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Logic's Offical Leave

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Obviously the original left some questions in the air and was forced into a format for commander purposes. Here though I can speak my mind freely.

So yes. I am officially leaving the server. 

The reason is simple. I have no more responsibilities on the server. and Joah is forcing me out. (About time tbh)

My first ever encounter with Joah: I am told to get online at 2am because an abundance of CCs are on the server and TRs were notified to get on. I was  a new admin at the time and was confused and asked whats going on in staff chat and whos this idiot training them all like this. Joah got triggered and yeeted me in TS and threatened to shove a DC-15A up my ass in 15 different ways. Nice Guy.

Second ever issue with Joah: The issue of balancing with the single saber being dual wielded with a saberstaff. It was unbalanced at the time seeing as Sith Apprentices still have a combat advantage over jedi Knights and all that complicated jazz. Yes there is instances in lore where sith specialized in it like Pong Krell  the guy whose hand is the size of a torso but whatever. That argument eventually cleared up.

Third ever issue with Joah: This is the one most of you have heard about obviously. I criticized his adding of 187th by making a server suggestion to not add it back, allowing the community to provide valid reasoning to the feedback while also allowing discussion in it. Immediately shut down. So I made a second because censorship is not something I believe in, especially in something advertised as a democracy. That in itself was a mistake as it soon revealed because Joah closed and locked it, and pulled me into a teamspeak channel. Our argument was retarded.  Let me just say that. Have you ever tried to argue a point only to be met with an insult? In this argument though Joah made 2 things apparent: 1) I am going to be removed from my staff positon 2) I will be removed from my gree position. The 2nd point was later taken back but also put back out there several times, creating confusion. Now I'll admit I lost my cool and emotions took over. but Joah went on to tell me how much time and energy he puts into the server, and how everything was so great when he was Rex. how the server was at its peak, and how he was the greatest BCMD of all time, and that I am running a dead battalion that would be removed if it wasn't so lore appropriate. (The 41st later had 22 people online. So obviously dead) So overwhelmed with emotion I screamed that I will be resigning from Gree, and the original argument had been lost at "Maybe you should communicate your plan to everyone" because it is a good plan. but not the plan I voted on. Not the plan WE voted on.

I then created a post on the forums called strong opinions and it got deleted. All the post contained was this message "This message has been deleted by high command" it got removed. I made 2 more versions, which led to my ban. it was in SPAM CENTER. A place for Low IQ posts and to vent off steam. Apparently that does not include memes with political meaning.

I don't want to be part of a community where the people get censored and High Staff cannot take criticism.

Thats why I'm leaving the community. now for my farewells

@SADD: Dude you were my 1st ever friend on the server I hope you see this one day and come back
@Poe @Cyclops @Casual @Drayyen You are my 327th Squadfam for life.
@Tucker "Ever tried smoking weed out of your hand" Idiot
@Taytay Thank you so much for bringing me into GM. They taught me everything I know. And Thank you for being the greatest dad
@Gadget Thank you. For everything. Good luck as Bacara. Keep doing shit your way.
@Starkill Can't wait for you to join me in retirement 
@Snadvich Do you still hate me? I can never tell. Cus I like you now
@Havok @Darkk @RAMM @Zeus @Mist GM gang. Good Luck
@Valkyrie @Egg @Sanchez @Pythin @Stonyrock @Wombat @Grum Couldn't have been Gree without you guys
@kj you will be a good gree. listen to the people. democracy. thats what makes a leader great.
@Bauer See you at school NERD
@Jordan, seriously shouldn't have ever been removed from CMD
@Shroomie play BF2 with me young one
@Thastian LOA Revoked
@Cubby Egg worshipper
@Crow <3 Functional officers are hard to come by
@Xoly <3
@Sixta Best Luminara @Scribbles PROMOTE this man
@41st You guys will do great under kj, keep this recruits up, you guys are looking healthier than you ever have.
@ALL BCMDs, you guys are awesome, every single one of you. You help run a large section of the player base so let YOUR voices be heard, obviously in a peaceful manner through server suggestions. (V2 is a bad idea) I want to write out all of you guys for your specifics but you all already know it'd be some dumb cliche because I'm an idiot with so few braincells its a miracle I can talk.
@heart best director. make me proud big boi
@cor -COUGH- Chambers. We butted heads alot. shame we could never get along. [Edit] You also made me wait a week to post this :(
@Everyone Else o7

@Joah threats. insults. all this shit. and I'm just trying to have a civilized conversation with some constructive criticism. Don't start your response with #1) You're an idiot. 

