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VIP - Brooklyn
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  1. So one of the things we tried previously was @ing the Hunters in the incharacter channel. Basically gets everyones attention. But for those muting. We advertise in game for it. The positions have gotten filled up relatively quickly in the past, but we havent done any tryouts for it since Joyboy's resignation from Arligan. Hoping to start up very soon though! As for what can be done beyond that, I believe in not cramming it down everyones throat. So everything UP to that point is all in the field
  2. I want to run. However I do think people who haven't had the chance to should. I just don't like applying when someone else wants to get the experience
  3. I would like to have them not chaperoned at all. But that will take the approval of some members of HC. Mainly Yularen. The Channel isn't something that they can get, as they are just a contracted group. I don't believe they are supposed to get weapons, but the models are something that can't be changed. Unless they choose to not use models. I think you misunderstand the unit's actual place on server. They are still hunters, falling under the same rules and regulations. SOBDE was only given the ability to use lore names & models. I have stated I want more for them. But it's not just an SOBDE thing to solve. It was never meant to be treated this way. So all I can say is, if you view this as an easy in to SOBDE and don't actually want the characters you are going for. I'd rather you never show up to tryouts. Yes. It just needs some work. It's the first time it was brought on the server in this way, so it won't be perfect right away.
  4. Of course. Hence why all suggestions I have for the battalion I put in the suggestions channel for all to see and discuss. I think this is a staple that we should all continue to do to stay on the same page.
  5. You just told me this was chatgpt questions.
  6. I won’t crack down on the language. I will say that anyone who isn’t comfortable being in a channel with another member, only needs to speak up. That will be a different story. Currently, no one inside SOBDE has done that. As for how to be enforced and regulated. Strikes / Demotions / Removals. However, the battalion announcements have actually worked far better than I thought it would. SOBDE is where I intend to stay. Either clone or Jedi. I won't be leaving until my server resignation. Sorry, you aren't getting Kal yet son! I know what you mean here. If Staff are gonna keep spawning watermelons around Omega Squad. I have a 3 step program. 1. Spectate mode 2. Clipped 3. Sent to VA+
  7. @Gears 1. No I don’t. While I have asked for this in the past, I fully support the argument that there aren’t enough lore knight jobs. And taking, in my opinion, the two best ones and making them master would cause a detriment. To be honest, it would also make Zey useless. 1.5. Jedi already has full integration within SOBDE. So there really isn’t much to do expect to make sure that the Jedi that do get in, are quality. We already have 2 very solid Jedi who can really roleplay. So I see zero issue right now. Only reason we don’t have a bardan right now is because of me. Because I always assist in a certain section. 2. I think you start getting into very dangerous territory with limiting this sort of thing. Especially if it’s only on one battalion. I don’t control the TS Rules. But I will abide by them. As it stands, I won’t crack down on the language. I will say that anyone who isn’t comfortable being in a channel with another member, only needs to speak up. That will be a different story. Currently, no one inside SOBDE has done that. For the last part I missed related to High Staff joining in, I don’t control these guys. Sorry, one more thing on the public relations channel. That was not made as a work around. It was made so we can talk with others without needing to people multiple people. Since a lot say we don’t talk to anyone. I hope this answers your questions. If you want any other confirmation on something, feel free to ask!
  8. Well, the initial priority is getting the actual SOBDE positions filled. First it was for Niner, then we are trying to get a Bardan. This is on back burner until we sort out or spots and the others issues we currently have.
