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41st Commander Gree Application [Waived]


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Steam Name: 
Derp Derpidy Derp Derp

RP Name:
41st EC MoH MED 1SG Egg

Steam ID:

Battalion or squad you are applying for:
41st Commander Gree

Before making the switch to Synergy, I was in 41st on Icefuse. I made the climb through the ranks, from PVT to GC Commander, under a few different Commander Grees, learning from all of them about what works and what doesn’t in the grand scheme of running a battalion. During my climb through the ranks, I also met many different people and tried to learn from them as well and find ways to try and implement their ideas into the battalion as best I could to improve everyone in the process. After several months of work on Icefuse in the 41st, I finally ran for Gree and got it. I inherited a very dead battalion and basically had to start from scratch with the help of a few officers that I would now call some of my best friends to this day. Rebuilding the battalion was a very difficult and important undertaking, and involved many sleepless nights of doc work, planning, and just plain recruiting while also trying to keep people occupied and engaged within the battalion. After a little more than a month, the battalion was a bit more stable, but I was still not entirely satisfied with its status. I reapplied and continued my run as Gree and during these next few months, the battalion was probably running at one of its best times and everyone was happy and active on the server and in the battalion which continued for the next few months with a bit of a lull every now and then because of various real life things such as school. 

Another piece of experience in leadership and RP that I have is through my time in Naval under Max as admiral. During this time, I climbed and worked my way up to the rank of Captain and held the title of Senior Medical Officer. As a Captain, as a member of naval, I helped to be a role model and promote Serious RP throughout the server, and as the senior medical officer, I helped keep medical docs up to date and also host trainings for new medical troopers, while keeping up a standard of professionalism and seriousness within naval, the medics I trained, and throughout the server as a whole.

After the Icefuse incident that sparked the creation of this server, I asked Joah if I could be this server’s first Gree, which he accepted and so I was Gree for the next year and 3 months. The battalion had a bit of a rocky start because not many people knew of the switch over, so I was more or less starting almost from scratch again. During this time 41st grew to being one of the largest battalions on the server while also being one of the best PvP battalions as well winning 2nd place in both of the first two BvB tournaments. 41st has arguably had some of the best officers and leaders that the server has had coming through it. The battalion was encouraged and able to adapt to many different situations through the use of unorthodox tactics and communication, while promoting loyalty to each other and the battalion itself, to achieve any task that was in front of them as quickly and efficiently as possible. 
Another area of experience that I have is through Jedi by achieving the rank of Jedi Master. Jedi was never really something that I focused heavily on, but I still cared about it. I have always been a guardian within the Jedi Order, and have tried my best to help see it succeed. For a while, I was a Guardian Manager and hosted trials in hopes of keeping the branch alive with good sparrers and people who also cared for the branch. I also hosted a decent amount of Youngling and Knight trials, while also trying to cover for anyone that was unable to make their own. I also tried my best to improve the order as a whole by putting up suggestions and defending or criticizing other people’s suggestions to hopefully further improve the other masters and the rest of the order by being able to see the bigger picture of how different suggestions can affect the order.

Why should you become a Battalion Commander?:
I believe that I should become Battalion Commander again for several reasons. The first reason is my experience leading this battalion. I have been apart of and lead this battalion for more than 4 years. It has been my home along with many other people, with many of the server’s arguably best and most recognizable leaders coming through it. I have held various positions throughout my time on the server and have learned many things about being a leader and mentor to the people that follow me. I try my best to instill a sense of loyalty to the battalion and the fellow members of the battalion in each person that chooses to stay in the battalion to create a tight knit group of individuals that are able to work and communicate as one cohesive unit to tackle any task that comes before them. Also through my time on this server and also leading the battalion for as long as I did, I learned a lot about compromising and how to stand your ground on things you believe in. I also believe that respect is something that is earned through hard work, dedication, and just being worthy of the respect of your peers, which is something that I think is the single most important part of leading a group of people, because with the loyalty and respect of those under you, there is nothing that cannot be accomplished by the whole group. I also do not believe that the battalion is currently in a good place, and I do not think that people in many positions within the battalion are actually doing their jobs properly for the benefit of the battalion, which is one reason why I would like to once again become the leader of this great battalion. 

Another reason why I should once again become BCMD is because I actually want to. The last time I ran was because I felt that I had to in order to preserve what I had worked for because the only other people who wanted to go for it wanted to tear it all down. I had lost my drive to be the leader that the battalion and I let everyone down because I had lost sight of the vision that the “founding” members of this battalion and myself had for this battalion. After being removed, which I was a little bitter about because of the circumstances surrounding the entire situation, but I accepted the decision and moved on with my life and actually managed to improve my life as a whole through school, friends, and other games while still keeping tabs on the battalion that we worked so hard to create. During my time away, I also reflected back on everything that I had done wrong and how I could have done them differently to have avoided burning myself out, improve efficiency, and just overall quality of life for the battalion. I have learned from my reflections and many mistakes and I have plans and ideas that I would hope to implement to help get the battalion to its former glory of being an actual pillar of the server once again.

The final reason why I should be Gree again is because I do not believe that the battalion is doing well in quite a few aspects of how it is running, whether it being people not doing their jobs properly, inexperienced people getting promoted too quickly and put in positions that they have no business being in, or just general inactivity as a whole. Communication within the battalion, at least from where I sit, is very little to nonexistent, and as an NCO within the battalion, it feels like you have very little voice within the battalion, unless you are one of the high ranking officers. There is also very little transparency within the battalion about things that are actually happening. Plans or suggestions are never actually discussed to the whole battalion, so nobody knows what is going on with the future of the battalion, and the lower members feel left out and end up leaving. This ties back to the general inactivity issue, but there is also far too much delegation of responsibilities from the leaders of the battalion, so much so that the jobs don't actually get done or punishments and talks don't happen, so battalion members are getting in trouble for things they did not do, not getting in trouble for things they did do, or just getting marked as inactive when they are more active than many other members. I want to become BCMD of this battalion once again so I can fix these issues that are currently plaguing the battalion and causing it to stagnate and die.

