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Dargon's Captain Rex Application


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Steam Name: Chair Force

RP Name: Doom’s Unit Colonel Dargon | Master Dargon

Steam ID (SteamID Finder😞 STEAM_1:1:121488730

Battalion or squad you are applying for: 501st Legion Captain Rex

501st Executive Officer under Fog/Rex (Icefuse)
ST Lieutenant Colonel Thorn under Trumpski/Fox (Icefuse)
ST Security Regimental Commander Fox under Marshal Commander Graves and Ron/Chancellor Palpatine (Icefuse)
RC Foxtrot MED under Faoeoa/Gregor (Icefuse)
Jedi Knight Barriss Offee under Doug/Luminara and Wolfen/Yoda (Icefuse)
Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi under Llama/Yoda (Icefuse)

Master of the Order Mace Windu under Llama/Yoda (Synergy)
CG Battalion Commander Fox (Synergy)
Grand Master of the Order Yoda (Synergy)
Null-10 Jaing Skirata under Kal/Cipher (Synergy)
Senate Commandos Captain Taggart (Synergy)

Doom’s Unit Battalion Commander Doom (Synergy)
Jedi General Obi-Wan Kenobi under Tyzen/Yoda (Synergy)
Jedi General Anakin Skywalker under Scarecrow/Yoda (Synergy)

Why should you become a Battalion Commander?:
I want to and should be 501st Captain Rex because I’m pretty active (for a guy with a full time job, still does real life stuff, and still likes to play other games), I have tons of experience, and I’m very well educated on how to run battalions.

To start things off, having experience is very important when applying for a major leadership position within a battalion. I have experience running and leading within both attack, defense, security, specialized, and recon battalions (Stated in the experience question). This experience I have gained gave me many abilities, attributes, characteristics, and traits that I believe Battalion Commanders or especially 501st Captain Rex should have such as but not limited to,

Decisive - In a lot of situations, especially ones where you don’t have anytime to think, leaders need to make quick, effective, and efficient decisions. I can adapt to situations exceedingly fast and make choices swiftly that in a majority standpoint have positive effects.
Neutral - In a lot of situations I try to be as neutral as I can, as many others in leadership positions should be. If there is ever a conflict I try to help the situation instead of taking sides and causing arguments.
Level Headed - I’ve noticed many people in leadership roles show a lot of angry emotions and that's something I dislike to do. I try to be calm in all situations to think of a sensible outcome instead of rash choices that could cause many problems
Innovative - This is one of my strongest assets. I try to come up with things that could possibly make this battalion better in every way.
Accountability - I see a lot of the so called leaders blame others for their accidents or mess ups. I know I’m capable of being a Battalion Commander, however I am humble enough to know I can fuck up. I take responsibility for my own actions, especially if it’s a mess up.
Honesty and Integrity - In any leadership position you set the example for those below you. If you aren’t honest or have integrity how do you expect those below you to have these traits? I try to tell the truth as much as I can and practice these values. As well I recently joined the Air Force. One of our core values is integrity. I’ve bettered myself in real life which ultimately means I’ve bettered myself in game as well.
Delegation and Empowerment - As a leader you can’t do everything and a battalion cannot be run by one person. If a leader tries to do everything than it brings a bad work ethic, especially when the leader decides to take a break or possibly even leave their position. As well it can bring many other problems such as lack of trust between the leader and their subordinates.
I am not perfect, no one is. When I was in leadership positions on the server before I was told that I could be rash sometimes. I tried to sit down and think everything through before I do something, but sometimes I didn’t and it was a fault of mine for awhile. Since my time away from the server and furthering myself in real life I believe I have fixed or at least improved this trait of mine.

Secondly, as a Battalion Commander and especially someone as important as Captain Rex you have to be active. I’m gonna be honest here I may not be able to be on every single day of the week and play like I used to when I didn’t have a job or didn’t have a life. As I stated previously I work long periods of the day and still like to do other stuff outside of playing video games. With that being said I still have a ton of time to play and I have weekends off. Additonally I’m pretty much able to be contacted 24/7 through discord, steam, forums, teamspeak, or other things such as those.

Lastly, as I have been on the server I’ve seen people come and go. I, myself have even came and went. I’ve learned positions like this isn’t permanent, eventually I will lose or stop being it. As a leader, in charge of a group of men, you have to be there for them and mentor them. In all the leadership positions I’ve been in, I try to be sorta like a teacher and pass on my knowledge to them. Although I agree that you should worry about the battalion when you’re the actual Battalion Commander or a faction leader I believe you should equally think about what happens after you’re gone. Many people don’t do this, which is why I want to be or should be 501st Captain Rex.

