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Jayarr last won the day on May 29 2023

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Community Answers

  1. Jayarr

    Map Poll

    Hey! Remember that time when you made that joke about collision models? Yeah, well, I've been thinking about it, and it really bothered me. Like, I can't believe you'd say something like that, especially knowing me for so long. It's just not cool, you know? I thought you understood me better than that. I mean, we've been friends for years, and you should know by now what crosses the line for me. But that comment? It crossed every boundary. It's like you don't even care about my feelings. And yeah, I get it, maybe you didn't mean anything by it. But intent doesn't erase the impact. It hurt, plain and simple. And I can't just brush it off like it's no big deal. So, yeah, I'm calling you out on it. Maybe next time think before you speak, especially around someone you've known for so long. End of rant. Mother fricker.
  2. Jayarr

    Map Poll

    This is pretty much what I said earlier as well when people were talking about Onderon. I did not hear a lick of these complaints that people are coming out with now, so I never had a chance to react and edit my map to reflect that. I think workshop behavior describes this all very well.
  3. Jayarr

    Map Poll

    I've been sittin here trying to think of something to say, but the sudden hatewave for onderon is just a shock to me. I've got nothing to say to it. I wish I heard this all when I was around. All I got to see were a few server suggestions, no real complaints. They're not unwarranted, criticism helps any artist learn. I just wish all of this came sooner. Regardless, I'll take note of everything said here. I'm not certain if it'll matter for onderon or not quite yet, but I'll certainly take it all to heart for future maps.
  4. Jayarr

    Map Poll

    I'm geekin'. I never heard all this hate for the onderon base (the interior) when I was around, and I would have changed the base around if I did. Does everyone else feel this way? I think its an okay interior. I've made better to this day, but I don't think it's *that* bad
  5. Jayarr

    Map Poll

    I liked the time period of Endor (when i was recon reg and marshal) but not the map itself
  6. Jayarr

    Map Poll

    I’ve not heard of this, but it’s not surprising. I made them when I had little knowledge of collision models
  7. Jayarr

    Map Poll

    I have bias I think
  8. This is all pretty much true. The reason there was so much space on onderon (the void, as it’s being called) is because I didn’t properly fit the skyboxes proportions to the outer edge of rocks. In part for pilots, but also because I didn’t want to spend 40 minutes each compile trying to see if I got it right. I will say, having open spaces like this when it’s not a necessity isn’t the greatest for optimization. But if it’s tucked in to some corner of the map away from all the clutter, then this is not a big deal in the slightest. Better yet, it could even be its own layer! A layer of void
  9. rest in piece jayetharr. every time i look at onderon i miss you. i look at the citadel and the tears start dropping down my face. i hope there's lots of lizards and shaving cream in mapper heaven (icefuse). o7 JK stinky, See you on destiny!

  10. So happy this piece of shit is ban good bye and good riddance, finnaly managment is cracking down on BAD overwatch players.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Bacta


      "Guys how do i play mercy"

    3. Bacta



    4. Thom


      is this guy really banned ): ma updates

  11. It's either this or the citadel. I've already added the citadel, but I can remove it in favor of this if requests
  12. It's not a huge deal, but there is definitely some form of back pedaling here. It seems to be a miscommunication on multiple ends, but as per what was added by the doc but you guys, there was no indication that it should be phase two. I offered phase two models, and you guys ended up coming back with these on the doc. Like I said, it is no big deal, but there was definitely a very major lack of saying "this should be the design on the phase 2 helmet". For reference, this is what I originally made I don't mind it none too much, but for future reference, and this goes for everyone and anyone, make sure you thoroughly explain what you desire, and thoroughly think about what it is your asking for in terms of the longevity of its existence on the server.
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