Do you understand the lore of your battalion or squad?:
I sure hope so

Not usually AFKing so whenever I am on, I should be there and able to deal with things as soon as I can. And am available usually from 12 to around 3 PST and then from 930 to whenever I decide to go to sleep PST. Also always available on discord to deal with things as quickly and as soon as possible.

Estimate of how long you've played on Synergy Roleplay?:
Since the beginning with a few months break, but never fully left

Do you have a microphone?:
I do, and it works just fine.

Where do you want your battalion or squad to be at the end of your term?:
There are many things that I would like for this battalion by the end of the term, but I will just list off a few here:
1. I would like to bring more focus into work into the battalion in game. What I mean by this is, currently, a very large amount of the actual “work” people do is in discord or on docs, which is not what I believe it should be, because this leads to the issues that are currently very apparent in the battalion, such as everyone just being afk for hours and sometimes even days on end because there is no regard for the most important aspects of the battalion. To do this, I would like to slim down many of the different “branches” and “teams” that do not need to exist because their job can easily be done by a solid group of officers. I would also like to focus on streamlining aspects of the intel team, so things are getting logged quickly and properly and focus can be returned back to the game and improving the actual battalion through physical skills.

2. Another thing that I would like to do before my term is up, would be to bring more focus to the main Elite Corps part of the battalion and focus a lot less on Green Company. Currently, the main focus seems to be to have the GC be full at all times instead of keeping it proportional to EC in terms of numbers. I would like to change how GC is managed by putting holds on GC tryouts whenever EC would be struggling. Doing this would incentivise the members of the Elite Corps to do better and work harder for more opportunities to improve themselves and have more access to Green Company because the battalion as a whole is being successful and stable. EC should be keeping GC stable through activity and actual hard work. 
3. Something else that I would like to work on within the battalion, is promoting independent thinking within the members of the battalion. I want to encourage people to speak their minds about things that they see or think is wrong with the battalion or what can be helped and it can be improved upon to improve the quality of life for everyone within the battalion. By helping people to think and act for themselves, it improves them as leaders and also just as people in general, by encouraging people to think and act for themselves, more opinions and ideas are heard and people are able to be more included and have much more of a voice within the battalion and in turn creating something truly special and unique, while also creating a greater sense of unity with fellow battalion members and loyalty to the battalion as a whole.

4. I would also like to rework how promotions work within the battalion. Currently, there are no cooldowns, but instead, there are just requirements to reach the next rank. I would like to change how that works, by trying to remove the requirements altogether and reimplementing loose cooldowns for the ranks to encourage more consistent work within the battalion. By having requirements instead of just being judged on quality of work, the battalion suffers because of a lack of consistent good work and the officers judge based only on if something is done, instead of how well things were done, promoting mediocre and inconsistent work instead of consistent and work of actual quality. Another reason why requirements are bad is because it encourages laziness within the higher ranks of the battalion. As said before, having requirements makes officers less able to identify what what are good qualities in lower ranks or actual leadership abilities because instead of physically watching over or evaluating the lower ranks, they just look at a doc and then the cycle of low quality members just continues.
5. If I were to become the BCMD of this battalion, by the end of my term, I would like to have a stable Elite Corps with a solid group of officers and various high command that can effectively and actively run the battalion when I would not be there. I would want to have a battalion of people who are proud to be in the 41st and want to make their individual marks on the battalion in some way. I want the battalion members to be willing to stand up for themselves, others, and defend what they believe. By the end of the term, I want the battalion to be full of active and capable members, that are all willing to go the extra mile to ensure the success of the battalion as a whole, instead of just trying to further themselves. I want this once great battalion to return to its previous glory of being filled with real leaders of the community.

Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?:
I understand and I will try my best to make sure that does not happen

Do you understand that your position has a three month term limit and you must reapply after three months to maintain your commander rank?:
I understand.

Edited by Egg
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+1 Not only have you been one of my best friends since joining CWRP, I have witnessed every ounce of what makes you genuinely overqualified for this position.  And that makes me super amped for this, Not only do i believe you have the best interests of the 41st at heart, but also the skill and dedication to get the job done from day one to the final stretch. I wish you the best of luck on this, and Can't wait to see the results if you win.

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+1 absolute top notch man. I was an NCO in 41st on icefuse when this man was first promoted to Gree and I have stuck by him since. When I first got into SWRP on Icefuse this man is half the reason I stayed because he cared for and looked after every single lad in the battalion, this man ran the most stable battalion I have ever seen and managed to stay the nicest dude I have met the whole time. He's the kinda guy you go to whether it's an issue with the server, IRL, or just to chill and play another game with and have a good time. He was my papa long before I was ever in Null and had a Kal and he shall continue to be someone I admire, look up to, and try to emulate all the time. I genuinely hope I get to work alongside him going forward and that he can come back and make 41st the best that it can possibly be. Good luck dad whatever happens you will always be the best Gree. 

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This man is beyond a reasonable doubt one of, if not the best leader I have ever had the pleasure to meet. Egg is the heart and soul for the 41st Battalion. He is fundamentally ingrained in the culture, conduct and structure of this battalion. He has served with honor and distinction as the longest-reigning commander in his time, for good reason as he has weathered many storms, making him the most experienced man in leadership on this server.

He has unparalleled skill in maintaining and growing a battalion to glory and greatness. Egg has been there for his battalion since Day 0, and has had unmatched loyalty. No one man could claim to love this battalion more. If you want a man who will pour his heart and soul to the 41st, he has done it before and continues to do so. He is Commander Gree.

Egg's careful guidance and steady hand has not only led his battalion to success, but he has also served as an advisor to the greatest leadership this server has seen. Those who seek the best help go to the Big Nate, as he knows solutions to most problems. His experience has led him to know how to be great.

I could go on and on about how he is the most fit, but I feel that the point has been made clear enough. Egg is the man for this battalion. He is the man who will lead it to a new era of prosperity and growth.

Egg, the true rightful claimant to the battalion, will be back.

Make the 41st Great Again!

Edited by Washington
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-1 When I was in the 41st as a General I never saw you really interact with the battalion. I also saw you get arrested a few times.  The 41st did well with Brooklyn as Gree and I didn't really see the battalion want you as Gree. I think there are a lot other options that are better in my opinion. You had your time as Gree and im sure you did great but times have changed and the new people are better options.

