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Metro's Kal Skirata Application


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Steam Name: Metro


RP Name: Null-11 Ordo Skirata


Steam ID (SteamID Finder) STEAM_0:1:155561484


Battalion or squad you are applying for: Null, Kal Skirata



501st Legion:

My first battalion, I worked my way all the way up to SMB Jesse and got ARC Trained here. This was my first stomping grounds where I learned how we operate at Synergy. Taught by people like Woeny, Jackson and Nyx.



Probably my most well known position was when I was Jaing. I played the role to a tee and learned what it meant to be in SOBDE. I really enjoyed this position and would never have left if it wasn’t for the personal disagreeance I had with Kal near the end. I also like to accredit the leadership I accrued while in the battalion to my Kal, Duck.


Omega Squad:

Right after Null I originally left to 104th but didn’t last long there because I wanted back in the SOBDE game. So I became Atin, I was not in this role long but I pride myself for the way I operated while I was in it.


Ion Team:

Shortly after getting Atin, I applied for Climber as it opened and I was accepted and got the opportunity to lead for the first time. During my time I had the opportunity to work with a few of the best RC’s I’ve seen. That being Ginyu, Woeny and Vires. This squad was what defined my career at Synergy. We were successful, likeable and did our job. I changed quite a bit about how my tryouts were ran and what standards to hold my men to. This by far is what makes me worthy of even attempting for this position. My time here is my pinacle for reasoning why I can fix a squad and build from the ground up.



With Rancor I worked my way up from SGT back to CPT and held the position as Fordo. During this time I helped found Alpha ARC alongside Dragon and Fizzik. It is still today one of my favorite creations I have been able to bring to the server.


Omega Squad v2:

Though my time as Niner was short, I effectively put together the squad before retiring for Jedi Affairs and burn out. This was mainly due to my schedule and how much time I had spent on the server without any real breaks. Overall, I think my time as Niner went well up until my Resignation.


Jedi Order:

Throughout my time here on Synergy I have held many roles within the Order including but not limited to: Quinlan Vos, Cin Drallig, Serra Keto and many manager positions within Branches. Each time I took a position I felt like I made a difference in the branch whether it was shear amounts of trials or rewriting trials and expanding the branch. Though my recent stint as a Master was short I still accomplished what I sent out to do before leaving due to personal disagreeances with how certain situations and actions were handled. This has little to do with my Clone lives which is why only visit it briefly.


Bad Batch:

Though my stay and Bad Batch was brief and ended in separation due to me wanting to pursue Jedi Affairs for a bit.. I feel like I played the character of Tech well and was well liked by most. My main reasoning for adding this to my experience is to show I have been back as an active member of the SOBDE Community.



I worked with 41st on Quinlan Vos and my clone. I worked and added in multiple thing such as the new Green Company Tryouts, and Medical Documents to test the knowledge of the Medics. I was also an active member of intel. But I had my heart set on going back to where I started.


Null v2:

Throughout my time on Synergy I have always felt like I was missing something. Which is why I went around to so many different battalions and attempted to find a home but, Null is where I belong. I have been A’den for a while now and been working on trying to reimplement Null trainings and some of the older stuff we did that the server enjoyed. I have recently become Ordo and have been attempting to change some things in tryouts as well as just try and fill positions.



Why should you become a Battalion Commander?:

I want an opportunity to be Kal Skirata for a multiple reasons. Mainly I want to be able to fix Null the Squad I have always enjoyed and cared for the most back into the greatness it once. I believe I have the tools in the form of experience, and the drive to get Null back into the state where it was back in the beginning of the server. I plan on doing this through fighting burnout and bad images that have been causing issues with the Squad. The biggest issue that we face now is the lack of discipline and drive to better ourselves as a squad. I can turn this around by enforcing our rules and trying to develop the new Null who come into the squad.


To combat burnout I plan on introducing back one of the old school trainings Null used to have where they utilized the event server and went over important training topics and ended with a mini event. This along with constant outreach sims will promote fun things for not only the Null but also their outreaches. This has been a major thing since I have came bac and I have some great ideas/


Another big topic for me is rebuilding SOBDE as a whole with all the recent resignations, I want to help us get back on our feet with a better attitude. A lot of people have had issues with how we act and I do want to change that in the OOC standpoint. IC issues are going to happen due to how the Nulls were trained and behaved however, it will be limited with my presences as Kal. There is no excuse for minging, or poor behavior especially by Null.


My biggest aspiration and reasoning for wanting to be Kal is it has been something I have always wanted to do since I joined Null way back when. I think that this position would be a good fit for what I want to promote and do within SOBDE. Setting up good passive and active RP with a Squad of people who know how there characters behaved is my ultimate goal.


Do you understand the lore of your battalion or squad?:

Yes I do.


-Server Time-
I am available everyday for the minimum of 3-5 Hours and can be contacted via discord pretty much at any time.   

Estimate of how long you've played on Synergy Roleplay?:

2+ Years off and on.


Do you have a microphone?: Yes I do.


Where do you want your battalion or squad to be at the end of your term?:

My ideal position for the end of my term would be to have an active squad who understand the lore and background of their characters and how to play as them. This involves passive RP and dedication to their craft. That is my most important goal and intention is to promote roleplay above all. This is truly what a squad leads dream scenario is as well as having fun with these people. Building a squad that not only is good at their jobs but become good friends in the process.