And I may be only one member of this community joah, but treating me like shit still isn't what the founder of the "Parent CWRP Server" as you put it, remember that.

Now then. I'll be around the forums. putting my opinion where it matters. As far as games, I have a shit load of others I can play. PM me or let me know if you want my personal discord where I will be playing my games and shit like that. 

Edited by 41st Logic
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I'm not toxic. You're just making it really hard to not treat you like an idiot.

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I never hated you. The moment you “left” GM, I tried to have a good work relationship with ya In staff. I guess it worked well. Good on you for speaking your mind. I may not agree with everything ya did but eh whatever. Also I bet this’ll be locked within like a day

Edited by Snadvich
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o7 buddy, you will be missed. 

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  • Retired Founder

Thank god. Goodbye.

m8, you've created more issues for my high staff team then I can count.

You created so much drama inside of discords,

You created so many issues for synergy overall.

How you were never perm banned is beyond me.

Enjoy your leave. As we will enjoy it as much as you.

-High staff of synergy.

Again, not silenced from your opinion even though you're openly speaking about the server owner now. Hurts to be wrong.

You can express your opinion without being a toxic cunt.


"and Joah is forcing me out." - Logic


You.. put.. a ..resignation up. based off me telling you, you're an idiot. That's not exactly forcing. LOL


"The issue of balancing with the single saber being dual wielded with a saberstaff. It was unbalanced at the time seeing as Sith Apprentices still have a combat advantage over jedi Knights and all that complicated jazz. Yes there is instances in lore where sith specialized in it like Pong Krell  the guy whose hand is the size of a torso but whatever. That argument eventually cleared up." - Logic


^ This is already being fixed with Scribbles, but you're pretty blind to suggestions.


"I then created a post on the forums called strong opinions and it got deleted. All the post contained was this message "This message has been deleted by high command" it got removed. I made 2 more versions, which led to my ban. it was in SPAM CENTER. A place for Low IQ posts and to vent off steam. Apparently that does not include memes with political meaning." - Logic


I also did not delete those, you must've broken a forum rule.


I can only Imagine how @Egg would respond to a post like this especially knowing your attitude.


"And I may be only one member of this community joah, but treating me like shit still isn't what the founder of the "Parent CWRP Server" as you put it, remember that. - Logic

I treat stupidity with what it deserves to be treated with. You do not have a mental disability, yet you act like it. I do not like you as a person, nor did I ever really like you as a person. That's just my strong opinion of you. Take it how you will.

Now then. I'll be around the forums. putting my opinion where it matters. As far as games, I have a shit load of others I can play. PM me or let me know if you want my personal discord where I will be playing my games and shit like that. 

The High staff team - Not myself, Will be banning you due to your issues you created in Discord, So I highly doubt that.

I'm sure the directors will eat this up.


-Best of luck in your future endeavors.
-Love from the High Staff Team.
-Love from the old 41st.



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Fuck you nightmare, stole my thing I was gonna say

Edited by Kronos Jones
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Ex HA | VA | SA | A | NA | GMC | GMM | GMO |
GM | GH | TRO x4? | TR | RTR | Hunter | Darman | Mereel | Fixer | Etain | Anakin | Hett | Base ops Commander | Forum Mod | Ahsoka x2| Tyzen Xebec | cooker | Jesse | Tup | warthog | Synr.gg discord admin|- Everything else i was

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I'm gonna go spicy on this because all you ever did was talk trash behind my back, lie, and insult me and everything I had ever done for this battalion. I never promoted you past 1st LT because of your clear inability to, despite your name, use logic and think about consequences of what you are doing. You lied to get my friends banned and that is why they kept harassing you. You lied and got chambers after me for deleting docs and continually bullied people that stayed loyal to what I had done and wanted to have some respect. I'm glad you're gone because the server as a whole is in a better place. Good riddance and #beanshouldhavewon.


Plserino no banerino


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1 hour ago, Egg said:

I'm gonna go spicy on this because all you ever did was talk trash behind my back, lie, and insult me and everything I had ever done for this battalion. I never promoted you past 1st LT because of your clear inability to, despite your name, use logic and think about consequences of what you are doing. You lied to get my friends banned and that is why they kept harassing you. You lied and got chambers after me for deleting docs and continually bullied people that stayed loyal to what I had done and wanted to have some respect. I'm glad you're gone because the server as a whole is in a better place. Good riddance and #beanshouldhavewon.