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Sanchez trembles at the mention of my name.

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So first off when i was GM we never got along with 41st ever and I quiet frankly disliked egg for a while. But for fucks sake the grees that came after this man are horribly questionable. If there was one thing i respected Egg for when i hated the 41st was how well the battalion was being run and how well it worked out for them. I think the 41st might need this man back to bring them back to their golden times. 

Overall +1 

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Egg is nothing but a sheer man of legend. I think that he will be a great Gree and will do a great job if he's giving the position. We kill GI in Vietnam! The man has proven himself to be a great leader, shows great enthusiasm for the 41st. Sure, He may be a low rank but the man has been Gree half of his time. I look forward to seeing the 41st in action if you get this!!  Good luck brother. 

Edited by Tinovious

Some dude that's been in SO BDE more times than he can count.

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Head Admin

Very cool egg. +1

After re-reading this imma have to -1. Activity is not there, I talked to people and heard you've had 0 input into the battalion: Requirements are not met and you only got one rank up with it.

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Current: Head Admin | Marshal Commander

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You were Arrested 2 times and not really that active, I would like to see a BCMD who has good activity and can be on a lot and who doesn't get arrested. You were also blacklisted from the 41st.

Also, you said you would Streamline aspects of the Intel Team to make them log properly but they are logging swiftly and properly, People in the 41st can agree with this but we just got a new roster so that's why things may not have been logged. Also, you say people are not doing their jobs properly and are inexperienced, you could take this up with Brooklyn or me to get it sorted.

Secondly, you said that there was a lack of communication this may be true in your eyes but we have NCO meetings where you can have your voice heard and possibly even some of your suggestions are used in making the battalions better.

For this matter, I'm going to -1 this application

Edited by Vango
Adding a thing on
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Current: Vango

Former: Mechanised Regimental | (First) 41st MEDL CMD Gett | 104th General Plo KoonNaval Commander Vango | Jedi General Adi Gallia Sinker | Serra Keto | Battalion Commander Wolffe

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-1 Like barely see you on and Yikes 2 arrests recently? Also from being in your guys TS 24/7, stop being a prick to your own battalion. Like punching your current BCMD multiple times (More than 3)  just to push him away even as a prank was AOS'able yet I didn't take initiative due to having faith. 

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Kinda a rough decision to make, but I know Egg is a good guy, and can make some good changes. Also not all of us are bad people. We make stupid choices. Doesn’t mean that should disqualify him as gree. Egg was gree for literally 2 years on synergy. He knows what he is doing, and can do good At it.


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Former: Liaison


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25 minutes ago, Pythin said:

Kinda a rough decision to make, but I know Egg is a good guy, and can make some good changes. Also not all of us are bad people. We make stupid choices. Doesn’t mean that should disqualify him as gree. Egg was gree for literally 2 years on synergy. He knows what he is doing, and can do good At it.


So you mean Disrespecting people in your battalion is ok?

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+1. Gunna keep this short and simple, Egg is a great leader and people who say he is rude, he just want's the best for the battalion and to be honest, I see him play gmod the most out of anything and everytime I get on 41st high command is AFK and the majority of them are inactive, it has become a weak battalion and it needs a change, the current 41st command is grasping for control and its wrong.

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*Breathes in* BOY HERE WE GO
Ive been in the 41st under Egg since the end of his first term, ever since that Egg has showed me into the server, for people saying egg is disrespectful to the battalion I bet you where being an asshat and egg was calling you out for it. Also the fact that the battalion HC is negative reacting all the +1's shows how immature the current people that are leading the battalion are.

Egg's showed me the great things about 41st if you liked or hated him hes one of the better people the server has seen, Christ 2+years of this mans time has been spent to the battalion and it kinda shows, I've recently been trying to play again in the battalion and its not the same. As an enlisted I constantly feel like im being hawked over and that I dont fit, the 6-1 officer to lower ratio doesnt make me feel like I can enjoy the battalion and game. Recently when I did my tryouts Egg was the only NCO who was recruiting, he was the only one on and there was about 4-5 officers on. Egg was being hawked over and being followed the entire tryout, Egg kept asking the officer if he could stop hawking over him and do something productive whether it was a training or something with the battalion, instead of doing so the CO responded with "I dont think so, I dont have to"

The current Gree's have never matched up to Egg and its a fact, this battalion isnt 41st EC and GC its currently just Green company. The lack of activity within officers, ncos, and EC is very apparent. I mean hell I even screenshoted the current BCMD AFK in TS for 2 of his last 3 days.

Also if you are going to say "Hes been arrested twice" please atleast post the evidence, I can say oh current gree got arrested 4 times. Sorry if it feels like Im attacking the current BCMD I bet you have good heart and intent but this battalion needs people who care for it and thats egg.

-Go ahead and negative react this since its a +1 :^) youve been more active here then within the battalion


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26 minutes ago, GodTim said:

So you mean Disrespecting people in your battalion is ok?

Please don't turn this into a big back and fourth from minor point to minor point sure that is a horrible thing if someone wants to become a leader of a battalion but further context is need on what the disrespect was what was the situation around it as we all have idiotic moments.

Note I am not defending any actions as I have no context and no stake in this argument BUT if you wish to peruse this as a argument against him provide the argument with the correct evidence not just a vague statement as people may not the be able to judge the argument/situation appropriately for or against.

So to my main point if you want this to be a valid strong argument against why this is bad for Egg becoming Gree place the argument in as much detail as it needs. Be as honest as you can to the situation no embellishments and leave it at that, if people want to know more they will quote or ask you directly. The main thing is don't respond to the things you don't like and don't go picking the fights as it just reflects poorly on you.

Lastly look at what the other person says before brashly responding as all Pithin was saying is that people make mistakes he wasn't defending Egg acting out of turn. He was it's saying that it should be recognised as a mistake and be something that Egg should acknowledge learn and move on from. I am only responding to this as it doesn't make your argument seem that sound if all it is, is just lashing out by giving poor rep for a +1 or responding with no thought as that isn't going to convince people to sympathise with your opinion. 

Long story short think about what your point is and express that so there isn't a 7 page monstrosity of response arguments with little thought we need properly constructed point vs point as I don't want to bloat this further some arguments were good in the last one quite a lot weren't we just need good ones this time 🙂.