  9. Steam Name: Brooklyn RP Name: Kal Skirata Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:196195559 Battalion or squad you are applying for: SOBDE BCMD Experience: I didn’t wanna write all this out, but at this point it’s too long not to. Bounty Hunter: [Feb. 2021 - Now] Clan Leader of Aurodium Sword Clan Leader of Solus Guild Marshal x3 Guild Lieutenant Guild Leader (Two Terms) Governor of Izada 104th: [Feb. 2019 - May 2019] - [Feb. 2020 - July 2020] - [July 2021 - Now] 104th SFC SUPO Slender Wolfpack HVYL 1stLT Sinker ------------------------- 104th HVYL MAJ Brooklyn Wolfpack Lead REGL XO Comet BCMD Wolffe ------------------------- Wolfpack ARCL Major Dash-29 BCMD Wolffe 41st: [May 2019 - Nov. 2019] - [Feb. 2021 - Feb. 2021] 41stGC Sharpshooter 2ndLT Brooks 41stGCO ARCL CMD Brooklyn 41st ITDD / CDO (Chief Disciplinary) 41st Battalion Commander Gree ------------------------- 41st GCL XO Faie DU: [Nov. 2019 - Nov. 2019] DU ARC CPT Brooklyn Rancor: [Dec. 2019 - Feb. 2020] - [Aug. 2020 - Jan. 2021] - [Dec. 2021 - May 2022] - [Sep. 2022 - Now] Rancor RTL 1stLT Brooklyn Alpha-98 1stLT Nate Alpha-17 Captain Alpha Alpha-77 Major Fordo Rancor Commander Havoc ------------------------- Alpha-66 MSG Muzzle Alpha-17 Captain Alpha Alpha-78 XO Valiant ------------------------- Alpha-66 2ndLT Muzzle Alpha-77 Captain Fordo Alpha-17 XO Alpha ------------------------- Alpha-78 2ndLT Valiant Alpha-26 Major Maze BCMD Blitz 21st Nova Corps: [Jan. 2021 - Feb. 2021] 21stSO Lead 2ndLT Brooklyn 21stKU Captain Keller Recon Regimental Commander: [Feb. 2021 - April 2021] SOBDE: [April 2021 - July 2021] - [Oct. 2021 - Nov. 2021] - [Feb. 2022 - Nov. 2022] - [Mar. 2023 - Now] Bad Batch Crosshair [Rank: LTC] ------------------------- Omega Squad 36 EOD Darman [Rank: SFC] ------------------------- Iri Camas [Rank: MSG] Jedi Commander Bardan Jusik [Rank: 2ndLT] Jedi General Arligan Zey [Rank: XO] ------------------------- Jedi General Bardan Jusik [Rank: PVT] Kal Skirata [Rank: CMD] Jedi Order: [Feb. 2022 - Now] Bardan Jusik Jedi Commander Jedi Master Jedi General Director Arligan Zey Council Member A’sharad Hett Marshal Commander: [May 2022 - June 2022] Fleet Admiral Yularen: [May 2023 - Aug 2023] Chancellor Palpatine: [Aug 2023 - Nov 2023] Why should you become a Battalion Commander?: I’m going to break this up into a few sections: Track Record - Every battalion, except 41st, that I have been in charge of ended on an extremely high note. High activity, stable and sound structure, and a really engaged core of members that could pick up when my time ended. I intend to have SOBDE no different than that. There are a really good bit of people that are trying to arc out and demonstrate that they want to progress and get better, which will only continue under me. My style of leadership leads to gutting a lot of things about a battalion's structure to refine the processes so they don’t need to be touched. While SOBDE is close, there are still quite a few things needing to be worked on, which I’ll say below. Time In Battalion - Funny way of putting it I know. But collectively I have been in SOBDE for around 2 years. Being 2nd in my most time spent behind Rancor at 3 ½ years. I have been on both sides of SOBDE’s structure with Jedi and Clone. Becoming CMD/XO in both those times. I was also around during its previous arrangement as a Regiment, and have been able to use knowledge from that time to better SOBDE in its current form. While there is only so much you can do with a lore character battalion, time and time again it has been proven you can do a lot if you put your mind to it. Respect - I can confidently say that I hold respect from everyone in the battalion currently, which is huge, because respect for someone and knowing someone are two extremely different things. I explain my thoughts to everyone so they understand why something might be good or bad, and do my best to keep others included at all times. Except in TS. We ONLY talk in the Null TS. Joking aside, the battalion is going to need someone that they know will better them, and I know I can do that. Do you understand the lore of your battalion or squad?: Yes, I do. Availability: In Game: Monday - Friday: 5pm - 11:30pm EST Saturday & Sunday: 9am - 12am EST Discord: My job allows me to be on my phone pretty much all day. So I am basically available 17 hours a day for 7 days a week. Only time I am not is when I am sleeping. Estimate of how long you've played on Synergy Roleplay?: Too long. Do you have a microphone?: Yes, I do. Where do you want your battalion or squad to be at the end of your term?: There are a few things I would like to touch on with this question. I’ll throw a TLDR at the bottom for all you non-readers. Quotas - As it stands right now, we have a Bi-Weekly quota that consists of 25 hours of playtime and 2 trainings. While I don’t see an issue with this exactly, there are some things to clarify on: We need to set a hard strike limit. When this was put into place, we fluctuated between 2-3 strikes, as you could receive 2 strikes in 1 period. 