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Everything posted by Mavelle

  1. +1 @PogI will be requesting to meet with you in the Naval discord at a later date. Please DM me for details. I will not be responding.
  2. 7/10 A good shootemup with some good challenge. TY for stepping up with such short notice!
  3. DAMNNNN LONGESST POST YET I am so glad you got director. Genuinely. You're a national treasure, homeboy
  4. The amount of love you came into 212th with was crazy. The energy was instantly there, and you made an excellent addition to the big ol' orange family. <3 Your head is always in the right place. You know what to do, when to do it, and who to do it with. That sounds vague, because it applies to pretty much everything you do. You are a smart man.
  5. Gonna be honest, I think we deviated ideologically a FUCK ton. But your time in 212th was really really valuable. You're a passionate, hard, good worker, my man. Go into life knowing those are some of your strengths will make your life a bit better- see 'ya later, space cowboy.
  6. TODAY IS THE DAY OF RP 8/10 Honestly you did a great job of letting it play out. We need more stuff like this. Kudos. Also- that ship dupe? Great stuff.
  7. I think you have some of the most rational, consistent, unbiased judgement on the entire server. Like, I don't think I've ever not understood where you're coming from on anything. It's insane.
  8. I know 'yer jokin, but you really are an awesome guy coming into the server. I'm really excited to see your future in the GM team and the staff team.
  9. I don't know you too well but every interaction I've had with you in game has been funny as fuck! I will forever remember "Savage Jedi" LMAO Excellent guy. I think people should look up to you way more. Folks, hear bigzach out- a lot of people could learn a lot from your example.
  10. Dennis, my man, you got some SERIOUS dedication to Synergy. I don't know how you've managed to stay levelheaded after years here- even after 11 months I've realized that a lot of people can be a real headache to deal with. Huge props to you for that, bro. I love you so much bacta, you really need more credit. You need so much more credit. Dude I really love how much love you share with SOBDE. An excellent guy to have our battalion <3
  11. I should also add! The regimental deployments are a fucking HARD thing to do well; you did a really good job given the shear amount of people you had and the circumstances you were in.. Thank you so much for stepping up this week and volunteering!
  12. 6/10 I would have really enjoyed if we had any opportunity to really roleplay or do something... different. It was the same exact thing for 2 hours- something to break up the monotony would have been amazing, like a roleplay section at the beginning or whatnot. Cheers on the build- that shit must have taken a million years.
  13. +1, +1 , +1, +1, These would be used in events. These would be used in events. Please add these.
  14. Mantis ur funny as fuck and I really enjoyed being in GC with you, my man You may be Ginger but I still think you're worthy of respect! Mexico you're awesome asf my man, you have done so incredibly much for 41st and I think that not enough people realize it!
  15. Bro I don't know how you so fearlessly say exactly what's on your mind, but that shit is BRAVE, homie. Mad respect
  16. I feel like you're smart as fuck. I don't know why, but it just seems like you have a really spot on moral compass and are just a really insightful person.
  17. I feel like you know exactly what your skills are and how you can use them to better the world around you, that shit is crazy difficult to gain a good understanding of and thus all the more respect towards you!
  18. You're lowkey witty asf. I don't think you get enough credit for the clever shit you say sometimes You're so strong you can throw a mattress into a pool without breaking a sweat! That's awesome!
  19. You, yourself are a real one. Also dw i'm putting the watermelon back
  20. CT-1945 Captain "America" will live forever in my heart. That brought me so much joy
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