Plserino no banerino


Look Joah I brought him back now can i have poof?

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2 minutes ago, Egg said:


That’s what I’m saying

Ex HA | VA | SA | A | NA | GMC | GMM | GMO |
GM | GH | TRO x4? | TR | RTR | Hunter | Darman | Mereel | Fixer | Etain | Anakin | Hett | Base ops Commander | Forum Mod | Ahsoka x2| Tyzen Xebec | cooker | Jesse | Tup | warthog | Synr.gg discord admin|- Everything else i was

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  • Retired Founder
4 minutes ago, Egg said:

I'm gonna go spicy on this because all you ever did was talk trash behind my back, lie, and insult me and everything I had ever done for this battalion. I never promoted you past 1st LT because of your clear inability to, despite your name, use logic and think about consequences of what you are doing. You lied to get my friends banned and that is why they kept harassing you. You lied and got chambers after me for deleting docs and continually bullied people that stayed loyal to what I had done and wanted to have some respect. I'm glad you're gone because the server as a whole is in a better place. Good riddance and #beanshouldhavewon.


Plserino no banerino


Promoted to founder and waived for Commander Application for Gree, and accepted for Gree.

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6 minutes ago, Egg said:

I'm gonna go spicy on this because all you ever did was talk trash behind my back, lie, and insult me and everything I had ever done for this battalion. I never promoted you past 1st LT because of your clear inability to, despite your name, use logic and think about consequences of what you are doing. You lied to get my friends banned and that is why they kept harassing you. You lied and got chambers after me for deleting docs and continually bullied people that stayed loyal to what I had done and wanted to have some respect. I'm glad you're gone because the server as a whole is in a better place. Good riddance and #beanshouldhavewon.


Plserino no banerino


so holdfast ?

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o7I only had a few experiences with you but they were all good I didnt really have many issues with you good luck with everything else in life. 

Former: Veteran Admin | 91st XO Razer | Trainer Manager | Assassin  Sith Lord | Game Master|

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I never promoted you past 1st LT because of your clear inability to, despite your name, use logic and think about consequences of what you are doing - Egg




Irony of it being you promoting a bunch of mingys to CMDs positions with favoritism in 41st but u did fix it after a while  - My opinion


07 Logic 






time to watch my rep go down the drain


Edited by BlackiSblack
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1 hour ago, Egg said:

I'm gonna go spicy on this because all you ever did was talk trash behind my back, lie, and insult me and everything I had ever done for this battalion. I never promoted you past 1st LT because of your clear inability to, despite your name, use logic and think about consequences of what you are doing. You lied to get my friends banned and that is why they kept harassing you. You lied and got chambers after me for deleting docs and continually bullied people that stayed loyal to what I had done and wanted to have some respect. I'm glad you're gone because the server as a whole is in a better place. Good riddance and #beanshouldhavewon.


Plserino no banerino



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2 hours ago, Joah said:

Again, not silenced from your opinion even though you're openly speaking about the server owner now. Hurts to be wrong

When Joah realizes theres a democracy after stating he wont silencing your opinion but than locking it for two seconds before reopening Image result for Funny face meme

2 hours ago, Joah said:

Unlocked and Moved back to resignations.






its a meme

Edited by BlackiSblack
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1 hour ago, Egg said:

I'm gonna go spicy on this because all you ever did was talk trash behind my back, lie, and insult me and everything I had ever done for this battalion. I never promoted you past 1st LT because of your clear inability to, despite your name, use logic and think about consequences of what you are doing. You lied to get my friends banned and that is why they kept harassing you. You lied and got chambers after me for deleting docs and continually bullied people that stayed loyal to what I had done and wanted to have some respect. I'm glad you're gone because the server as a whole is in a better place. Good riddance and #beanshouldhavewon.


Plserino no banerino


@Egg Image result for Screaming egg

It is time for you to come back once again Lord Egg....



Also, good riddance you slimy cuck, trying to have Directors make me change my name, in the end you still lost a battle.

Learn to choose your battles and who you are put up against. Mr. YouTryToMakeYourOwnOfficialRules.


Sorry for the bluntness but this kid really pissed in my Cheerios for whatever reason. Time to piss in them back.

