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Tyzen's Grand Master of the Order Application


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==========[ Grand Master of the Order ]==========


Steam Name:Tyzen|Yoda|Johnson


RP Name: Grand Master Of The Order Yoda


Steam ID (SteamID Finder): STEAM_0:1:38441546




Outside Of the Order:



I first started out in the 501st and made my way up to Warrant Officer of the battalion and I had a goal to make the battalion a better place to not have any hate between people and also try not to do much PT if it wasn’t needed. During my time in the 501st I worked close with the other Torrent Company Officers to get the Torrent to have more people in the the elite branch of the 501st. Also I helped out with making sure all Non-Commissioned Officers were set up to be better leaders of for the battalion to make 501st more of a serious place then being a minge squad. In the 501st I took over the intel team which controlled the documents of the 501st and implemented a training system for the officers where they needed to write up training and host them on a weekly basis. Also Most NCOS had a training to do for enlisted to where they had to recruit at least 3 people per 2 weeks so they had the time and if they didn’t they would get either PT or they would be put on a rank freeze, Until they recruit the people.


Delta Squad

When I first came into delta squad I didn’t expect much other than us being the elite where I lead many missions as fixer which I earned the respect of Boss at the time. I kept up with the Training and kept leading more missions so I made it up to Captain where I would help out some battalions on formations and helping then where it’s needed in like PVP and PVE sims just to get there comms running and have them actually become a lot better.


Omega Squad

Now to present day where I reside In omega squad for what I helped with was to decide how to shorten the TECH Training and the EOD training so they wouldn’t take hours upon hours at a time just to have one pass. I’ve helped a lot with Null trying to fill in there squad so they can have their full potential. Another thing I have done is try to out with making different things for RC members to do with like helping people on formations or regularly helping CT’s on faces.

Inside the Order:

Guardian Manager-

My time as a guardian manager Started off when I was a Knight II I was hosting and teaching padawans how to spar to past these trials over the time I was a guardian manager I tried to get people into the branch that were the best sparrers out there so they could continue to teach padawans or even knights to make sure that everyone was trained properly in the order.

Guardian Lead-

My Time as the branch lead with guardians was a fun one I tried to work with my managers closely to get people into the branch and update the trials as needed and just all around try and bring the guardian branch alive again as I wanted to do from the start. As the lead of the branch I wanted to also bring a more important role to the guardian branch which was teaching padawans or knights the ways of sparing and trying to make them a model guardian that everyone sees them to be. Another thing that happened was we brought Aces back into the guardian branch which we started to start up into a branch when we had leadership in it as a fill to start the trials for Ace.

91st Senior Jedi General Adi Gallia- During my time as master I progressed through the ranks as the 91st jedi general when I first started as the general the battalion was in dire need of help what I started to do was make the battalion have some numbers and some ncos in the battalion to try to have the battalion be more fun and I brought some people in that I could trust in certain places as Ncos and officers. Also as adi gallia I tried to train padawans and knights constantly and worried about the order first to make sure everything was ok in the order and made sure Docs were updated and tried to be reasonable with council members and brought ideas in that people wouldn’t think of during council meetings to try and make the order and better place for the padawans and knights.

Jedi Battlemaster Cin Drallig: I have went to trial for cin drallig and tried to bring a more positive attitude on the character to make the temple guard more of a thing to be picked in the order then going to a trial for the right to be a temple guard. An also i’ve been focused on order first where I still take trials and also help out with trials that aren’t mine to host.


Grand Master Of The Order Yoda: As Yoda I have done a lot of things in my time as being yoda, I have gotten a new saber system for the server, More variety among the jedi with diversity following throughout all the branches. I have put in in very high standards for my masters including myself to make the order a better place, I have been working close with my masters to make the server a better experience for people on there jedi.


Why should you become Grand Master?:


A couple reasons why I would like to be grandmaster is because I want to bring more fun to the order and make it a less strict place to a certain extent, by not making a more mingier place but by letting people have more freedom to roleplay how they want. I want to be it again because there are some unfinished things that I would like to continue to work on as the grandmaster and as well try to find a replacement eventually when I feel that the time is needed.


Do you understand the lore of the Jedi Order (as relevant to Clone Wars)?: Yes.


