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Ecetera's Delta Squad Boss Application


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Steam Name: Synr.gg | Ecetera

RP Name: Delta RC-1207 ‘’Sev’’

RP Rank: Lieutenant Colonel

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:147027346

Battalion or squad you are applying for: Delta Squad.
Here’s a list of my accomplishments on the server.


Doom’s Unit - PVT-WO

Batallion ARC

Delta Sev



Shadow Manager

Weapon Specialist Manager


Senior Admin


TR of the week x2

41CC’s trained in 2 weeks

Staff of the week x1

Doom’s Unit
Doom’s Unit was my first battalion on the server, and when I joined my main interest was the ARC branch. I first joined the HWS branch to get an extra gun, but my main focus was still ARC. I was quickly promoted to NCO, and after SSG I started my journey of becoming an ARC trooper. After I had passed selections, I went through weapons and tactics, and I had failed leadership my first time but passed the second. While as an NCO and SNCO, I was very hard-working with hosting sims, and tryouts. I was always trying to better the battalion, with trainings and recruits. When I was an SNCO, I started going to Delta tryouts. When I got promoted to WO from MSG, I was already planning on going for Sev and had gotten Sev shortly after my promotion.

Delta Squad
After going to every single round of Scorch(22 rounds) someone had gotten the position. Shortly after Scorch was taken, Sev had opened up. I went to every single round of Sev tryouts(4 or 5) and had finally gotten into Delta Squad. My hard work and determination had finally paid off, and I had gotten the position I was going for. As Sev, I tried to RP as much as I could, while also hosting IR trainings and doing outreach work.

Why should you become a Battalion Commander?:
The main reason I want to become a battalion commander is to get Delta at its best and remove the association of Delta being the mingiest squad. This title really should not be a thing in SO BDE, and I wish for it to be non-existent. I would also like to improve outreach work, activity and roleplay, in my term. Here are different things that I will implement to enforce these things.

  • 0 Strikes - As Boss, I will tolerate no minging or toxicity, and my way to enforce this is I would implement a 0 strike system. Delta is a squad of elite commandos, and they should act like it. If I get reports on a squad member minging, then it would result in removal. Delta should not have the title “mingiest squad” and it should not be a thing in SO BDE. Also, as Boss, I will communicate with the other squad leads and XO’s to remove the title “mingiest squad” from all of SO BDE.
  • Accountability - Squad members should be held accountable for their actions, therefore if you do things like get arrested, break rules, start to minge, then it will result in removal. Just because you pass a silly tryout does not mean you can whatever you want, my squad members will be held accountable for their actions. I want to reform Deltas’ current image, to a better, more serious one than the current one we have now. 
  • Outreach Work - Once I get a full squad, I would assign two members to focus on 104th, and two members to focus on 41st. Delta would be actively communicating with each other on how each battalion is doing, and seeing if there is anything we can do to improve or help the battalions or mechanized as a whole. I would like Delta to be constantly thinking of outreach work that we can do for mechanized, like sims or trainings. The sims or trainings should have a lesson that they can take out of it, and use it in different scenarios.
  • Roleplay and Activity - In my term, I want a full squad that is active and knows how to correctly roleplay in their positions. Activity is the most important thing in a squad, as there is a reason why there are four people with different specializations. We should all be working together, at all times.

Do you understand the lore of your battalion or squad?: Yes.

Availability: As it is quarantine and summer, I can be available almost every day from 9 AM - 11 PM EST

Estimate of how long you've played on Synergy Roleplay?: | Delta RC-1207 ''Sev'' has played for 1906:34:33.

Do you have a microphone?: Yes.

Where do you want your battalion or squad to be at the end of your term?: At the end of my term, I want Delta to be at its best. This means that I want a full squad, where each member is active and knows how to correctly roleplay in their positions. As of recent, Delta Squad has been considered the mingiest squad, and this has tarnished Delta’s reputation. I want to remove the association and change Delta’s image. With the members of Delta, I want every one of my squad members to be ready for Boss. They should all be responsible, mature, and eligible for squad lead by the end of my term.

Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?: I understand.

Do you understand that your position has a three month term limit and you must reapply after three months to maintain your commander rank?: I understand.

Edited by Ecetera
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+1 I believe he could do well and has laid out a fairly good plan. Best of luck ETC. Just be weary of the whole mandatory outreach work, SOBDE's first responsibility to is to maintain their squad and RP as the squad.

Edited by Metro
  • Agree 1
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"We'll get it done, Colonel. Six out."

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Forum Admin

+1, survived the purge proving he deserves the spot

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I added the Pepe emojis onto the forums

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Ecetera is more than capable of being a competent battalion commander.

This man knows when it’s time to get serious but also knows how to let loose and have fun without it being at anyone else’s expense. 

i am fully confident that Etc will make a great Boss. Good luck my man!

  • Friendly 1

Current: Nothing

Former: 212th Kenobi | 21st Mundi | 212th CPT Boil | Jaing Skirata | Kal Skirata REGL CMD Harsh Omega EOD Darman Grey RC CMD Harsh | Niner Ordo |

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You have made some great points within your application, from my past experiences with you l, you seem active, fun and willing to take a challenge. 

I feel both applicants are worthy of the position so I put my support in you too.


  • Friendly 1

Current: Vango

Former: Mechanised Regimental | (First) 41st MEDL CMD Gett | 104th General Plo KoonNaval Commander Vango | Jedi General Adi Gallia Sinker | Serra Keto | Battalion Commander Wolffe

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+1 I feel that the time I knew you and the time that I have seen you lead, is great, good luck fam

  • Friendly 1

Notably Known as: Regimental Commander, Battalion Commander Doom, Last Foxtrot Lead Gregor, Boss, Sev, Battalion Commander Wolffe, Boost, Comet, Commander Faie, Charger

Currently: Crosshair & Shaak Ti


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Head Admin
12 hours ago, Ecetera said:

Doom’s Unit - PVT-WO

Imagine being a WO for 1 hour hahahaha nerd


  • Funny 1

Current: Head Admin | Marshal Commander

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Why is it all Sevs go for Boss. +1 but for anyone else notice that

  • Funny 1

Current: Rancor Colt
Past spots: 501st XO, 501st CMD, 501st WO Appo, TC Hardcase, 332nd office, ATK Reg Purge, Keller Unit Vinnie, General Luminara, 41st GCO ARCL Draa, 3rd Crosshair on the Server, Hunter, Sith Marauder  TRO, GMM, VA x3. CIS Tac Droid, Guild Cabinet Member

The person who made a treaty with the sith as a clone 

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+1 maddest lad

  • Friendly 1

Current: Kevin Colt leader of the Colt Crime Syndicate | Alpha-69 Dennis 

Former: BCMD Doom x3| Havoc Squad Brimstone x3 | Base Ops CMD | Delta Jedi | BCMD Colt | BCMD Bacara | Specialized Regimental Commander x2 | First Count Dooku and creator of the CIS | Rear Admiral Orson Krennic 

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You have been ACCEPTED for a commander interview

Please contact one of the Server Directors to organize your interview before 06/11/2020 or your application will be DENIED

// Locked

// moved to Commander Applications - Pending

Rule-maker and rule-breaker.

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