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Everything posted by Mavelle

  1. one day one of y'all will be luminara :(
  2. +1 This guy is a reliable, trustworthy fella. I've heard Bacta vouch for him alot and I've seen some of the stuff he's done on other servers. Would make a great addition to the GM team ;)
  3. 6/10 I was disappointed by the lack of places that we could go. Venator is not a huge map and it's performance is crazy good so you could have had helpers spawning for the whole ship instead of blocking off 3 floors. The ship felt weirdly empty in weird spots. Good shit though! Thank you for volunteering for a Reg deployment!
  4. Name: Mavelle Who helped (If applicable): Conrad, Bacta, Spieler, Guac Event/Encounter Name: TITEL! Link to Event/Encounter Document (optional): https://docs.google.com/document/d/12pEfXgef6JsC_-H1yJ6iarlKwm6uafWJB0JueHXd3zc/edit?usp=sharing Did any Bounty Hunters Participate: Nope
  5. Calling people "gays" and other things of that nature in a derogatory way isn't something that's ever been okay. It wasn't in the 90s, and it even moreso is not now. When you write an application about having matured, I expect that you've shown that maturity, but all I've learned from interactions with you is that you tend to act like you would have when you were still a freshman in high school. I know that sounds mean, and I know that might hit hard, but I'm telling you that so that you can work on it. Maturity is one of the most important things for being a staff member, and showing that you have issues with respecting others and taking negativity in stride is not the way to show that you are mature. I hope that we've been apparent enough about the "gays" thing. Calling people that in a negative light is not a habit you should have, even if you don't always mean it. -1
  6. It's mostly because of how much of an actual consistent, unique theme it has. So many movie scores are so boringly normal and orchestral.
  7. 7/10! Pretty alright stuff!
  8. Each to der own, Hanz Zimmer is an excellent fucking composer and he has a lot of really good stuff out there
  9. I saw Dune yesterday. Was absolutely blown away by the soundtrack. It's incredibly powerful, it fits the mood so well, and overall, Hanz Zimmer has made this his (in my opinion) best movie score. It's fucking incredible. Watch Dune. Listen to it.
  10. I was wrecker in that deployment; I don't know if maybe a gamehelper spawned by accident or something, but there was a point in which B2's appeared in the middle of that little courtyard thing we were in right in front of us. I ain't sayin' it's your fault, though. I appreciate that the rest of the spawning was well planned out!
  11. 7/10 I really suggest using mediaplayers for music and ambience in deployments! For instance, having something like this playing in the background would have improved the experience greatly. Pretty good on the spawning; I recommend triple checking that people can't see where you're spawning though, there were a lot of times when our squads were just watching enemies appear out of thin air. That kinda thing really hurts immersion.
  12. Thank you for the quick response! I would also be very open to having a conversation about the event jobs.
  13. Question: I'd like to know- what was the main reason for this suggestion's denial? Comments/Concerns: No concerns, I'd just like to know the reason! Staff Member you're asking: @Forseen Additional info: N/A
  14. 8/10 Whacky main server shootemup! But this time it had a really nice element of challenge! I like da B2s. Use them more.
  16. 9/10 Very well put together! Next time I suggest having a dupe down beforehand for us to roleplay in. For example, there's a million venator dupes in the GM discord. Plus, use the mediaplayers for music and ambience! Please do more events like this with these groups of people. It's what the server needs.
  17. Name: Mavelle Who helped (If applicable): Void, Spieler Event/Encounter Name: Title Link to Event/Encounter Document (optional): None Description of event/encounter (required if no document provided): An admin spawned in something for me and it got deleted! And then my other thing got deleted! My shit kept getting deleted! I'm really sad! Did any Bounty Hunters Participate: Nope
  18. Anyone watch Critical Role? Campaign 3 started yesterday and it SLAPS. The music, the set, it's fucking awesome.
  19. bacta the kinda guy to have more passion than I thought possible for most things in the universe
  20. It was incredibly amazing to get to meet you after a year on the server. You're an inspiration, man! I hope you carry that with you throughout life. Thank you for all you've done!
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