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Brooklyn (Slender): 41st BCMD Gree Application

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Steam Name:


RP Name:

Green Company Officer Chief Disciplinary Officer ARC Lead Lieutenant Colonel Brooklyn 

Steam ID:


Battalion or squad you are applying for:

41st Elite Corps Battalion Commander Gree 


104th (PVT - 1stLT)

To kick off my journey into Synergy, I joined the 104th battalion. This was an obvious choice for me. Not only did I already know a few of the members within the battalion, but the way they carried themselves struck me as the kind of soldier I wanted to be. Right off the bat I joined the Support / ARF Trooper Regiment. I started rising through the ranks, and soon enough, I reached SGT. Now I was starting to contribute back to the battalion by recruiting and setting an example for our enlisted. Within the next couple days, I was made Support Officer. This gave me regimental responsibility within the battalion. During the time I was SUPO, I hosted trainings, recruited people into the regiment, guided others on how to become a better support trooper, and how to strengthen their RP in the process. A couple weeks later, I decided to move to a regiment that needed the most help. This lead me to the Heavy branch. It was temporarily taken over By an officer, due to it having only one officer. I was motivated to fix and restore the branch, which in turn lead me to receiving an officer position in the regiment. By this time I was a MSG. On the verge of becoming a Senior NCO, I felt ready to take on more responsibility. I was able to learn from my Commanding Officers’ how to run a regiment, how to lead others, and how to prove myself within the battalion. My current Heavy Lead seeing this, he promoted me to HVYX due to the amount of work I put into the Heavy Branch. I was doing continuous tryouts everyday, recruiting more and more people into Heavy, succeeding in making it the most full and active regiment in the battalion. During my time as HVYX, I decided to apply for the Wolfpack. I was ready to move up and prove my worth. I achieved the name “Sinker” within Wolfpack a week later. Still putting consistent work into the heavy regiment, I made many documents such as; a new tryout doc, a new handbook / Guidelines sheet for heavies to follow, and a brand new officer core within the regiment. Proving my worth within my attitude, determination, and motivation to do more, I achieved the rank of 1stLT within the battalion. However, it wasn’t long after this when I decided to leave the battalion.

41st (2ndLT - LTC)

I joined the 41st Elite Corps Battalion after 104th. After joining, I was given the rank 2ndLT. I instantly started getting to work on the battalion due to the fact that there were only six officers that formed the core. I joined the Intel Team right away and joined a regiment (HVY), wanting to do as much as I could for the 41st. We promoted a new Intel Director to start filling up the holes within the Intel Team. After roughly three weeks in the battalion, I passed Green Company tryouts and joined the sub-unit. With the minginess levels rating high, I was told by the head of the Disciplinary Branch to apply for a Junior Disciplinary position, seeing how I was setting a good role model for the NCOs’ and Enlisted. After a while, heavy started to get good leadership, I left and went to the ARC regiment, then managed to get ARCX over time. Nearing the end of my ARC Lead's run, he entrusted me with the title of ARCL, and handed me the reins before moving onto the next step in his journey. During the time I spent as Captain, I watched over the 1st and 2ndLT’s, as well as the current Warrant Officer, to take notes on how they were performing as officers. Doing this, I could see if they were to be promoted or if they needed to step up. While this was happening, the Disciplinary Branch was wiped, due to some members not being active or pulling their weight. Due to my activity, maturity, and knowledge within the battalion, I was placed in the position of Chief Disciplinary Officer. This position was an important milestone on how I would act, treat, and talk with other people. This allowed me to grow as a mentor and as a role-model to the rest of the battalion. I then ranked the rank of LTC roughly 2 weeks after CPT. Putting me in a position to further push myself and test my ability as an officer. Throughout my whole time in 41st, I was developing within the Intel Team. I became more punctual, more prepared, and more active outside of the game. I stayed at Intel Member until I understood how the system worked and how to correctly log everything, then got promoted to Intel Officer. I started training the new Intel Members and also took on some of the Manager roles since we were lacking in that area. I was then made Intel Manager for taking extra time to fix things that were wrong, helping other Intel with docs or work they were confused about, and showing an interest in particular areas. With the unfortunate departure of our Intel Director, I was made Intel Deputy Director by the new ITD. At this point in time, I am holding ARCL (A regimental lead position), CDO (A branch lead position), and ITDD (a second-in-command Intel position).As a senior officer, I have continued to add on mentor ship and leadership to my abilities. I am still currently watching over the officer core and fulfilling all the roles I am currently holding. 

