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Carvis's Staff Report

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RP Name: Jedi Advisor Shaak Ti 

Steam ID:STEAM_0:1:118322948

Staff member you are reporting:Carvis

Staff Members Steam ID (If applicable):STEAM_0:0:46578116

Staff Members Wrong-Doing: Phys gun abuse and mute chat abuse 

Explain the situation: Starting off with the phys gun abuse alright so i am jumping around in debrief like i normally do when nothing is going on where i was then talking to a shock trooper and carvis come down the ramp place text screen for base ops tryouts (note he has a mic) pull out his phys gun picks me up and just holds me in front of the sign and is just holding me there for no reason does not say anything to me saying can you please leave and then once he finally puts me down he goes next time it will be a aos for trespassing when i was in debrief before and he does not say anything. For the Chat mutes a couple people were meming in ooc saying bacta after every sentence just because he did not like it there was no reason for people should be muted for meming in ooc we have it for a reason 

Evidence (If applicable):unfortunately i did not have shadow play or anything recording but i do have stuff for the chat mute. if you look through the pictures that are posted (may just be links) He muted multiple people for meming in ooc and having bacta at the end of every phrase another note every other staff member was ok with it, it is ooc for a reason

Note you see me joining the game but it was posted in discords 







Edited by SmallJeff
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Don't like Bacta. Whack. This Staff Report. Not Whack. +1 Never say no to Bacta.

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i am literally captain tukk

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I mean, Evidence doesn't lieeee +1.

Current: Rancor Panda | Honorary Consular

Ex: Delta 38, Kom'rk Skirata x2, Mereel Skirata, A'den Skirata, Omega Squad Fi (XO), Foxtrot MDMK, 327th 1stLT, 501st 1stLT, 212th MAJ, 41st WO, Alpha ARC 22 WO 'Aven', 212th 1stLT Lycanthrope

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21 minutes ago, Arroyo said:

As as for the muted part I can’t see the whole chat but did he at least warn them before muting them? I mean if I was still staff I would’ve warned them if they kept doing it like spam  and told them to take it to OOC lounge. 

It isn’t considered spam, and how do you take OOC messages into OOC lounge?  We were just trying to have fun while a DB was going on, and Carvis seemed to be the only one bothered by a repeating joke.  Why punish a group of people if you’re the only one who has a problem with it?

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21st's most useless long term member

why my shit keep getting deleted

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2 hours ago, Arroyo said:

@[SR] Carvis [A] Your side please. 


As as for the muted part I can’t see the whole chat but did he at least warn them before muting them? I mean if I was still staff I would’ve warned them if they kept doing it like spam  and told them to take it to OOC lounge. 

The evidence shows he did warn them but the reason is still invalid

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you hurt smalljeffrey

But seriously, this was uncalled for. The situation could've been handled much better. But it wasn't. People will always meme (especially bleach and Aaron) and we can't stop it. And it didn't even need to be stopped.

Yes, I do hate fat people.
Former Ordo Skirata

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The OOC thing- I gave sooooo many more warnings other than the one that was shown in the proof and i was not the only person to say stop spamming OOC so... that’s that

The Physgun- SmallJeff, I’ve seen you get moved by other staff members for the same exact reason and you don’t make a big deal about it. Plus, after getting moved out of the DB and clearly able to see the signs you decided to come back in and scream “If you do that again, I’m making a staff report” to which you could’ve been arrested for. 

On a side note, This is not the first encounter that i’ve had with you that you’ve had a problem with me about, whenever something doesn’t go in your favor you decide to throw a fit about it. I’ve seen you in the brig multiple times regarding someone getting arrested for something you didn’t think was right and yelling at every single shock you could find and getting Shock high command involved in it. 

If anyone has any questions regarding this situation, feel free to contact me via discord or TS

Edit: This is from the staff punishment guidelines to show that my punishment for the OOC was valid:


Edited by [SR] Carvis [A]
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8 hours ago, [SR] Carvis [A] said:

The OOC thing- I gave sooooo many more warnings other than the one that was shown in the proof and i was not the only person to say stop spamming OOC so... that’s that

why would you warn them for that? As far as I could see that wasn't spam,

8 hours ago, [SR] Carvis [A] said:

SmallJeff, I’ve seen you get moved by other staff members for the same exact reason and you don’t make a big deal about it.

then report those staff members, it doesn't excuse you from doing it

8 hours ago, [SR] Carvis [A] said:

This is not the first encounter that i’ve had with you that you’ve had a problem with me about, whenever something doesn’t go in your favor you decide to throw a fit about it. I’ve seen you in the brig multiple times regarding someone getting arrested for something you didn’t think was right and yelling at every single shock you could find and getting Shock high command involved in it

okay? and? If smalljeff disagrees with something then they can voice their opinion