Edit ^ Note above is a example of a constructed argument with points to counter and dispute while also having merit^ 

Edited by Scarecrow
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Basically since Logic was Gree, the battalion had been in pieces, I wasn’t in 41st but I Look at the other Recon battalions to see how they’re doing, in my days 41st was actually active even though yall minged a bit, it was still active, I doubt egg is going to let y’all be mingy so +1

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“I’m not toxic, It’s just hard not to treat you like an idiot” ~ Logic


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+1  Inactivity... Wow people love throwing that around. Let me answer some of these points, no Egg is not inactive gentlemen he has been on the server and playing with the 41st a lot of people have seen him so that arguement is invalid.  His last runs people thought he had the mingest battalion on the server but that's not entirely true,  There were only a few minges and they caused the problems in the battalion. Also it was semi serious. But all in all Egg will make 41st thrive and not have to beg for members to come on f47f6b8ba99f93e6476d294a6753edfa.png

We should give Egg a chance again because he is the best chance to make the battalion great again!  :) 

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2 hours ago, GodTim said:

So you mean Disrespecting people in your battalion is ok?

When did I say that disrespecting someone is okay? All I said is that people make mistakes. Also it doesn’t look good on your part to de-rep people and start drama like this if I’m being honest. 

if you have such an issue why don’t you run for Gree 

Sure you have some great plans

Former: Liaison


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Egg has always been there to help everyone, whether you let him help you or not he was always willing

Hes done a hell of a lot to help the 41st over the years and I know that he will do his best in order to keep the battalion trucking. 

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Ex HA | VA | SA | A | NA | GMC | GMM | GMO |
GM | GH | TRO x4? | TR | RTR | Hunter | Darman | Mereel | Fixer | Etain | Anakin | Hett | Base ops Commander | Forum Mod | Ahsoka x2| Tyzen Xebec | cooker | Jesse | Tup | warthog | Synr.gg discord admin|- Everything else i was

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-1 nah man you’re definitely not active enough as is and being in the 41st currently you’re kind of an ass tbh, not to mention your communication in the battalion is not good at all, i just can’t see you coming out of literally no where and getting Gree again, plus I believe that giving it to you would only bring bad to the battalion -shrug-

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Me and some of my buddies served under Egg last year for a few weeks, yes the battalion was a bit mingy, but it stayed to TS and overall was an easy going and fun experience. Hell it was very organized with everything, as well as I became Gree the next year on another server and used Egg's template for the regiment and organization as a basis for 41st under me. 

I came out of nowhere for many regiments on other servers and it turned out better than those who were against me and ran against me said, proving them wrong, leaving me to learn one last thing, learn to work with someone even if you can't see them succeeding, because if you trust in them and work with them rather than fighting them at every turn, the unit will work out better than if you just cuck your leader just because you don't like him. Think of it as the USA currently and go from there, if Egg gets Gree which I hope he does, just work with him to help cover areas he can't, and make 41st better than what it is currently and could be if you fight him.

To Egg, you may not remember me, but I served with you, Pythin, and many others for a while, you guys nailed it, do your tenure justice.

- Former 41st SSGT Bakugo


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Egg was one of the longest serving Gree's on the server. Back in the day it always seemed as if his 41st pushed the Coruscant Guard's buttons a little too much, yet his battalion was extremely active and seemed to know what they were doing. I've never talked to Egg personally so I'm not going to -1 him for something that happened ages ago... because that's petty as fuck. 

His app is detailed and he seems to have the passion to strive 41st to be the best that it can be. I have nothing against the man and I don't see why some of you out there are mass "Disagreeing" and "Dumbing" people on this particular App. Its pathetic. Let people have their opinions and leave it at that. Simple +1 or -1 that's how it should be.

Good Luck Egg. 


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Ima +1 like anderson said. I have stuff held against me that happend a couple of months ago and they still think I'm the same person and dont even talk to me or give me a chance so like yeah it sucks so you could've to 

  • Winner 1

Imagine Putting Your Old Ranks And Roles In Your Bio

I Went from Mas Amedda and VA to Blacklisted from every single thing except CT and Jedi :)

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As much as I want to see a new picture with you that I haven't seen.... some of these messages proved nothing has changed within what I've seen from you. I have interacted with you many times on different topics so I can understand things here and there but the big factor someone needs when going for a lead position is the support of his followers. Now you will have a few people who just don't agree with you but when the majority of the unit you go for to lead dislikes you that is something that can't be overlooked. You say you want the best for the battalion but the battalion doesn't like your presence from what I've seen and heard from the battalion. Most of the positive feedback are from people outside of the battalion and people base their own answers to that. To be honest people should be looking at the people within the battalions feedback if they want to post a opinion so that it is credible. All the negative are within the battalion so that itself  is something people should look over. With all that being said this is a -1 from me. Good luck though if you do so happen to prove others wrong about the accusations brought up about you.

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Alright, I’m gonna individually ram the asses of all the individuals who -1 this application with the reason of “inactive” I’ve seen the most active people take positions and leave them after 2 weeks because they are burnt out. You must understand that in order to have a successful battalion you need to be able to suck it up when it comes to liking the person in the commanding position. If you want to act like this is real life then I can confidentially tell you that I disliked each and every one of my superior officers in the military. Get the fuck over it, there is no established time in which someone is “active” or “inactive.” I think it’s about time that a long-standing member of this community and a former BCMD of what used to be the most distinguished battalion gets the reigns back. I can’t help but feel that most of your opinions of Egg are held by only rumors and bandwagoning. 

And just so this doesn’t get blown over by some staff who wants to hide this comment, I AM +1ING EGG 

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17 minutes ago, Bbstine said:

Alright, I’m gonna individually ram the asses of all the individuals who -1 this application with the reason of “inactive” I’ve seen the most active people take positions and leave them after 2 weeks because they are burnt out. You must understand that in order to have a successful battalion you need to be able to suck it up when it comes to liking the person in the commanding position. If you want to act like this is real life then I can confidentially tell you that I disliked each and every one of my superior officers in the military. Get the fuck over it, there is no established time in which someone is “active” or “inactive.” I think it’s about time that a long-standing member of this community and a former BCMD of what used to be the most distinguished battalion gets the reigns back. I can’t help but feel that most of your opinions of Egg are held by only rumors and bandwagoning. 

