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Fours | Dark Lord App


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RP Name:

Darth Vieren


Steam ID (SteamID Finder😞



Battalion or squad you are applying for:




ST PVT Fours (started 26th March/17) - ST PFC Fours (ended 29th March/17)


I stood outside the CR room. And probably arrested a couple fools.


212th PVT Fours (started 29th March/17) - 2ndAC Commander Barlex (ended 4th September/17)


During my almost six months being a part of the 212th/2ndAC, I have achieved many things other than just becoming the 2nd Airborne’s leader. When I reached the rank of Lance Corporal/Specialist, I tried out for and passed sharpshooter tryouts, later becoming a trainer for the regiment.


After reaching the rank of Sergeant, I tried out for 2ndAC for the very first time and passed. The tryout alone took almost 2 hours to complete. The regiments inside 2ndAC were named differently but had similar roles, like originally, the Assassin Trooper (basically a Sharpshooter with an assassin blade on his shoulder) (this also took about 4 hours to pass). Later becoming one of the Assassin trooper trainers, then Assassin trooper leader.


I then became one of the few 2ndACT’s at the time, a trainer for 2ndAC. I held multiple tryouts for many 212th troopers who had the requirements. I would train them on their trigger discipline, LAAT etiquette, parajumping etc. All the basics needed for 2ndAC troopers.


Later on down the line, I was given the position 2ndAC Officer, known as Bear, the second in command of 2ndAC and the potential leader of Parjai should the person choose to go through creating the document and tryouts for the elite paratrooping squad.


After my time as second in command, and a certain demotion of sorts of the Barlex at the time, I was chosen for the next leader of the 2ndAC. During my time as leader of the 2ndAC, I helped my second in command with his Parjai tryouts, overseeing and helping his decision making should someone eventually pass. I also changed some of the requirements to get into 2ndAC as a whole and made tryouts harder or easier when needed to be. Before taking on this leadership role, I was tasked with reviving the company as it was previously dead with just 3-4 active members. During the change of leadership, the company alone had 17 active members. For a company, that’s a big achievement in itself. 2ndAC was one of the most elite companies at the time as some hadn’t existed.


In short, I jumped out of LAAT’s and shot droids.


CT PVT Fours (started 4th September/17) - (ended 28th November/17)


I ran around the ship and shot droids.


DU PVT Fours (started 28th November/17) - DU Commander Fours (ended 10th February/18)

Doom’s Unit;

My time in DU was fairly short-lived but was a dedicated journey and a new experience as a whole. Since the battalion was new, documents for regiments inside the unit were needed. I volunteered to create the sharpshooter documents and tryouts. I guess sniping is just my forte. After creating the required documents and a fool-proof tryout, I received the title of the first DU Sharpshooter Leader.


Shortly after this, I received the position of Recon Leader. Basically the overall leader over Sharpshooter, Jet Trooper, and ARF trooper, (we thought we would be getting the jobs but then it was later denied, ending the short-lived Recon regiment).


I then journeyed through the rank of CSM and went to 2ndLT. Being one of the first junior officers ever in the Unit. From there I joined the intel team for DU and became one of the three intel officers at the time. We would do all the documentation work, keeping track of who’s been recruited to the battalion, the regiment they are apart of, the usual stuff, etc.


Then came Captain and Commander. At this time, DU was very small, it took some time for people to be more attracted to the unit as it wasn’t too great at the time, that’s when the update hit and gave DU its massive upgrades, like all of the troopers having a z6 rotary cannon, 100 extra armor, and an ARC trooper. It was then when I first started doing the battalion ARC trainings and became the first Doom’s Unit ARC Leader and Tactical Reconnaissance Unit Leader (the DU TRU ARC troopers).


91st PVT Fours (started 10th February/18) - 91st SSG Fours (ended 18th February/18)


I flew around the ship and burned droids with the short lived ‘Thunder Squad’. (We got removed)


Delta Squad;


Delta Squad Fixer (started 19th February/18) - (ended 19th March/19)

There is not really much to say on this, other than I got this. I’ve never actually attended RC tryouts before that day but I passed on my third attempt because of the quick TECH training I had like two hours before the actual tryouts. Ever since I got this role I’ve been very active in my position and have reached the rank of Major, which honestly doesn’t matter at all in RC. But it’s the thought that counts at least. Since achieving the role of Fixer, I’ve been doing increased amounts of TECH work, jumping onto enemy ships and destroying them “from the inside”. AKA shooting the shit out of it with a shotgun or hacking my way into the ships hyperdrive and manually “sending it away”. Which is always good fun. I’d like to think of myself as one of the most actives in the squad. Cause I’m pretty sure I am. For now at least.


Delta Squad Boss (started 19th March/18) - (ended 18th April/18)

Damn this was so long ago I hardly remember anything that happened. During my time as Boss previously I can say that the whole experience was a blast. Maintaining a full and active squad is tough, but a challenge that I've taken head on during my time as as a squad lead. I've maintained my activity as Boss as when I was Fixer, even staying up during the weekends or with free time to talk with Delta and the rest of the SOBDE squads. Being Fixer for only a month before, I learned quickly from the other current squad leads and my former Boss (Vires). I adapted quickly to the role of Boss and squad lead and kept a fairly active squad that were dedicated to their positions. Lot's of changes in the SOBDE since my departure puzzled me when I returned but no doubt I can adapt to the way things are now as I've been in it for a month. I held tryouts almost all the time to fill up my squad positions and replace me as Fixer. That squad was very active in what they did roleplay wise and were a great team that supported me to the end.


Delta Squad Scorch (started sometime/18) - (ended sometime/18)

It happened and I blew up a few doors and walls so that was fun.


