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Grums Recon Regimental re-app.


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Steam Name:

[SR] Grum

RP Name:
Recon regimental CMD Grum

Steam ID:


Regiment you are applying for:


How many terms have you held this position?:

1 term

How do you feel your previous term went?:

 At the start it was going well until a few situations come up with 2 of my battalions that took most of my attention and focus during my term. Besides having to put most of my work into that it went very well. All battalions activity started to rise besides one that is slowly working things out to keep numbers rising. 

Why do you wish to remain a Regimental Commander?:

I want to stay in this potion because I could complete everything I had planned as a reg done due to some road blocks I ran into halfway. I still have more ideas and things I want to roll out to not only help the regiment but all battalions.

Current availability:

Monday - Friday: 11am - 3am EST

Saturday - Sunday: 12pm - 3am EST

What have you achieved within your regiment during your past term?:

Like I said above i couldn't get to everything I had planned on doing due to my need to focus on one of my battalions due to the lose of the BCMD and XO. For the first part of my term I had rolled out a bit more deployments by speaking to a GM friend of mine to help the battalions feel a bit of fresh air and get a chance to feel how it is to be on a battlefield once again. I made sure to stay updated with my battalions by doing weekly meetings to hear the changes and see how things were running. About half way into my term I had to step in as the 41st standing BCMD do to some stupid actions from the former BCMD. I started it off by getting a feel for the officer core what where people were and places that needed to be placed. Working alongside the last XO and standing jedi general, we started to decide on reworking the battalion as a whole. We focused on the subunit and some of the battalion jobs. After coming up with ideas and doing a few dry runs in a live event we come to the decision to work on the counterinsurgency and translation/scouting aspects of the battalion to bring new roles and experiences to the battalion out. I also sat with the new BCMD before he was accepted and looked over a basic recon doc for new troopers and for the whole regiment.  This all ran up to the last week of my term as Reg.

What improvements or changes do you plan on making within your regiment?:

I had planned on getting all my battalions deployed and used for recon more since that is what they did in lore and I still want to do that. I would also like to have the battalions continue to update and rework their tryouts and docs to stay with everything being added and updated with the community. I would also like to continue to push them all to be serious in all situations, along with gaining more numbers/activity. And have all them work with other battalions more often to expand RP.

Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?:

Of course.

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Grum has been an extremely great help within the 41st during recent events if it wasn't for him I believe 41st would be non-existent by now. 

I don't think anyone can do what Grum did during his term. 

Massive +1 

Edited by Sixta


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  • Founder

I've been around for Grum's whole term. Sadly he didn't get to move forward with a few of his plans. But the effort put into the 41st was really impressive. Watching all the changes and the behind the scenes work for each battalion gives me high hopes for his next term. I think this would be a great opportunity for Grum to prove that he can keep his word, and continue working on the Recon battalions. Best of luck Grum!

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Neutral,No offense but you seem to lean towards certain Recon battalions and stay away from the others, you literally never had any communication with Rancor from what I seen during your term, and maybe I’m inactive and you did but I wasn’t there but I’m usually on everyday and I’m positive like I never saw you, as well didn’t see many changes to the recon regiment as whole. And I have nothing against you because you’re probably a great guy with good intentions just I see other people fit for this spot.  But if it’s true that you had some plans that weren’t able to be executed than I’m interested in seeing them.

“I’m not toxic, It’s just hard not to treat you like an idiot” ~ Logic


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I didnt see you a whole whole lot and I’m not in Recon so cant really judge your work

Ex HA | VA | SA | A | NA | GMC | GMM | GMO |
GM | GH | TRO x4? | TR | RTR | Hunter | Darman | Mereel | Fixer | Etain | Anakin | Hett | Base ops Commander | Forum Mod | Ahsoka x2| Tyzen Xebec | cooker | Jesse | Tup | warthog | Synr.gg discord admin|- Everything else i was

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+1  Grum has done a lot of work as recon reg, and i really feel like he will make the reg better.

Current:   Shaak Ti

Past: 2Del, x10Boomer, x3Anakin , x2Eeth Koth, Lumi, Quinlan, Adi, x2Kit Fisto, Shaak Ti, 501st CMD, 91st CMD, Kano, Hawk, 2xAppo

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DISCLAIMER - this is not a personal attack or based entirely off of things put behind us, it is just based off of my recent experiences.

