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It's a cold day in hell.

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Here's your prize.

Well, Founders, here's your prize. 10 days ago the community rallied to get you to step up, and you have been radio silent. We were expecting some sort of news on October 15th, some big announcement from you, but we got nothing. Since then, true Synergy veterans and real ones have been dropping like fucking flies.

Mavelle, your overworking roleplay Director, GM director, and probably the best GM of his time is gone. 

Jayarr, your long time developer and next in line to lead the High Command once Xaze left, gone.

Lyonaxis, one of the longest standing Jedi Military Overseer, Bacara, and RCMD is gone.

Dono, Admiral Yularen is gone.

Clutch, a former Windu and the most recent Yoda, is gone.

Tessa, leader of CG, is gone.

Gears, former Director and Management, like him or not, the most dedicated leader of the Senate in a long time, is gone.

There is no Marshal Commander OR Palpatine, leaving the high command without any leadership for the first time in a year.

You have 8 Commander positions open, and not a single application. Most of the people who are applying don't even make it ONE full term anymore,




You had a good thing going. Your sitting back and letting the people be in charge worked well for a while. Until it didn't. We asked you to step the fuck up, and you ignored and clowned on us. This big community meeting on the 15th was the community's last hope for some REAL ACTUAL big announcement, but where is it? You guys have failed at your job to keep the server alive and going, and refused to step up. Now your declining population, profits, and the slow burning away of any command structure there was will be your downfall.

I understand as much as anyone having a job and a life outside of Synergy, but if you can't do the job, then leave. We asked you to STEP UP, or to STEP DOWN. If your lives are too busy to keep the server alive, or to step up and take an active role in the community when it's needed, then we asked you to leave, and let the people who can and will take your place. Now because you won't do either, you get to watch your server, the server you are at the top of, fall apart. You went from 66 player average, Monday, August 1st, to 20 player average, SATURDAY, October 1st, and an average of 14, SATURDAY, October 15. Every other stat has a significant, noticeable decline.


Here's your prize. I hope you're happy.

Edited by Lovestruck
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Current: Navy RDC SCPO Greg
Former: GM DD MEDL MAJ Jedi Chief Instructor, Ki-Adi-Mundi, Jocatsa Nu, Barris offee Jar Jar Binks

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  • Retired Founder
35 minutes ago, Lovestruck said:

you have been radio silent

40 minutes ago, Lovestruck said:

We asked you to step the fuck up, and you ignored and clowned on us.

I have been on daily since that post was posted and talking with community members, including today when I posted an announcement to get players on for a pet drop.
I've also been talking to the current leadership of battalions to discuss solutions to make the server more accommodating from the perspective of each battalion and have received some good points from the leadership that I've began working towards.

We had a max population of 43 players online today, which is the highest it's been in days and I've been actively working with Square, Woeny, Maddoxx and Xaze to come up with solutions to continue this trend.

37 minutes ago, Lovestruck said:

Tessa, leader of CG, is gone.

Tessa left of her own choice after joining the development team and is no way gone from the community. She is very much still around, just didn't want to over commit herself.

38 minutes ago, Lovestruck said:

Gears, former Director and Management, like him or not, the most dedicated leader of the Senate in a long time, is gone.

I've spoken to Gears daily for the past 10 days including talking to him to find out why he left Mas Amedda and it had nothing to do with the Founders at all. Gears was simply burnt out from the position and is now taking a more active role within the Jedi Order.

41 minutes ago, Lovestruck said:

I understand as much as anyone having a job and a life outside of Synergy, but if you can't do the job, then leave. We asked you to STEP UP, or to STEP DOWN.

I'm at the point where I'm putting my University course and future career on the line for this Community right now, actively working towards trying to fix the problems.


Yes there are problems, it's obvious. However, a fix won't happen overnight and it won't happen off the back of one person. We, as a team, leading this community are aware of a lot of major issues and are working towards fixing them. We have generally been less enthusiastic to reply to and talk on topics in which we are getting shit on, but that in no way means we have not taken notice of them.


I see what you're trying to do with this post, but a lot of it is misinformation and some people will believe it to be the truth without even talking to the people you have mentioned here, which is sad.