Why should you become a Battalion Commander?:

Even though I have been in this battalion for a short time, I have taken up responsibilities and positions within the battalion that have forged me into the leader I am today. I obtained the Chief Disciplinary title due to my maturity and ability to be stern, serious, and direct with my troopers. My maturity is at the level required to take up such an important position. I know the borderline between work and play, as well as being able to bring people in line and have them focus on the current situation. I am lenient to an extent, always talking in both sides of a dispute before deciding punishment or choosing to let it go. As ARC, I am confident in my leadership abilities, being able to strategically place and direct my squad with the best odds for success. I have became a mentor and a role model to Officers and NCOs alike. I have gained their respect and they have mine. I make myself available at any time of the day, whether it be morning, after, or night. NCOs and Officers are able to come to me with in game issues, issues within branches or regiments, and sometimes IRL issues. I believe having close ties within battalion are beneficial. It makes people more relaxed and comfortable, allowing an escape from a thing called life. I believe as BCMD I can enhance these ties, and pull the battalion together. Being and acting like a family is key. This is what I am able to create if given the opportunity.

Do you understand the lore of your battalion or squad?:

Yes I do. The 41st Elite Corps Battalion, was a military infantry / aerial corps that was led by Clone Commander CC-1004, also known as Gree. This battalion’s Jedi General was Luminara Unduli, and for a brief time, Jedi General Quinlin Vos and Grand Master of The Order Jedi General Yoda. The 41st Elite Corps had many specialized sub units; most notably Green Company, the 41st Ranger Platoon, and the 41st Scout Battalion. Also not forgetting the crew stationed on the Venator-class Star Destroyer “Tranquility”, and the Sarlacc A / Sarlacc B Battalions. The 41st Elite Corps are seen in action during the Battle of Geonosis, Attack on the Tranquility, Battle of Coruscant, Battle of Kashyyyk, and the Mission to Rodia. 


Mon -Fri: 2pm EST - 5am EST 

Sat - Sun: 11am EST - 6am EST

Estimate of how long you've played on Synergy Roleplay?:

 5 Months

Do you have a microphone?:

Yes I do. 

Where do you want your battalion or squad to be at the end of your term?:

 I want to see the 41st Battalion working in an automatic fashion. I want to eliminate the need for the BCMD to manage the battalion themselves, but rather the BCMD work as an Advisor and Overseer. I want to see the BCMD intervene only if there is a branch or CMD+ not doing their job. The Regiments, Intel Team, Disciplinary Team, and CMD - XO should be able to keep the battalion in good health, good status, regardless if there is a BCMD or not. In short, the BCMD should be a want, rather than a need. I will make it my goal to complete the following: 

  • Anonymous Voting - The ability for officers to vote out a branch lead that is inactive or not doing work. This will keep active and hard working members in high positions, as well as remove inactive and lazy members who hold a title and do nothing with it.

  • Insert Regimental Leads - Give hard working NCOs / Officers Lead positions that are earned. This will increase popularity within regiments by displaying a strong and inviting Regimental Officer Core.

  • Mentor System - Allows officers to coach NCOs’ (Long term goal is using this system to create a stronger officer core and stronger relationship between officers and NCOs)

  • Demotion / Removal of inactive Officers - If someone is inactive as an officer, they won’t be an officer. Simple as that.