I'm going to go with a -1 for a few reasons.

I am going to start this off by saying that in the last 2 weeks I've seen you lash out at people in 91st for very little reason and basically abuse power and people over basic miscommunications. Overall acting irrationally and jumping to conclusions is another reason. The main thing was the AOS that actually led to a player report and then also screaming at Neyo about our resident speech maker, technodad. My final reason is a big one, and does touch on previous interactions, but you acting on them. (A bit of backstory) I had talked with venom about me coming back and that I would help fix the battalion if he got Gree. The rank that was agreed upon was SGT which I was personally fine with because I could still do tryouts and still try and do some work. It wasnt much but you gotta work with what you get. I then proceeded to -1 KJ and was then frozen and not allowed to be promoted with no date given, at CPL and told to do "good work" with no real reason behind it. I knew that you hated my guts and everything that I had ever done with blind rage for a long time, and I dont believe that all of it was warranted and also refers back to my first reason of abuse and unnecessary use of powers by overstepping the people running the battalion at the time to personally "watch over me" and make sure I had "totally changed". I cannot say in good faith, that you are the correct choice for Recon Regimental at the current moment.



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1 minute ago, Egg said:

DISCLAIMER - this is not a personal attack or based entirely off of things put behind us, it is just based off of my recent experiences.

I'm going to go with a -1 for a few reasons.

I am going to start this off by saying that in the last 2 weeks I've seen you lash out at people in 91st for very little reason and basically abuse power and people over basic miscommunications. Overall acting irrationally and jumping to conclusions is another reason. The main thing was the AOS that actually led to a player report and then also screaming at Neyo about our resident speech maker, technodad. My final reason is a big one, and does touch on previous interactions, but you acting on them. (A bit of backstory) I had talked with venom about me coming back and that I would help fix the battalion if he got Gree. The rank that was agreed upon was SGT which I was personally fine with because I could still do tryouts and still try and do some work. It wasnt much but you gotta work with what you get. I then proceeded to -1 KJ and was then frozen and not allowed to be promoted with no date given, at CPL and told to do "good work" with no real reason behind it. I knew that you hated my guts and everything that I had ever done with blind rage for a long time, and I dont believe that all of it was warranted and also refers back to my first reason of abuse and unnecessary use of powers by overstepping the people running the battalion at the time to personally "watch over me" and make sure I had "totally changed". I cannot say in good faith, that you are the correct choice for Recon Regimental at the current moment.



This and,

When I see your online you’re also cooped up in your channel. I’ve talked with the other batts and they say your minamlly interacting with them TS wise.


The most I see you really do is alt walk, fish for salutes, and crossarm swep.  Obviously theres probably stuff behind the scenes I don’t see but on those public interactions I don‘t see much. Regimental shouldn’t be be a retirement home, you should be on the same grind as BCMD except your actively into and helping change battalions and attitudes for the good. You shouldn’t just @everyone in anouncements and tell them to do stuff, you should actively helping then recruit, guiding people to their battalions. I hope if you do get another term, you listen to my criticism and try to improve.

On top of this I feel that Jayarr would be a stronger candidate, and has previously shown that he can lead a regiment that extreme sucess.


With all of this, no hard feelings



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Stated above.
There are things you could do, but probably shouldn't do. One of those things is the completely irrational behavior towards Egg trying to participate in the battalion he cares for. You had no reason to do what you did, and it honestly looks like more of a personal attack and an overreach of authority. On top of that, from what I can tell, you haven't really done much within your term at all, and it shows with the battalions in your care.

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1 hour ago, Egg said:

DISCLAIMER - this is not a personal attack or based entirely off of things put behind us, it is just based off of my recent experiences.

I'm going to go with a -1 for a few reasons.

I am going to start this off by saying that in the last 2 weeks I've seen you lash out at people in 91st for very little reason and basically abuse power and people over basic miscommunications. Overall acting irrationally and jumping to conclusions is another reason. The main thing was the AOS that actually led to a player report and then also screaming at Neyo about our resident speech maker, technodad. My final reason is a big one, and does touch on previous interactions, but you acting on them. (A bit of backstory) I had talked with venom about me coming back and that I would help fix the battalion if he got Gree. The rank that was agreed upon was SGT which I was personally fine with because I could still do tryouts and still try and do some work. It wasnt much but you gotta work with what you get. I then proceeded to -1 KJ and was then frozen and not allowed to be promoted with no date given, at CPL and told to do "good work" with no real reason behind it. I knew that you hated my guts and everything that I had ever done with blind rage for a long time, and I dont believe that all of it was warranted and also refers back to my first reason of abuse and unnecessary use of powers by overstepping the people running the battalion at the time to personally "watch over me" and make sure I had "totally changed". I cannot say in good faith, that you are the correct choice for Recon Regimental at the current moment.