1 for not doing trainings and 1 for not hitting hours. Benchmarking - This is something I was super excited to work on, but because of massive loss in members, my focus had to be shifted. I’ll explain what this is and what it will do for SOBDE. Benchmarks is a form of repeatable trainings that tests you on various forms of RP ability and combat. This was created to provide a way for SOBDE to have our own form of competition that also makes them better. Why is this important?: Well, we tend to push out the same copy paste trainings for quota purposes, and this is something that targets a specific area of ability instead of just shooty shooty or boomy boomy. It is important that if we house the most lucrative positions on the server, then we should be at a level that compliments that status When will this be done?: It is actively being worked on again, as SOBDE has filled its slots. It will most likely be ready for FULL Beta Testing by Sunday or early next week. Outreach - Here’s a controversial topic in SOBDE, the use of Outreach! Right now it’s called “Taskforce” and it’s utilized to help battalions that are struggling, if they ask for our help. But at this point in time, it should serve a different purpose. We all know the phrase, battalion relations. I want to point out this has NOT been fully fleshed out and I’m still thinking about how to best implement this, as it has failed hilariously in the past on multiple occasions. Stay tuned! Giving Ranks A Meaning - Ranks in SOBDE have meant basically nothing for as long as it’s been around. Basically the scale goes like this: PVT / Trial Week | SGT | Training Quota | WO+ change in quota I want to bring something to a couple of the other ranks that makes people want to strive for something other than Squad XO. Outreach could have a play in this, like being able to start outreach at X rank. Same thing with Benchmarking. Being able to host sections of the training depending on proficiency and rank. Overall, there are a couple ideas I have, but nothing too concrete that I have my mind set on. Reputation - It is pretty obvious the reputation of SOBDE is at an all time low. There are things being done to fix us internally, but other things require the help of the general player base. I’ll explain: Internally, we have cut all joking about Omega squad having black armor in game, those who violate that are subject to punishment Internally, we are disallowing excessive joking on what is considered “politically correct” topics. We are actively working on our image as what we have done in the past is now being reflected on the rest of the server. As for external things: Trying to get staff to stop spawning watermelons around Omega Squad members Attempting to cut down on others blatantly bashing / targeting us in game for issues in the past that have since then been resolved I’m not asking for everyone to bend the knee, but we have almost an entirely new generation of SOBDE here now, and them getting blamed for older members' mistakes is really not fun for them. Cuy’val Dar - First, let me give a shoutout to our absolute gem of a member, Laxus. Anyways, I think we are at a point now where a serious change needs to be made. To Be honest, Cuy’val Dar was added in this form as a way to get another squad into SOBDE without server suggestions. Since that is the intention, we should go all the way with it. Removing Arligan as its oversight and making Walon Vau the lead. A proper Squad Lead. This will follow the same application as other squad leads and be given roughly the same rights. Revamping the tryout. The initial tryout was made by me, which followed the same layout as the original Walon Vau tryout. Now we should consider making the tryout fully fleshed out, instead of only two parts. Also, setting better rules in place for what they can and cannot do, so they don’t have to walk on eggshells or be treated as a lesser unit. TLDR Quota: Add strike limits Benchmarking: a way to keep us active and striving to improve on in game ability Outreach: Bring it back in a way that’s beneficial to everyone Reputation: Work on it Cuy’val Dar: Redo command structure, tryouts & rights Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?: Yes, I do. Do you understand that your position has a three month term limit and you must reapply after three months to maintain your commander rank?: Yes, I do
  10. oof yeah i thought i added it for both I don't really see teleporters as a massive pro. Just an easy out
  11. Doesn't quench my thirst. I need the DEEP DEEP water
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