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CG Trainee WL (NO BATON)

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Name: Tide

RP Rank: CPT

Suggestion: I would like CG to have a trainee WL it will have everything a normal CG WL has; EXCEPT the baton. I believe this will help cut down on false arrests and people being threatened with the baton. A learning period is needed for some individuals to fully become comfortable with when to properly arrest. I truly think it would not only help people who are innocent from being arrested, but it will foster a better CG imagine.

Implementation: I have talked to fellow officers in CG; we have come to a understanding that WL are limited. Therefore we as a group are willing to give up our normal trooper officer WL for a trainee WL. 

Lore: None

Workshop content if applicable:
(If no workshop content, suggest a developer or put "Require Development")

If you are asking to add or change a job, fill out the following if not, leave it out.

Add or Change: Remove baton from one CG WL and rename it to trainee.
(Any job modification requires all this information)

Job: Dealers choice; CG would like the normal CG officer WL to be the sacrifice!


Description: Add a trainee WL that doesn't have a baton; it would severely cut down on false arrests and baton abuse/baton flexing. Many individuals need time to learn when to properly arrest individuals.

(Provide the model string if on server Ex. models/player/synergy/cblake/ls_squad/ls_trp/lstrp.mdl (Get this from the Q menu)

Weapons: I don't think so; if anything it would be removing the baton "weapon".
(If you want a modfication to a weapon/saber you must put the weapon string in the suggestion. Ex. tfa_e5 (Get this from the Q menu))


Edited by Tide
  • Agree 1

Current: CG CPT, Document Wizard, and Overall Goofball.

Former: Idiot, Dum Dum, and Jackass.

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Head Admin

You're changing a job so you need to fill out the lower section of this ^ 

  • Informative 1

                                                                                                             Kaiser        Zeros        Clutch



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  • Management

You don't have to give up a whitelist to add another. Y'all are not at the cap.

  • Winner 1


i am literally captain tukk

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Just now, Marvel said:

You don't have to give up a whitelist to add another. Y'all are not at the cap.

Papa bless!


  • Pay Respect 1

Current: CG CPT, Document Wizard, and Overall Goofball.

Former: Idiot, Dum Dum, and Jackass.

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+1 i see this as a way to give the enlisted more time to learn the server rules, and be able to approach situations with more understanding too often we find that its too much information to give some people all at once and bad calls on things keep happening. i want this for the improvement of us and the server as a whole.  

  • Winner 1

CG MAJOR, Currently Dead, Looking for Crackers.....

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Veteran Admin

+1 This is a brilliant idea

  • Winner 1

Currently: 332nd CPT Vaughn  / Veteran Admin of le server

OG ranks - SO CMD Moose and First ever CPT Taggart  - The best Walon Vau - 212th Longshot -212th Boil - CG CMD Hound/CMD Moose 


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Veteran Admin

+1. CG needs to go through some changes to improve, and I believe this is one of them. A Trainee WL would only benefit CG.

  • The enlisted are usually the one's who arrest the least anyway due to it being a new experience which can cause them to carry out the arrest slower.
  • In addition the enlisted are the people who don't understand the smaller details regarding when you should arrest and when you should warn them.
  • Finally they are the group of people that struggle the most with staff sits regarding arrests due to their inexperience.


We can help mentor the trainees until they reach the rank of SGT and we believe they are responsible enough to arrest on their own.

  • Winner 1

Current: Battalion Commander Fox
Former: Walon Vau, CG Commander Danny

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+1 Honestly, it probably wont change relations. Cause usually its the higher ranks arresting, but it can be a good morale boost with the other battalions

  • Winner 1
  • Pay Respect 1

Current: 212th Ghost Company Lead MAJ Wooley

Former: Ahsoka Tano, 501st WO, 212th REGA, 212th ARCO, 212th SUPL x3

Commander of Wooley Company


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Veteran Admin



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Veteran Admin

+1 solid idea, def moving in the right direction

  • Winner 1

Current: Yoda 

Former: Shaak Ti | Arligan Zey Kit Fisto | Luminara Unduli | Jedi Military Advisor | Null-10 Lieutenant JaingNull-6 Lieutenant Kom'rk Bad Batch Echo Bad Batch Hunter Improcco Nye Alpha-26 Maze | Walon Vau

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2 hours ago, Tide said:

I would like CG to have a trainee WL it will have everything a normal CG WL has; EXCEPT the baton. I believe this will help cut down on false arrests and people being threatened with the baton. A learning period is needed for some individuals to fully become comfortable with when to properly arrest. I truly think it would not only help people who are innocent from being arrested, but it will foster a better CG imagine.

Can you please outline the period more? How concrete is this idea with CG and how many officers have backed it?

  • Informative 1



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37 minutes ago, Bacta said:

Can you please outline the period more? How concrete is this idea with CG and how many officers have backed it?

The trainee period would depend on each individual person and how long it takes them to learn. CG however is working on internal documents to gauge a persons readiness for baton use. I would say in most cases the trainee period would be 5-7 days. We are also working on a mentorship program to help enlisted in difficult situations they may encounter. In regards to the officer core of CG; currently we have the majority in favor of it. 

Current: CG CPT, Document Wizard, and Overall Goofball.

Former: Idiot, Dum Dum, and Jackass.

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Is Vorix on board with this as he is most likely the next BCMD?