Grum was the one that had your back and fought for you when others thought letting you back into 41st was a bad decision. 

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-1 as my 2 and like a half months as shaak ti within rancor you talked in our discord and hopped in ts like twice and one of them was during a cmd meeting for dragon discussing what needs to change but besides those 2 times you have never even looked at rancor

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11 minutes ago, Sixta said:


Grum was the one that had your back and fought for you when others thought letting you back into 41st was a bad decision. 

From the chat logs that I have seen and heard, I understood that he went along with it because chambers was making him. Even when I had first started talking about coming back around in January-Februaryish, he had said that he did not want me anywhere near the battalion. 

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You seem like a good guy but gonna have to be a NEUTRAL from me. Sounds like a lot of things could go a lot better, however this isn’t my place to speak. Good luck though. 

Current: Kevin Colt leader of the Colt Crime Syndicate | Alpha-69 Dennis 

Former: BCMD Doom x3| Havoc Squad Brimstone x3 | Base Ops CMD | Delta Jedi | BCMD Colt | BCMD Bacara | Specialized Regimental Commander x2 | First Count Dooku and creator of the CIS | Rear Admiral Orson Krennic 

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-1 I believe your lack of involvement with Rancor has been less than optimal.  I also believe that there is a better candidate at the moment.

People Who Put Their Former Ranks In Their Signature Are Idiots!

Community Liaison - Discord Boo Radley#2719

Feel free to message me if you're having any issues!

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I am Neutral

for starters, Grum has helped recon out a lot. Back when I was in Rancor at the beginning of his term we went on a deployment and he came into the TS and said, "you guys are the most stable and professional Battalion in Recon. I'm not going to focus on you as much due to that fact." All of you in Rancor saying he wasn't focusing on you was because you weren't there when he said you guys don't need me, I'm going to focus on the other Battalions. Furthermore, we can all agree that Rancor is the most stable Recon battalion. During his term, Grums reg suffered the loss of SO and almost the complete loss of 41st. Therefore, he had more pressing matters to attend to with 41st. He didn't focus on Rancor because he didn't need to, Rancor was autonomous and stable.

That being said, he still should've interacted more with Recon. The beginning of his term was ok, as he was actively participating with Recon. And with me no longer being in Recon, I can say that I hardly saw him on and interacting with recon.

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21 minutes ago, Doc said:

The legacy that all came back to play and be a part of the battalions to help them because the reg wasn’t. 

Coming back doesn’t count as getting on the forums and getting all ur old friends to -1 the app actually work with the guy instead of being a sideline player  also the reg was doing his job he was told not to touch a special batt because of the request of the BCMD  

Edited by JaBaku
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1 hour ago, Blueberry Juice said:

I am Neutral

for starters, Grum has helped recon out a lot. Back when I was in Rancor at the beginning of his term we went on a deployment and he came into the TS and said, "you guys are the most stable and professional Battalion in Recon. I'm not going to focus on you as much due to that fact." All of you in Rancor saying he wasn't focusing on you was because you weren't there when he said you guys don't need me, I'm going to focus on the other Battalions. Furthermore, we can all agree that Rancor is the most stable Recon battalion. During his term, Grums reg suffered the loss of SO and almost the complete loss of 41st. Therefore, he had more pressing matters to attend to with 41st. He didn't focus on Rancor because he didn't need to, Rancor was autonomous and stable.

That being said, he still should've interacted more with Recon. The beginning of his term was ok, as he was actively participating with Recon. And with me no longer being in Recon, I can say that I hardly saw him on and interacting with recon.

That’s actually Extremely False and this also goes for a lot of the -1’s,

Grum did a WHOlE hell of a lot for 41st during the waining months of LoGIc.

for starters he and got the whole 41st discord out of shambles, and he also helped KJ keep 41st stable while they waited for a gree.

he has also demonstrated his love for us on many different occasions, by help leading and planning different ideas for us to do in the BvB and in events

He is always there trying to do things with everyone, and is always trying to be the best man he can be.

