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Everything posted by Dyn

  1. 6/10 Pretty nice assault with good counters to keep SO from brute forcing.
  2. -1 I'm applying for Bacara so that I can have 21st turned into Hawkbat Battalion (with Null sub-unit of course)
  3. Most of the battalion thus far has voted in support of him. The ones who have voted against are former bat or myself. I just didn't want this to give the wrong impression.
  4. The rest to my knowledge was said in teamspeak in my office so I guess take the "already too far in to change" as hearsay. This is just outright false lol. The first week, we did flash GMACTs without logging for 21st officers because we had a large amount to do. Since then, every officer trained has had the ability to host it. Since that week, the only ones hosted were the one I started and outright told people to help with. (The GMACT 3 was a series of them that I started that day, but Paladin took charge of it). Why? If it's about tracking their activity, that's already the job of the SO lead, SO 2IC, and any officers in general who work to make sure 21st are active. The structure exists, you're just attempting to make something more convoluted. Okay, I'm not going to approach the subject of redundancy with being your own REGL as BCMD. But my point is that if the REGL needs to go on an LOA for 1-2 weeks and I'm only returning home after 5EST, I want to make sure people can still enter into our Support, Heavy, Med, and HVO branch in the absence of leadership.
  5. Alright, I'm going to be looking over this and picking some things out. So, you did indeed create a new roster that I am happy with in the end. However, I will bring up that multiple times during the creation of it, you attempted to just place changes that would affect battalion structure (limits on amount per rank, removal of REGO positions, etc) without my knowing. When I brought up the matter with you, you'd attempt to argue with my over why the inclusions (or lack of) were better for the battalion. You seemed to completely disregard either making a public suggestion, bringing it up in officer chat, or just even speaking with me about it beforehand which was not very appreciated. You attempted to say "It's already too far in to change" to which I threatened to drop the new Roster project entirely if it couldn't be done which suddenly made it able to be changed. This is true, but you along with the rest of the officer core has neglected to actually run them. It has become a chore that essentially command has been left with since you nor the rest of the officer core actually takes the initiative to run them without being outright told to. I'll repeat what I said before here then. ARC leadership format something dictated by Rancor. They say that each battalion has 1 leader position, 1 officer, and the rest are troopers. SUP formerly had 3 places in our battalion (2 with the changes to KU SUP) so that isn't an SO only job. ARF leadership is, quite frankly, a waste of time. It is something that is easily managed by SO lead / 2IC as they are SO troopers. Not to mention I think this is a very misguided aim with the current state of the battalion. The main branch is struggling, KU candidates are not widely available, and SO is the only branch that is actively doing well in 21st. Rego is helpful in the lack of an REGL at the time or lack of branch leadership (a current issue in 21st). It is a fallback for branches that might not currently have leadership and lack suitable people for the position without throwing more work onto the CMDs or the REGL. It's also a proving ground where someone who is willing and eager to do work can show it to let 21stHC know they are capable of taking on higher responsibilities. I was really hoping that having this app placed would alleviate most of my worries about vacating the position, but it honestly just hasn't. I'd remain neutral if it was an option, but I'll have to place a -1 for now. Feel free to change my opinion. Edit because I missed a part - In regards to this, I've repeatedly stated I don't only look at merits when considering to promote them nor do they dictate a definite promotion even if they're filled. I am aware of how to make judgement based off the behavior of someone to decide if they are or aren't ready for a promo. Just to show this isn't a remotely new mentality by the way.
  6. Dyn

    SPEC Deployment

    6/10 In the future when a commander asks to repeat about the briefed objective and you say "No", it sets a pretty bad tone for the rest of the event. From what I saw, it seemed like multiple members of leadership were confused. Other than that, it was decently entertaining.
  7. 9/10 It was legitimately the most fun I've had in a bit of time working with all these different bats, doing these clearly outlined objectives even with a bit of unexpected circumstances, etc.
  8. Dyn