Do you understand the lore of your battalion or squad?:
Of course.

Monday (5:00pm - 11:00pm)
Tuesday (5:00pm - 11:00pm)
Wednesday (5:00pm - 11:00pm)
Thursday (5:00pm - 11:00pm)
Friday (5:00pm - 3:00am)
Saturday (12:00pm - 3:00am)
Sunday (12:00pm - 11:00pm)

These are my current hours. They will be changing and I will be gaining more time as I graduate from school in a few days. I don’t have a specific schedule yet but I know I’ll be working 9 hours a day and have most if not all weekends off or so I’ve been told. The rest of my time is my time to spend it how I want too. I have a life now and still want to do stuff outside of being Captain Rex.

Currently I have (https://gyazo.com/e0ad11ed3de5aad0267601a2356bc99e) in the past 2 weeks on the server. And I have 1171:54:21 hours on the server but I feel like it should be more 😂

Estimate of how long you've played on Synergy Roleplay?:
Since the beginning of time

Do you have a microphone?:

Where do you want your battalion or squad to be at the end of your term?:
Gonna be honest I wasn’t gonna apply for this position if Stormzy was gonna stay, but he voided his application. Back when I was Anakin and BlueJay was Rex I had full faith in Stormzy and wanted him to be the next Rex after Blue, which happened. Unfortunately I had to leave for real life stuff before I could ever see him apply and obtain the position and again unfortunately didn’t get back until his term was ending. I’ve seen 501st at its highest points and I’ve seen it at its lowest points. The 501st is one of my favorite battalions and has been ever since I started watching the Clone Wars back when I was a kid. Ironically it was the first battalion I joined when I first started playing Garry's Mod Clone Wars. I don’t think the battalion is in a bad spot, however with all things there's room for improvement. Ultimately I want to do the battalion it’s justice and put the name of 501st back into peoples mouths as one of the best battalions on the server when it’s the end of my term. Besides that I want to fill voids that the battalion has such as filling officer positions with the correct people for the job, improve communication within the battalion, and just make the battalion as active as I can. If I happen to obtain 501st Captain I will bring nothing but my best efforts and work my hardest to make 501st flourish pass the state Stormzy has left it in.

Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?:

Do you understand that your position has a three month term limit and you must reapply after three months to maintain your commander rank?:

Thank you for reading my application and supporting me or criticizing me on my attempt to become 501st Captain Rex. Regardless I appreciate and love you ❤️

  • Agree 2
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-1 I feel like your not as  connected to the battalion as the other applicants and your also not even in the battalion

  • Agree 1
  • Friendly 1

Sanchez trembles at the mention of my name.

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+2 mad lad

Current: Kevin Colt leader of the Colt Crime Syndicate | Alpha-69 Dennis 

Former: BCMD Doom x3| Havoc Squad Brimstone x3 | Base Ops CMD | Delta Jedi | BCMD Colt | BCMD Bacara | Specialized Regimental Commander x2 | First Count Dooku and creator of the CIS | Rear Admiral Orson Krennic 

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1 hour ago, Dargon said:

Chair Force

First of all, epic.

Second of all, Dargon isn’t foreign to the 501st, he was one of the leading forces of the battalion less then 4 months ago as Anakin Skywalker, not only that but was one of the founding leaders of the 501st when the server came out.


He knows the ins and outs of battalions and how they are lead by not only leading Dooms Unit when it was first added but also the Shock Troopers when they were still called Coruscant Guard. He was also the lead of the biggest VIP branch of the server, the Jedi Order in a time where the first ever Yoda left. He had a huge responsibility and didn’t fail to keep the Jedi from going.

Sure he may not be known by the current officer force but if they took more then 3 minutes of their time to research who Dargon is, they’d see he is qualified, dedicated to what he’s applying for, and a perfect candidate for the position.


Absolutely a +1 from me.

  • Agree 2



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+1 Absolutely. Bbstine summed it up well

Ex HA | VA | SA | A | NA | GMC | GMM | GMO |
GM | GH | TRO x4? | TR | RTR | Hunter | Darman | Mereel | Fixer | Etain | Anakin | Hett | Base ops Commander | Forum Mod | Ahsoka x2| Tyzen Xebec | cooker | Jesse | Tup | warthog | Synr.gg discord admin|- Everything else i was

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+1 Same as BBstine 


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im very confused 

  • Agree 1

Sanchez trembles at the mention of my name.