There are some flaws with grum, but nothing that should keep him back from being REg again. Like to start off. I use to hate grum. He was always a hard ass and that kind of person where you hate em or you love em, but he grew on me, and I had a change of opinion

Grums deserves a second chance at this Like anyone else.

  • Agree 2

Former: Liaison


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-1 Never really seen you do anything with RANCOR or much with anyone else, kind of the point of being a Regimental Commander and you do the exact opposite, you're either afk or in your channel not communicating with anyone. Sorry, I think you do not qualify for a second chance.

  • Agree 3

Image result for hell or high water jeff bridges

Choose your place, hell or high water, there is no in between.

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47 minutes ago, Pythin said:

That’s actually Extremely False and this also goes for a lot of the -1’s,

Grum did a WHOlE hell of a lot for 41st during the waining months of LoGIc.

for starters he and got the whole 41st discord out of shambles, and he also helped KJ keep 41st stable while they waited for a gree.

he has also demonstrated his love for us on many different occasions, by help leading and planning different ideas for us to do in the BvB and in events

He is always there trying to do things with everyone, and is always trying to be the best man he can be.

There are some flaws with grum, but nothing that should keep him back from being REg again. Like to start off. I use to hate grum. He was always a hard ass and that kind of person where you hate em or you love em, but he grew on me, and I had a change of opinion

Grums deserves a second chance at this Like anyone else.

Cuz of this plus personal experiences with Grum +1

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7 hours ago, Pythin said:

That’s actually Extremely False and this also goes for a lot of the -1’s,

Grum did a WHOlE hell of a lot for 41st during the waining months of LoGIc.

for starters he and got the whole 41st discord out of shambles, and he also helped KJ keep 41st stable while they waited for a gree.

he has also demonstrated his love for us on many different occasions, by help leading and planning different ideas for us to do in the BvB and in events

He is always there trying to do things with everyone, and is always trying to be the best man he can be.

There are some flaws with grum, but nothing that should keep him back from being REg again. Like to start off. I use to hate grum. He was always a hard ass and that kind of person where you hate em or you love em, but he grew on me, and I had a change of opinion

Grums deserves a second chance at this Like anyone else.

Gonna be real with you chief and im NEUTRAL here
But a Regimental must delegate his time to all battalions within the RECON Regiment not only one... So....

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8 hours ago, JaBaku said:

Coming back doesn’t count as getting on the forums and getting all ur old friends to -1 the app actually work with the guy instead of being a sideline player  also the reg was doing his job he was told not to touch a special batt because of the request of the BCMD  

Why does every mother fucker like you think there is some grand conspiracy by people to get together and -1 someone? First of all are you even in the recon regiment? What do you know about how well its been running? Secondly its not like the legacy's aren't even on the server anymore many of them are active and functioning members of battalions. Lastly don't you not even have a clone?  Get your shit straight weeb ass Jedi.

Edited by Old Spartan
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2 hours ago, Old Spartan said:

Why does every mother fucker like you think there is some grand conspiracy by people to get together and -1 someone? First of all are you even in the recon regiment? What do you know about how well its been running? Secondly its not like the legacy's aren't even on the server anymore many of them are active and functioning members of battalions. Lastly don't you not even have a clone?  Get your shit straight weeb ass Jedi.

Looks like i hit a nerve, the truth hurts, and yes I was in the 91st for bout 2 month,and Jedi are apart of the server we c what goes on believe it or not somebody Jedi help the battalion more than the some of  officers in the battalions 🥴

Edited by JaBaku
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I haven’t seen anything to sway my opinion to either side. I’m going to +1. Directors can decide if you’re a good fit for the role. 

Also, please don’t start feuding in here. That’s not what this thread is for. I get that everyone has their own opinions and arguments but there are other places to voice them. 

