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Jayarr / Doom's SOBDE Regimental Commander App


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Steam Name:
[SR] Vix / Jayarr / Doom [SA]
RP Name:
Battalion Commander Doom
Steam ID:

Regiment you are applying for:
Special Operations Brigade

I will start from low to high. I have been an officer+ in many battalions but there are only 4 I will include.
First and foremost, 104th BCMD Wolffe.
This right here was my first real big time thing. I worked up for 6 months in the 104th. 6 months. I did tryouts all the time everyday and it was a thrill and a race to see where I could reach/end up. In the end I made it up to LTC and got the named character of boost and warthog. Both of these showed me how to run a branch, let alone sliding into a battalion commander role. I soon ended up applying for wolffe against two long time members, caboose and anu. They both were good contestants and I thought I was never going to make it in the end. I did though, it worked out in the end and I got wolffe. But something to know is I left a month in, which brings me to…

Captain of the Red Guard 
I loved this role to death. I had the chance to defend the chancellor, but at the costs of respectability and controlled power. I feel like I granted too much freedom to the people in my guard and they went off and RDM’d sometimes. I admit I could have controlled it, but I didn’t, and I am sorry for that. But red guard was just pure fun and added to a lot of roleplay and that was single handedly the best part of it all.

Shadow Company Commander
This is mostly an example of what I can do sometimes. I was put into this battalion as a 2ndLT by max as a window and an option for me to come back to the server and show I can work on the battalion and revive it. And I’d say I did just that. As soon as me and a few others were put in the battalion, we worked and worked and worked on documents and tryouts and all that we could. And it brought the battalion back up to its feet and that’s what I wanted to see and what I loved to see.

Battalion Commander Doom
This is me. This is now. I came into this battalion for the same reason as shadow company. Hope. Revival. Success. I did constant tryouts as an NCO and I worked my ass off once I reached officer to tone down minge and disrespect. It soon came to a point where dargon resigned and I saw that as a chance to go for BCMD and help the battalion to the best of my abilities. I will be straight up with you, I did 10x better than my wolffe and I managed to get an active battalion that knew what to do and was organized as can be. I removed the impression of minge battalion and a disrespectful battalion. There may be some of it now and then still, but does it go unpunished? No. I oversee that everything is in shape, and honestly this would all be impossible without my two commander. If I make it through, I suggest both of them for BCMD.

Why should you become a Regimental Commander?:
I feel I should be regimental because I have had a long time (about a year) on SWRP to understand it all fully. I have been BCMD 2 (kinda 3) times on the server and I feel I can move on and help even further past BCMD capability. Doom was by far my best experience in my opinion regarding running a battalion and doing my job as a BCMD. Wolffe wasn’t the best and as I’ve said in the past, it was very bland of me to leave for red guard, but It brought in new people to be allowed to apply such as zyner and JBFox. Both of them have done better than I would. Anyways, I understand that I don’t really need to mess with the affairs of other battalions (RC and null in this case) Because I understand they can run on their own. I only step in upon them dying, too much disrespect, and things along those lines. Being a regimental is nothing to be taken lightly or by any means going inactive and hoping battalions can sustain. I may not be known much, I may be. But either way I want the chance to show what I can do as regimental and what I may be able to learn along the way. All and all it’s me hoping for the best and making sure that I can supervise the Republic Commandos and Null Squad.

Something that may offset people is “DU Isn’t elite, DU isn’t RC. Why is he applying with this lack of experience?” In all honesty I didn’t asked to get put into SOBDE but I put up with it and all it’s done is help me understand Null and RC even further than before. I’ve gotten to get somewhat along with all the squad leads to the point where we both understand DU isn’t by any means better than RC.
Do you understand the lore of your regiment?:
As of before this application I only really understood Omega and Null because I read up on the book series for both of them. I understand delta now because I played the RC game and I looked into them. Ion are really easy to understand as well. In the end, I think I get the just.
9:00 AM to 9:00 PM EST everyday.
Give a brief overview of your achievements on the server:
I pretty much explained all my achievements in the experience section so I would request you please piggy-back off that, but I’ll put some non-clone related ones in here.

Icefuse (before fall) - EA
I primarily got this because of my building skills and the fact that I was always open to help at anytime. There’s nothing more really to it.

Synergy - SA
I got this for the fact that I shaped up and showed that I could be active and do my job. It took time, I did a few questionable things on the server, but I made it in the end.

Do you have a microphone?:
Where do you want your regiment to be at the end of your term?:
I think all the RCs and Null are really close as is (I’m just this detached dude) and they are doing well as is. I don’t see much changing at the end of my term, I just want them to be active and have decent relations with most people [for the most part]. So really, it’s fine as is and I don’t really see it changing.
How do you plan to improve relations within your regiment?:
For SOBDE as i’ve just said they all usually hang with each other anyways and treat each other like brothers (and sisters?) already. I just want to keep that maintained and make sure everyone is happy in the end. Nothing more to it.
Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?:

Do you understand that your position has a two month term limit and you must reapply after two months to maintain your regimental commander rank?: Yeah.

Edited by Jayarr
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I'm in the middle here. We need a Regimental as you know, you're a fine doom. Been helping a lot, Yes. Nothing will really change. If you get it, you'll help DU while Woeny keeps Derv's autism in check, if Woeny gets it, He'll keep Ion in check.

+1. It'll be a good race between you and Woeny

Edited by Korm
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18 hours ago, Jorrdan said:

As much as I respect you and like you Jayarr, I have to -1 you. Do not take this to heart. But I don't think you are fit for the position JUST YET.