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-1 made me remember my old pal faoeoe


But in all seriousness, I spoke to Dargon about this, his plans, past experience, and overall time zone and his commitment to synergy far out weighs any other applicant whatsoever.

Dargon is one of the few people I would say I looked up to during my early times in the 212th, his leadership ability and overall trust factor on synergy is far better than what I have with Kelso and, his track record on Synergy is far better than the other applicants at this point in time. After the pit of shit the 501st was in, with lack of high command within the battalion, put someone in there who knows how to start the 501st back up, get it EST timezone based and actually have it run well and successfully, he wont half ass it, has experience in multiple leadership positions and one of synergies 501st founding forfathers, makes sense to have him fix it while he can, overall I have more faith and trust in this applicant over the other.

In terms of knowing the members of the battalion, Thats not quite true. Yes it can cause some confliction between members, but it will all sort itself out, I had the same issue with 187th, I literally pulled legacy rank 2ndLT, next day got waived, a week later I was BCMD and fixed the whole thing and we had HC to worry about, the 501st simply does not, theres a NCO and Jnr Officer core that needs work, and High Command that needs to be made.


As you can read above, I had probably about a weeks worth of interaction with the battalion during my app was up, still got accepted and performed a massive turn around within 3 weeks, after 2 months was done, it was fine. the 501st has taken 3 months to get back up to somewhat of a standard for numbers, while maintaining 0 high command structure of the battalion, making someone whose EU apply, with times that mean during a weekday they can only get on during the school hours, Not really a good idea for a battalion that needs an active BCMD, and high command to start repairing it.

Dargon will perform such duties as he did during the start of synergy and has continued to do so consistantly during his time here, Has a better trust factor with not only staff but battalions and playerbase (Didnt hold docs hostage) and has maintained and held higher power spots than this and has done so for multiple terms, and multiple re runs after breaks. If you really want the 501st to fix itself, and slowly develop the server, youd be smart to get someone with old knowledge of the server of when it was good and not dying rather than the wombats who think they're good but really failRP and have no knowledge of the rules on base(Server rules) that joined within the past 2 years when the server was dying and contributed towards it (Not all, but most and dumb acts like holding docs hostage like the other applicant and those forms of drama, are key killing points to a server and a battalion, no one wants to deal with drama.)

+1 Dargon, I hope for the best.

Edited by Dreams-
  • Winner 1


  • CT Private Reggin
  • Youngling Billber (3 Years running)


  • VET Admin
  • 187th Battalion Commander
  • 187th Executive Officer
  • 212th Ghost Company Lead
  • 212th ARC Lead
  • 212th Sharp Shooter Lead
  • 212th Commander Reed
  • Republic Medic Senior Officer
  • 41st Green Company
  • 41st 2ndLt
  • Ion Team Ras
  • RANCOR 2ndLt
  • 91st Captain
  • Shock 2ndLt
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12 hours ago, Bbstine said:

First of all, epic.

Second of all, Dargon isn’t foreign to the 501st, he was one of the leading forces of the battalion less then 4 months ago as Anakin Skywalker, not only that but was one of the founding leaders of the 501st when the server came out.


He knows the ins and outs of battalions and how they are lead by not only leading Dooms Unit when it was first added but also the Shock Troopers when they were still called Coruscant Guard. He was also the lead of the biggest VIP branch of the server, the Jedi Order in a time where the first ever Yoda left. He had a huge responsibility and didn’t fail to keep the Jedi from going.

Sure he may not be known by the current officer force but if they took more then 3 minutes of their time to research who Dargon is, they’d see he is qualified, dedicated to what he’s applying for, and a perfect candidate for the position.


Absolutely a +1 from me.

Just want to point out that with the extremely and abnormally high turnover rate we have only like 2 or 3 people currently in the 501st from when he was anakin but i do agree with everything else you said

although even with that said
Nothing against you dargon your a great guy and you have experience but i feel like you need to know the current men in the 501st and i feel like for me to even consider a +1 you would need to join the 501st and spend at least a month or two there just so our guys can get to know you better

Hi I’m Pot

Current/Former: Child

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-1. Think you're just getting +1s cause you're popular. Kelso has been working hard in the  battalion to get to this rank and as it has happend, someone popular comes in and swoops it. Leg other people have the chance and let their hard word pay of. If no one else was going for it sure 

  • Funny 2
  • Winner 2

Imagine Putting Your Old Ranks And Roles In Your Bio

I Went from Mas Amedda and VA to Blacklisted from every single thing except CT and Jedi :)

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 A lot happens in 4 months, Dargon may have had known 501st back then but he doesn't know it now. The 501st doesn't need a leader none of them know, how can they even respect you as Rex if most Enlisted have been in 501st longer.