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2 minutes ago, Forseen said:

I have been on daily since that post was posted and talking with community members, including today when I posted an announcement to get players on for a pet drop.
I've also been talking to the current leadership of battalions to discuss solutions to make the server more accommodating from the perspective of each battalion and have received some good points from the leadership that I've began working towards.

We had a max population of 43 players online today, which is the highest it's been in days and I've been actively working with Square, Woeny, Maddoxx and Xaze to come up with solutions to continue this trend.

Tessa left of her own choice after joining the development team and is no way gone from the community. She is very much still around, just didn't want to over commit herself.

I've spoken to Gears daily for the past 10 days including talking to him to find out why he left Mas Amedda and it had nothing to do with the Founders at all. Gears was simply burnt out from the position and is now taking a more active role within the Jedi Order.

I'm at the point where I'm putting my University course and future career on the line for this Community right now, actively working towards trying to fix the problems.


Yes there are problems, it's obvious. However, a fix won't happen overnight and it won't happen off the back of one person. We, as a team, leading this community are aware of a lot of major issues and are working towards fixing them. We have generally been less enthusiastic to reply to and talk on topics in which we are getting shit on, but that in no way means we have not taken notice of them.


I see what you're trying to do with this post, but a lot of it is misinformation and some people will believe it to be the truth without even talking to the people you have mentioned here, which is sad.

My point never was that these people left because of you, it was that these people are leaving. These were the people holding up the community, keeping the groups alive, but they're all getting burnt out because you either have to give 200% or you have to watch the thing you love die, and sometimes 200% isn't enough. We need help.

Thank you for responding. I know you're weary, but the community needs this public knowledge. If we know that everyone from the top down is giving their all, then even if it dies we can all say we tried. When you're silent, or talking to BCMDs and not addressing the community, it just leads to infinitely more frustration and burnout because it feels like you guys don't care. When we ask you for help, we don't expect an immediate fix, but when the only founder in the main post only came to shit on us and elude to some big announcement that never came, it feels like you guys truly could not be bothered to give a fuck.

I genuinely appreciate the clarification. I never stated the intentions of the people leaving, they did that in their own posts. The point was to show that your best players, your leaders, our leaders, are leaving in mass. We can't have a truly player-run community if all the players running it are leaving.

  • Friendly 1

Current: Navy RDC SCPO Greg
Former: GM DD MEDL MAJ Jedi Chief Instructor, Ki-Adi-Mundi, Jocatsa Nu, Barris offee Jar Jar Binks

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  • Retired Founder
4 minutes ago, Lovestruck said:

When we ask you for help, we don't expect an immediate fix, but when the only founder in the main post only came to shit on us and elude to some big announcement that never came, it feels like you guys truly could not be bothered to give a fuck.

I did also post on that thread saying I wouldn't make it. I'm Australian and I couldn't make it due to timezones and clashes with work commitments. However, immediately after getting online that day I caught up with Woeny, Maddoxx and Xaze to ensure that I knew what went on during the meeting.

The announcement that was planned was the update? I don't understand what "big announcement" you want from us? As I said, it won't be fixed in a day or even a few days. It's a rebuilding process to fix the issues and therefore we can't really make an announcement other than "We are trying"...


12 minutes ago, Lovestruck said:

When you're silent, or talking to BCMDs and not addressing the community, it just leads to infinitely more frustration and burnout because it feels like you guys don't care.

This is where myself and other Founders have been talking about issues currently, such as discussing potential solutions like TEMPORARILY locking battalions to have more player interaction to allow people to come together and build together.

A few other issues I'm personally aware of;

Lack of things to do in Down-time - We are looking at solutions to this issue currently and have discussed 3 or 4 options.
Senate has limited potential - Potentially adding Senate Commandos to Senate section and allow them to utilize them more (More than likely won't happen as will take away from battalions).
Senate has limited potential - Potentially opening up civilian job or potentially an unnamed senator job to add to the senate.

That's just a few, however there were more discussed and I told everyone to put them as server suggestions and I will look at them as they go up to see how we could go about them.

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Babe it’s time for your daily post about the founders! 

