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Everything posted by Mavelle

  1. Mavelle

    Darb Vadre

    7/10 It was a fairly average deployment. The premise was pretty cool, but I was SUPER sad that we didn't get to RP as our RC characters :(. SPEC is ass to deploy, the regiment makes absolutely no sense together ;/ Thank you for voluneering.
  2. Lyonaxis says "i love you" to so many people so often, it's like talking to a big carebear It's like the guy doesn't dislike people
  3. Name: Mavelle Who helped (If applicable): Event/Encounter Name: It Almost Worked! Link to Event/Encounter Document (optional): None Description of event/encounter (required if no document provided): I wanted to do some more long-form RP as a commando to actually create RP and not just combat! Hope y'all enjoyed interacting realistically. It was mostly a test to see how long it would take for Synergy to metagame, LMAO- but no one did! Good on y'all! I'm glad you didn't metagame! Good shit.
  4. 9/10 Too much thought for not a lot of people. Much appreciated.
  5. Jesus dude! Thank you! You're a really sweet guy. Every time anyone's in a channel with you they automatically have more fun. TY so much for all the joy you bring to other people!!!
  6. I said dat already :( but there are only 4 duplicates out of the 66!
  7. From what I understand Maxwells is working on a new NPC base. I don't know when it'll come out, but this might work in the meantime! +1
  8. Name: Mavelle RP Rank: 1SG Suggestion: Add these two prop packs! The file size is literally tiny. I have some pretty shitty wifi, and I can download 10mb in literally 4 seconds. If download speed is the biggest issue, 4 seconds is the metric to judge this by. The SWTOR Prop pack in here has 4 crates that are duplicate props, but 15 props that are not. It's also 2.4mb. That is so fucking tiny. More props = more opportunities. You guys have seen how much inspiration the GM team got from literally just the halo props. One of the best ways to get people on the server is change, and people seeing new stuff being built will be inspired to get on! Implementation: Literally just add it to the content pack! Lore: Star Wars Workshop content if applicable: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1524324218 AND https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=893317074 (If no workshop content, suggest a developer or put "Require Development")
  9. Name: Mavelle RP Rank: 1SG? Suggestion: I say we add this materials pack. It's made for star wars, the comments don't mention any bugs or issues, it's literally 5 megabytes. It would be a huge bonus to people looking to build stuff with a less shitty Gmod feel to it. I honestly don't see the negatives of adding this. Implementation: Adding a pack to the server Lore: Star Wars Workshop content if applicable: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=756209791 (If no workshop content, suggest a developer or put "Require Development")
  10. I like stuff that creates open-ended situations that make us passively RP around. However, I do notice that not many players seem to want to engage with that kind of thing and don't really know passive RP is happening when it is, unfortunately :(.
  11. Ty Looking through it, it doesn't really seem like this is a big problem... I don't understand listing this as a reason to -1 an app :/
  12. Is the BCMD Handbook public? I'd like to read it over if it is, but I get that it might not be. Can you elaborate on the overstepping bounds thing? (and also the first point)? I feel like not a lot of people know about that stuff but it's being spoken about here as if many people understand, maybe I'm just dumb but I kinda want more information
  13. 8/10 I liked the vibe of it; the construction kept it VERY immersive. Only critique I had is that the maintenance tunnels were glass so you could see the entire tunnel network, but that's about it. The amount of droids was maybe a bit too high at the beginning because of the lack of cover or different environment.
  14. -1 RDM Cases are a fucking headache to deal with. But it's not always because we need to know who did what explicitly, it's because most people who deal with cases like that don't really get how do deal with them. I speak as a staff member of 10 months, this is not something we need.
  15. You may not redistribute this work anywhere unless I have given you explicit consent. I'm not going to vote yet because I don't know if this applies to putting this on the server.
  16. +1 the comments don't mention crashing, the file size isn't big, the map is unique, and judging by our system of maps now it could be a good one to add in to the rotation in the future.
  17. Name: Mavelle RP Rank: 1SG? Suggestion: I suggest we add in this prop pack. The file size is 17mb, and I've tested out the props in singleplayer. They're great. Useable for a lot of stuff and they fill niches we don't really have filled. As a member of GM leadership, I have full faith that these props would get used in events and builds a lot. Plus, they're pretty high quality props, as in they look great. Implementation: Adding in a steam workshop pack Lore: Bases. Stuff in those bases. Workshop content if applicable: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1912553584 (If no workshop content, suggest a developer or put "Require Development")
  18. Thank you for the feedback! For context, our faction deployments are something that we had chosen to start independently (and it does include Senate). However, the weekly regimental deployments are something the founder team has put their foot down as things that *need* to happen, so that everybody gets deployed every week at least once. I definitely also have some big reservations about the weekly regimentals, but we can't stop doing them. But if we deployed every faction AND every regiment per week, that's 7 deployments we'd need volunteers for and, most importantly, TIME for. Running deployments is hard. Having to run 7 each week is even harder, leaving almost no room for people to do what they want to do, deployment-wise.
  19. Very good ATK Reg. Super good. +1
  20. Name: Conrad Description of event/encounter (required if no document provided): It's in da name!
  21. Name: Mavelle Who helped (If applicable): Daytona Event/Encounter Name: Holiday Spirit! Link to Event/Encounter Document (optional): None Description of event/encounter (required if no document provided): A fancy holiday advisor fucked up and set a droid loose. Oops! Did any Bounty Hunters Participate: Nope
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