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Everything posted by Mavelle

  1. Cox you are so sweet- You truly care about so many things so much more than it seems @SpielerSPIELER come to my house when everyone's on break What a fuckin down to earth guy. I don't think anything you've ever said hasn't made complete sense. It's hard to get someone as levelheaded as that
  2. You legitimately make me laugh so fucking much in TS. Very very funny guy Everything I've seen from you is that your work ethic is absolutely insane- you also show an extreme amount of integrity and honesty. It's truly admirable to see
  3. Every interaction I've ever had with you has been absolutely wonderful. Extremely down to earth, funny, and it seems like you're an excellent friend to those close to you. The reason why I've started to get way more into jedi is you, my man. I'm really thankful for all your time as Obi-Wan and you make an amazing leader for the order.
  4. and we love u !! @ConradI think that you probably have the most passion for this server and community as a whole out of anyone, by a long shot. That's saying something when people like Marvel or Bacta exist. Your roleplay is some of the best I've ever seen on Synergy!!! I love that you actively try to engage and include people- it's a big skill that not many people realize is important!
  5. Your passion that you show to your friends even when just joking around is absolutely outstanding- I admire how much you care about your people! It can't be said for too many people, meaning it's even more meaningful that you show that.
  6. Ok ok ok ok so Since we have the other one I want to counterbalance it out so the forums can be brought back to its state of chemical equilibrium Say something nice about anyone and I will reply to that post with the best compliment I can possibly think of for you!
  7. I'm gonna be honest, after seeing your face, I must say You look like what someone would describe if they were asked to create a picture of someone named "Quinten"
  8. Your work in the GM team did not go unnoticed, nor will it go unappreciated. You carried the main server for like 4 weeks in a row, there. :( Take it easy, man, you've made a lot of people's experiences here way better!
  9. Name: TITLE Who helped (If applicable): Jake, Guac Event/Encounter Name: Surprisingly Wholesome! Link to Event/Encounter Document (optional): None Description of event/encounter (required if no document provided): The 41st crash-landed: it was a survival RP event! Hope y'all enjoyed! Did any Bounty Hunters Participate: Nope
  10. 21 years old! And he calls me a youngling!
  11. @Noodlescan attest Plus, ain't no sus shit going on with actually 25 CG staring you down
  12. 7/10 A shootemup but one that sparked a LOT of RP. Good work!
  13. Yeah- we can't actually use it If it continues to be an issue we can count them as two maps for the 15 we'll be removing, but they'd be used if they worked. I can guarentee that.
  14. For context, it crashes your game and sends the ES to rp_denon. Weird as hell. gm_buttes_2 gm_buttes2_night both do this.
  15. Interesting idea! I'm in support of it, I'll bring it up to the leadership team right away!
  16. +1 What? These look bad? Y'all on some shit. Maybe y'all just don't like how phase one troopers look, which makes sense. The helmets are stupid. But this model would be exceptionally useful for GM stuff!
  18. Mavelle

    Cluster (bosk)

    Hey- can I ask why there are 2 AARs for one event?
  19. 7/10 Thank you for including bounty hunters! Factions always benefit from being included in events!
  20. I think the support of your battalion is the most important thing you can have as a BCMD: what I'm seeing is that DU mostly supports you (on the forums). I hope you care more than your application makes it seem, it's a little worrying how... short it is. But I think you would be best for it! +1
  21. After reading through the plans you've laid out, I'm a little skeptical about some (I.E. One training per day for each branch)- quotas suck and can really kill motivation. But you've been an admiral before and I have full trust that you understand the faction fully. Not only this, but I've seen that you have only amazing intentions when it comes to Naval. It seems from the outside that all you could do in an admiral position is help the faction. Good luck with your term, should you get it! +1
  22. With a position as large as a regimental commander equivalent authority, I don't feel comfortable with the level of apparent effort put into this application. While the skills/abilities may be there (I haven't worked with you on clone), it does not seem to me like you hold the amount of passion for the faction that would be necessary to have the faction's support and be an effective leader within it. I think I'm going to have to -1.
  23. +1 We already have the models (Which are great btw). Might as well have them accesible to EJs, right?
  24. +1 Atmosphere is one of the most important aspects of an event!
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