Availability: Usually all day most days depending on if i’m babysitting or with family usually I’m on from 2pm EST to like 4 am EST I try to be on as much as possible.


Give a brief overview of your achievements on the server:


WO of the 501st- “best warrant officer 501st has had”-Jackson. was trying to make the 501st a serious place when it came to PT or Ncos and officers making sure everything was set and clear if you fuck up you are demoted.


Delta Squad Fixer- passed the tryout was tried to be by the book and Rp the character.


Omega Squad Atin- Was this for 2 months tried to RP the character and be serious as my RC for being the best of the best.


Senior Jedi General – I became a senior when I was doing great with the 91st and also working with the order and making a better place


Adi Gallia – Named Character, attached to the 91st. Voted on by council.  Was active with them for the whole period of being adi gallia


Cin drallig- One of the hardest trials in my opinion to pass in the jedi order aside from Lightsaber instructor


Grand Master Of The Order Yoda - Have done many accomplishments with this rank and hope to do more.


Guardian Branch Lead- I was guardian branch lead for close to a month and having to create a couple new trials to make the branch more enjoyable when it comes to the roleplay aspect for it and trying to make them the best sparers on the server to teach padawans and knights.



Do you have a microphone?: Yes


Where do you want the Jedi Order to be at the end of your term?:

After this term I want the order to be able to be thriving and have the fun aspect back into the order with the lightsaber combat system and more of the roleplay aspect with choosing your saber to it be your own special thing for the padawans or knights that are within the order as a whole. Also by the end of this term I would like to find someone that is gonna be able to take the reigns of the order and be able to make it greater than it actually is. Also I would like the jedi to have a complete new revamp of trials and the way that the order will work in all aspects all around.


How do you plan to improve relations within the Jedi Order between branches?: What I did do was I increased communication between the branches on where they go and what trials people should be apart of, an also I increased the communication between masters so everyone is not to there self anymore an people communicate if the need help or they don’t have enough managers masters would help out in the branches as needed and they would help until they have a stability for people to get into the branch.

Also what I have in store is for the branches later on is a revamp of what subbranches can do for there branch. Like for example LSI or Lightsaber Instructor is gonna get a huge revamp to where people will be able to be specific form or stance to where there's diversity for people inside of the branch.


Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?: Yes


Do you understand that your position has a two month term limit and you must reapply after two months to maintain your Grand Master rank?: Yes, I understand.

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I think you have done a very good job as yoda but in these last few weeks there have been some sketchy and shady things that have kind of made me second guess how good of a yoda you have been. Don't get me wrong, the council and the order have been doing pretty good but I still think that some trust has been shaken. A thing that I want to bring up is the "deal" of how gray jedi was brought into the server and what it entailed. Some people wanted it and others did not and the way that everything went down and how it was EOd instead of passing through a vote like it should have been because it is a major change that affects the whole server and order. Another thing that I and some other people have noticed is how more time is spent as RC than doing things as yoda. My final reason is for a few weeks ago, you and some other people were just rdming people in MHB and around 2nd floor and when asked about it, you just ran off. This may be me just babbling like an idiot but these are my concerns and reasons for leaving a -1

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2ndAC Parjai-4 WO BadDog

Former:   Head Admin |TCO Commander Kix Mechanized Regimental Commander Obi Wan Kenobi Battalion Commander Cody | Wolfpack Commander Comet |104th Jedi Master Plo Koon |TRD |GMD | Overseer | 2ndAC Commander Barlex SO Major DU Commander |Waxer Foxtrot Adi Gallia Quinlan Vos Skywalker Consular leader Shadow leader Guardian Leader Gray Jedi Master Commodore Wilhuff  tarkin 

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  • Retired Founder

It's okay I like to sound like a babbling idiot too, let me put in my two cents on this.

#1.) Tyzen has been the most Active Yoda since the days of Pulsar, Which would be about 2 years at this point. I'd gladly like to point out that I also believe that Tyzen is easily the hardest working Yoda I have ever seen.

#2.)  As far as Tyzen " EO'ing something" this was also agreed upon by his Windu, so he did not single handily make the EO decision he consulted the other higher-ups of the Jedi Order. As long as I've known Tyzen he's not the type of person to EO any or much decisions at all. He is very strict when it comes to bringing things to the council, and this includes server changes and updates.