Edited by Buzz
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Image result for hell or high water jeff bridges

Choose your place, hell or high water, there is no in between.

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Good riddance. I was hoping for this day. Had many terrible experiences with you. (Toxicity, shit talking, stubbornness, arrogance, the list could go on)

1 of the main one's being of course, joining the GM channel just to be hearing you shit talk me behind my back to another person in the battalion.

I haven't had one ounce of respect for you since.

Enjoy the ban buddy.

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Anyone can draw up a document and claim they know what they're doing, just look at Stalin's 5 year plan.



-1 I love you dude but 4 man squads are far from different than Rancor/Alpha Arc.



My brain still fucking hurts after reading this. 


Also it's kinda yikes how as we were both NAs you were acting superior as fuck on me. Kinda pissed me off. 

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2 minutes ago, BlackiSblack said:

Irony of it being you promoting a bunch of mingys to CMDs positions with favoritism in 41st but u did fix it after a while  - My opinion

Idk about you but I think you're mistaking favoritism for loyalty  and recognizing good work within the battalion. Minginess was in fact punished when legitimate proof was brought forward and I honestly think you're implying that every commander was a minge which is a dead lie. Yes, there were people who didnt take things all that seriously in higher ranks but they were serious when they needed to be. I appreciate your opinion as I always have even though you have also somehow been apart of every piece of drama against 41st that I had ever seen so you might be a bit biased in some areas. But thanks again

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This is a difficult predicament for me, as I could end this boys already ended career about past experiences I had with him being in GM, why he was blacklisted, blah  blah. 

But there are about 20 of those by now. 

I'm not going to be vindictive and say good riddance and the likelihood that I will speak to you again, being honest, is slim.

But you did have your good moment, like how getting serviced by a women on a railroad track is a good moment before you are hit by the oncoming train and turned into a red mist. 

So I suppose this is good bye,

 good luck

and stay away from girls on train tracks.

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What? Were you expecting some colourful thing denoting my past achievements?

Well tough luck, even if I did it would be just 3 things - Bacara, SPEC REG, Old HA.

Once a Marine, Always a Marine... Always forward, never back...

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1 minute ago, Egg said:

Idk about you but I think you're mistaking favoritism for loyalty  and recognizing good work within the battalion. Minginess was in fact punished when legitimate proof was brought forward and I honestly think you're implying that every commander was a minge which is a dead lie. Yes, there were people who didnt take things all that seriously in higher ranks but they were serious when they needed to be. I appreciate your opinion as I always have even though you have also somehow been apart of every piece of drama against 41st that I had ever seen so you might be a bit biased in some areas. But thanks again

I will agree I do have a bias opinion against 41st due to my history with them being mingys when I saw them and officers harassing ST Enlisted when I was REG.. This brought me to assume that all CMDs in 41st were minges and after the situation with Joah and SR Officers that were causing problems kinda motivated me to believe my assumption was true.  I dont mean to trump down on you all the time and 41st and I do actually believe they are in good hands right now with KJ and the current leadership that was my general opinion about you and how you generally ran things no one else.  

Edited by BlackiSblack
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10 minutes ago, Buzz said:

@Egg Image result for Screaming egg

It is time for you to come back once again Lord Egg....



Also, good riddance you slimy cuck, trying to have Directors make me change my name, in the end you still lost a battle.

Learn to choose your battles and who you are put up against. Mr. YouTryToMakeYourOwnOfficialRules.


Sorry for the bluntness but this kid really pissed in my Cheerios for whatever reason. Time to piss in them back.

5 minutes ago, Bart Versock said:

Good riddance. I was hoping for this day. Had many terrible experiences with you. (Toxicity, shit talking, stubbornness, arrogance, the list could go on)

1 of the main one's being of course, joining the GM channel just to be hearing you shit talk me behind my back to another person in the battalion.

I haven't had one ounce of respect for you since.

Enjoy the ban buddy.

2 minutes ago, Jags said:

Anyone can draw up a document and claim they know what they’re doing, just look at Stalin’s 5 year plan 



-1 love you dude but 4 man squads are far different than Rancor/Alpha Arc 

- Logic


My brain still fucking hurts after reading this...

