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Everything posted by Mavelle

  1. While I agree with you on some points, I will restate that the main sentiment of the GM team is not and hopefully will never be "Quantity is better than quality" because it's simply not true. We strive to increase the quality of our events by helping people get better at hosting them, teaching them tricks, etc. constantly, and we've had a huge focus on quality for the longest time. However, sometimes not every player looks to be involved in a grand storyline with character development, cutscenes, and amazing gameplay elements- some people (and I have confirmed this from multiple battalions over the months) really do just prefer to shoot at things for 15 minutes. The curse of the GM team is that we'll never be able to cater to everyone at once, and that's one of those things. One of the things you can actually do to help is rate accurately to how much you really enjoyed the event. a 10/10 isn't a reward, it's telling the GM that there was nothing they could improve on.
  2. Even in a generic shootemup, there is a lot that goes on that most people don't see. You might have to coordinate your EJs, (spawning them weapons, tool guns, setting their jobs, telling them what to do, teleporting them), figure out a good system of how much health B1s have versus B2s, figuring out when to conclude or continue spawning, monitoring player actions and catering to /me's, etc. Even if there are events like that, that doesn't mean that's the type of thing we as a GM team look for in our members. They have their place, but we make it clear that quality is also extremely important when entertaining people, and if someone isn't willing to pursue that quality, than they are more than liable for a -1 from a community member.
  3. Not gonna rate as I technically EJ'd in that, but that was really fun from the BH perspective. Seemed actually challenging for both sides. Hope it was the same for y'all! Shoutout Sriracha opening those doors again. Clutch play. Also, I can now say that an RP situation has shifted our clan's alignment!
  4. +1 although the other accepted music suggestions go back to June, I'm really not sure they'd ever get around to adding this :(
  5. 6/10 It seems as though the planning was very weak and the gamehelpers had to pick up a lot of the slack. That being said, it turned out to be pretty cool! I have to shout out @Deku and @Conrad for blowing my fucking mind with that RP. Not only that, but almost every jedi I was talking to was very, very willing to engage and RP. Makes me proud of the faction. Also, if you're a jedi padawan, you're a fuckin' jedi padawan! You don't know a lot of stuff, you're not very good at all of the jedi arts, and you're still learning a lot. Embrace that. Being flawed is quite literally the best way to roleplay- it provides endless opportunity for vulnerability, depth of character, and even comedy. Embrace your flaws. Not everyone has to be Anakin. Not everyone has to be the most wise, smart, skilled individual. If you're a padawan, get yourself a Jedi Master. Interact with them. It will make your experience so much better, because you'll have someone to bounce off of. A duo that works well together is INFINITELY better than a single person, no matter how good they may be at RPing. Because that's what RPing is, interacting.
  6. 7/10 The story got REALLY confusing in the middle of the Coruscant section. Thank you for allowing the story to adapt, it made the deployment work very well for SPEC. Forgot to mention, the first and second parts had almost no cohesion. There was a smooth-ish transition, but it didn't FEEL smooth just because of how entirely seperate the two things were. I wish it would have been more like >RP on Venator for half an hour >Receieve news of a seperatist fleet movement >Move to intercept it >Recieve news of riot and pivot to Coruscant >Coruscant portion The droid attack sort of tore it in a bit of the wrong direction, IMO. Good music @Daytona211 Great RP from CG. Excellent combat stuff from Rancor as well.
  7. Congratulations! You have been ACCEPTED into the Game Master team! // LOCKED // MOVED TO GAME MASTER APPLICATIONS - ACCEPTED
  8. Mavelle

    Aurek siege

    7/10 It was aight, entertaining for early morning
  9. Mavelle

    Ilum Distress

    7/10 That was what an Arquitens deployment should be. There was half an hour of roleplay, which I wish lasted an hour and a half on the actual ship. On the ground, there was a lot that allowed for us to freely RP or shoot however much we wanted. The story wasn't too deep from what I personally saw, but I didn't seek it out, so that's my own fault. Big shoutout to the other jedi who RP'd the ENTIRE mf time with us. GMs, if you deploy us on rp_arquitens, let us RP on the ship. I mean like, REALLY RP on the ship. It's a really good ship. Just pretty good. Perfect for Attack!
  10. Name: Mavelle Who helped (If applicable): N/A Event/Encounter Name: Repurcussions! Description of event/encounter (required if no document provided): We did about an hour and 15 minutes of Passive RP- the republic was kind enough to extract and assist Sanctuary Village in rebuilding itself/repairing with Lieutenant Fathorie! Very wholesome!
  11. You left quite a big legacy in the GM team! It's an honor to finally meet you!!
  12. 8/10 Great concept, seems like it was very well executed. More unique stuff! More unique stuff!
  13. Congratulations! You have been ACCEPTED into the Game Master team! // LOCKED // MOVED TO GAME MASTER APPLICATIONS - ACCEPTED
  14. Y'all should use the mediaplayer in your deployments for this. I'ma say it again. Y'all should use the mediaplayer in your deployments for this. I'ma say it again. Y'all should use the mediaplayer in your deployments for this. I'ma say it again. Y'all should use the mediaplayer in your deployments for this. I'ma say it again. Y'all should use the mediaplayer in your deployments for this. I'ma say it again. Y'all should use the mediaplayer in your deployments for this. I'ma say it again. Y'all should use the mediaplayer in your deployments for this. I'ma say it again. Y'all should use the mediaplayer in your deployments for this. I'ma say it again. Y'all should use the mediaplayer in your deployments for this. I'ma say it again. Y'all should use the mediaplayer in your deployments for this. I'ma say it again. Y'all should use the mediaplayer in your deployments for this. I'ma say it again. Y'all should use the mediaplayer in your deployments for this.
  15. Damn. I thought that's how it was, but my mistake
  16. This was insanely well done. I got some serious hype watching this. Really, really good job on the editing. Simple, but really effective, and good music choice. Good work, bro.
  17. -1 Why bother with piloting if you literally removed it from your battalion? Also, chances are your battalion will have the opportunity to request specific models when you're approached by the founders. At least I'm pretty sure that's how they've been doing it
  18. 6/10 Really average stuff, but kept people entertained during prime time. Try for more engaging gameplay than just >Drop pods >Enemies come out of them >Drop pods >Enemies come out of them >Drop pods >Enemies come out of them >Drop pods >Enemies come out of them
  19. +1 oh god. Please. Please. Spec really needs fixing. You know what to do to fix it.
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