Delta Squad Sev (started 28th July/18) - (ended 30th August/18)

Well this seems familiar. Being a squad member of Delta squad for just a month and applying for that squad lead position. With the new SOBDE trainings that were not a thing prior to my departure, I helped in many of the trainings held by either hosting or participating in some way or form as best I could. I helped out in interrogation training and hosted the interrogation trainings, and helped in some TECH trainings as I've had previous experience as Fixer. During trainings I would tell the trainees to "do something creative" because if you constantly try again, it shows your TECH and interrogation rp is lack luster if you constantly retry the same process. They need to find a different means of getting information, combining the two may even show effective. I've interrogated many prisoners within the past month as Sev with some extreme countermeasures as his persona allows for a more unorthodox means of interrogation with severe threats etcetera.



I’ve practically been a temple guard since before I became a knight almost/over two years ago. Creator of the ‘Temple is secure!’ bind.



During my time as Sith, I grew through the ranks within the few months of it being added. I became an Assassin Apprentice and worked as much as possible after obtaining one of the officer positions for the Informant branch. From there I eventually attended the first Lord trials and passed after 5 hours had passed with there being 7/8 apprentices attending. I was the first to pass through trials. After getting lord, I continued working within the assassin branch. I got the rank of Dark Council Sloth a few weeks later. I hosted trials almost every week and eventually I obtained the role of Darth through gaining a specific number of rep required for me. Just recently I was switched from the Sloth position to Envy, to allow another to take the place of Sloth and who deserved it for their work.


Why should you become Dark Lord?:

Well, I’ve gained so much experience on the server since its initial launch. I feel like I have the required experience and skills of what needs to be done. I’ve been in few battalions and only one squad, but I am very dedicated to each role I’ve achieved. Even in Jedi, I’ve stuck with the Temple Guards since forever, literally. In Sith I’ve been dedicated enough to achieve dark council. I’ve worked closely with the leaders of each or became one of the leading members of each position I’ve been in for an extended amount of time. From my experiences, I know who are good leaders and who are questionable leaders to say the least. If I see myself not working to my potential I will definitely either do something to fix myself or put somebody else up for the position that I see fit at the time. Leadership is something earned overtime and not gained right away. Currently I am working creating a rules document pertaining to each branch/sub-branch, rank, role etc. including just general rules in the sith order.


Do you understand the lore of Sith (SWTOR)?:




If I'm not on LOA/ROA I should be available everyday either through teamspeak, discord or in game as I have most of the summer free.


Give a brief overview of your achievements on the server:

2ndAC Parjai Leader Bear, second in command of 2ndAC, leader of Parjai Squad

2ndAC Commander Barlex, Leader of 2ndAC

DU ARC Leader Commander

Delta Squad Fixer/Scorch/Sev and Boss

Dark Council Sloth - Branch Leader of Assassins

Dark Council Envy



Do you have a microphone?:



Where do you want Sith to be at the end of your term?:

I want an active Sith order. Even making most the people involved semi-active would be a plus, as it is slowly falling apart. I want a full Dark Council and active officers for each branch. I have some plans for small changes globally including parts of trials, rivalries etc. Roleplay could be improved on in terms of consistency as that’s kind of the reason they were added for. Making it a more enjoyable time for all or at least most people involved.


How do you plan to integrate the Sith with the current CWRP?:

I want the Sith to focus more on involvement against the Jedi rather than just the clones. In some instances I see them constantly attacking the same thing over and over rinse and repeat. I would like sith to have some more internal roleplay such as more sith orientated events etc. (hopefully).


Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?:



Do you understand that your position has a two month term limit and you must reapply after two months to maintain your Dark Lord rank?:


Edited by Fours
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+1, He is definitely the most dedicated and active of the Dark Council. Seeing how he rose up so much and formed the Assassin Branch when he was Sloth when Sith first came. I'm proud of him doing so. Good luck!

Current: Rancor Panda | Honorary Consular

Ex: Delta 38, Kom'rk Skirata x2, Mereel Skirata, A'den Skirata, Omega Squad Fi (XO), Foxtrot MDMK, 327th 1stLT, 501st 1stLT, 212th MAJ, 41st WO, Alpha ARC 22 WO 'Aven', 212th 1stLT Lycanthrope

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Hey look, someone who's not filled with things to do. A miracle.

I've always had chats with fours and known him, whether he was 2ndAC, my commander, or RC, he got the job done. I'm sure he'll be fine now.


Edited by Jayarr
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Ex HA | VA | SA | A | NA | GMC | GMM | GMO |
GM | GH | TRO x4? | TR | RTR | Hunter | Darman | Mereel | Fixer | Etain | Anakin | Hett | Base ops Commander | Forum Mod | Ahsoka x2| Tyzen Xebec | cooker | Jesse | Tup | warthog - Everything else i was

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To be honest, I read all/whole applications before commenting and the first half was kind of pointless, it is about you in Pvt positions and as an st, ct, du. I would like to see what you are (which you did) and what/how the experience you received from being that character/role will help you be a great Dark Lord, including examples that you had from the past.

overall I believe I have known you since your start and you are a great player and even better person. You have come a long way, you are even better at RP, better at sparing, and know how to manage others as you have experience of being in high positions.

Lastly what is best about you is your personality, you make the game fun for others no matter who they are, you are always trying to do best, and respectful.


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+1 come to the couch in my office :pepehands: 

Current: Kevin Colt leader of the Colt Crime Syndicate | Alpha-69 Dennis 

Former: BCMD Doom x3| Havoc Squad Brimstone x3 | Base Ops CMD | Delta Jedi | BCMD Colt | BCMD Bacara | Specialized Regimental Commander x2 | First Count Dooku and creator of the CIS | Rear Admiral Orson Krennic 

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