+ what mcfisher said

Edited by Comics
  • Agree 2

The most fuckable person on Synergy Star Wars RP~

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-1 you was good as Anakin. but that battalion has changed from what i remember it as. As well as it is better for someone who was in the battalion and knows the new generation of 501st


Current: Null 10 Jaing 
Past spots: 501st XO, 501st CMD, 501st WO Appo, TC Hardcase, 332nd Officer , ATK Reg Purge, Keller Unit Vinnie, General Luminara, 41st GCO ARCL Draa, 3rd Crosshair on the Server, Hunter, Sith Marauder  TRO, GMM, VA x3. CIS Tac Droid, Guild Cabinet Member, ARCM Colt, Dash 44, Wolfpack Mortar


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It's not a matter of competence, it's a matter of not being within the battalion, simply put. Doesn't seem right applying for a BCMD position of a battalion you're not a part of.

"If you have time to think of a beautiful end, then live beautifully until the end." 

"A hero need not speak. For when he is gone, the world will speak for him." 



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Unfortunately even with everything that Bbstine said, I can't get behind someone who is not familiar with the current members of the battalion. Things change as time goes on, and understanding the culture of a battalion is just as important as understanding the administrative side of things. I do not believe this is your time, regardless of your qualifications. 

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1 hour ago, Carvis said:

Also your COL rank is only because you’re a former doom. You don’t ACTUALLY have that rank, it’s honorary

Then what’s his actual rank, if it’s not COL why can he act as one in the battalion? This has been brought up before in a commander meeting that if such an honorary position existed in a battalion then the rank given as honorary will be their established rank. 

Honorary or not, he’s a COLONEL in DOOMS UNIT (tm)


Thats such a silly thing to say Carvis, so silly xd

  • Funny 2



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I know you are more than capable although there is the matter of getting to know the guys in 501st which I belive people are over complicating a little.




Former: Commander Cody (x2), ATK Regimental Commander, SOBDE Regimental Commander, 212th XO, Omega Squad Lead Niner, Foxtrot XO, General Kenobi, HA (x2) TRM, GMM, RUS MP Commander 

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17 minutes ago, Bbstine said:

Then what’s his actual rank, if it’s not COL why can he act as one in the battalion? This has been brought up before in a commander meeting that if such an honorary position existed in a battalion then the rank given as honorary will be their established rank. 

Honorary or not, he’s a COLONEL in DOOMS UNIT (tm)


Thats such a silly thing to say Carvis, so silly xd

He was an honorary colonel at the time of this application yes. I wont comment further on that because that shouldn't be the highlight here what matters now is what's nest for 501st.


Overall since i can't give neutral anymore I am going to -1 as the other applicant has more experience with the current 501st and their systems, he is highly respected and I believe deserves a shot at the position.

I was in Dooms Unit for a little while.

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+1 you were the best anakin I have seen in my tenure on the servee and have more experience than almost everyone else on the server. I also honestly believe that since 501st has been under performing ever since omalic left rex and hasnt been anywhere near what it has been. In it's current state somebody with experience and an outsider's view should take charge and assist ik it might sound dickish but that is what works in these situations 

Edited by justuscloud5
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while I agree with people Saying that they would like to have a lead, it’s helps to spice things up. I remember when halpert became Fox during my time in CG now Fox. It was different, it was a shock, and there was up and downs with that. I worked with it, and I believe people need to be open to that. 

With this said, I know your a good guy, and have decent leadership skills, I think someone else should take the reigns for this Battalion 




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Head Admin
20 hours ago, Bbstine said:

Then what’s his actual rank, if it’s not COL why can he act as one in the battalion? This has been brought up before in a commander meeting that if such an honorary position existed in a battalion then the rank given as honorary will be their established rank. 

Honorary or not, he’s a COLONEL in DOOMS UNIT (tm)


Thats such a silly thing to say Carvis, so silly xd

No he's not a COL in Doom's Unit, I can assure you that. 



Current: Head Admin | Marshal Commander

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