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now we have lost the 212th BCMD. i know i cant do anything but be active and engage but it still hurts that i cant do more.

i mean this server wise i can definetly help 212th.

Edited by ETsilvian
Clearing up what i said
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Certified Femboy!!
Current Positions: Jedi KU Elder Master Simms| Former Friendly Neighborhood Yoda

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Heya just thought I would come in and provide some more insight,

I've stated before that I doubt the founders not logging into game is the reason that people are taking their leaves. I believe it could be said to be a multitude of things but obviously I feel like that's the freebie answer people will lean onto.
Its clear that you haven't been on during the weekend, since the meeting both @Square and @Forseen have been present on server.



4 hours ago, Lovestruck said:

Here's your prize.

Well, Founders, here's your prize. 10 days ago the community rallied to get you to step up, and you have been radio silent. We were expecting some sort of news on October 15th, some big announcement from you, but we got nothing. 

I feel like you werent there, as there were a couple things announced to be in the works in terms on what the founders are doing. Aside from those that have other matters that it is in there right to disclose not mine not xaze not square not anyone else 
but ill write them out here so others who might have missed the meeting can be informed

Staff/Gm changes- simply to put we are looking to seperate the two teams and allow anyone to apply for gamemaster without having the respoisbility of needing to apply for staff,
so any VIP can apply for gamemaster get an interview and now have perms to things like, spawning droids, dupes,props, tping and other tools a GM might need while not being tied to staff, 
While this is still in the works its a big change that we are hoping that sparks some more activity within the server as I know its been something people have mentioned for awhile in different forms
theres alot more to it but like stated its in the works so everything isnt fleshed out to give 100% exact details otherwise I gladly would!

Dev side of things- As announced in the past two community meetings this one on OCT 15th was the smaller update, and a larger one pushing towards December as the goal for it 
The December update is looking to possibly include things like 
Renegade squad system
Stimulant shots,` for things like HP armor speed 
A BH rework working along side Guild Command
More ways to earn credits  with things like gambling or lottery

Obviously some of this might change as the dev team works through it

Founders- Square himself in the meeting said he would make himself more present if thats what the community has wanted, before that meeting he had looked to get an event set up for the players  but couldnt due to ES already being claimed by GMs, he has been present within TS and has come in game 

Forseen- I wont really cover Forseen as hes already commented what his plans are and what hes been doing

Now that was all covered in the very long around hour and half meeting so it could have gotten mixed in

Like I stated before I do think there is alot of reasons that could be stated to why the server ended up in its current state, and to think thats theres just some big answer to solve it all is delusional/ crazy



4 hours ago, Lovestruck said:


I understand as much as anyone having a job and a life outside of Synergy, but if you can't do the job, then leave. We asked you to STEP UP, or to STEP DOWN. If your lives are too busy to keep the server alive, or to step up and take an active role in the community when it's needed, then we asked you to leave, and let the people who can and will take your place. Now because you won't do either, you get to watch your server,

Adding into this comment ^

Repeating myself from before  they have stepped into the server and stepped up as Forseen has been in game and TS every day since, and Square has been in TS every day and In game a couple of times

But ive already stated that so moving to the whole step down thing
I am assuming when you say " Let the people who can and will take your place step in" are  myself @Xaze and @Maddoxx

I cant necessarily speak for them but I have a feeling were all in the same boat

I've made it clear to the founders and to a general few that I have no interest in founder AT ALL, I know i cant do the job they currently do when it comes to deving, finances ,etc etc its a lot more stress than it might seem :)

Personally i see it as if the founders leave the structure falls apart as i cant take the responsibility to  own the server 

So that comes with the server shutting down along with the TS, 

I personally dont wanna see something die that I myself have invested thousands upon thousands of hours into meeting new people and making memories and im tired of people writing these post that are essentially that since its never enough even when founders or myself or xaze  or maddoxx attempt to solve things


Edited by Woeny
Fixed some grammar
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4 hours ago, Lovestruck said:

Tessa, leader of CG, is gone.

The same @TessaKittywhos applying for a RCMD slot plays everyday still and just came on as a developer for the team? 


4 hours ago, Lovestruck said:

Gears, former Director and Management, like him or not, the most dedicated leader of the Senate in a long time, is gone.

