90+ hours logged in 2 weeks of playtime.

Estimate of how long you've played on Synergy Roleplay?:
Wolfpack XO Dash-44 has played for 766:59:22.


Do you have a microphone?:
Yes, I do.

Where do you want your battalion or squad to be at the end of your term?:
I want my battalion to be in a position where they can run themselves. I want everything to be organized, efficient, and effective. I want all docs, intel, and roster work to be neat and orderly. In addition to this Ā I want all ongoing programs that are under construction to be completed. I want my battalion to see the systems in place and to experience them in action. Everything should be well prepared for my successor. As for the officer core, I want to fill it with trusted members who are active and dedicated to the success and growth of the 104th. I donā€™t want anyone to have to pick up the pieces of a broken battalion like Scarecrow did. I want people to be impressed with the work the 104th does. Our WO program and Tank training will be completed and solidified into place. Wolfpack will ideally be the best it has ever been by the end of my term. And all 104th will have a negotiations training system they can come to rely on. The rest of the server will have an effective and organized force they can depend on at all times. At the end of my term I want to see all regiments with a lead, organized and full of members. And at the end of my term nobody will have to deal with half-assed documents and unorganized heaps of information.

Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?:
Yes, I do.

Do you understand that your position has a three month term limit and you must reapply after three months to maintain your commander rank?:

Yes, I do.

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Massive +1

probably the most dedicated 104th in its current iteration today. I see him on everyday trying to do his absolute best for the battalion, and I know his troopers see it too. He is the best option for the next Wolffe and I hope under his leadership that the 104th will continue to thrive.




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327th Papa


Attack Regimental x1

Bly x2

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plus oneĀ 


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+1. This man has been one of the most active and dedicated members of 104th I've seen since I've been back on the server (3 months or so). I've seen him on every day I've been on, constantly training, mentoring, and leading as necessary. He is a fair, but firm leader which allows him to weed out people who have caused problems in the battalion. IĀ honestly couldn't think of a better pick to step into this role, in or out of the battalion

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Current: Kevin Colt leader of the Colt Crime Syndicate |Ā Alpha-69Ā DennisĀ 

Former:Ā BCMD Doom x3|Ā Havoc Squad Brimstone x3Ā |Ā Base Ops CMD |Ā Delta Jedi |Ā BCMD Colt |Ā BCMD Bacara | Specialized Regimental Commander x2 |Ā First Count Dooku and creator of the CISĀ | Rear Admiral Orson KrennicĀ 

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+1, this guy? this is the guy 104th needs.Ā 

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Current: Rancor PandaĀ | Honorary Consular

Ā spacer.png
Ex: Delta 38, Kom'rk Skirata x2, Mereel Skirata, A'den Skirata, Omega Squad Fi (XO), Foxtrot MDMK, 327th 1stLT, 501st 1stLT, 212th MAJ, 41st WO, Alpha ARC 22 WO 'Aven', 212th 1stLT Lycanthrope

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+1 nothing but pleasant experiences with you.Ā 

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Ex HA | VA | SA | A | NA | GMC | GMM | GMO |
GM | GH | TRO x4? | TR | RTR | Hunter | Darman | Mereel | Fixer | Etain | Anakin | Hett | Base ops Commander | Forum Mod | Ahsoka x2| Tyzen Xebec | cooker | Jesse | Tup | warthog - Everything else i was

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You will be a good leader, the only thing I would say is to have a stronger relationship with the legacy members that still care than Scarecrow did. A lot of the problems you're aiming to fix through your term had bee dealt with before by people who are still active and would be willing to help with guidance.

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5 hours ago, [SR] Moros [NA] said:

I donā€™t want anyone to have to pick up the pieces of a broken battalion like Scarecrow did

Ouch that fucking hurts but the truth hurts sometimes.

You've demonstrated to be level headed and rational, and you've put thought and effort into your application. How ever I have a few questions for you I'd like to see answered.

  • What do you see as problems that the Wolfpack faces at the moment and what are you going to do to improve it?
  • What is the status on the tank training and if it still isn't completed what do you plan to do to get it completed?
  • What do you think is the biggest problem in the battalion and why? and what do you plan to do to fix it?

Lastly Moros i'd like to see you establish a better relationship with the Honorary's than your predecessor did. Other than that its a +1

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2 hours ago, Old Spartan said:

What do you see as problems that the Wolfpack faces at the moment and what are you going to do to improve it?