  • Promote new and deserving officers

  • Fill all 3 GC lore characters

  • Rework the Green Company Tryouts, assign new GCL

  • Keep up active numbers / engage in rp, trainings, events, etc.

  • Enhance relationships with fellow Recon Battalions - Follow Recon REG Black's example and host collaboration trainings, large scale SIMs, and joint reconnaissance  training's.

  • Create ties with 104th - Translations and Negotiations go hand in hand. I want to be able to coordinate and conduct joint training's, with the intent of smoothing negotiations with counter insurgency.

  • Cooperation with SOBDE Outreach - Allow Outreach to take the mantle in trainings, give advice to troopers, and take leadership during events

  • Add new Jedi to the Battalion - At the battalion's current state, we do not have too many Jedi. The addition of new Jedi will help the battalion gain Jedi numbers and prepare the battalion for a more open and diverse set of players.

Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?:

Yes, I know all too well what it’s like to not have an active BCMD. I would never leave my battalion for any reason. 

Do you understand that your position has a three month term limit and you must reapply after three months to maintain your commander rank?:

I understand completely.

  • Winner 1

Kal Skirata                                                                                                                                                   Bacta                    Marvel                     Brooklyn


I beat Jad in a spar first try.

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This is the only person that should be the 41st BCMD.

 First he is the most active member of the battalion. there was not one day that i did not see him on. he was always watching and looking how to improve the battalion. he spoke with nco's and other officers about the future of the battalion. he was always there for me whenever i needed help with Arc work and his ability to achieve goals and finish work before deadlines without stopping is unbelievable. he is The only person for this position at the moment. 

He has so many goals that will further improve the battalion i think he can achieve those goals quite easily with his officers at his side. The ideas that he comes up with are amazing (as you can see from his App). even when he was an NCO he was always striving and wanting to better himself for the sake of the Batt in 104th back then and in 41st now. he has an amazing work ethic if someone needs him to do something it will be done in before the deadline. Brooklyn is the only person for this position.


Brooklyn would constantly hold training and further improve the ARC branch. there was not a day i didn't see him doing work for the arc branch and improving it as a whole along side me.  he has always cared for the future of anyone within this battalion. Brooklyn is great with discipline also he does amazing work, being able to whip them into shape all while them still being respectful. Everyone in the battalion knows Brooklyn and his work ethic. They know that he could be the future Gree and this is his chance.


Brooklyn deserves the position for so many reasons, more than i can explain. he was a successful ARCX, a great Officer, an amazing Disciplinary lead, and a wonderful Intel director Deputy


if you didnt see it before,  +1 

Good luck, brother you can achieve what you believe in.

Edited by Fallout
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Going back to the old days in 104th Slender had shown potential to be a leader since day One, Especially Wolfpack. We played hours and hours together and he taught me things that my BCMD at the time didn't, opening my eyes to different paths and opportunities to better the 104th as a whole. That was a weird experience for me considering I was a commander and he was barely an officer at the time. But as time went on he pulled our battalion together and made sure his task was finished and then went to help others without haste. After the move to 41st Slender quickly showed his potential the same as many other candidates, Making me proud that I helped make him the leader he is today and even convincing me to join 41st. I have been in the battalion for quite some time now and although I may not be as active as the others , I always see him actively helping troopers, leading the way , and making sure whatever needs to be done is finished accordingly. Good Luck my man 

{ I know I have been inactive for a while now and haven't had the chance to speak on other applications for this position or others and I apologize to those that might feel as if me not responding to their applications is a shot towards them or our friendship, this just happens to be up the one time I'm active here }

  • Winner 2
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18 hours ago, Sanchez Resident said:

Neutral Very ambitious goals but how do you plan to accomplish all of that 

Edit. This is a direct question 



@Sanchez Resident Sorry, forgot to @ you directly on this. I hope this answers your question:

The first step is building a strong officer core. Nothing can be done if it is only 3 people in top brass. After this step, the next few come easy. 