DU is striving, don't leave when your battalion needs you. You worked for numbers, don't leave just yet.

Boy what? Not to disrespect but how isn't he fit for any position at this point? He's been a part of this community for I'd say close to if not over a year by now. He has been a leader of many things, as he has listed. Besides that,

Jayarr, you have served Doom's Unit with a great honour, it was slowly plummeting but you stepped in and saved that bitch from falling out of existence, and on behalf of everyone a part or who supports DU, thank you. I've served under your command twice now. In Red Guard (which was so fucking fun) and currently Doom's Unit. 

I remember when you were XO of 104th, that's when I really discovered you I'd say. And shortly after you became Wolffe.

Not much more to say only that your leadership and adaptation skills are above and beyond from my experience. To that I salute you!


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Ummm Well He is quite active that what we need in High Command and you've done a lot for a lot of battalions
But DU without your as BCMD seems lost You are a good leader But I feel You might be unfit to be a reg Until DU is stable and doesn't need their BCMD to always baby sit it stay with them, then go for it. But Its your choice and I'm not gonna stop you but
(And If you fucking go around saying well your only -1ing because you hate him STOP

Edited by Comics
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The most fuckable person on Synergy Star Wars RP~

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+1 Hope You Get It

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2ndAC Parjai-4 WO BadDog

Former:   Head Admin |TCO Commander Kix Mechanized Regimental Commander Obi Wan Kenobi Battalion Commander Cody | Wolfpack Commander Comet |104th Jedi Master Plo Koon |TRD |GMD | Overseer | 2ndAC Commander Barlex SO Major DU Commander |Waxer Foxtrot Adi Gallia Quinlan Vos Skywalker Consular leader Shadow leader Guardian Leader Gray Jedi Master Commodore Wilhuff  tarkin 

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+1 For as little I've been in the battalion, I've seen great work from you and I respect that. For as little I've been in the battalion, YOU helped me go above and beyond in my work and helped me go up in the ranks. I'm proud to be in DU and will miss you (if you make it) and I will be the best Warrant officer there can be.

Your friend, Kody

P.S. Your  I  N  A  C  T  I  V  E

Jk love you dad.

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5 hours ago, Comics said:

Ummm Well He is quite active that what we need in High Command and you've done a lot for a lot of battalions
But DU without your as BCMD seems lost You are a good leader But I feel You might be unfit to be a reg Until DU is stable and doesn't need their BCMD to always baby sit it stay with them, then go for it. But Its your choice and I'm not gonna stop you but
(And If you fucking go around saying well your only -1ing because you hate him STOP

Yo Comics, the only reason you -1'ed him is cause you hate him.

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On 1/28/2018 at 6:01 PM, LixCoffee said:

-1 due to reasons stated above


the only reason stated above was how he's such a good commander that someone doesn't want him to leave.  Considering that person only -1'd because he doesn't like Jayarr, I'm a bit confused about why you don't think he's qualified.

Please specify. 

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4 hours ago, LixCoffee said:

DU isn't in the greatest state. I think he should wait before applying for this position. Valid reason.

From what I've seen DU is one of the biggest battalions which get's constantly praised for it's work. How are they not in a great state? 

Edited by Chop
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Not a Medal of Valour recipient 

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8 hours ago, LixCoffee said:

DU isn't in the greatest state. I think he should wait before applying for this position. Valid reason.


7 hours ago, GlobalOffender said:

du needs to be ready to lose him and they simply arent i will have to -1 till i find du good enough to perform well constantly


I can assure both of you that we have at least Fours and I who can and would take over the battalion if Jayarr were to get Regimental. Your only argument is that he is qualified for the position but can't have it, because you believe DU is dying or needs him. I haven't missed a single day of Synergy in the past 4 weeks and I am here to tell you, having spent all of that time in DU, that we are not dying. There are things that need to be fixed and Fours and I are both more than capable of fixing those issues. Jayarr has served DU well and to argue that he can't move on because we are some sort of clingy piece of garbage is nonsense. It only takes one glance to see that we are a thriving, and active, battalion.


Not to mention DU, under my NCOs and my command, get praised by almost every battalion, including jedi and naval, for our great shield work and overall positive impact on the server. Jayarr is the one who put us here, and he knows that we are ready to thrive with or without him.

Best of luck to you, Jayarr.

Edited by Deadly
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so ill put 2 more cents in here for my best furry bud @Jayarr

he has been a BCMD/CMD for TWO battalions now once as wolffe and once as doom.

i was there for both and while he was a OK wolffe he has been a AMAZING doom! he got a battalion with almost no lore to the point where hes got OVER 30 MEMBERS (granted some never come back) to the point where i quote "Doom needs to stop recruiting they are to big" -some guy. theres no one better in my option to take over SOBDE he already pops into the 104th channel to chat and does it in a casual way so im sure he could do his check ins regularly and casually. theres my two cents

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I don't understand how some of you can say that DU, "isn't in a good spot right now", that makes literally no sense to me. DU has been doing fucking amazing since Jayarr has been Doom, and they haven't declined.

I really just don't understand, if you have even seen the kind of numbers they pull, or maybe your heads are so far up your asses that you're blind to it, but DU has had more numbers than 501st and 212th on some occasions. I don't see how you can say they aren't doing well with those kinds of numbers.

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+1 I don't know why people say DU is fucked but I joined and they seem like they have their shit together especially since most events just have them sitting on the fourth floor doing jack all.

I think he has a solid command staff to take over for him that I have seen so I don't think that DU will be lost without him.

Besides he can always pop in to chat and see how we are doing 

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