    Maul and Savage - Void

    9/10 Had a load of fun. Didn't die a single time either.
  9. +1 I'm pretty familiar with Stix, talk to him semi-regularly and I think he'd do well for this position. Hopefully he could help Noodles in addressing some of the problems with CG.
  10. +1 I mean, it seems pretty simple to me. Your now former BCMD has a lot of faith for you to go into this position so I'll support you as well.
  11. +1 I think you worked pretty hard to get some things done while in your command position and I figure you'll keep working hard for the guild when it really is going to need the guidance.
  12. Dyn

    Guac's RC BCMD App

    I'm going to be very honest. Even after reading through all these responses and having a bit of time to really consider it, I find myself reluctant on both sides but leaning towards at least giving you the chance to prove what you're saying here in your app. I'll be watching with a bit of interest. +1
  13. -1 Bigboss, I don't dislike you. I really don't. But I think given some of the past convos we had while Matra was still around giving insight to your somewhat recent situation, I don't really want you in any kind of position like this. I know you placed a disclaimer about your health, but that doesn't really give me confidence as I personally listened to you and talked with you at that time a handful of occasions in my own office. That's my personal reservation on the app. From a more CMD point of view, there is some things in your app that kinda raise flags for me. This is something I feel like you always could've done. I doubt Ratio would've ever said no to such a suggestion so it makes me curious why only now you feel like you want to do this. I mean, they haven't done anything wrong lol. It's really frustrating to die to them. I've complained about them to leadership before, but I've never said I wanted them to be punished for any of their conduct. They're just doing their thing and using the tools given to everyone to do it. It seems as if you're trying to portray them as an outright negative with selective formatting. And honestly... a lot of people need to learn how to tackle these situations better. If you want a change to deal with hostile hunters, I'd encourage revisiting the most wanted system as opposed to just throwing an infamous clan under the bus. This was something Ratio tried to push for. He brought it up in meetings and such. But it isn't necessarily even a CG problem, it's more of just a trooper mentality in general. Some people genuinely just don't want to interact with hunters as it can turn into an ordeal. Sometimes I see hunter adverts and I just think "I'll let someone else do this, I don't really wanna bother with this right now". Isn't this... already in place? I mean it isn't like a gdoc or anything, but every battalion discord has the #bh-permits section to track who is contracted and we have base passes as a temporary allowance for people to come on base. I'm not sure what exactly this suggestion is because the wording seems to vague. Informal contracts? Set times? It seems like you're trying to push for a base pass that doesn't need a commander, CG, or naval to authorize more than once. But it's a military outpost and most of them are not affiliated with the government even if they provide aid to troopers. If they can't work out a contract then why would we give them freedom on base with absence of supervision? Overall I feel I either don't agree with or don't understand aspects of your application so I'm going to have to unfortunately keep my -1 on it for now. Feel free to persuade me otherwise if you feel hat I'm missing something.
  14. 6/10 Tried to actually do something unique other than just throwing troopers on the temple, even if it backfired because the server couldn't handle it. I still think it was a good attempt and I still had fun regardless.
  15. +1 Maybe it could be beneficial to have it appear above all sweps/utilities since it is a kit utility? The only other workaround I could think of is maybe having a bind to access it quickly, but I don't know how to do that personally.
  16. Dyn

