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Everything posted by Mavelle

  1. Fuck dude one of the homies from the hardest points in time for the GM team. I loved serving as a GMM alongside you man, you did a great fuckin job. You will be missed. :(
  2. +1, this will be very useful for less open-ended events and can really help out some GMs.
  3. I'm bringing turkey back Them other boys don't know how to act I think you're special, what's behind your back? So turn around and I'll pick up the slack Take 'em to the bridge Dirty babe You see these shackles Baby I'm your slave I'll let you whip me if I misbehave It's just that no one makes me feel this way Take 'em to the chorus Come here girl Go ahead, be gone with it Come to the back Go ahead, be gone with it V.I.P. Go ahead, be gone with it Drinks on me Go ahead, be gone with it Let me see what you're working with Go ahead, be gone with it Look at those hips Go ahead, be gone with it You make me smile Go ahead, be gone with it Go ahead child Go ahead, be gone with it And get your turkey on Go ahead, be gone with it Get your turkey on Go ahead, be gone with it Get your turkey on Go ahead, be gone with it Get your turkey on Go ahead, be gone with it Get your turkey on Go ahead, be gone with it Get your turkey on Go ahead, be gone with it Get your turkey on Go ahead, be gone with it Get your turkey on I'm bringing turkey back Them other fuckers don't know how to act Come let me make up for the things you lack 'Cause your burning up I gotta get it fast Take 'em to the bridge Dirty baby You see these shackles Baby I'm your slave I'll let you whip me if I misbehave It's just that no one makes me feel this way Take 'em to the chorus Come here girl Go ahead, be gone with it Come to the back Go ahead, be gone with it V.I.P. Go ahead, be gone with it Drinks on me Go ahead, be gone with it Let me see what you're working with Go ahead, be gone with it Look at those hips Go ahead, be gone with it You make me smile Go ahead, be gone with it Go ahead child Go ahead, be gone with it And get your turkey on Go ahead, be gone with it Get your turkey on Go ahead, be gone with it Get your turkey on Go ahead, be gone with it Get your turkey on Go ahead, be gone with it Get your turkey on Go ahead, be gone with it Get your turkey on Go ahead, be gone with it Get your turkey on Go ahead, be gone with it Get your turkey on I'm bringing turkey back You muh'fuckers watch how I attack If that's your girl you better watch your back 'Cause she'll burn it up on me and that's a fact Take 'em to the chorus Come here girl Go ahead, be gone with it Come to the back Go ahead, be gone with it V.I.P. Go ahead, be gone with it Drinks on me Go ahead, be gone with it Let me see what you're working with Go ahead, be gone with it Look at those hips Go ahead, be gone with it You make me smile Go ahead, be gone with it Go ahead child Go ahead, be gone with it And get your turkey on Go ahead, be gone with it Get your turkey on Go ahead, be gone with it Get your turkey on Go ahead, be gone with it Get your turkey on Go ahead, be gone with it Get your turkey on Go ahead, be gone with it Get your turkey on Go ahead, be gone with it Get your turkey on Go ahead, be gone with it Get your turkey on
  5. -1 Oh boy. Where to start where to start... You have done a lackluster job at not only improving your attitude and maturity but your entire image on the server. After reading what Brooklyn had said, You punching a LAAT? Seriously? Why punch a LAAT in the first place hello? You're a fucking senior officer in the 501st and this is what you're doing? That is pathetic. Then also this other thing about Appo trying to PT you? You're refusing PT FROM THE DISCIPLINARY LEAD OF 501ST ARE YOU KIDDING ME? I figured out why you decided to run in the first place for Rex and honestly that's really fucking dumb. Every conversation I have had with you always ends poorly. I can't imagine if you got Rex and that's how you treat your men in the 501st. Your activity has been poor. I mean like, really poor. If I look in game right this second. You're AFK on the Job. While your hours in the past 2 weeks may prove otherwise. I can rest assure that all of those hours are AFK. I can't support a applicant if I know that you're not ready for it. When I read over your application. All of these plans... Honestly. I have been on this server for years, every time someone has this many plans. They normally do not execute a single one, And now that you're running for Rex with this many things that you have "In the works" I feel like all that you will do with the position if you get the position, Is just do what you're doing now. Sitting on a Job AFK. I propose that you wait it out see who becomes Rex and learn from them. Work your way up from LTC and make it to CMD or XO. This big jump from LTC and BCMD concerns me for 2 reasons, 1) To me it looks like a sign of Powerplay 2) You're unready for the big position that lies ahead if you get Rex, Becoming a BCMD is a very big responsibility and especially becoming the BCMD of 501st is a very big responsibility itself. Now, onto the Subunits and their current state. OH MY GOD. WHAT THE FUCK. The state of both 332nd and TC are terrible the worst I have ever seen from all my time from 2017-2021 I have NEVER EVER seen Torrent Company hit rock bottom this bad in all that time. Along with 332nd. When it was first created back with Enzyme and his Commanders (And myself as WO for a short time) The plans were very clear cut. Too my knowledge over the past few Vaughns (from the outside looking in) they seem to have thrown the plans out the window and put that bitch in Drive and didn't look back. I usually don't write much on Commander Applications that don't really affect me but 501st is the one exception. When I see someone who isn't ready for the position I have to let it all out. PS: I can see that you have dumbed my little comment. That just proves my point with your Toxicity and Attitude. If I address problems that are relevant if you want to progress within the 501st and you dumb it? Also TCXO. Every time that I have been TCC and have had the thought of adding TCXO or TCM whatever. It's a terrible addition in my opinion.
