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Everything posted by Mavelle

  1. A pretty unique map in comparison to our others, has a lot of GM potential. This one, like all the other map suggestions that are up right now, have been closely looked at by the entire GMM+ team as well as myself and discussed about- +1
  2. +1 Reminds me of that old Endor map a little bit, and I see a lot of potential use for this in the future. A good one to add to the pool of rotate-able maps.
  3. We have almost nothing for a base in a desert right now in our current map pool. This fills that hole. +1
  4. +1 Despite its shitty name, this map is very light and yet has a lot of very nice possibilities for builders.
  5. +1 VERY VERY NICE MAP for passive RP, or even base assaults. I looked at this one very closely and was super happy with what I saw.
  6. +1 Very viable for many varied events due to the structure and interior design of the map. Super open to having this be a possible rotation option.
  7. +1 Extremely good map and provides a lot of what we currently don't really have in our map pool.
  8. +1 Better than the previous Ryloth, opens up a lot of possibilities for relief/aide events
  9. +1 we discussed the viability of this map in a meeting, and it could be a great future addition to the pool! What Jova said- also yep, we've been asked to ensure that all of these actually go through the server suggestions system
  10. Mavelle


    Witcher. Defenders left me wanting for a lot but it's still marvel so it was pretty sick
  11. 7/10 Honestly, it really dragged. I hate being this harsh, but there was really very little we had to do, gameplay-wise. It would have been extremely nice to have some sort of long form RP section, or building, what have you- I found myself really zoning out towards the end with just non-stop move forward shoot action. I think SOBDE and Spec are really good for RP right now, maybe in future deployments have it be more of a more open, RP focused situation. I wouldn't really complain if we had stopped moving at the 3rd assault part (with the big raised road), but after that it got super monotonous. I honestly would have been happy if you had just given us 20 minutes at the base and just said "Chill & RP for 20 minutes". That being said, that build was absolutely amazing. You could definitely re-use it in at least a couple more deployments. I really suggest developing some RP sections for it, or cutting off different parts, etc. Something that could work is sending different groups to each of the different objectives to make the action a little more condensed, time-wise. P.S. No TS is AWESOME for more RP focused stuff, but after a while, not being able to talk to eachother OOC was kinda dull because at that point, we kinda just wanted to hang out while shooting stuff if we were just gonna shoot stuff. It's hard to be FULL in character while also doing a shooty event for 2 hours straight.
  12. Name: Mavelle Who helped (If applicable): Day Link to Event/Encounter Document (optional): None Description of event/encounter (required if no document provided): Ah fuck dude, ah fuck i was freaking the fuck out lmao
  13. Mavelle

    Operation Hope

    Joined last and my name is the first on the help list >:)
  14. Just to clarify, defo not feeling like a job at all, it's literally just me having been slacking on responsibilities I've volunteered for homies, we are chillin'
  15. Name: Mavelle Staff Rank: HA SteamID: STEAM_0:0:114859095 Length of LOA/ROA (Please specify date if possible): 1/28-2/11 Reason: I honestly should have put this up last week. I thought I could keep up my normal activity with school, but I'll be honest. I'm losing a lot of motivation- every time I finish my work and start to load up Gmod, there's a lot that I would rather do. I don't like that, so I'm going to take a pretty hefty step back for the next to weeks. I'm sorry @Maddoxx that I haven't exactly been a workhorse lately, I'll try to do better as an HA. If you guys have questions for the GM team, please come to Bacta, Jova, Guac, or Dono first! I'll still be doing backend stuff for GM and BH, but there's just a lot of pressure right now. Do you understand that if you go LOA/ROA on a named Jedi Character for more than two weeks, go on LOA/ROA on any RC character, or go LOA/ROA while being clone commander, you will be removed from that position: Yep Do you understand that if you are going on LOA/ROA for more than two weeks you maylose your leadership position?: Yep
  16. Name: Mavelle Who helped (If applicable): Bacta Description of event/encounter (required if no document provided): ARRRRRGH!!!! (Thank you for not yelling at me for using the intercom. I hope the Republic had fun with the buildup, etc.! Thank you for all being good sports! Did any Bounty Hunters Participate: MANY.
  17. +1 Does there even need to be an application for this one? I don't think I've ever been more sure someone will get a position
  18. Damn bro, from an outsiders perspective, I think you were probably one of the best Codys for a long time. 212th was on fucking TOP for like 4 months straight. Great job, dude, welcome!!!!!
  19. 9/10 This is the kind of shit I want to see more. I'm extremely impressed with how well-executed this event was.
  20. Name: Mavelle Who helped (If applicable): Day Description of event/encounter (required if no document provided): Wacky and uncharacteracteristic passive RP for 5th Fleet and Naval!
  21. Oh shit we do, the admin must have mistyped lmao
  22. 8/10 Really good dupe, good story, good deployment!
  23. +1, Big fan of this one FYI, tried to get an admin to set their model to models/jajoff/sps/jlmbase/characters/deghayden.mdl (This model currently isn't used) Uh... We don't have that model, it looks like.
  24. +1. I see a lot of really, really cool RP situations that would be made possible by jedi hunter droids (I might actually use this for events as an EJ) Imagine: a hostile clan with 4 people online. They lure a jedi padawan to cave; in the cave, BAM. Jedi hunter droid. They duke it out. Bounty, done. Cool fucking RP for the hunters and possibly even for the padawan.
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