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Everything posted by Mavelle

  1. 4/3/5 I enjoyed it. Pretty normal for a stealth event, but it was entertaining and I liked the EJs.
  3. I fundamentally disagree with this because of this bit right here. Hostile clans/hostile action is a big part of the BH faction's purpose and functionality in the server- the fact that people are kept on their toes by the mere existence of some bounty hunters is a good thing in my opinion- it shifts some of the weight of entertainment and creating RP off of the back of the GM team, which is worked pretty hard as is by heavy expectations both from our leadership and the playerbase. There's also something missing here, which is the fact that a big part of even friendly BH RP is their interactions with hostile clans/hunters- people sell eachother out, scheme against eachother, make pacts, pay for bounties and assistance, report things to the republic, et cetera. The bottom line is, 2 days is a minimal amount of time to be away from a character. Speaking as one of the few people on the server who plays their BH character as a main, I can say in confidence that sure, while it's not the best to not have the option to do it for 2 days, there are so many other avenues of having fun on the server like the other VIP factions. Added on to that, there's the fact that when you return from a break (any break, be it 2 weeks or 2 days), you are more likely to have more fun for longer doing anything on Synergy. That's one of the reasons I enjoy the Venator rotation so much; a break from Anaxes, any break at all, makes me appreciate and enjoy Anaxes so much more. If the only thing you enjoy on Synergy is playing a Bounty Hunter Character, I get that. It's fun. But you've also got to realize there is a tiny amount of people who feel the same way. Almost every single other person has chosen other avenues during those 2 days, and to figure out the logistics of allowing BH on the Venator (effectively just for those people) honestly would not make sense. That's in my opinion.
  4. Please Rate 1-5 on each of the below categories (5 being perfect, 1 being horrible) How would you rate the Gameplay in this event? How would you rate the overall Care and Effort put into this event? How would you rate the server Performance of this event? (was there lag? Low Ping? etc) Example Rating: "5/3/4 - The game play was super well designed; I could tell you put a fair amount of effort into it, and the performance was alright, minus a few hiccups."
  5. +1, I believe the reason for previous denial was along the lines of "They don't fit with the current model base" and honestly... that's kind of the point! Phase 1 events could be cool and we can't really do 'em without these!
  6. 8/10 I really enjoyed that. You did something that you should have done with Bounty Hunters- which was "This is your premise, this is where you are, go do stuff", which is the best way to let people do what they do best in the BH realm. For next time I suggest a more cohesive deployment- give us a story! Give us a real production! This shows a lot of promise for a first deployment.
  7. 6/10 This kind of event has been done many, many times before. Commando droids infiltrating the base, killing people, and turning off HMC is a tried and true formula that kind of keeps things going on the server? Some more depth would have been nice. Perhaps a specific assassination target? Maybe a cunning plot to get the commandos onto base? Either way, the longer players have been on the server, the more of these events they've played right through- it's a really high chance you'll get people unengaged with commando droid infiltration events. Try some suspense! Some consequences! Music!
  8. i liked seeing number go up so much that I joined staff
  9. YES SORRY! I have had so much to do in the past couple days! +1
  10. NOOOOOOOOOOOO NO NOOOO NO PLEASE NO MAN :( Such a great fucking guy. I always loved everything you did. Such amazing GM stuff. Such amazing building. Such amazing RP. I'll miss you, man. I really will. <3
  11. +1 could provide for some good regimental deployments!
  12. Can be a really good breath of fresh air for players! +1
  13. Can do a lot for providing variety in our map pool. +1
  14. +1 This one of the maps that I'm definitely most hopeful for- could be very good for a lot of GMs.
  15. Nearly perfect map. Would be extremely useful for medium sized deployments, and provides a varied atmosphere. +1
  16. What Dono said. Also this has been reviewed and looked at by the GM leadership team! +1
  17. OH YEAH. We have almost no temples/ruins maps. This would be wonderful to have. +1.
  18. VERY quality map. Done a bit of testing on this one and it appears like it can handle quite a lot. Would be a very good addition. +1
  19. Could be used in a variety of different ways. Good on the GM side, but I don't know how optimized this one it. +1
  20. The pictures alone are enough to produce mad endorphins. Also, this map is something that would add a lot of variety if we were to add it in a future rotation! +1
  21. +1, Once again Dono said it very well and that this has been reviewed and looked over by the GMM+ team closely!
  22. HL2 RP nerds would cream if we added this That being said it covers a good niche of non-super cyberpunk city, which would be nice to have as an option in the future. +1
  23. +1 Dono said it very well, I agree! This one's been reviewed and looked at closely.
  24. VERY high quality thing for a desert assault- could be much better for the regimental deployments in deserts as opposed to rp_tatooine_dunesea which has a tendency to be very laggy with high playercounts. +1
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