2 minutes ago, Egg said:

Idk about you but I think you're mistaking favoritism for loyalty  and recognizing good work within the battalion. Minginess was in fact punished when legitimate proof was brought forward and I honestly think you're implying that every commander was a minge which is a dead lie. Yes, there were people who didnt take things all that seriously in higher ranks but they were serious when they needed to be. I appreciate your opinion as I always have even though you have also somehow been apart of every piece of drama against 41st that I had ever seen so you might be a bit biased in some areas. But thanks again


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3 minutes ago, BlackiSblack said:

that was my general opinion about you and how you generally ran things no one else

Not gonna lie, I wasnt always the most hands on bcmd but I believed that it helped people grow into the best leaders that they could be. Being ultra hands on, from what I saw, only ever created problems, led to getting called inactive, and people expecting you to handle everything instead of stepping up to the plate to handle their own issues. I also know that towards the end, people didnt like that mentality because many things and people that I had relied upon were becoming shaky and not always reliable. I believe this is where many of the issues that people had came from because I had come to expect too much of others instead of putting more on myself and taking responsibility.

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6 minutes ago, Nightmare said:

I mean he's banned and can't see our messages critiquing  him why are we still talking about this tard

It's just like the old days my boy, a warning to everyone who wants to go full retard in the future.

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Tbh, none of my experiences with you were good, not one of them. But Everything's a learning experience, good or bad, and I hope you take everything from this and learn from it, and then change. 


overall its just a game

07 and good luck in the future

Edited by Peaceshield
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its safe to say this is now the spiciest resignation/leave post,

RIP Gene Too soon. Gone but not forgotten.

On Jah

Ex HA | VA | SA | A | NA | GMC | GMM | GMO |
GM | GH | TRO x4? | TR | RTR | Hunter | Darman | Mereel | Fixer | Etain | Anakin | Hett | Base ops Commander | Forum Mod | Ahsoka x2| Tyzen Xebec | cooker | Jesse | Tup | warthog | Synr.gg discord admin|- Everything else i was

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4 minutes ago, Sanchez Resident said:

Yes logic could be toxic at times but its not not ok to roast him on his exit leave him be either say good bye or say nothing 

I mean, just looking at this goodbye, he is trying to start drama and kick up dust. If you want to leave on such a bad note with insults and leave a bad taste in everyone's mouth, then you should be met with the same kind of attitude. If you are going to leave, leave nicely or dont say anything at all because if you're gonna go and kick a Hornet nest, expect them to come after you.

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3 hours ago, Egg said:

I'm gonna go spicy on this because all you ever did was talk trash behind my back, lie, and insult me and everything I had ever done for this battalion. I never promoted you past 1st LT because of your clear inability to, despite your name, use logic and think about consequences of what you are doing. You lied to get my friends banned and that is why they kept harassing you. You lied and got chambers after me for deleting docs and continually bullied people that stayed loyal to what I had done and wanted to have some respect. I'm glad you're gone because the server as a whole is in a better place. Good riddance and #beanshouldhavewon.


Plserino no banerino


you just removed his soul

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Egg I  miss you retard
Glad this cuck is gone. Was beyond annoying.
He tried to shit on you in front of some 212th officers and I shut his ass down.

He'll never comprehend everything you did for us


Edited by Shockpoint
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If you use the RC Shotgun you are automatically cringe.

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Too much drama, if egg were here this wouldn’t happen in the first place

o7 thou cool guy

Edited by Dolvek
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image0.jpg2 hours ago, Blueberry Juice said:

I think I both lost and acquired brain cells as I read through this post. Not sure if I am now dumber or smarter.

I can confirm that I now can count my brain cells i have left on my fingers after this as well.



Edited by Kool Kid Useful
P e r f e c t i o n

Current: Rancor Medic Previous: 327th Commander ARCL Useful, DU ARC Commander Jerome, CT PVT 1348 Useless

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12 hours ago, Egg said:

Not gonna lie, I wasnt always the most hands on bcmd but I believed that it helped people grow into the best leaders that they could be. Being ultra hands on, from what I saw, only ever created problems, led to getting called inactive, and people expecting you to handle everything instead of stepping up to the plate to handle their own issues. I also know that towards the end, people didnt like that mentality because many things and people that I had relied upon were becoming shaky and not always reliable. I believe this is where many of the issues that people had came from because I had come to expect too much of others instead of putting more on myself and taking responsibility.

I got it and I understand now how you ran things but back than ppl took advantage of it. Overall ill stop causing more drama than needed dont mean yo be rude on how you ran things. Hope we can be friends and forget the past <3

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