Currently I feel as though Wolfpack lacks a certain organization, drive, and purpose. Processes for entry aren't as rigid as they should be, without a strict and consistent guideline and framework for recruitment/trails. The Wolfpack's role in regards to sub-unit issues is also that of a grey area; the role of an advisor is not well understood. My first goal would be to implement a framework for a trial system that will see consistent results, and a standardizedĀ grading scale. Squad-based organization and cohesion during events is another thing to improve. That will see improvement through trainings, guidelines, and overall experience as a separate squad. As for sub-unit issues there are a few things I may need to try out; either improving the system that is already in place with "Wolfpack Advisors", or scrapping it if all else fails and falling back to Wolfpack leads.

3 hours ago, Old Spartan said:

What is the status on the tank training and if it still isn't completed what do you plan to do to get it completed?

Tank training as a whole is completed. There are a few loose ends, and logging/ doc issues that need to be finalized but it's nothing major. Tank training has been happening and people are receiving training. We've established Tracer as our Warrant Officer and MECHL. Marion has earned that rankĀ and he's spearheading the process.

3 hours ago, Old Spartan said:

What do you think is the biggest problem in the battalion and why? and what do you plan to do to fix it?

Currently the biggest issue I see in the battalion is not one of the present, but of the future: longevity. 104th High Command has established training's, procedures, rules, and guidelinesĀ over the course of Scarecrow's nearly 2 terms that have proven to be successful and effective. But my major concern is how we will maintain it, especially once I am gone. My top priority is establishing a trusted command structure that will allow the next leaders of the 104th to carry on what has been started here. That is a process that will most likely carry on for the entire length of my term, and hopefully I'll be able to rely on those around me to provide the future leadership that the 104th will need.

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Unfortunately, I haven't really had the chance to get to know you all that well and I'm saddened by that fact. However, from the times I've worked with 104th and Scarecrow I've only heard praise and seen good things from you. I believe that the XO of any battalion should be seen as the future BCMD and as the right-hand man of the BCMD. I have a great deal of respect for the former Wolffe and I would under no circumstance believe his choice of XO to be wrong. You were left in charge of the 104th in his absence and I see no reason why you shouldn't remain in charge and claim the rank of BCMD and position of Wolffe alongside it.

I look forward to working more with you. It was starting to feel empty in the AT-TE without Wolffe.


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Ā Papa Kal

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+1 Good luck

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SanchezĀ trembles at the mention of my name.

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  • Management


I havenā€™t talked to him a whole lot but I have spoken with him enough to know that this man has plans and goals for his Battalion. Even if you have never been able to speak with him his application shows enough.Ā 

Good luck man

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i am literally captain tukk

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Moros, You have been my idol ever since I joined the Server. You have brought me into the ranks and place that I am in now. I have the most respect for you. I came on Synergy looking for a fun, yet Legit Battalion that I could call home. You have welcomed me right in and taught me many new things with 104th. I have pretty matured a lot along your side, and Everything about you perfectly fits the Commander Position.Ā 

  • MaturityĀ and Strive to ALWAYS Lead the Battalion in the Right Place.
  • Proving to everyone that 104th is a serious and Legit Battalion with your Negotiations Protocol and Guidelines.
  • You have offered countless amounts of advice and training's to new members of 104th.
  • You always seem to know when its time to have fun and its time to be serious, You balance moods perfectly.
  • You have been the Main Leader behind Wolffe and have proven that you can direct the Battalion in the right direction.
  • You also continue to enforce the right amount of punishment when needed, as the Disciplinary Commander.Ā 


I would be the happiest man to serveĀ under you as Commander Wolffe, and I wish you the best of Luck moving forward. /me Plays Drip too Hard Spanish Remix


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Doom the Boom

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Current: Vango

Former: Mechanised RegimentalĀ | (First)Ā 41st MEDL CMD GettĀ |Ā 104th General Plo Koon |Ā Naval CommanderĀ VangoĀ |Ā JediĀ General Adi GalliaĀ |Ā Sinker | Serra Keto | Battalion Commander Wolffe

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Head Admin


Current: Head AdminĀ | Specialized Regimental Commander

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You haveļ»æļ»æĀ been ACCEPTED for interview

Please contact Dragon and Bananaberry for yourĀ interview before 5/5/2019 or your application will be DENIED


//moved to Pending

Former:Ā CWRP Director,Ā CWRP Intel Director,Ā 
Current: Gamer

Forever:Ā Shitty helmet artist

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