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2 hours ago, JaBaku said:

Looks like i hit a nerve, the truth hurts, and yes I was in the 91st for bout 2 month,and Jedi are apart of the server we c what goes on believe it or not somebody Jedi help the battalion more than the some of  officers in the battalions 🥴

Idk what you're going on about fam, because this reply is pretty moronic. What is this truth that is supposed to be hurting? All I have seen is that spartan is right about many of the things that he stated. Even if he didnt have to touch rancor, hes still supposed to interact with them on some sort of basis, and I'm not gonna lie, 91st is kinda struggling and nothing has actually been done to help. Spartan is also right about many of the legacy members that are around and giving this application solid -1s with valid and reasonable points. These legacy members that you seem to believe is a cult and are just out to get grum, just realize that a better job can be done and that recon needs to be run by someone different. Jedi are part of the server, thank you for the reminder, but they are not as heavily invested in clone matters because of the fact that they have their own jedi responsibilities to tend to. Your unnecessary disrespect and inflammatory post is not necessary and really not helpful, so please, chill out my guy.

  • Winner 5
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8 minutes ago, Egg said:

Idk what you're going on about fam, because this reply is pretty moronic. What is this truth that is supposed to be hurting? All I have seen is that spartan is right about many of the things that he stated. Even if he didnt have to touch rancor, hes still supposed to interact with them on some sort of basis, and I'm not gonna lie, 91st is kinda struggling and nothing has actually been done to help. Spartan is also right about many of the legacy members that are around and giving this application solid -1s with valid and reasonable points. These legacy members that you seem to believe is a cult and are just out to get grum, just realize that a better job can be done and that recon needs to be run by someone different. Jedi are part of the server, thank you for the reminder, but they are not as heavily invested in clone matters because of the fact that they have their own jedi responsibilities to tend to. Your unnecessary disrespect and inflammatory post is not necessary and really not helpful, so please, chill out my guy.

There is a contridiction in what u just said I didn’t insult anybody I didn’t spazz and start cussing at ppl so u can exclude that part and I understand but there is something u don’t know bout but I’m not gonna bring it up here thanks my guy 

Edited by JaBaku
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-1 Support

A lot has been said and there are arguments for both sides, but with my own personal experiences and the fact that, while a battalion may not need help, the Recon Reg should not focus a sole battalion and ignore interacting with others. Just because there might not be problems on the surface to fix, you can only see underlying problems by actively interacting with all of the battalions.

  • Agree 1
  • Friendly 2

The guy who got drunk and pretended to be a vacuum for an hour

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Grum, I haven't had that many interactions with you, and they weren't necessarily negative. But here is the problem; I haven't had that many interactions with you, and you are my Regimental Commander. I know you probably work a lot behind the scenes, but it couldn't hurt to hop into our battallion's channels and have a conversation with us. From what I see, I feel like you are with other regiments than other recon battalions in your office. Correct me if I'm wrong, though. I remember us Rancor going on a patrol around the first week or so you got the position, and you said something along the lines of "You guys don't need my help." (HE SAID THIS IN A WAY OF HIGH RESPECT FOR US, NO MALICIOUS OR NEGATIVE INTENT). I myself, and probably other Recon troopers felt happy about what you said, but I still kind of felt "left out," when you are with other battalions such as the 91st/41st (Jesus fuck that sounds so fucking stupid but you know what I mean hopefully). 

In conclusion, you seem like a cool guy Grum, but the flaw of you having little interaction with Rancor is concerning to me. 


However, maybe after this application, and if you happen to get one more term, I hope you are able to learn from this and collaborate more with us!

I wish both sides good luck, though.

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17 hours ago, JaBaku said:

somebody Jedi help the battalion more than the some of  officers in the battalions 🥴

On 4/20/2019 at 4:42 PM, JaBaku said:

+1 all the legacy came back to minus one this what a meme 

Lmao like you? In my entire time in 104th you've never done anything for the battalion except complain about the council or  Joah 24/7 to then convert to sucking him off.

These old 91st have valid opinions and -1's; probably more valid -1's then the rest of the server considering they at one point ran the battalions in Recon. 

Straight up: 
91st - Just lost a lot of its more active members - Know this from members inside the battalion
41st - Only just started recovering due to introduction of Venom
Rancor - Currently struggling with NCO's - Know this also from members inside the battalion

From this perspective, Grum has not done his job what so ever to maintain the battalions. 

When it comes to Grums attitude, all I have ever heard is he is ignorant and not willing to listen to others. I haven't talked to Grum personally, but hearing this so many times from others about his attitude, he shouldn't be a Regimental. He even treated his old Neyo like shit,  cutting his ties with 91st completely. 


Edited by Chop
  • Winner 9

Not a Medal of Valour recipient 

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-1 There is somethings I don't agree with at all from what you did as reg when you AOSed technodads for his PTS in DB which was completely unnecessary because some people actually like his PTS, Thirdly I really haven't seen you on that much, I am not the most active person i have normal activity but i barely have seen you around most of the time. 