- Promote GCL: With a new GCL, only a select few within the officer core will be focused on Green Company as a whole, allowing most of the officer core to focus on separate aspects of the battalion. Documents, Tryouts, as well as Lore Character Positions will be left to the GCL. 
- SOBDE Outreach: With Green Company under control, we can roll into the SOBDE Outreach. Such as SOBDE has a representative from their side, we can have one from the 41st. This rep will work with the Outreach, spending time conducting training's, participating in events, being around more inside of Team Speak, therefore building the foundation for a stronger relationship.

- Mentor Ship Program:  With the introduction of new officers, we must also prepare NCO's that exhibit officer qualities and teach others who are in need of it. An officer will take 1-3 NCOs under their wing, teach them, condition them, and prepare them for the next step in their 41st journey.

-New Jedi: This will take some work, due to preference. Working in cooperation with Luminara, we can bring in a good number of Knights and Padawans to the battalion.

-Recon Relationships: As stated, cooperating in training's, collaborating during events,  and hopping into each other's Team Speak, will help create a stronger and prosperous bond between battalions.

-Activity: With an active officer core, active regiments, and solid Green Company, active will be on the rise. If not, we will shift gears and think of ways with Battalion suggestions on how to make things more exciting.

Edited by Slender
  • Winner 3

Kal Skirata                                                                                                                                                   Bacta                    Marvel                     Brooklyn


I beat Jad in a spar first try.

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+1 You have great goals set in place and you have a general idea on how to do them. You seem like you will do a good job. 


/me throws up BIG DU gang signs 😂#DUisTheRealGreen

  • Winner 1

Current: Kevin Colt leader of the Colt Crime Syndicate | Alpha-69 Dennis 

Former: BCMD Doom x3| Havoc Squad Brimstone x3 | Base Ops CMD | Delta Jedi | BCMD Colt | BCMD Bacara | Specialized Regimental Commander x2 | First Count Dooku and creator of the CIS | Rear Admiral Orson Krennic 

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+1 Brooklyn Works hard and is very dedicated on getting things done and he won't stop until it is done.

  • Winner 1

Current: Vango

Former: Mechanised Regimental | (First) 41st MEDL CMD Gett | 104th General Plo KoonNaval Commander Vango | Jedi General Adi Gallia Sinker | Serra Keto | Battalion Commander Wolffe

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Better than the other option lmao +1


  • Funny 4
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Neutral until the "Where do you want your battalion or squad to be at the end of your term?:" is extended. This is due to the section being filled with basic stuff that a BCMD should do by default and shows nothing that special.



Hayley this is a Neutral don't hit me with that dumb dumb reaction dumbo. Miss. Immature.

  • Funny 4
  • Friendly 1


"I'm not toxic. You're just making it really hard to not treat you like an idiot." - Logic

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I've only been on the server for a bit more than 2 weeks never played star wars RP before but Brooklyn has been a huge help teaching me what my responsibilities are as I climb up in rank, answering any questions i have no matter how dumb or repetitive I've been and he's always been super kind but knows how to be strict and get his men in line when it comes down to it.

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+1 i suppose

  • Winner 1

Current: Just Some Guy
Former: Senior Admin | TRO x2MAJ | Styles | Rys | CG x3 | Thire  | 21st x3 | Guardian Manager | Alpha-98 Nate | Sith Apprentice | Many more battalions  Serra Keto [9 Months] | TGML [9-10 Months] | TGL | Knight 8

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FAT +1

Slender has been the most active and hardest working officer in 41st. I have been through pretty much everything with Slender. I fought alongside him in Wolfpack, and now I fight alongside him in Green Company. Here are the reasons why Slender should receive 41st Battalion Commander:

1. Work Ethic and Dedication
Slender is THE hardest working officer in the 41st. He has managed to hold all 3 Officer Branch positions (Regimental, Intel and Disciplinary). He pushes towards making each branch work at its hardest. He dedicates so much time towards punishments and demotions in the disciplinary branch, pushing troopers to follow rules and be respectful. He has also managed Intel at the 'Deputy Director" position. He has pushed for new beginnings with new additions of tabs and updates on the roster. He is constantly managing Intel Members and updating things on the roster. He has also been appointed to the position of "ARC Lead", where he holds one of the highest ARC trooper count on the server, with SEVEN ACTIVE ARCS. His work ethic makes him easily applicable for this position. In 104th, Slender switched to the Heavy branch (the most inactive branch) and made it the MOST ACTIVE branch. Everything that he has touched has turned into gold. He has always done more then enough for the Battalions he has been in.


2. Activity, Experience and Passion

Slender may not have the best Senior Officer experience, but his experience on the server itself, and as a Junior Officer shows his drive and hard work ethic towards the Battalions that he was in. This is our most active Officer, if not most active Trooper in the Battalion. He puts in a good 10 hours a day and shows no signs of burning out.  He has so much passion for the game itself. He puts in the most time just to be on and push for the glory of this Battalion. He loves being in 41st, and we love having him here. He has so many amazing goals that prove his creativity differs him from current Battalion Commanders. 


3. Family and Kindness

Slender is probably the nicest person I have ever met on this server. He helped me when I needed it the most with the 104th Support branch, and he continues to be the biggest help with 41st Officer work. He is a very approachable person, and as mentioned he always listens to both sides of a story before making a decision with disciplinary work. He looks at this Battalion as his family, and we have all come together as a family. This is the man we need for the position, the man that will continue to push 41st to be the BEST Battalion! The man that will keep this family close and push for the best future!


My man, you got this. Good Luck Mooklyn.

  • Agree 1
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  • Winner 5

Doom the Boom

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neutral, not a 41st member, but atleast he isn't coming back in 3 days and getting waived, and seems to of done work according to members in their battalion, but i'm mainly here for the below message

@justuscloud5 @[ZN] Cubby and @Shake pretty sure that you can't -1 because the other applicant is better in your opinion

thought that was an established rule if I can get a response on this

Edited by Bolt
  • Agree 2


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This is a really tough decision from what I've seen you can get hot headed but to dismiss the work you've done would be foolish 

i'm certainly biased in my decision because I remember when egg was gree and I did enjoy it (for the most part until the end) and you and I have butted heads so thinking about this im gonna have to remain neutral because I believe im biased 

so neutral Leaning towards +1 

The interview is really going to decide this I think sooooooo you really start preparing dont go in there with your pants down because its painful for the directors as much as is for you


After reading kronos's comment I've re-read your application and it seems that you just thought of things on the spot with no real plan and while doing it thought to the past to other peoples ideas and just rolled with it 

-1 Sorry I still wish you the best of luck still

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9 minutes ago, Sanchez Resident said:

This is a really tough decision from what I've seen you can get hot headed but to dismiss the work you've done would be foolish 

i'm certainly biased in my decision because I remember when egg was gree and I did enjoy it (for the most part until the end) and you and I have butted heads so thinking about this im gonna have to remain neutral because I believe im biased 

so neutral Leaning towards +1 

The interview is really going to decide this I think sooooooo you really start preparing dont go in there with your pants down because its painful for the directors as much as is for you 

@Sanchez Resident

Thank you for the criticism. I will work on it to the best of my ability.

  • Friendly 1

Kal Skirata                                                                                                                                                   Bacta                    Marvel                     Brooklyn


I beat Jad in a spar first try.

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I apologize, but for what about about to say may not extend my “Why should I be BCMD?” question.