    Guac's RC BCMD App

    So we discussed things back when you were intending to run for the SPEC REG position a while back and while I'm fine with you deciding to go for SOBDE instead, I'm wondering if a lot of the things we prior discussed will still hold up. Your app is pretty bare which I personally could care less about, but instead I'm going to pick out some parts of your app I don't think were really elaborated on very well. Okay, but what exactly is the new purpose you want to aim for? Do you want to move the battalion to being much more serious RP oriented, loosen up to have it be casual, or something else altogether? You mention you want it to play nicer with other bats, fair enough. But how you want it seen and want it to do itself is kinda vague. Okay, so this section is aimed towards Grey RCs then. What measures do you intend to do aside from trainings? I know you people have the squad names you sometimes assign to your RCs and all, so I figured that played a part. But what do you intend to do to make sure that A B C and D each work well with one another and are also willing to work with E F G and H? Okay. But what are your plans to deal with people that do not actually stop being toxic? Most aren't going to just stop because you ask. If Commando Squeekums continues to cause trouble, consistently starts fights with other bats, etc; what response from you can be expected? I think it is better for your guys to be communicating if they aren't currently and talking about the state of the battalion is good, but how will the professionalism actually be ensured? Not voting either way until the questions are answered.
  17. 8/10 All things considered, I gotta say I actually really liked how difficult the fighting was. The droids were competent with their aim, they were actually moving towards us in an aggressive manner without bullshit amounts of health or anything, and it made it interesting having them hide in the foliage where it was hard to pick them out. The map played well into the deployment. I didn't see the initial part of SOBDE's side but I had a pretty good time.
  18. There's your answer. It's the same as saying "use cover to avoid fire". Obviously, people will move behind an object or person if they think it'll give them an advantage. That's not the point of a suggestion post. It involves 1 more than most. But the point is you're asking for something to become standardized when it barely affects most of us and as you said already, people are already doing on their own initiative.
  19. -1 Okay so two things. 1. this ain't the way to approach this for any matter that you'd go to battalion leadership. If they're not on at the same time as you, try sending them a message on discord or something else. Never just presume to make a suggestion thinking the leadership will see it later. 2. You're asking to add a formation on a server. A very situational formation. Not all battalions work with shields (or shield users) constantly and only 2 battalions have consistent access to a shield. Besides that, afaik the "mobile shield wall" thing doesn't really work because the shields aren't very good at blocking from angles (It has been a minute since I used once so feel free to correct me on this). What you're suggesting is something we already do with jedi but even that isn't flawless as blaster shots can fly past them and hit the person behind them.
  20. Dyn

    Anaxes Outlands

    +1 but kinda mixed on it. I don't necessarily wanna lose another zone that is used for events but I'd like to expand Anaxes still because I agree that it feels pretty claustrophobic distance wise between all the different sections (Anaxes Fort, Aurek, Village, Crystal Caves). Like others said, if it came to it I'd personally rather lose Umbara than Endor. But I think that Conrad brings up good points above about if we'd even get these changes if everyone supported it. We still seem to have some minor things with the current Anaxes map (floating trees, weird hitboxes, etc.). If we could get some clarification from the founders if this is even going to happen or if it is dead on arrival, that would give me some hope for this suggestion.
  21. +1 I like Conrad, he's an active figure in the community that tends from what I've seen to be pretty level headed when given responsibilities. I like seeing command positions being active, mainly for important lore characters because I believe it helps raise interest by their presence. I like someone that can both work to immerse everyone around them in the situation at hand as well as cut back to be goofy when things might need to be goofier. Also his clips of him screaming are pretty entertaining. I'm willing to see what he can do in the role.
  22. Dyn

    Grievous new gun

    8/10 I wasn't there for most of it but the event from what I saw was pretty good. I appreciate you letting us join in even though we were mostly doing late night shitposting.
  23. Dyn

    Dono main event

    6/10 I don't think the event was bad. I just think that it ended up missing parts to make it possible for the troopers after a point. A lot of the CTs died from hunters, the event job droid, or just the NPC droids and the ones seemingly left (including jedi that just kinda went on pushing forward) didn't seem to either know the generator being talked about or didn't care. Also there was some mixed messages in OOC at the time where someone said the event was over when it wasn't or something? It was a bit unclear. The dupe itself was pretty amazing and the combat was fine.
  24. Reworded it to hopefully make it more clear. The bug seems to have resolved itself as of today. If forum staff want to lock, go ahead.
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