And just so this doesn’t get blown over by some staff who wants to hide this comment, I AM +1ING EGG 

You already Plus one'd earlier bro! I don't think you can do it twice!

  • Funny 4

People Who Put Their Former Ranks In Their Signature Are Idiots!

Community Liaison - Discord Boo Radley#2719

Feel free to message me if you're having any issues!

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+1 for now, I’m not gonna -1 the 41st has had a rough couple of months for a good stretch while the BCMDs babe tried no everyone is perfect, also I’ve been arrested on doom like 2-3 times as doom, with 4 on my regular trooper, arrests don’t mean shit. I just want to see battalions do well. All this hate fuck shit needs to stop let’s be real. Oh yea and I’m the toxic one lmao. 

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Current: Kevin Colt leader of the Colt Crime Syndicate | Alpha-69 Dennis 

Former: BCMD Doom x3| Havoc Squad Brimstone x3 | Base Ops CMD | Delta Jedi | BCMD Colt | BCMD Bacara | Specialized Regimental Commander x2 | First Count Dooku and creator of the CIS | Rear Admiral Orson Krennic 

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-1 -- I heard you were blacklisted from 41st, and when you got unblacklisted, you have had poor activity, youve been arrested multiple times, and you are mingy.  You always complain in the discord when someone pings everyone, or even NCOs. Before running for a position like this at least show the current members and officers in the battalion that you actually care and dont wanna powerplay.

Edited by Hayley
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-1 Whenever your on *cough* or should I say If you get on you do not do anything with the 41st, You don't even join the 41st Voice chat. I have not seen a more inactive 41st member. The only reason i'm still in 41st is because I work my ass off and tried and Brooklyn knew that He has been the most helpful and determined BCMD for 41st. The past month you have been arrested MULTIPLE Times. You have plain just given up on the 41st. Why the Fuck would we want someone who doesn't have anything to do with 41st Right now be our BCMD. how would you know if we are doing MeDiOcRe Work when you are never on to see the Work we put in the Officer Corps has been working there Asses off to help 41st and do as much as possible. but all you do is Nothing. again my mind is not changing -1 
Im just pissed looking at this app  (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻)

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As the most active member of the 41st and one of the most active members of the server, I thought I'd stop by and give my opinion. I regularly spend about eight to twelve hours every day on the server, actively, if not more. I pride myself in my availability for my battalion and the hard work I put forth for them. They are like a family to me and I want to make sure that they are taken care of. That's why I make sure to be as available as possible for them and anyone else who needs something from the 41st. The entire time I have been on the server, I have spent it within the 41st battalion. I have never been in any other battalion and I will NEVER be in any other battalion. This is my home. My family. I would do anything to help this awesome group of people. I mean, I've already given them my most valuable resource: time.

Communication within the battalion could definitely use some improvements, but I wouldn't say that it is non-existent. Every time we have a meeting, we post meeting notes so that they can be referred to later. We give notifications that the meeting is going to be held and when it will be held. We have different meetings for the different levels in the battalion. For instance, our Warrant Officer holds a weekly meeting where they talk to the NCOs to SNCOs about issues within the battalion. They are encouraged to bring up any comments, questions, or suggestions that they have for the other NCOs and SNCOs to discuss. The WO takes notes and then during the next Officer meeting, they bring that information up to the Officers for discussion. Also during the Officer meeting, we discuss suggestions that have been put forth in our Suggestions channel, which is open for all of our enlisted to freely discuss their ideas and everyone in the battalion to +1 or -1 the suggestion for the battalion. On top of that, we have a Regimental meeting to discuss the state of each of the regiments in the battalion, things that are going bad and things that could be done better. We openly welcome discussion from everyone in the battalion. During the past four months that I have been on the server, Egg has missed the vast majority of these meetings. I can, off the top of my head, only remember one or two times that he showed up to one. When he is online, he does spend some time in the 41st TeamSpeak, but the vast majority of it is spent in the SO BDE channel or a subscriber channel with his friends, so I could understand how he could think that there was almost no communication going on.

Currently, the way the 41st handles ranks is we have a requirement system with no cooldowns. What we expect to see is people going above and beyond their current rank requirements to show that they are really devoted to the battalion. If we see that you're just checking boxes, or don't have the right attitude, you're not going to go very far in the battalion. Activity is another big factor here; If you are not active, we will hold off on promoting you until we see some changes. Because this is Egg's app I'm going to use him as an example. Egg completed his requirements for a promotion a long time ago, but he became really inactive. As a result, he was not promoted until we saw him pick up his activity a bit more. After his promotion, now almost a month ago, he hasn't done any other requirements, so he hasn't been promoted at all. Since he last applied for Gree three months ago, Egg has not actively contributed to the battalion or his regiment in any meaningful way other than having recruited a few people into the battalion.

On the topic of actively working for the battalion, to address the issue of people not doing their job, we actively monitor the people we have in various positions throughout the battalion. If we find that they aren't pulling the weight that they should, we remove them from their position and ask them to step it up. If they continue to not improve, we take further action. This has been done several times throughout the past few months.

I do not think that loose cooldowns for ranks would be a good idea. The reason I don't think that this is a good idea is because it seems it promotes seniority and holding a rank over doing any kind of meaningful work for the battalion. What will stop someone from showing up, doing great work for a few days, waiting the rest of their cooldown, then coming back and repeating the process again? The current "loose" definition that I'm imagining from what you have stated is that it sounds like some kind of favoritism system. "If I like you, there is no cooldown. If I don't like you, you're waiting the entire cooldown." If you could further clarify your definition of this, that would be great.

As far as Green Company outnumbering Elite Corps, you are totally correct and this is not how it should be. It should be a group with a select few individuals. The best of the best. However, we just appointed a new Green Company Leader to manage and control the sub-branch better. I look forward to seeing what he can bring to the sub-branch and what improvements he makes.