The same @Gearswhos still active Jedi leadership and I see online everyday? 


5 minutes ago, Woeny said:

I cant necessarily speak for them but I have a feeling were all in the same boat

I can speak for myself on this, I have no interest in moving into any sort of ownership role. I'd shut the fucking server down if I owned it and had to deal with half the shit that our Founders have to put up with anytime I had to step away from giving 24/7 attention to the server.  



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2 minutes ago, Maddoxx said:

The same @Gearswhos still active Jedi leadership and I see online everyday? 

Not on server everyday, but yea Im still about. I just have other ventures id like to work on. Plus in terms of "stepping up", Leadership have not so much achieved it yet, but it be asinine to say they havent picked up lately.

I have my grievances, but I can speak for myself.

Edited by Gears
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Currently trying to not be a forum gremlin

Former Chancellor Palpatine | Former Yoda & Mace Windu | Former Shaak Ti & Anakin | Former Delta Squad Scorch | Former Mas Amedda | Former Director | Former Management

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Here's hoping Jad and Dragon say something this time! They have time to open the forums but no time for a single sentence response!

Edit: I didnt read this post before I responded, Lovestruck is this a schizo episode? I agree with the first paragraph and thats about it.

Edited by A-a-ron
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The worst part of synergy for me has always been the toxic and self deprecating "majority" playerbase that cares about "I, me, mine". 

"I want new content",

"I want new models for my battalion",

"I want other people to be on more",

"I want more events for me and my group"

"I want the regiments to be like this"

and I am willing to do anything, even shit on other people that play this game for fun that I don't understand there point of view on to get it. 

It's the reason I am on my way out and the main cause of the problem of every aspect of the server I participated in either it was an "US vs them" like when  I was in SOBDE

or it was a "Hey maybe I shouldn't deploy 104th because the CG commander will complain that they won't be deployed enough so I will deploy them both and the event will be worse but satisfy people". 


Not to minimize ineffective leaders / decisions, we can all point to at least one person in Synergy history that got to complacent and focused on something else whether they be a BCMD, XO, Director, Founder.

But an ineffective leader can only handicap a system if they make the system dependent on themselves for it to work. The founders for the most part did not do that

Synergy playerbase won't recover if people are not willing to say "Hey, I will hop on even though there are 20 people because then there will be 21 and then 22 ..."


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former: cadet,private,private first class, specialist,Sergeant,Staff Sergeant,Sergeant First Class,Master Sergeant,First Sergeant,Sergeant Major,Command Sergeant Major,Warrant Officer, Sergeant Major of the battalion, 2nd Lieutenant,Lieutenant,Captain,Major,Lieutenant Colonel,Colonel,Commander,Executive Officer,Battalion Commander,Regimental Commander,Marshal Commander,501st,212th,DU,21st,CG,RANCOR,104th,SOBDE,Jedi,Naval,41st,Event Job,Gamehelper,Gamemaster,Gamemaster Officer, Gamemaster Manager, Gamemaster Director, New Admin, Admin, Senior Admin, Veteran Admin,Head Admin, Director,Managment, Founder, Retired Founder, forum mod, forum admin,forum dev,Yoda,Mace WIndu

current: Versock

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6 hours ago, Forseen said:

I have been on daily since that post was posted and talking with community members, including today when I posted an announcement to get players on for a pet drop.
I've also been talking to the current leadership of battalions to discuss solutions to make the server more accommodating from the perspective of each battalion and have received some good points from the leadership that I've began working towards.

We had a max population of 43 players online today, which is the highest it's been in days and I've been actively working with Square, Woeny, Maddoxx and Xaze to come up with solutions to continue this trend.

Tessa left of her own choice after joining the development team and is no way gone from the community. She is very much still around, just didn't want to over commit herself.

I've spoken to Gears daily for the past 10 days including talking to him to find out why he left Mas Amedda and it had nothing to do with the Founders at all. Gears was simply burnt out from the position and is now taking a more active role within the Jedi Order.

I'm at the point where I'm putting my University course and future career on the line for this Community right now, actively working towards trying to fix the problems.