(Check council logs if you don't believe me, that was Tyzen's only time EO'ing something and he did it with the approval of Windu. Also, he is Yoda, he's kinda allowed to say yes to something if he feels like it needs to implemented.)

#3.) Tyzen is currently running for his 3rd term as Yoda and is now standing as a Senior Administrator and doing events along with playing on his RC character. It's stated that he's on his RC character a lot however it seems the Jedi Order is continuing to run perfectly even after the drama fest and everyone leaving. I personally think this is a great accomplishment that he and the council were able to stabilize so easily. 

#4.) While most commanders sit around and do the bare minimum aka letting their officers run the battalion for them, Tyzen is at the forefront of the Jedi order and continues to remain active on his sub-branch characters. Tyzen also majorly helps out with the updates that are coming in the future which makes him an extraordinary asset.

#5.) Being nit-picky is not a reason to -1 because of small interactions rather than looking at the picture on its own. You have to weigh the bads and the goods and I can definitely tell you that the goods heavily out weight the "bad". 

As for me, I like to babble like an idiot as well, so I felt like my opinion would be respected here as a former Yoda, and someone who continues to work on updates on a daily basis. 

Thank you for your time lil green man. Hope to see another term.


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Current: Just Some Guy
Former: Senior Admin | TRO x2MAJ | Styles | Rys | CG x3 | Thire  | 21st x3 | Guardian Manager | Alpha-98 Nate | Sith Apprentice | Many more battalions  Serra Keto [9 Months] | TGML [9-10 Months] | TGL | Knight 8

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16 minutes ago, Warrior said:

-1 Tyzen I get it you are a great guy, but you are not even active with the 41st. You come in for like 5 minutes then leave to go hangout with your RC. I am sorry but I don't think you deserve Yoda again.

I mean its not his job to be active to with the 41st lmao. We have Luminara for a reason. 

  • Agree 3

Former Positions: 

  • 41st XO
  • 41st Green Leader
  • 41st Faie
  • Temple Guard Manager/Cin
  • Overseer
  • Gamemaster
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  • Retired Founder
2 hours ago, Weeaboo said:

that means its glitched

No. Steam charts calculate past 2 weeks, It's not a glitch, Tyzen never gets off the server. That's a rough estimate on their end. Just an FYI. It's undeniable that Tyzen is the hardest and longest working Yoda at this point. Llama was passed up about 3-4 weeks ago. 

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+1 the one or two times I have actually gotten to you bloody answer my pms you have helped me on my jedi.

Current Architect of Shadows Master Kit Fisto | Former Boss, Former Fixer, Former Sev

Former Jaing, Former Prudii

Former Bardan Jusik/Skirata

Former SOBDE Regimental Commander 

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I mean I don't think there should be a fight about "best Yoda" I think I was the right Yoda for my time, I like to think I was a good Yoda to set up Jedi here and do a good job of it. Any Yoda since then knows that my own personal words on the Yoda/windu doc are "I hope every Yoda after me is the best Yoda" I think tyzen has done a very good job and I have told him such. Can he improve? Of course, there are plenty of mistakes every Yoda makes but it's a learning experience. I support him having another term because I believe he is the right Yoda for this time, and this group of Jedi. So yeah +1 have a good one. First synergy Yoda out.

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On 5/30/2018 at 1:49 AM, Egg said:

I think you have done a very good job as yoda but in these last few weeks there have been some sketchy and shady things that have kind of made me second guess how good of a yoda you have been. Don't get me wrong, the council and the order have been doing pretty good but I still think that some trust has been shaken. A thing that I want to bring up is the "deal" of how gray jedi was brought into the server and what it entailed. Some people wanted it and others did not and the way that everything went down and how it was EOd instead of passing through a vote like it should have been because it is a major change that affects the whole server and order. Another thing that I and some other people have noticed is how more time is spent as RC than doing things as yoda. My final reason is for a few weeks ago, you and some other people were just rdming people in MHB and around 2nd floor and when asked about it, you just ran off. This may be me just babbling like an idiot but these are my concerns and reasons for leaving a -1

-1 Same Reason as Egg's

Former: Liaison


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  • Founder

Congratulations your application has been accepted 

You have until June 11th to contact a director on teamspeak for your interview

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  • Founder

Congratulations you have been accepted for another term.

Your new term ends August 4th

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