It is hard to extend what I say, solely because it comes from the heart. Yeah that sounds mushy and fake. But it’s true. I believe in family ties, I believe in honest/hard work, and in openness between officers and NCOs. I may not have much experience compared to others, such as current BCMDs or Ex-BCMDs, but that isn’t what people see in me. People see my potential. I can change things for the better in this battalion. I want to make things better in this battalion. My motivation to work, as well as my openness and fairness to everyone I meet and know, isn’t something that can be matched.

Kal Skirata                                                                                                                                                   Bacta                    Marvel                     Brooklyn


I beat Jad in a spar first try.

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7 hours ago, Bolt said:

neutral, not a 41st member, but atleast he isn't coming back in 3 days and getting waived, and seems to of done work according to members in their battalion, but i'm mainly here for the below message

@justuscloud5 @[ZN] Cubby and @Shake pretty sure that you can't -1 because the other applicant is better in your opinion

thought that was an established rule if I can get a response on this

Lol Bolt if you believe the other candidate would be a better fit for the position thats a totally reasonable to minus one the other applicant but for the most part if a minus 1 is nonfactual  then it will be not be considered when they review the application

Soo dont @ people regarding there -1/+1 it doesnt make people change there mind will just cause drama healthy conversation is good if its constructive and brings new points to the table 

Dont respond to this its just so other people know moving forward 

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Where to begin... This application is bland and generic, and any original points made aren't where I think any battalion should be headed.

In the application, for the "Why should you become a Battalion Commander?" section, all you've done is state the job of the battalion commander and some givens in terms of what someone who might want to become a battalion commander might be doing. What sets you apart from the rest? That you wrote an application? Honestly, the haste in typing this up shows, and ultimately makes it hard to support you in getting this position.

For my more concerned thoughts, you're essentially gutting the battalion in favor for some sort of council from what I can tell. I'm all for taking opinions and listening to leadership below the top, but giving officers who have everything to gain from ousting someone in a position isn't something that I can see working. You might ensure it is upheld for a time, but more than likely you won't stay on top of it or one of your successors will let it go unmanaged. 

Next, you've put down "Insert Regimental leads" From what I can tell, you mean to replace people, which is probably the case. Then again, this isn't something you should state on the application, if only because, again, it's a given for a BCMD to maintain this.

This mentorship program is pointless if only because officers should always be looking out for NCO's, preparing them for getting into leadership in the battalion. If officers in the battalion aren't already doing this on their own, they shouldn't be officers.

Honestly, I'd keep breaking down these parts of the application, but to put it in a brief but blunt way, these points are fluff. There seems to be little real direction under your leadership, which in my opinion would lead to stagnation and a lack of movement in the battalion.

  • Agree 6
  • Disagree 1
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I see Brooklyn online constantly. Not only that, I hear from him constantly too. He's always there in our teamspeak or online and he's always interacting with the battalion. I like how he makes us feel like a family and is always there for us. I can be online for 6+ hours and still see this guy going at it. That's why he gets my vote.

Edited by Tetra
  • Winner 1

Former 41st GC REGL XO Tetra | Former Cin Drallig x2 | Former Serra Keto x2 | Former Branch Overseer Former Mace Windu

41st CMD Tetra

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Its kinda funny when people say The other applicant has more experience. But being honest its old experience and this dude has been involved with the batt for a long time.

He has similar plans and I feel a lot of these +1 -1 are more subjective personal opinion, but I digress.

He looks capable  and has been LTC for a while.




I am the big dumb @BigZach

Edited by Gadget
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  • Winner 1

What? Were you expecting some colourful thing denoting my past achievements?

Well tough luck, even if I did it would be just 3 things - Bacara, SPEC REG, Old HA.

Once a Marine, Always a Marine... Always forward, never back...

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32 minutes ago, Gadget said:

Its kinda funny when people say The other applicant has more experience. But being honest its old experience and this dude has been involved with the batt for a long time.

He has similar plans and I feel a lot of these +1 -1 are more subjective personal opinion, but I digress.

He looks capable  and has been XO for a while.