Yes there are problems, it's obvious. However, a fix won't happen overnight and it won't happen off the back of one person. We, as a team, leading this community are aware of a lot of major issues and are working towards fixing them. We have generally been less enthusiastic to reply to and talk on topics in which we are getting shit on, but that in no way means we have not taken notice of them.


I see what you're trying to do with this post, but a lot of it is misinformation and some people will believe it to be the truth without even talking to the people you have mentioned here, which is sad.

Please make sure you dont push aside anything IRL or throw away a career choice for this damned server. I'd rather see it crash and burn, or see you resign than know that the community outraging on the internet was the reason you didn't go where you wanted/.

Longest Special Operations Member on the server.
 Current: Grand Master of the Order Yoda 
Former: Cin Drallig l First Yayax Squad Yover l Foxtrot Commando l 2nd GM BCMD Bacara l Serra Keto Final SO Commander Jet l First & Last Devil Dogs Deadeye l Veteran Admin l Jedi General Plo Koon l 2nd Returning SO CMD Jet l Luminara Unduli l Wolfpack MAJ Boost l Kit Fisto l Trauma's Unit MED Mystic l Jedi Military Advisor l Omega 36 PVT Darman l High General Shaak Ti l Jedi Chief Instructor l Alpha 98 Nate l Actually Private Crosshair l Mace Windu


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8 hours ago, Lovestruck said:

Here's your prize.

Well, Founders, here's your prize. 10 days ago the community rallied to get you to step up, and you have been radio silent. We were expecting some sort of news on October 15th, some big announcement from you, but we got nothing. Since then, true Synergy veterans and real ones have been dropping like fucking flies.

Mavelle, your overworking roleplay Director, GM director, and probably the best GM of his time is gone. 

Jayarr, your long time developer and next in line to lead the High Command once Xaze left, gone.

Lyonaxis, one of the longest standing Jedi Military Overseer, Bacara, and RCMD is gone.

Dono, Admiral Yularen is gone.

Clutch, a former Windu and the most recent Yoda, is gone.

Tessa, leader of CG, is gone.

Gears, former Director and Management, like him or not, the most dedicated leader of the Senate in a long time, is gone.

There is no Marshal Commander OR Palpatine, leaving the high command without any leadership for the first time in a year.

You have 8 Commander positions open, and not a single application. Most of the people who are applying don't even make it ONE full term anymore,




You had a good thing going. Your sitting back and letting the people be in charge worked well for a while. Until it didn't. We asked you to step the fuck up, and you ignored and clowned on us. This big community meeting on the 15th was the community's last hope for some REAL ACTUAL big announcement, but where is it? You guys have failed at your job to keep the server alive and going, and refused to step up. Now your declining population, profits, and the slow burning away of any command structure there was will be your downfall.

I understand as much as anyone having a job and a life outside of Synergy, but if you can't do the job, then leave. We asked you to STEP UP, or to STEP DOWN. If your lives are too busy to keep the server alive, or to step up and take an active role in the community when it's needed, then we asked you to leave, and let the people who can and will take your place. Now because you won't do either, you get to watch your server, the server you are at the top of, fall apart. You went from 66 player average, Monday, August 1st, to 20 player average, SATURDAY, October 1st, and an average of 14, SATURDAY, October 15. Every other stat has a significant, noticeable decline.


Here's your prize. I hope you're happy.

Didn’t you resign?

  • Dumb 3

Former: Liaison


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2 minutes ago, Pythin said:

Didn’t you resign?

Came back.

  • Funny 1

Longest Special Operations Member on the server.
 Current: Grand Master of the Order Yoda 
Former: Cin Drallig l First Yayax Squad Yover l Foxtrot Commando l 2nd GM BCMD Bacara l Serra Keto Final SO Commander Jet l First & Last Devil Dogs Deadeye l Veteran Admin l Jedi General Plo Koon l 2nd Returning SO CMD Jet l Luminara Unduli l Wolfpack MAJ Boost l Kit Fisto l Trauma's Unit MED Mystic l Jedi Military Advisor l Omega 36 PVT Darman l High General Shaak Ti l Jedi Chief Instructor l Alpha 98 Nate l Actually Private Crosshair l Mace Windu


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Oh boy, another one. Where do I begin?