While I do believe that you could have a very positive effect on the battalion and that you have some really fantastic ideas that could be implemented, I do not think that you have the activity, drive, or tact that the 41st needs to keep moving forward and be successful. We are always open to suggestions and ideas to improve/further the battalion and its regiments. I'm glad to see that your activity has picked up somewhat in recent days and I wish you luck with the application process, as well as all of your future endeavors. But, for me, it's going to be a -1.

Edited by Tetra
  • Winner 13

Former 41st GC REGL XO Tetra | Former Cin Drallig x2 | Former Serra Keto x2 | Former Branch Overseer Former Mace Windu

41st CMD Tetra

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+1 Like I said during his previous application Eggs greatest downfall was the individuals that he trusted tore down the battalion around them and presented a different side to him.

I think he's learned since then how two faced people can be regarding all sorts of things so I think he shouldn't have a problem this time around.

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Egg has spent hundreds of hours as 41st BCMD and sure as hell as the experience to show it, During his time as Gree he ran the 41st the best and no one has truly been able to run as actively or profiecient as his. Im not good at making long plus ones but Egg has changed me as a person for the better. When I was first introduced into this community I had little intention to actually maining it and coming on just to fool around but the people I've met, the people I've played with, and the most enjoyable things I had fun doing on the server is all because of him. He was the one that made me on Synergy if not I wouldn't be here right now and lots of people probably think the same. +1 to my brother in arms.

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+1 I have heard from multiple people how able you were as the first Gree. I'm upset to have not been able to serve under that first term with you, but I think 41st needs you right now. I agree with your assessment that 41st is focusing on GC and needs strong leadership to fill their enlisted and EC ranks. When I was in SO BDE, we spoke many times and you are much more capable than others to steer 41st to be as great as it once was. If you become Gree, I look forward to the improvements you will undoubtedly make.

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-1 sorry but no. Something doesn’t feel right about this. Two privates come in that have around for a long time, gather information and screenshots and write a paragraph about why the other participant shouldn’t be BCMD again. Coupled with your previous commanding style, minging, etc. I don’t care if people hate on me for posting this, this is supposed to be a fun video game where we’re a community, it doesn’t feel like it anymore because of this, anyone who wants to figure this out in person by all means contact me. But otherwise -1.

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Veteran Admin

-1 ive seen you arrested blacklisted and unblacklisted through unknown meens ive seen good people banned because of you ive seen you minge ive heard you say things that are truly unspeakable both in TS and game so no -1 from me that will not change 


  • Agree 2

Current: Bad Batch Echo

Former: WAC-47 Battalion Commander Wolffe Mechanized Regimental Commander Clorox


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4 minutes ago, Underpaidstaff said:

-1 ive seen you arrested blacklisted and unblacklisted through unknown meens ive seen good people banned because of you ive seen you minge ive heard you say things that are truly unspeakable both in TS and game so no -1 from me that will not change 


Man please post evidence because I talked to fox and there is no records of arrests on him.

Get evidence that stands instead of "ive heard" like i did

also why is egg still on the server and not banned if he said "unspeakable things"

Edited by Trig
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31 minutes ago, Beetle said:

-1 sorry but no. Something doesn’t feel right about this. Two privates come in that have around for a long time, gather information and screenshots and write a paragraph about why the other participant shouldn’t be BCMD again. Coupled with your previous commanding style, minging, etc. I don’t care if people hate on me for posting this, this is supposed to be a fun video game where we’re a community, it doesn’t feel like it anymore because of this, anyone who wants to figure this out in person by all means contact me. But otherwise -1.

Huh privates came in and realized the battalion is fucken dead aswell as other issues
Thats pretty sad /shrug/

Edited by Trig
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12 minutes ago, Trig said:

Man please post evidence because I talked to fox and there is no records of arrests on him.

Get evidence that stands instead of "ive heard" like i did

also why is egg still on the server and not banned if he said "unspeakable things"

The arrest docs are public knowledge. His arrests, since they took place in October, are listed under Old Logs. They won't pull up by an ID search because that is only for their new log.

He has one arrest on 10/11/2019 by Niro for ERP. "Suck my weiner."

His other arrest is on 10/12/2019 by Kubert for FailRP (sat on a bird). To fill in context of the bird, at the time on the server, someone had been spawning in random bird props.

Edited by Tetra
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Former 41st GC REGL XO Tetra | Former Cin Drallig x2 | Former Serra Keto x2 | Former Branch Overseer Former Mace Windu

41st CMD Tetra

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1 minute ago, Tetra said:

The arrest docs are public knowledge. His arrests, since they took place in October, are listed under Old Logs. They won't pull up by an ID search because that is only for their new log.

He has one arrest on 10/11/2019 by Niro for ERP. "Suck my weiner."

His other arrest is on 10/12/2019 by Kubert for FailRP (sat on a bird). To fill in context of the bird, at the time on the server, someone had been spawning in random bird props.

Talk to Shock about these things before you use them as evidence, he's been expunged on all of the other ones, and the wiener one was actually "China can Collectively Bite MY Wiener" there is the context. and the random bird was a staff thing since he was unarrested due to misunderstanding.

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4 minutes ago, Vex said:

Talk to Shock about these things before you use them as evidence, he's been expunged on all of the other ones, and the wiener one was actually "China can Collectively Bite MY Wiener" there is the context. and the random bird was a staff thing since he was unarrested due to misunderstanding.

Actually, I talked to Egg directly after it happened. I was active on the server at the time. The quote I used came from Egg directly. He said he didn't want to say something worse, so he censored himself. Either way, I don't think either of those arrests are important. They're small things, in my opinion, which is why I didn't bring them up in my original post.

Former 41st GC REGL XO Tetra | Former Cin Drallig x2 | Former Serra Keto x2 | Former Branch Overseer Former Mace Windu

41st CMD Tetra

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Ill explain it simply like this. When brooklyn first got bcmd, egg mentioned that he would stay by and help/give advice to us along the way. There was none of that shown at all, and in fact he went MIA for a long ass time.  Honestly there was no help from him whatsoever from my view as an xo for a month with brooklyn. Its like he legit only wants to come around when theres applications up to lead the battalion, and nobody has been seeing him help or lead like he said he would. How can anyone in 41st trust him currently if he cant go by his word? Anyways I dont find he will be active enough to fill the position. Quite honestly both applicants are struggling with activity. Its a huge factor that can generate a shit ton of negative responses in both directions. I also dont support a lot of the points including “removing requirements”. I feel as if the concept could definitely be changed, but not removed as it really sets things out for what people have to do. So this is going to be a -1 from me.