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8 minutes ago, IKE said:

why would you warn them for that? As far as I could see that wasn't spam,

then report those staff members, it doesn't excuse you from doing it

okay? and? If smalljeff disagrees with something then they can voice their opinion

1. SmallJeff didn’t show everything that was happening. Multiple other people said to stop and I gave plenty of warnings 

2. I’m not going to report someone for doing something that’s really isn’t bad...

3. He’s disagreeing with rules that are written down... there’s not much to disagree with there 

Edited by [SR] Carvis [A]
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46 minutes ago, [SR] Carvis [A] said:


The OOC thing- I gave sooooo many more warnings other than the one that was shown in the proof and i was not the only person to say stop spamming OOC so... that’s that

The Physgun- SmallJeff, I’ve seen you get moved by other staff members for the same exact reason and you don’t make a big deal about it. Plus, after getting moved out of the DB and clearly able to see the signs you decided to come back in and scream “If you do that again, I’m making a staff report” to which you could’ve been arrested for. 

On a side note, This is not the first encounter that i’ve had with you that you’ve had a problem with me about, whenever something doesn’t go in your favor you decide to throw a fit about it. I’ve seen you in the brig multiple times regarding someone getting arrested for something you didn’t think was right and yelling at every single shock you could find and getting Shock high command involved in it. 

If anyone has any questions regarding this situation, feel free to contact me via discord or TS

Edit: This is from the staff punishment guidelines to show that my punishment for the OOC was valid:


There was nothing to warrant muting people for saying bacta at the end of a sentence. It wasn't spam. It was a meme. OOC is literally a big meme so the people who take it seriously need to chill out. You had no reason to mute them in the end, no matter if two people said to stop. 

About the physgun. Why did you open up with it? Use your voice, talk like an actual human being. Say "hey Smalljeff can you please leave DB so that we can do tryouts?" Instead you grabbed him and from smalljeff's POV held him in front of a sign like he is a reject who cannot read? 

Overall these were just really bad ways to approach these situations.

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i am literally captain tukk

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+1 sorry dude but even if warnings were thrown cuz of a meme, u should prob ask some higher up and ask if thats prompted to be muted, and with the physgun thing, you should warn and talk before doing something like that, if by then they don't listen you can always call a higher staff memeber about it...not everything needs to be resolved by mute's and using the physgun

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As much as I dislike doing this, I have to +1 this bud.. I understand you in the staff point of view, are trying to deescalate the "Bacta" being used or even perhaps excessively used due to it being "annoying" or what not, however they weren't spamming it. Therefore, the odds are practically against you as you muted someone for saying a sentence with "Bacta" in it, which caused this staff report by the looks of it. 

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Play stupid games win stupid prizes.

Meh. No mute needed, how ever you should have stopped if ask to. Sounds to me like you where just trying to be annoying.

Report also not needed just talk to the Carvis like a man. 

In the end he didn't shit in your cereal so to say. This could have all been avoided had you listened or even after the fact you could have tried to talk it out.



Edited by Shakes.
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I mean i get where you are coming from. I hate memes as much as the next guy. But that was a bit extreme. As for the physgun thing just because one person does something to him doesn't mean you can, You may not have the same relations with him as those other admins that do that. 


Just cause its a double whammy I will say +1 if it was just one or the other it would have been a -1

Current Architect of Shadows Master Kit Fisto | Former Boss, Former Fixer, Former Sev

Former Jaing, Former Prudii

Former Bardan Jusik/Skirata

Former SOBDE Regimental Commander 

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16 hours ago, [SR] Carvis [A] said:


The OOC thing- I gave sooooo many more warnings other than the one that was shown in the proof and i was not the only person to say stop spamming OOC so... that’s that

The Physgun- SmallJeff, I’ve seen you get moved by other staff members for the same exact reason and you don’t make a big deal about it. Plus, after getting moved out of the DB and clearly able to see the signs you decided to come back in and scream “If you do that again, I’m making a staff report” to which you could’ve been arrested for. 

On a side note, This is not the first encounter that i’ve had with you that you’ve had a problem with me about, whenever something doesn’t go in your favor you decide to throw a fit about it. I’ve seen you in the brig multiple times regarding someone getting arrested for something you didn’t think was right and yelling at every single shock you could find and getting Shock high command involved in it. 