Its a "Cold day in Hell", ironic...

Like I said in the recent post, the game is 16 years old, of course the older players are either moving on or going on different paths. I don't know what you expect when this game primed in 2017 and 2018, yet here we all are in 2022 trying to relive the glory days. Admit it, they're gone and not coming back, these "informative" posts will definitely not bring them back no matter what you do. I will state this, I DO NOT PLAY GARRYS MOD ANYMORE BUT I FULLY UNDERSTAND WHAT IS GOING ON IN THE BACKGROUND. So for those who say they're offended when a person who is no longer playing you can't say I didn't warn you. Realize that you're playing a game instead of being with family and or friends. The reason I don't play is because I burnt out on GMOD, plus I work nights, which don't really work to play on an RP server, minus that I've accomplished what I wanted. But some of you never tried to be a BCMD, and if you did it became a competition on who was the best Rex or Cody (Example don't get your undies in a bunch)... Honestly, no one can claim that, then the ones who did got burnt out after putting in gruesome amounts of hours trying to fix their battalion while their members sat and watched, and not really helping said person but instead watching from the sidelines starting gossip. I think it is time for the lot of you to go look in the mirror and really ask yourself, "Am I the problem?" Sorry not sorry.  Some of you need to really go look into the mirror and realize that you're not perfect and don't have the solution to the so called "issues", and if you do, instead of posting a what seems to be a targeted post, setup a meeting with Management.



  • Winner 1
  • Confused 1

Image result for hell or high water jeff bridges

Choose your place, hell or high water, there is no in between.

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6 minutes ago, Keegan said:

and what did you do to help the server?


  • Funny 2

Currently trying to not be a forum gremlin

Former Chancellor Palpatine | Former Yoda & Mace Windu | Former Shaak Ti & Anakin | Former Delta Squad Scorch | Former Mas Amedda | Former Director | Former Management

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  • Founder
10 minutes ago, Sock Monkey said:


Once they sign and send to IRS, we'll be good :) 

Will have this done before EOW for ya! 

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14 hours ago, Lovestruck said:

Mavelle, your overworking roleplay Director, GM director, and probably the best GM of his time is gone. 

Jayarr, your long time developer and next in line to lead the High Command once Xaze left, gone.

Lyonaxis, one of the longest standing Jedi Military Overseer, Bacara, and RCMD is gone.

Dono, Admiral Yularen is gone.

Clutch, a former Windu and the most recent Yoda, is gone.

Tessa, leader of CG, is gone.

Gears, former Director and Management, like him or not, the most dedicated leader of the Senate in a long time, is gone.

The Meat riding is insane :Bruh:

  • Funny 1
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Former: Liaison


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On 10/18/2022 at 5:48 AM, Lovestruck said:

Here's your prize.

The prize is a High staff and Management team that's more active than ever in direct contact with the Founders and Developers. The events of the past few days aren't a short term stop-gap to temporarily raise population, we're actively working to make this a common trend. The prizes will fade but the dedication to large scale events and constant activity will not. We aren't just giving stuff away, we're busting our buns to bring major changes to the server that will yield net positives. I know you are disillusioned with synergy, but the Founders are listening. High staff is listening. We are working our buns off to make the changes necessary to keep our community thriving. There is so much the average player doesn't get to see, so I understand the feeling that you guys aren't being listened to. Everything that is happening as of rn is to prove that we are committed to fulfilling our obligations to the community. This isn't an us vs them situation, and I am really asking here that you hear me out. People complain about Founder activity, and rightly so. They could be on more and are making an effort to do so! However, they also spend many hours doing WILTOS updates, identifying and updating backend weaknesses, Spending hours doing business related activities. much of this is time consuming stuff. I mean when the new hilts came out they had to manually go through each hilt, there are nearly 100, and manually assign values/whether or not they would spawn. Dragon doesn't just do "money stuff", he's running what is certifiably a business on top of his day job. I don't know how synergy is structured, likely a LLC, but the management of a business, no matter how small, is a full time job. (I know because I run a small business IRL). I am not making excuses for a lack of activity, but many people just don't have the time to dedicate 4+ hours nightly on a consistent basis. Yes, ALL of the founders should be on more often, but give credit where its due. The biggest problem with the community right now is the disconnect between: What we're doing about the problems, and: What the community sees happening. I assume you made this post because you are passionate about the community and mad about the way the community is going through a rough patch, so are we. Everyone who has left has left for one reason: It is very hard to lead the community while it is suffering. It is a feat of endurance, because they honestly just dont have to. Mavelle shouldered some of the worst times of synergy as a director for a majority of his term. He is taking a much needed break from leadership! I understand why you made this post, but stuff like this is more harmful than helpful to the community. Right now we need participation in every sense of the word. Give us criticism, constructive feedback, and participate in the community to help us make it a better place. Vent post like these are unfortunately a lightning rod for angst, conflict, and harsh words. We need those things like a hole in the boot. Instead, why not come have fun with us? We need you and your critical eye to keep the community growing and our leadership honest. Consider it, we're waiting with open arms :)