Secondly, I would like Null to be seen in the prestigious light it used to be back in my time as Jaing. This would require extensive fixes with our outreach program and making sure we are well behaved and friendly in Out Of Character contexts. Another major goal is to have this group of people become leaders of what RP should be done, whether its passive or during an event. RP is the most important aspect of the Server and I plan to prioritize it.


And my final and most important goal is to instill is to have fun with the server, we have lost so many people from grinding the server and I just want to make sure my guys understand it’s about fun overall. Have fun by playing these characters who have great lore and great opportunities on the server to be leaders and to spread the fun.


Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?: Yes I do.


Do you understand that your position has a three month term limit and you must reapply after three months to maintain your commander rank?: Yes I do.

Edited by Metro
  • Funny 1

"We'll get it done, Colonel. Six out."

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And just to speak on this a bit. I voided my Hunter application to help Null, and now it needs me to step up. Null is my place here on the server and I realized that during my application phase. If anyone any doubts of me leaving this is to assure you I won't void this app or leave this position if I get it any time soon.

  • Funny 1
  • Winner 1

"We'll get it done, Colonel. Six out."

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Alright so my previous comment was kinda rarted. 

I have nothing personal against Metro and I think he would do great in this position, however I just felt as if you were just trying to get a squad lead position like others had in the past. I was unaware that there was literally no one else in Null to even go for Kal. 


With the this being said I am changing my neutral to a +1 because  I feel Metro would be best suited for this position. 


Good luck my man 

Edited by Sixta


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I can get it, and I know this isnt a power move.

I know you applied for hunter with intentions to help over power, but you soon came to realize that you belong in null and korm needed your help. Now you can step up and make that difference. I believe in you 100%.

  • Agree 1
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Just now, Doc said:

Yeah sorry but this is incredibly wrong and he has explained this multiple times. He applied for hunter because they needed help however he realized he is better suited for null and helping them as Ordo. And now time comes to apply and here he is. 


+1, best man for the job by far, already doing everything he can to better the squad. 

Fair enough still my opinion fam 


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  • Management

Fat +1

mans just tryna help SOBDE and Null


i am literally captain tukk

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+1 Metro, you are an excellent Null, and did very well as a’den, no doubt you’ll get it right.

Ex HA | VA | SA | A | NA | GMC | GMM | GMO |
GM | GH | TRO x4? | TR | RTR | Hunter | Darman | Mereel | Fixer | Etain | Anakin | Hett | Base ops Commander | Forum Mod | Ahsoka x2| Tyzen Xebec | cooker | Jesse | Tup | warthog - Everything else i was

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Man has grew a set and is stepping up to help Null and SOBDE as it's in a yikes position at the moment. So, Honestly this is a big fat +1

Edited by Tinovious

Some dude that's been in SO BDE more times than he can count.

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Experienced and a good leader perfect for this position +1



Former: Commander Cody (x2), ATK Regimental Commander, SOBDE Regimental Commander, 212th XO, Omega Squad Lead Niner, Foxtrot XO, General Kenobi, HA (x2) TRM, GMM, RUS MP Commander 

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+1 mate you will be a great Kal 


Current: Rancor Colt
Past spots: 501st XO, 501st CMD, 501st WO Appo, TC Hardcase, 332nd office, ATK Reg Purge, Keller Unit Vinnie, General Luminara, 41st GCO ARCL Draa, 3rd Crosshair on the Server, Hunter, Sith Marauder  TRO, GMM, VA x3. CIS Tac Droid, Guild Cabinet Member

The person who made a treaty with the sith as a clone 

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  • Coordinator

+1 I was under Metro in his term of climber this man knows how to run a squad no doubt in my mind that he wont do the same for null as he did for Ion back in the day

  • Friendly 1
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6 hours ago, Metro said:


Another big topic for me is rebuilding SOBDE as a whole with all the recent resignations, I want to help us get back on our feet with a better attitude. A lot of people have had issues with how we act and I do want to change that in the OOC standpoint. IC issues are going to happen due to how the Nulls were trained and behaved however, it will be limited with my presences as Kal. There is no excuse for minging, or poor behavior especially by Null.


This right here is why I’m going to +1

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+1 Good Luck

Sanchez trembles at the mention of my name.

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+1 mans sounds like he has seen so much rick and morty that his brain is almost as big as Jupiter 

nah but he is a chill dude and good at RPing seeing as how he knows his shit when it comes to dealing with kaminoians in lore and having fun with it too.

Current: Rancor Medic Previous: 327th Commander ARCL Useful, DU ARC Commander Jerome, CT PVT 1348 Useless

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+1 has my support


  • Friendly 1

Current: Kevin Colt leader of the Colt Crime Syndicate | Alpha-69 Dennis 

Former: BCMD Doom x3| Havoc Squad Brimstone x3 | Base Ops CMD | Delta Jedi | BCMD Colt | BCMD Bacara | Specialized Regimental Commander x2 | First Count Dooku and creator of the CIS | Rear Admiral Orson Krennic 

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