If anyone has any questions regarding this situation, feel free to contact me via discord or TS

Edit: This is from the staff punishment guidelines to show that my punishment for the OOC was valid:


@Huskythis is why you need a dupe, to avoid this shit

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I'm not toxic. You're just making it really hard to not treat you like an idiot.

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6 hours ago, 41st Logic said:

@Huskythis is why you need a dupe, to avoid this shit

This isn't how that scenario is supposed to be handled and I will be talking to Carvis about this. Someone like Shaak is High Command and has the right to enter despite the sign. 

@SmallJeff I apologize for how you were treated in this role play scenario, I obviously can't do anything about the staff report, but, hopefully you don't let this give you a sour taste in your mouth when it comes to BO.


Rule-maker and rule-breaker.

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Okay here's the thing. Yes I may have not been there, however when a staff member asks you to leave an area or stop spamming in OOC, he has the right to mute. Yes, I will get you about using the phy gun, since the only time that should be used on a player is if they are afk infront of a door. I do also understand that Smalljeff is considered high command when he is on Shakk ti, but he wasn't on that character. He was on his clone! In this case, Carvis has the right to give a warning, which he did, and then acted on it when they didn't stop. So stop thinking since Smalljeff is Shakk ti, he's immune to server rules when hes on his clone. 

Final Verdict -1 to the staff report, yes rookie move to use the phy gun, but you did what was right in my eyes. 

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Current: Destiny 2 Sherpa Human Hunter Awoken Warlock Exo Titan 
Former: Blackout, Jet, COE x2

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+1 Seems like a douche 


To me fair I feel that we should possibly enforce a punishment instead of a removal. People make mistakes and every staff member on the server HAS abused their powers once in the past. And I can name a few that have posted here. I feel a disciplinary action should happen like a demotion to NA or a warning that can be distributed. Keep in mind he has accepted tickets and has done work for the staff team, And at this current moment the staff team is in need of staff member's  not saying we need quantity over quality but at this point his actions are small compared to others ive seen especially from high staff. My view point on this is a

-1 Discipline him to do better no removal needed

Edited by BlackiSblack
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Neutral for now.

There is no need to get so mad about it that you eventually use the powers you have to do something against your own terms and anger, and I would know because I have done this to the server before. Warnings or not, I see no rule that says "Don't say bacta". Does it fall under spam? I wouldn't think so if a lot of people on the server are taking it as a meme except you.

Edited by Jayarr
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On 2/24/2019 at 1:00 PM, [SR] Carvis [A] said:

The OOC thing- I gave sooooo many more warnings other than the one that was shown in the proof and i was not the only person to say stop spamming OOC so... that’s that

Unfortunately as per the rules written on the forums that are visible to players. It merely only states that those who are using /ooc to communicate can only break the rules by 1. Disrespecting other battalions 2. Being racist or discriminatory 3. Event jobs cannot use OOC.  Technically no where in the rules provided for players does it say spamming isn't actually allowed.  Perhaps they should be more up to date for this purpose.  

I'm going to have to +1 not only because according to the server rules (that is provided to players) they did not break any /ooc chat rules, but also because it seems to be simply an innocent joke that often occurs in OOC on the server.  The muting was unjust even if you found the joke to be annoying as well as being 'spammed'.


Server Rules reference:



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People Who Put Their Former Ranks In Their Signature Are Idiots!

Community Liaison - Discord Boo Radley#2719

Feel free to message me if you're having any issues!

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8 hours ago, Bobonater3 said:

physe gun abuse, rookie move

should of made him into a rag doll and crucify him, at least that would be worth the demotion your getting


overall you abused and didnt get away with it +1

I've seen the entire staff team abuse and get away with it (INCLUDING DIRECTORS, HAs, VAs, SAs, and to NAs). Lmao This argument is understandable but if we are enforcing on people like this more reports should come out. Reason I am quoting you is to let you know that this was a minor mistake possibly compared to other situations I have seen from staff member's breaking other rules. - my opinion not trying to start an attack


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3 hours ago, BlackiSblack said:

I've seen the entire staff team abuse and get away with it (INCLUDING DIRECTORS, HAs, VAs, SAs, and to NAs)

then you should have reported it, i have reported dozens of people for phys gun abuse, it doesnt matter how small or large the abuse is, it should be reported

FYI when i say report, only report large issues on the forums. If you see small abuse, confront the staff member but better would be tell a HA

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9 hours ago, Bobonater3 said:

then you should have reported it, i have reported dozens of people for phys gun abuse, it doesnt matter how small or large the abuse is, it should be reported

FYI when i say report, only report large issues on the forums. If you see small abuse, confront the staff member but better would be tell a HA

Yeah ill go tell a director a director is absuing their powers alongside everyone. Lol

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