  • Funny 1

Former: Senior Admin | Dooms Unit SNCO | 187th NCO ST SNCO Senator Gume Saam | SO CPT JetRSB Supervisor LTJG Dodd Rancit | Commander Keller | RSB Supervisor LTJG Alexsandr Kallus |

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17 minutes ago, Cucumber said:

Is Vorix on board with this as he is most likely the next BCMD?

Indeed, Vorix is fully in support of this change being added to CG!

  • Informative 1

Current: CG CPT, Document Wizard, and Overall Goofball.

Former: Idiot, Dum Dum, and Jackass.

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+1 Seems like most of CG is behind it

Former: Senior Admin | Dooms Unit SNCO | 187th NCO ST SNCO Senator Gume Saam | SO CPT JetRSB Supervisor LTJG Dodd Rancit | Commander Keller | RSB Supervisor LTJG Alexsandr Kallus |

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18 minutes ago, Cucumber said:

Is Vorix on board with this as he is most likely the next BCMD?

Hey there Cucumber! I am definitely on board with this.  This has been something I have brought up with fellow Coruscant Guard in the past, and was told it would never happen. I would love to see this suggestion go through.

  • Friendly 2
  • Pay Respect 1
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+1 but like, a real slight one


I hope CG realizes that if they restrict who can arrest, everyone else has to compensate that lower number.

|Longest Serving Attack Regimental Commander||Master of Quests|


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22 minutes ago, Finn said:

+1 but like, a real slight one


I hope CG realizes that if they restrict who can arrest, everyone else has to compensate that lower number.

We are fully preparing for that change in numbers; by the time the suggestion is implemented our NCO core and above will be ready to step up 

Current: CG CPT, Document Wizard, and Overall Goofball.

Former: Idiot, Dum Dum, and Jackass.

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20 minutes ago, Tide said:

We are fully preparing for that change in numbers; by the time the suggestion is implemented our NCO core and above will be ready to step up 

Ok just making sure, cause half your battalion is enlisted, that's a lot of pressure to move to your NCOs.

|Longest Serving Attack Regimental Commander||Master of Quests|


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+1 Ye

Current: Dumbass, Omega 15 CPL Fi (Again...)

Former: 501st ARFL LTC Boomer, 104th WP HVYL COL Sinker, Doom's Unit MEDL 1stLT Kortnul, 212th Ghost Company ARCL CPT Reed, Omega 15 CPT Fi, Omega 22 SGM Atin , Omega 09 CPT Niner , Veteran Admin x2

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+1 I think a trainee whitelist will be a good thing. It'll prevent minges being a huge issue when they get into CG since they have to dedicate at least 3 additional days to be able to arrest someone will get them impatient and removed from the position before they become an issue. And also using it as a training period for you enlisted to get used to the server its rules, and situations will be a great addition. Good luck with this!

- Spartan | Centurion
Explore roman centurian GIFs

Was a Fox I guess. Just an old Synergy vet.
Explore roman centurian GIFs

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Did you recieve permission for this? as there is no current BCMD you must ask management for permission. @Tide

If you got proper permissions i would +1 this.

Edited by Misfit1

Current: RAT
Former Waxer | Former Boil | Former Wyler | BCMD Cody (FIRST IRISH & WELSH CODY)

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15 minutes ago, Misfit1 said:

Did you recieve permission for this? as there is no current BCMD you must ask management for permission. @Tide

If you got proper permissions i would +1 this.

I would assume he got Permission from Shady considering this was posted the day after his Term ended. +1

Future Adult!

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1 hour ago, Misfit1 said:

Did you recieve permission for this? as there is no current BCMD you must ask management for permission. @Tide

If you got proper permissions i would +1 this.

Unsure of which management you are referring to whether it be directors+ or CG management. I did inform multiple people that I wanted this to be added CG. From everyone I talked to the only response I ever got was a "Its never going to happen" and never a direct "no".  

1 hour ago, Edgar said:

I would assume he got Permission from Shady considering this was posted the day after his Term ended. +1

Shady never directly said yes or no. He was more on the line of thought "its never going to happen". I figured the worse that could happen is that this suggestion gets giga -1'd and CG figures out a different plan.

Current: CG CPT, Document Wizard, and Overall Goofball.

Former: Idiot, Dum Dum, and Jackass.

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1 hour ago, Tide said:

Unsure of which management you are referring to whether it be directors+ or CG management. I did inform multiple people that I wanted this to be added CG. From everyone I talked to the only response I ever got was a "Its never going to happen" and never a direct "no".  

Shady never directly said yes or no. He was more on the line of thought "its never going to happen". I figured the worse that could happen is that this suggestion gets giga -1'd and CG figures out a different plan.

Hey so if you looked at server suggestion guidelines CG need to get BCMD permission to post suggestions and without that they need to go to managment and that means Marvel would have to approve the suggestion to post.


Current: RAT
Former Waxer | Former Boil | Former Wyler | BCMD Cody (FIRST IRISH & WELSH CODY)

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1 minute ago, Misfit1 said:

Hey so if you looked at server suggestion guidelines CG need to get BCMD permission to post suggestions and without that they need to go to managment and that means Marvel would have to approve the suggestion to post.


I will contact forum staff to get the post removed and contact management so I can repost it

Current: CG CPT, Document Wizard, and Overall Goofball.

Former: Idiot, Dum Dum, and Jackass.

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Forum Admin

This suggestion has been VOIDED.

If the same suggestion is submitted again within 60 DAYS of this post it will be automatically denied.


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