Edited by Tyzen
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1 hour ago, Chop said:

41st - Only just started recovering due to introduction of Venom

THat's definitely not the only reason lmao  


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Alrighty, everybody who is trying to fight in this stop. Take it to PMs, have some respect this is somebodies application. You've all said your piece. You may not agree with everything but starting drama in an application makes everybody look bad. 


As for my position I believe that Grum did what he could with the hand that he was dealt. Every recon battalion has had its struggles, but not all of that responsibility relies on the regimental. It is also the BCMDs and officers of those said battalions. I'm going to stay neutral on this one as I do not have many experiences with him as he is not my regimental. It's not an easy position, and I respect the effort that Grum has put in given the position of the recon regiment as a whole.

Let the directors decide who is best fit for the position.

Edited by Poe

327th Papa


Attack Regimental x1

Bly x2

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First off I would like to say on behalf of the 91st that our numbers have been lacking and that is my next priority as I have a month left in my term.

For questions involving TechnoDad’s arrest situation. Grum and I have resolved the issue in personal communications with the directors and the founder. We have worked it out and it was a great learning experience for all of us involved.

Regarding his activity from my point of view. Grum for a total of eight months has been in charge, two terms as Neyo and one term as Recon Reg. He doesn’t need to be active on the server most of the time to cause an impact. He still does a lot of work behind the scenes just like Palpatine. In my eyes, Grum has been active from a community perspective. He is immediately on the server if you need assistance. He spends a good portion of his time joining 41st and 91st Teamspeak to talk about current affairs. When he is free, you’ll see him in his own channel awaiting someone to contact him if needed.

To talk about the out of battalion affairs.

When Grum started his term he stated that Rancor was stable and have things under control and that he wouldn’t need to step in until needed. I can’t speak for Rancor, but I would hope something was said if help was indeed needed. From my point of view, Rancor has been and is currently doing fine, at least with their numbers.

We’re all aware of the 41st situation involving Logic. Grum had to step in as acting BCMD for 41st. You would mainly see Grum in the 41st Teamspeak ensuring that transitions and recruitment were running smoothly. He has worked with Venom so much since he came back and achieved Gree. From an outside view, 41st seems to be more stable. Their numbers have been spiking and their professionalism has been refreshing.

Then with the 91st he has helped me A lot with Inter battalion affairs and making sure that we don’t collapse. With our current activity at questionable levels, we reached out asking for assistance. We’ve been working on resolving the issue, and Grum has been helping us each step of the way. He has helped me with making the new documents endlessly. He has made sure that we are still standing today.

This last part is a personal note. I have taken my time writing this response and making it as unbiased as possible. I can see quite a few people in here are upset with actions or responses Grum has made in the past. I think this would be a great time for Grum to see where he needs to improve if given the opportunity.

But with all of this stated above, I am giving him a +1 and good luck.

Edited by Neyo | Blake
  • Winner 1
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+1 This man has been way more helpful than he needed to be with me getting this position, When I came back this battalion was in shambles, Grum and I have worked our asses off to get this battalion back to where it is now. If he gets another term I know he can prove himself again why he deserves this position. And with the egg situation Grum told me that we would put Egg at CPL and be on a HARD watch week. Within a week already of him being back he was promoted to SGT. He was never ranked locked, only thing locked were the people who could promote him. Which was Grum and Myself. 

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On 4/19/2019 at 11:34 PM, Egg said:

DISCLAIMER - this is not a personal attack or based entirely off of things put behind us, it is just based off of my recent experiences.

I'm going to go with a -1 for a few reasons.

I am going to start this off by saying that in the last 2 weeks I've seen you lash out at people in 91st for very little reason and basically abuse power and people over basic miscommunications. Overall acting irrationally and jumping to conclusions is another reason. The main thing was the AOS that actually led to a player report and then also screaming at Neyo about our resident speech maker, technodad. My final reason is a big one, and does touch on previous interactions, but you acting on them. (A bit of backstory) I had talked with venom about me coming back and that I would help fix the battalion if he got Gree. The rank that was agreed upon was SGT which I was personally fine with because I could still do tryouts and still try and do some work. It wasnt much but you gotta work with what you get. I then proceeded to -1 KJ and was then frozen and not allowed to be promoted with no date given, at CPL and told to do "good work" with no real reason behind it. I knew that you hated my guts and everything that I had ever done with blind rage for a long time, and I dont believe that all of it was warranted and also refers back to my first reason of abuse and unnecessary use of powers by overstepping the people running the battalion at the time to personally "watch over me" and make sure I had "totally changed". I cannot say in good faith, that you are the correct choice for Recon Regimental at the current moment.