  • Winner 1


Former: A lot of shit dude

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On 10/18/2022 at 2:59 PM, Pythin said:

Didn’t you resign?

Resigned again.

Longest Special Operations Member on the server.
 Current: Grand Master of the Order Yoda 
Former: Cin Drallig l First Yayax Squad Yover l Foxtrot Commando l 2nd GM BCMD Bacara l Serra Keto Final SO Commander Jet l First & Last Devil Dogs Deadeye l Veteran Admin l Jedi General Plo Koon l 2nd Returning SO CMD Jet l Luminara Unduli l Wolfpack MAJ Boost l Kit Fisto l Trauma's Unit MED Mystic l Jedi Military Advisor l Omega 36 PVT Darman l High General Shaak Ti l Jedi Chief Instructor l Alpha 98 Nate l Actually Private Crosshair l Mace Windu


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1 hour ago, Bane said:

The prize is a High staff and Management team that's more active than ever in direct contact with the Founders and Developers. The events of the past few days aren't a short term stop-gap to temporarily raise population, we're actively working to make this a common trend. The prizes will fade but the dedication to large scale events and constant activity will not. We aren't just giving stuff away, we're busting our buns to bring major changes to the server that will yield net positives. I know you are disillusioned with synergy, but the Founders are listening. High staff is listening. We are working our buns off to make the changes necessary to keep our community thriving. There is so much the average player doesn't get to see, so I understand the feeling that you guys aren't being listened to. Everything that is happening as of rn is to prove that we are committed to fulfilling our obligations to the community. This isn't an us vs them situation, and I am really asking here that you hear me out. People complain about Founder activity, and rightly so. They could be on more and are making an effort to do so! However, they also spend many hours doing WILTOS updates, identifying and updating backend weaknesses, Spending hours doing business related activities. much of this is time consuming stuff. I mean when the new hilts came out they had to manually go through each hilt, there are nearly 100, and manually assign values/whether or not they would spawn. Dragon doesn't just do "money stuff", he's running what is certifiably a business on top of his day job. I don't know how synergy is structured, likely a LLC, but the management of a business, no matter how small, is a full time job. (I know because I run a small business IRL). I am not making excuses for a lack of activity, but many people just don't have the time to dedicate 4+ hours nightly on a consistent basis. Yes, ALL of the founders should be on more often, but give credit where its due. The biggest problem with the community right now is the disconnect between: What we're doing about the problems, and: What the community sees happening. I assume you made this post because you are passionate about the community and mad about the way the community is going through a rough patch, so are we. Everyone who has left has left for one reason: It is very hard to lead the community while it is suffering. It is a feat of endurance, because they honestly just dont have to. Mavelle shouldered some of the worst times of synergy as a director for a majority of his term. He is taking a much needed break from leadership! I understand why you made this post, but stuff like this is more harmful than helpful to the community. Right now we need participation in every sense of the word. Give us criticism, constructive feedback, and participate in the community to help us make it a better place. Vent post like these are unfortunately a lightning rod for angst, conflict, and harsh words. We need those things like a hole in the boot. Instead, why not come have fun with us? We need you and your critical eye to keep the community growing and our leadership honest. Consider it, we're waiting with open arms :)


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|Longest Serving Attack Regimental Commander||Master of Quests|


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