  6. 9/10 Honestly, fucking great. I don't care that it was an evil plot from Brooklyn to downscale the BH economy, that shit was ENTERTAINING. Haven't had shooting that fun in almost my entire time on Synergy. Plus, it was an entirely UNIQUE experience. I'd never been in an event like that before. Excellent music choice. Shoutout to @Stroodle and you for that. Good shit. I can tell this took some serious effort to put together. It really says something when an event can keep someone fully entertained for 2 and a half hours. THAT'S ONE HUNDRED FIFTY MINUTES. That's a fuck ton. Good work.
  8. FUCK DUDE That HITS me you are the reason I started building
  9. 9/10 honestly. There was some SERIOUS effort put into the preparation and making of this. Great work. Not only that, but the stealth actually felt good. Felt real. Also jesus christ you just went full hog this saturday. Jesus christ.
  10. 7/10 Some average stuff, nothing special but kept the server going!
  11. u serious? u for real? like actually ???
  12. The fact that around 70 people have come on here to spread positivity and love to the people they care about and share good times together is truly inspiring. It truly goes to show that the best way we can ever go forward is by hearing other people out, respecting who they are, understanding their perspectives/circumstances, and sharing the light you have with them. Truly the definition of warm fuzzies. I love y'all.
  13. One of the sweetest messages we've ever seen on the forums. This kind of positivity really shows how much you care about others and the passion you hold for the community. You've been so willing to branch out, to improve, to make new friends, to learn new things in the past couple months- It's so refreshing to see someone who actively takes constructive criticism, acts on it, and acts as a great mentor to others in the process. <3 <3 <3 The intense dedication you've shared with the 41st jedi program (THIS GUY FUCKING GOT 15 JEDI TO JOIN IN LIKE 2 WEEKS) is CRAZY. I hope the jedi council see the dedication you've had in 41st.
  14. Also I should add you've come to more of my deployments than any other Synergy member, and you've left honest, well thought-out, good feedback on every single one. Truly been there every step of the way.
  15. Finn, by far my favorite times on the server have been deploying 212th late night during the summer and hanging out in the TS for 3 hours afterwards. You were always there. Such a great guy to be around. <3
  16. Apostrophes aren't used to make a word plural, you fucking muppet. You idiot. +1
  17. Senate is hard to get right. You're getting it right. +1
  18. I know they can't see that message but I'll still give you a compliment For those who don't know, Comics is hot as fuck. I'll die on that hill. For real.
  19. Elijah you being Anakin for my first couple months on this server was awesome to watch, seeing an Anakin with as much presence as you was really inspiring! Wren, even though i don't think I ever really said this to you, but we all really really really appreciated everything you did for 212th. You did a crazy amount of work for the battalion and it was awesome to have you.
  20. Not a huge fan of the word in the title there, but if you ever have any specific questions feel free to PM me anywhere! I'm at school, otherwise I'd write a full essay here
  21. My first gamehelp was being Cortana in your halo events. I'll remember that forever. Thank you for inspiring me to become a GM, bud!!!!
  22. Name: Mavelle Who helped (If applicable): Maddoxx, Turtle, Whata, Guac, Clumsy Event/Encounter Name: READ DA TITLE HEEHEEHOOHOO Link to Event/Encounter Document (optional): None Description of event/encounter (required if no document provided): The High Command structure and the senate of the Galactic Republic was forced to search for fuel/communications on the planet Sorgan! I hope y'all liked the atmosphere! Did any Bounty Hunters Participate: Nope
  23. How does text on a screen have comedic timing
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