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Dragon's Blitz Reapp v2


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Steam Name:

[SR] DrZombatar [HA]

RP Name:

Rancor ARC BCMD Blitz

Steam ID (SteamID Finder)


Battalion or squad you are applying for:

Rancor Battalion

How many terms you've held the position?:


Why do you wish to maintain this position?:

There are a lot of things that we are working on that have been put on the backburner due to more pressing issues. I feel that Rancor is in a good enough place now to continue working on our new programs.

Current availability:

Whenever I am not at/getting ready for  work

What have you achieved within your battalion/squad during your past term?:

I was able to maintain the battalion through a pretty rough time at one point during this past term. Alpha ARC is succeeding quite well in addition to our main battalion. Through this past term, we were able to keep the ARC trainings running like clockwork and were even able to introduce a lot of eastern trainings.

What improvements or changes do you plan on making within your battalion/squad?:

Due to the loss of my main Eastern Commander, we had to temporarily postpone Eastern ARC Trainings. Once my high command is solid again I will reintroduce the Eastern ARC Trainings. Another big topic is our ARC Advancement Program. This is something that I wanted to roll out in my last term but unfortunately was unable to. While it was not released we have made a lot of progress on it and hope to release it soon. 

Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?:


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Good guy


please give me my arc status back. 



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Was pretty gay in dooms unit when I was around, seems like he's pretty gay in rancor too.

All around, gay score is 11/10.

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  • Retired Founder


I've seen time and time again, that you have you been an underlying nuisance to the Government, you're too young to contact for taxes. Also being Jewish allows you ways to avoid the government in such a financial benefit, that it would corrupt the system and its integrity. I find the fact that you're Jewish to be the primary reason for my -1. Understand that this is nothing personal, I just hate you and hope you die today. Out of anybody in the world. I can personally tell you, that you're worse than Joey. My mother is more qualified for the Blitz position than you, you uneducated disgusting sack of shit. If anything, I wish someone else would take your position as I think it's time you hang the towel and resign, it's only taken you 3 years on gmod to waste your life you degenerate. 

- Joah



































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  • Management

-1 for reasons stated above


  • Friendly 2


i am literally captain tukk

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9 hours ago, Joah said:


I've seen time and time again, that you have you been an underlying nuisance to the Government, you're too young to contact for taxes. Also being Jewish allows you ways to avoid the government in such a financial benefit, that it would corrupt the system and its integrity. I find the fact that you're Jewish to be the primary reason for my -1. Understand that this is nothing personal, I just hate you and hope you die today. Out of anybody in the world. I can personally tell you, that you're worse than Joey. My mother is more qualified for the Blitz position than you, you uneducated disgusting sack of shit. If anything, I wish someone else would take your position as I think it's time you hang the towel and resign, it's only taken you 3 years on gmod to waste your life you degenerate. 

- Joah




































At my direction, the world bank has seized all of your personal funds. In addition, they have also seized the funds of Synergy Roleplay TM.   

Upon receiving a list of demand, soon to come, I will have the World Bank returns these funds.


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  • Retired Founder
1 minute ago, Dragon said:

At my direction, the world bank has seized all of your personal funds. In addition, they have also seized the funds of Synergy Roleplay TM.   

Upon receiving a list of demand, soon to come, I will have the World Bank returns these funds.



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22 minutes ago, Dragon said:

At my direction, the world bank has seized all of your personal funds. In addition, they have also seized the funds of Synergy Roleplay TM.   

Upon receiving a list of demand, soon to come, I will have the World Bank returns these funds.


Is ThAt CrEaTiNg DrAmA oN uR aPp. SoMeOnE DeNiE tHiS MaN 


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+1 Dragon is one of the hardest working person I have ever met alongside others I known in the 104th

Hes excellent at leading and continuing the growth of RANCOR and seems like the best fit for the position personally. I hope you do pass the re app and get accepted since I do want to continue working under your command within the RANCOR battalion.

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Forum Admin


I added the Pepe emojis onto the forums

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-1 Ya'll thought no one would step up to the plate but this ARC trained Meme is; So we finna fight or what my guy?

+1 Jk my guy I no wanna be  Y E E T E D  but in all seriousness dragon is a really solid guy and has been very helpful when I first was shoved into the ARC Lead position (lol is tru) and he helped me at one point when I was trying to choose an ARCO so yea 4 that he gets a phat +1 from me.   😙 (no homo guy I got socks on 2)

Edited by Kool Kid Useful
Bad garmmares

Current: Rancor Medic Previous: 327th Commander ARCL Useful, DU ARC Commander Jerome, CT PVT 1348 Useless

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