  • Agree 4

Doom the Boom

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19 minutes ago, Razen said:

Ill explain it simply like this. When brooklyn first got bcmd, egg mentioned that he would stay by and help/give advice to us along the way. There was none of that shown at all, and in fact he went MIA for a long ass time.  Honestly there was no help from him whatsoever from my view as an xo for a month with brooklyn. Its like he legit only wants to come around when theres applications up to lead the battalion, and nobody has been seeing him help or lead like he said he would. How can anyone in 41st trust him currently if he cant go by his word? Anyways I dont find he will be active enough to fill the position. Quite honestly both applicants are struggling with activity. Its a huge factor that can generate a shit ton of negative responses in both directions. I also dont support a lot of the points including “removing requirements”. I feel as if the concept could definitely be changed, but not removed as it really sets things out for what people have to do. So this is going to be a -1 from me.

Weird. Its almost like Brooklyn told me if Egg stayed in the battalion for a week he would give him his Former Gree Legacy Officer Rank and look what rank Egg is still at. Maybe when you get lied to and nothing happens kinda destroys mentality. Guess you can only get mad at one person who "cant go by his word"

Edited by Venom/TJ
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Inactivity is valid to a certain degree. It's hard to compare activity. I can imagine for people like Tetra who plays a large amount per day, much higher than most of the server, it's not often he says many 41st on at all. Egg is obviously not gonna be online that often if he doesn't have people to play with. Back in the day, when 41st had low numbers or activity or was bored of Synergy they took a break for a few hours and played other games together. This is a great tactic to build relationships between battalion members. Egg was always someone I looked up when I first started on the server and I mirrored a lot of the mentality that he had within 41st during his time as Gree, when I was Rex and Palpatine. Activity is one thing but should not be the only reason to write someone off. 

Egg did not promote bad behavior. I was not only an HA, but an officer during the end of his time as Gree. The behavior of individuals was out of his control at certain points and he did give them punishment for it. I have always said to people in this community, the server should be fun, yet serious. This means that there should be no problem with having a laugh, but no when it's the right time.

My final point is that there was a time when SO was doing really bad. It was rare to see anyone on, but there was 1-2 very dedicated individuals who remained hopeful the battalion would not be removed. After my 2nd term as Rex I approached them asking if they would like my to apply for the position to aid them as I did 501st. Some reacted with positives, others were hesitant, but most were completely against the idea. It's understandable that the current 41st, much like SO were against having an outsider come and take over, but IMO I think it can be helpful. Ultimately SO was moved under GM which I think we can all agree has worked out really well and I am happy for them. What I am trying to say here is that y'all need some help based on what I have been seeing when I get on, which isn't a whole lot, but Egg could definitely bring some positives into the mix. Edit: To add on to this point, you can see most of the +1s are from current 41st members, but -1s coming from the rest of the community. In my eyes Tetra seems to be the most reasonable and willing to understand out of all the current members. Good on you sir.


To sum it up, get to know the guy before trying to cancel him. It's a two way street and Egg could probably do more to be seen in a better light by y'all. but figure out a way to work together if he is gets it or doesn't. I am in no way writing this to be disrespectful to the current 41st, but I'm with the boomers on this one. +1 to Egg

Edited by Quill Khan
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I may not be around enough to see you but your application is detailed and you were a good Gree for your 2 years of being Gree. Even if the end was considered to be a bit rough you were still great during your terms.

Yes, I do hate fat people.
Former Ordo Skirata

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+1 egg man i was there for a long time and you put in a shit ton of work when needed and ive loved what you have done for me as a person on the server and as a person that needed support growing up and you have made this server  actually fun for me make 41st great again also as a ex 41st you have helped me become the best me 

Edited by _Jason
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After reading everything that has been posted it's clear that everyone a(gree's) {lol pun intended...} that there are 3 things about you that really stand out. 
1. you used to be active and you Were a good Gree no one is denying this. BUT 
2. You are currently Inactive and do not help the 41st as a whole. its been stated by multiple People that you don't attend meetings to give your input or make suggestions or help fix the " lack of communication" as you put it. And
3. Again multiple people both in and out of your battalion have stated that you are rude and disrespectful to people. I have seen it from a staff standpoint when you got arrested... you made a ticket and when I got there you insisted on being unarrested for sitting on the bird which is blatant failRP you yelled at the shock and called him an idiot for even arresting you because "there was no warning" event though If someone calls an AOS Shocks job is to do just that arrest. 

With all that being said you should pick up your activity in your battalion become a respected member and gain the trust of them, because from what I can tell there are quite a few 41st that don't have faith in you and for valid reason's. And once that happens next term you can re app because let's be honest why should someone become a BCMD of a battalion when some of the more active/notable members don't have faith in said person. To me that wouldn't make sense. 

Sorry for the ramble but this is a BIG -1 from me 

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4 minutes ago, Rose said:

With all that being said you should pick up your activity in your battalion become a respected member and gain the trust of them, because from what I can tell there are quite a few 41st that don't have faith in you and for valid reason's. And once that happens next term you can re app because let's be honest why should someone become a BCMD of a battalion when some of the more active/notable members don't have faith in said person. To me that wouldn't make sense. 

I'm just saying, most of the 41st that -1'd him don't have an actual reason, it's just because they don't want to lose their ranks... they don't care about what's better for their battalion, they just want to keep their virtual rank, there's proof of this FYI. Regarding him being inactive, he has a full time job, thus making him unable to attend a lot of the meetings, and he still manages to be more active than most of the people in 41st. And I don't know where you got that egg is disrespectful, the guy can't even say cuss words let alone insult someone, so that just mind boggles me that people think he's disrespectful. 

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Jesus some people really don't want you to get Gree. GodTim and Xander legit Disagree voted every post on the first page that +1'd you just to prove a point (I think? Idk why people think downvoting every post somehow invalidates it). 


I don't really know what's up with 41st internal politics, but it sounds like you'll make some changes, and 41st kinda needs it, cause I rarely see a good number of 41st online and doing stuff. +1 good luck.