Wrong guy. This is a LTC.

  • Funny 7


"I'm not toxic. You're just making it really hard to not treat you like an idiot." - Logic

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+1 I looked over your application and firmly believe you have the ability to get the job done and you have been working for this

Good Luck as most likely this will go to interview so make sure to prepare for it greatly


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  • Winner 1

Former: Veteran Admin | 91st XO Razer | Trainer Manager | Assassin  Sith Lord | Game Master|

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On 7/21/2019 at 9:27 PM, Slender said:

Mentor System - Allows officers to coach NCOs’ (Long term goal is using this system to create a stronger officer core and stronger relationship between officers and NCOs)

I’ve about had it with this. I brought this up in one meeting and no one showed interest I made docs etc now you guys have this as one of your goals? Lmao I agree with Thexan. 


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Ex HA | VA | SA | A | NA | GMC | GMM | GMO |
GM | GH | TRO x4? | TR | RTR | Hunter | Darman | Mereel | Fixer | Etain | Anakin | Hett | Base ops Commander | Forum Mod | Ahsoka x2| Tyzen Xebec | cooker | Jesse | Tup | warthog - Everything else i was

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I've reserved my opinion for the most part, while I thought it over and ran it back a couple times.  In my honest opinion Most of the changes and additions listed here are as Thexan said in a way Redundant.  While i agree a certain amount of pressure should be applied within the battalion, I disagree with certain things such as the NCO systems, and Officer systems mentioned. If YOU the BCMD cannot deal with inactive officers, or do not have the minimum amount of active Commanders/Commander under you, then you are already doing your job WRONG. And if NCO's have to be lead like sheep in order to get a promotion, than they have weak leadership skills and zero ambition. Now while most people are capable of taking charge. This system implies a degree of Laxity,  and would allow people to skate by simply doing tasks you have laid out for them. Hand-Holding if you will. 

-1  While I don't feel you're a bad lad at all, I simply think you're rushing into it without coming up with anything concrete or otherwise, But I'm open to being proven wrong. 

Good Luck.

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  • Winner 2
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+1 reading all these -1s make me wanna die give the man something to build off of instead of saying “OtHer  CaDiDiaTe iS BeTtER” give some constructive criticism y’all want new and better commanders well if u don’t want em give em something to work on so u might want em as a leader next time 🤦‍♂️

Edited by JaBaku
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5 minutes ago, JaBaku said:

Neutral reading all these -1s make me wanna die give the man something to build off of instead of saying “OtHer  CaDiDiaTe iS BeTtER” give some constructive criticism y’all want new and better commanders well if u don’t want em give em something to work on so u might want em as a leader next time 🤦‍♂️


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  • 2 weeks later...

Congratulations, you are now our new Commander Gree!


High Command was on a thin line between Brooklyn and Egg. The group was had very mixed thoughts and concerns about both applicants especially since this position could change the 41st as a whole. Both had incredibly similar interviews, and they had almost the same plans as one-another. We felt that they would both be good Grees, which caused the line to be even more thinner. We thought that Egg's interview was good, but we also felt like Brooklyn gave us a clearer understanding of what he wants to do with the 41st. 

And I am going to shut down the comments of 41st's problems continuing, because Brooklyn already gave us some plans on what he has for that, and how he can improve the face of them as a whole. With Black being their Recon Reg, it will help them a lot with his guidance as well.



I can confirm that I have not interacted with Egg and Brooklyn before this application process. And even if I did, I would put my biased opinions aside for this. So don't pull that card!!


Finally, give Brooklyn a chance.

When he applied, he wasn't even a Commander, and sure he had a say in some questionable decisions the 41st did, but he is now the face of the 41st. With this, he can be able to put out his own opinions without most of the repercussions he had before. Don't witch-hunt him if he never gets a chance to do what he wants.

Your term ends in 11/8/2019!


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// moved to "Accepted"


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