if it wasnt for grum you would of still been blacklist in the 41st he stood up for you saying "give this man a chance" and you just got back you dont know the positive effect and great plans this man had for all his recon battalion. ALSO grum give his all to recon battalion in return he ask every little. and what abuse? ive been working him for a month and saw no abuse from this great man.  and giving you CPL was my choice i didnt want someone toxic as a NCO.

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+1 Grum is one of the fewest people I can call a leader. I wish I was in the 91st when he was Neyo, I wish I could still be in his regiment after SO got moved. I believe that he saw Rancor was doing fine and didn't need to butt into any decisions inside the battalion. He looks after all his boys in his reg, and doesn't need to focus on people out side, you should have your own regimental Commander for that. 

Also remember that if you're not part of his regi, he doesn't need to talk to you or interact unless needed. So for you folks complaining that he doesn't talk to you and your not in his reg, throw him a bone here, he's not your baby sitter. 

I don't want to get into the whole drama with Egg and the 41st. That is a door I kinda don't want to go through. And Lastly, just because he isn't on the server, doesn't mean hes not there. You could say he does a lot behind the scenes.

Grum I wish you the best, and hope you can continue being our Recon Reg, cause I know you can do it and do it right. 

Current: Destiny 2 Sherpa Human Hunter Awoken Warlock Exo Titan 
Former: Blackout x2, Jet x2, COE x2

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11 hours ago, Kj12344 said:

if it wasnt for grum you would of still been blacklist in the 41st he stood up for you saying "give this man a chance" and you just got back you dont know the positive effect and great plans this man had for all his recon battalion. ALSO grum give his all to recon battalion in return he ask every little. and what abuse? ive been working him for a month and saw no abuse from this great man.  and giving you CPL was my choice i didnt want someone toxic as a NCO.

Heyo, let's not get all aggressive and start a fight on an application, he gave his minus one leave it at that. I am gonna go ahead and slap a +1, despite the general treatment egg has received being one of the first people to join synergy's teamspeak the day the thing opened, as well as being gree for an incredibly long period, seriously my lads cut the man some slack he just wants to be a dang medic, and considering the warm welcome I received from the fine lads in the Jedi council, seeing eggs reception in 41st has deeply wounded my heart.  Regardless I +1 because I know how rough the high command scene can be, I served in three high command spots and you spend most of your time trying to be helpful without stepping on bcmd's toes. Everyone will either decide you spend too much or too little time with their battalion, it's never just a good amount of time. Also the job is thankless besides the nice little rank ya get. So, as much as I wish egg got better treatment I see that grum does care about the battalions under him, and has certainly put more work in from what I have seen than most regimentals I saw in the ancient times. I think jayarr is an excellent candidate but could not in good conscience minus one you simply because I like jayarr. 

Bet y'all didn't expect that one.


Also egg isn't toxic, he's one of the kindest lads you can meet people out there, just try talking to the lad before condemning someone you don't know.

Edited by Llama/Yoda
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+1 Because I want to see both candidates go to interview for the position.

Grum you have made some mistakes not going to lie but I do believe you have the best intentions in mind. I am all for both candidates going to interview and describing their ideas to the directors.   

Former: Veteran Admin | 91st XO Razer | Trainer Manager | Assassin  Sith Lord | Game Master|

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+1 I have known Grum for a while. During the time I grew from a SGT in the 91st to a 1stLT, I also grew as a person. Yeah Grum might have an attitude at times but he always tried to do whats was best for the battalion. Now I dont really have an idea of what he did as a REG but I am positive that he benefited the RECON battattalions that needed him. Sure we butted heads sometimes but I can understand his point of views and why he thinks the way he does.

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You have been ACCEPTED for interview

Please contact Dragon and Bananaberry for your interview before 5/1/2019 or your application will be DENIED


//moved to Pending

Former: CWRP Director, CWRP Intel Director, 
Current: Gamer

Forever: Shitty helmet artist

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