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|Longest Serving Attack Regimental Commander||Master of Quests|


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+1 Egg.

You took me in when I needed, I had just gone through my rough time with Mamba, lost a close friend and you took me in and got me back on track. I was a 2ndLt and GC during Eggs term, fighting alongside some names like Wombat and Koval. Egg trained and got many people into outstanding standards and most of which made it to many regimental positions. This battalion more or less still uses many byproducts of Eggs 3 year term.

On 11/3/2019 at 2:32 PM, Hayley said:

-1 -- I heard you were blacklisted from 41st, and when you got unblacklisted, you have had poor activity, youve been arrested multiple times, and you are mingy.  You always complain in the discord when someone pings everyone, or even NCOs. Before running for a position like this at least show the current members and officers in the battalion that you actually care and dont wanna powerplay.


Now this comment triggered me quite a bit. Blacklisted after a 3 year term as gree. Arrested/Mingey is a laugh. You my friend are blacklisted from almost every battalion. Threatened to delete documents you really have no right to call someone out like this. This guy cares for the 41st more then you will ever know and more than you ever could. And that doesnt only just go towards you.

Anyone who says Egg doesnt care. Please come back after you sit the longest term as Gree, Created the battalion in a sense. The 41st Legacy is this man theres no if buts or maybes, thats how it is. Not only that, He never recieved his Legacy Gree rank, He reached the agreement and never got it, I think at that point anyone would leave the battalion and I think thats what that play was for, to make him want to leave by not giving him his legacy rank, nor promoting him fairly. Instead he remains, beaten by the corruption of the battalion he loves so much. I for one would say more heartbroken then inactive.

For those who cbf reading:

Egg= Longest Serving Gree, 41st's legacy is this guy, Continues to push on even being discriminated by the courruption in the batt.

Egg, Welcome back my good sir. Its time for you to shine once again.


Also remember kiddies, You dont just get a MoH for no reason

Youre fellow Australian,

Dreams, Reed, Storm.



Edited by OldMateDreams
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  • CT Private Reggin
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  • Ion Team Ras
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4 minutes ago, OldMateDreams said:

nor promoting him fairly.

Like I stated in my previous post on how promotions work in the 41st, we have requirements that need to be completed, same as most battalions. If you do the requirements and are active, you get your promotion. Egg has done almost 0 requirements in the past 4 months. The only thing I've ever seen him do is recruit. If he had been more active and done his requirements, he would have ranked up like any other member of the 41st. I would have made sure of it. After all, I'm the only person who has promoted him in the past 4 months and the reason I promoted him was because he had his requirements done and he started being more active. Please read over my previous post in this thread where this was explained in detail.

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Former 41st GC REGL XO Tetra | Former Cin Drallig x2 | Former Serra Keto x2 | Former Branch Overseer Former Mace Windu

41st CMD Tetra

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Jesus Christ, this shit is more of a war zone than Vietnam. The petty dumb voting on people's comments when they contrast your own view is the most retarded thing I've seen, I thought we would have rose above that idiocy! 


Regardless +1, Good Luck Egg






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God, reading this comments is like a political debate geez.


Anyway Egg was Gree when I joined the server almost 2 years ago, I never interacted with him too much but have heard about him. Mainly mixes to be honest. He's mingy, he's a good Gree, he left the batts in shambles. etc.


But being honest Logic fucked the batt real bad and then left with a lot of the high command of 41st upon his departure.  As I said, I just got my info from basically gossip and also cos Logic used to bitch to me about it, even though I was busy with the 21st/GM. 

Saying he's inactive is stupid, most people are "inactive" as most people having fucking lives and can't be on every day. But when he was Gree he was always on the server or TS when I was on. He will, hopefully, bring back 41st and continue upon the current progress that has occurred.

So imma +1, he's a good dude and cares a lot about 41st, HE WAS GREE FOR LIKE 9 CONSECUTIVE TERMS. like you have to be good to do that shit.

What? Were you expecting some colourful thing denoting my past achievements?

Well tough luck, even if I did it would be just 3 things - Bacara, SPEC REG, Old HA.

Once a Marine, Always a Marine... Always forward, never back...

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I think both you and Brooklyn are decent people (as far as my interactions with you, but that may just be because I am an XO, so respect is a prerequisite), but you both should probably take time to patch any small issues that people are -1ing you for. I'm giving you this so that the server can feel reassured with either of you in charge of the 41st. And the condiment corps (the mustard boys and the ketchup company) can't exist without the two relish battalions.



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Master of the Order Mace Windu (Current) | DU VET Sergeant (Current) | Mas Amedda (Former) | 327th Battalion Commander Bly (Former)

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The amount of negative reactions I have seen in the past few minutes reading through this application casts the community in far more of a negative light than I think we're all capable of. Are we not all better than this?

Egg, I'm gonna be real. I don't know you. That being said, your application is solid and I believe you've got the experience to carry through. +1 

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My dude's these 41st threads are getting out of control remember to follow the Commander App Rules or staff will have to punish you with naughty boy points. This also applies to all public SynergyRoleplay Discords so please be kind to each other and remember that we are all playing on the server for fun and take a break from stuff.


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People say Egg was BL, the only time I can recall, and I may be wrong, he was BL was after the 41st Officer+ wipe. Logic BL him with no reason, I mean he had to put something so he put “Egg” this literally shouldn’t have been done. Egg was the person who recruited me on my first day, after trying to go through Sovern and Valky. I literally was the biggest noob and always looked up to him ❤️. Then @Sanchez Resident trolled me... regardless, he was a person who helped get to where I am today, before I resigned. After he left, or should say, removed, I struggled through 2-3 bad Grees then left due to inter-battalion reasons. I always Said I would come back if he got Gree, so Massive


Go be Gree again, you were it for almost 2 years. GL

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  • 2 weeks later...

You have been accepted for the position of Commander Gree!


Reasoning for doing so

  • Had a clear plan for the battalion in the interview

  • Addressed his past mistakes as gree, and how he wants to move forward if he would be BCMD

  • Addressed our Concerns of not helping past Grees 

  • Activity and time management was good

  • Discussed Multiple Issues of the 41st and provided solutions to these issues

Your term will end on 2/13/2020


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